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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43735083 No.43735083 [Reply] [Original]

This greedy lying toxic lazy bitch is already ruining the collab. She needs to graduate yesterday. Her disrespectful attitude hasn't improved at all. She's still the same vapid shallow cunt as ever. No fucks about Hololive or her genmates.

>> No.43735133

Please take your herpes meds

>> No.43735177

koyoplus hakuness my beloved

>> No.43735260

What did she do?

>> No.43735419

Cover doesn't care about any of that. She makes them money and that's all that matters. She's not going to graduate any time soon.

>> No.43735483

She is their flagship idol. The next Suisei. She is set up to sell more music singles and make hololive into a better music company.

>> No.43735848 [DELETED] 

Boyfriend though.

>> No.43735930


>> No.43735950

You don't even know Japanese.

>> No.43735964

what did koyori do

>> No.43736016

agreed. i had to stop watching it since she was as cringy as she used to. she was ruining the collab. she fucking sucks at collabing with holomens who arent close to her. she should keep collabing with only her close ones.

>> No.43736071

hugged gura

>> No.43736239

Not everyone is an EOP pos like you.

>> No.43737997

how dare

>> No.43739453

Did anyone here even watch the collab? What was it like?

>> No.43742293

jap gura

>> No.43745309

she stop here, lesbian action are required koyo-chan.
Finished the sentence for you.

>> No.43746255

> disrespectful attitude hasn't improved at all
Isn’t that her whole appeal?

>> No.43746919 [DELETED] 

The kayfabe doesn't hide her actual arrogance and toxicity. If anything it accentuates it. She's a bitch actual. If you do your rm reps you'd know she's quite a whore. Boyfriend not withstanding, she's trash.

>> No.43751745

built for haterape

>> No.43751749

It's just cold sores.

>> No.43751752


>> No.43753152

Are you going to provide more information about the stuff you hinted at, or do even you acknowledge that it's against this board's rules?

>> No.43753448

I'll acknowledge that she's a bitch. I'm not going to spoon feed your shit.

>> No.43753791

If you can't even spoonfeed me, I'll just assume you're fibbing.

>> No.43754465

Imagine being an anti, but too terrified to post anything that would get you banned off of 4chan
That makes you a third-rate anti at best.

>> No.43754726

I will fix her. She will be impregnated and you can't stop me.

>> No.43758433

Impressive that he actually got banned
There's a lesson for you retards. Hinting at that stuff will nearly always get someone a ban, so actually use your report button

>> No.43759386

Not banned faggot lmao

>> No.43762436

Oh, so can you finally spoonfeed me about the mean vtuber girl?

>> No.43767479

Kys nigger. I spoonfed your mom my cum.

>> No.43767539

koyori or laplus?
