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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 259 KB, 851x773, nijigoblin [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fr8ifa1.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43807194 No.43807194 [Reply] [Original]

A good nijinigger? Maybe you could find one if you looked hard enough. But in the end...

>> No.43807337

I think it's genuinely insane how /vt/ (especially /#/) regularly organizes targeted harassment campaigns against NijiEN talents, fabricates Discord screenshots to justify it, and makes this board genuinely unusable for anyone with an oshi on the other side of the fence and feels no remorse or humanity about any of this because of a pink haired succubus 3 years ago nobody /here/ had any hand in dealing with.

>> No.43807411

Remember this legendary thread from yesterday!

>> No.43807636


>> No.43807754

>because of a pink haired succubus
Nah, it's because I don't like the culture NijiEN has been fostering since Ethyria.

>> No.43807968

>kicking Hololive out of /vyt/ in /jp/ and mods being Nijinigger elitist cunts
>Copyright arc
Those were your first offenses, that's why you Nijiniggers deserve to be stoned to death and be a laughing stocks
>NijiEN discord leak
and behold the absolutely surprisimg shocking thing, Niji livers themselves act like Nijiniggers. fucking Nijisanji fostering such a blight of a community. You all deserve this don't complain, just accept yourselves being stoned and being the laughing stocks.

>> No.43808057


>> No.43808086

Ok, one side will try to blow everything out of proportion because tribalism, I understand the argument...... but was it really?

>> No.43808147

>calling it /vyt/
bad LARP or newfag

>> No.43808227
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Nooooo, Goblin Slayer! Please don't slay me! I'm Selen, I'm one of the good ones! I'm honorary Hololive!

>> No.43808681

>got gatekept still acted like a whiny little bitch about it
seeing the current status on this board it was justified

>> No.43808966

I like the current state, i very like the current state anon. it's even more fun when the livers that you watch visits here and probably feels like shit reading all this negativity sorrounding them. and the amount of cliques they have, disorganized fanbase

>> No.43810082

Okay edgelord

>> No.43810292

It all makes perfect sense when you recognize this board is full of underaged mentally ill Southeast Asian tourists.

>> No.43811733

the talents theirself don't say the way you said this lol, i wonder how much "fabricated" after these:
>reddit pajeet
>gift card
>vox's lobby on the bottom menu leak
>petra leak "all out war"
>gaslighting tiktok kiddies and make multiple account to hate mori( same discord channel? gift card mentioned there)
>mille 4chan wanna be here

AND THERE IS NO SINGLE HOLO both from fanbase and talent are doing these scummy acts or at least a single screencap for them to do so. can't wait for your beloved vox geeting a boogie jump from the london bridge after several chinks cornered him lol

>> No.43811888

Its the same niji retards that are still trying to sell the "nijien discord all out war leak was fake" narrative.

>> No.43812045
File: 33 KB, 382x253, ADEC9DE0-A2DA-4CA4-BFB9-91AC18F0B356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon was exposed as faking Discord screenshots yesterday.
Protip: if there's no timestamps, it isn't real.
You guys will just believe anything if it goes against Niji.

>> No.43812222

This fucking stinks

>> No.43812258
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>I think it's genuinely insane how /vt/ (especially /#/) regularly organizes targeted harassment campaigns against NijiEN talents
Funny you should say that
And thats not even including the one where a lot if shitposts were deleted in # due to getting banned which coincidentally had a lot of discussion in nijien also deleted.

>> No.43812380
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Anon no matter how much you try to shill your own niji narrative you will never change the truth that the discord leak was real

>> No.43812649
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So, how is gs going to deal with nijiniggers?
Burn them? Drown them? Smoke them?

>> No.43812679
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Nobody cares about the stupid whore except MASSfags who probably dont even follow the industry anymore
I hate Nijiniggers because they reported Mio to CAPCOM and started the Holocaust which made Aqua stop caring about streaming because she had no games to play

>> No.43812716

I don't care about the Discord leak. I care about the literal meme edits being posted that anons blindly believe from such real Nijifans like "Vox's Love Slave". Give me a break.

>> No.43812869
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>> No.43813570

easiest way is to see if they have good opsec since some of them accidentally post their yt accounts

>> No.43813688

Aqua stopped streaming once she moved to the city, it had nothing to do with the copyright strike

>> No.43813843

And when all fails... play the victim

>> No.43813959

You don't think blatantly psy-opping the board into believing some super top secret Nijicord is behind every drama is a problem?

>> No.43814077

So we're going into conspiracy theory territory now, eh?

>> No.43814283

doesnt need to be a nijicord when the nijien thread does that with no problem

>> No.43814366

Nigger, the "screenshots" have no timestamps. There is evidence they are photoshopped. The people who make them confuse "Enna" for "Emma", you are hopeless.

>> No.43814369
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>> No.43814473

Revisionist Nijinigger history. Stay seething, keep coping.

>> No.43814539

Why are you pretending I'm talking about the Discord leak shown on stream instead of the "leaks" that chalk every Mori anti post up to teenage girls trying to own the chuds?

>> No.43814618


>> No.43814670

What do shitposters in /NijiEN/ have to do with blatantly fabricated screenshots?

>> No.43814720
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Maybe going back to /jp/ will help your current state

>> No.43814879
File: 5 KB, 404x32, 1670700167811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evidence from the same nijicord

>> No.43815115

funny enought the only shitposts that were deleted were in /#/ while their post that were deleted in nijien were relevant discussion posts
it goes to show that nijifags dont need discord in order to shitpost raid since nijien or nyfco works fine for them

>> No.43815477

/NijiEN/ is an unmoderated hellscape though? It within the last week or 2 just barely received a dedicated janny, that thread used to get raided with gore posters where the gore would stay up for hours.

>> No.43815564

its an unmoderated hellscape because of nijifags but sometimes those fags break out of their containment and start shitting up other threads

>> No.43815870

In other words they're the trannies of the vtubing community

>> No.43817195
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>fabricates Discord screenshots

>> No.43821389

It's unhealthy to be obsessed of something you hate

>> No.43823460


>> No.43823724

All of those are fake you dumb fucking holobrony.

>> No.43824363
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>> No.43828284
File: 153 KB, 850x1100, selen_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're approaching me?

>> No.43828386

>fabricates discord screenshot

>> No.43828989

There's no such thing as a good nijinignog. The streamer is usually fine but their fans? Those schizos are on a different level and deserve to be shipped into the Sun.
