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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 221 KB, 767x1032, howtobecomeavictim101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43674989 No.43674989 [Reply] [Original]

>Popular vtuber artist paints and singles out a popular vtuber in a negative light for playing a video game
>Gets responses telling her how dumb that fucking is
>Delete tweet
>Become victim

This shit is a formula at this point on how to make yourself a victim, it's so easy!

>> No.43675045

Chronically on twatter. I really hope they find help.

>> No.43675070

They professional victim paid in clout

>> No.43675707

Imagine thinking because Selen plays a fucking video game it means she's pro Russia. These stupid fucking twitter ogres.

>> No.43676342
File: 306 KB, 688x702, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the first time she gets offended on someone else's behalf.

>> No.43676466
File: 784 KB, 320x240, Facepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards like this actually exist

>> No.43676598

It's hilarious how twittersisters post exactly like doomposters here.

>> No.43676995
File: 541 KB, 2246x2800, c0454d6e0465298c937805f5f85b0a47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks. They drew a nice Selen ass.

>> No.43677903

They are the same village idiots, just from different villages.

>> No.43677921 [DELETED] 

Now that's a Selenass. I'm still surprised she manages to keeps most of her fanbase platonic, but damn if the fanarts aren't trying to change that

>> No.43678069

>If you play a game from x country that means you agree with its political views

>> No.43678564

This. I can't wait for the day Russia ceases to exist as a state and I still think it's a cool game.

>> No.43678646 [DELETED] 

Honestly really disappointing that ngl, I liked a lot of her work, but probably not that surprising if you saw the signs earlier...
Was already Pro-Ukraine and refused to accept any opposing/differing views on the conflict.

>> No.43679074


>> No.43679124

should stop drawing nijisanji and should not even touch hololive

>> No.43679234

The reason is you buy game, game company gets your money = Russia get's like 2 cents from you.
Then again like I've said in a few posts.. you can just get it from game pass, then your not even giving Russia 2 cents.
Though that money they spent last week has probably gone into some sweatshop somewhere or maybe it's already gone to Russia. So I don't know why this matters in the first place.

>> No.43679611 [DELETED] 

>refused to accept any opposing/differing views on the conflict

>> No.43680032 [DELETED] 

I mean, this is a conflict that has extremely obvious "good/bad" sides to it, it's just that some people take it too far just to make themselves better "for the cause", I guess. A single copy of this game gets like 80 cents to the government, if it gets there at all considering Mundfish is all on Malta. Somebody did the math already, it's actually kind of sad that this game came out right now, they were so doomed to fail, and even diverting a shitton of resources into a pornbait did nothing but alleviate some of the heat.

>> No.43680315 [DELETED] 
File: 580 KB, 600x450, ukraine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was already Pro-Ukraine
How is that relevant?

>> No.43680386

>neither do I watch streams

>> No.43680437 [DELETED] 

She's actually a Russian expat too, when the war first started she was calling Euro governments Russophobic

>> No.43680609 [DELETED] 

>this is a conflict that has extremely obvious "good/bad" sides to it
Yeah, NATO

>> No.43680654 [DELETED] 

No fucking way.

>> No.43680849 [DELETED] 

Have a (you)

>> No.43680881 [DELETED] 

>this is a conflict that has extremely obvious "good/bad" sides to it
Yeah, nah. Have no love for the Russian Government itself, but I also hate the Ukrainian one as well (if not moreso).

>> No.43680960 [DELETED] 

I mean, a lot of people are frustrated with their lack of options when it comes to immigration from the great agressor country. Some claim it's russophobia, others are a bit more careful with their remarks and see this as politicians being politicians. It's a powerful move to stop poor people from immigrating because russia le bad, but it's not a great move to throw out all of the children of russia's government from the us and the eu because muh taxes, muh passports, all that double-faced bullshit

>> No.43680999
File: 822 KB, 700x819, sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write a stupid post on a public "forum"
>get called stupid by other people who can read your post
>"wtf people are literally trying to kill me!!"
i just genuinely do not understand

>> No.43681107

I can't believe Selen is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians. For shame.

>> No.43681110 [DELETED] 

>a fag in the replies whiteknighting her is Russian

>> No.43681217 [DELETED] 

lool NATO was dying before this

>> No.43681525

I wish words were as lethal as their schizo fantasies lead them to believe.

>> No.43681628
File: 1.11 MB, 640x753, selen my beloved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen 'Hammer of the West' Tatsuki
Selen 'Victory at Stalingrad' Tatsuki
Selen 'Hero of Changsha' Tatsuki
Selen 'Fall of Kiev' Tatsuki
Selen 'Second Phase Offensive' Tatsuki
Selen 'Missile Crisis' Tatsuki
Selen 'Revolutionary Army' Tatsuki
Selen 'Hiroshima and Nagasaki' Tatsuki
Selen 'Siege of Berlin' Tatsuki
Selen 'Means of Production' Tatsuki
Selen 'Holodomor Once More' Tatsuki
Selen 'Battle of Kursk' Tatsuki
Selen 'Tiananmen Once Again' Tatsuki
Selen 'Ch'ongch'on River' Tatsuki
Selen 'Sino-Soviet Relations' Tatsuki
Selen 'Indochina War' Tatsuki

Swerve, Westoids.

>> No.43681771

It's the easiest way to leech clout.

>> No.43681969 [DELETED] 

Yeah. Throwing bombs all over the Donbas for over half a decade and mandating a majority historical russian population to speak ukranian instead is pretty damn fucked of Zelinski.
As an example, it would be as if Hololive gave one of Nijisanji's gens a chance to leave Niji for Holo if they voted to do so, and the Niji gen voted to leave for Holo, and then Niji didn't let the gen leave and instead assfucked them daily. And then Holo came to the rescue of said generation, only for the world to see Hololive as a genocidal army because CNN hates Yagoo.
Not to mention the NATO and EU expansion that goes against every single treaty. There is an extremely obvious "good/bad" side to it alright. Almost reminds me of Israel v Palestine, except Russia can get the job done unlike Jordan.

>> No.43682002 [DELETED] 

I mean I hate Muslims but that doesn't make Israel a righteous state. It's possible for both sides to be shitty and still have a clear 'good guy' in a given situation.

>> No.43682540 [DELETED] 

>NATO and EU expansion that goes against every single treaty
Name one treaty it violates. Spoiler: you can't.

>> No.43682718 [DELETED] 


>> No.43682921

>>Popular vtuber artist
Can't be that fucking popular if I don't want to rape her.

>> No.43683166 [DELETED] 

>The treaty does not mention NATO membership prospects of any other countries, as none of them has been a party to the treaty, while only 4 out of the 15 NATO member states at the time have been parties to it.
Pound sand about your "verbal assurances"

>> No.43683216

I really don't know why so many random people think anyone wants to hear their dumbass opinions
they followed you for art not to hear you whine about the vtuber playing a video game

>> No.43683267 [DELETED] 

Now quote the paragraph in the treaty that says no more states shall join the EU or Nato

>> No.43683627

poor fragile westerners take some anime girl on the internet potentially having a different political belief as them as fucking betrayal, we need to start beating our kids again to try and instill some fucking strength into them or something, ANYTHING, because this is just pathetic!

>> No.43684138

What game is this even about

>> No.43684222

Atomic Heart, which if you buy it means you are personally responsible for the death of one hundred random Ukrainians.

>> No.43684298 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 2318x3306, 105615765_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to use as little legalese as possible.
As a peace treaty, the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany has a conclusion, the section that goes "confirming we want peace" and whatnot. This section binds the 4 powers into cooperation and shit. Though in practice it is only re-ratifying the OSCE, which came about as a result of the Warsaw Pact, which was created specifically to define the Iron Curtain.
In other words, while Germany was getting unified, the Iron Curtain should be maintained - that is, neither the USSR will expand westward, nor NATO will expand eastward.
Then the USSR dissolved (thus the Warsaw Pact started being disregarded by the west), but Russia took over for the USSR. And while NATO, and later the EU, has been expanding eastward, absorbing old USSR territory, Russia has not invaded any country that wasn't part of the USSR. Only Georgia and Ukraine as far as I recall, which were for sure part of the Iron Curtain and thus, acceptable for the Warsaw Pact, the OSCE, and the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany.

With that said, last time I made some comment that had fuck all to do with vtubers even though it was a reply to a question, quite similarly to the situation of this post, I got a 24h vacation so, shit, I don't know, Kanata playing Dark Souls has been pretty cool, hasn't it?

>> No.43684353

All you made me want to do with this post is fuck Kanata.

>> No.43684377

Women, amirite?

>> No.43684441

think i also remember her bitching about zaion

>> No.43684477 [DELETED] 
File: 275 KB, 1170x832, 9939C005-16F3-4784-89CF-10E5A722696F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no heroes anymore. Welcome to the endtimes.

>> No.43684841
File: 434 KB, 850x1200, 105528978_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly aren't the only one. Only like 10% of the images in pixiv are R-18, but the first few pages are like 50% R-18. Pretty solid R-18 too. Even the futa, and I'm not into /d/.

>> No.43684840 [DELETED] 

the difference is that Russia needs to invade to have anyone join their shitpile while more and more countries would rather join NATO on their own than end up like Georgia or Chechenya

>> No.43685366

9.9 times out of 10 these fucks will claim they are being harassed in DMs and never show the DMs of the proof of their harassment. It's not like it's out in the open like the Silvervale shit. I swear these people do this shit for attention seeking.

>> No.43685389

something all sides of the war can agree on is that Kanata is sex

>> No.43685414

She deserves hate for talking a fag.

>> No.43685488 [DELETED] 
File: 391 KB, 850x1200, 105606773_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except the Donbas literally voted to join Russia after the Maidan revolution and the invasion of Crimea (shoutout to Natty, reason for many a seed to be spilled), because like 95% of their population is historically russians who mainly speak russian, and are now being forced to speak ukranian among other such things. And just like "Russia needs to invade to have anyone join their shitpile", Kiev needed to bomb the Donbas for years to let them know they can't leave their shitpile, until Russia invaded.
Did Russia invade to save the Donbas? Fuck no, they invaded because NATO and the EU are encroaching, and once the Ukraine joins, there won't be any space between the two powers. But gave Putin a hell of a humanitarian excuse alright.

But seriously, Kanata's Demon Souls streams, shit's pretty cool.

>> No.43685738 [DELETED] 

hey, if they're historically Russian and speak Russian, they could've kindly consider getting the fuck back to Russia, not like the place is hurting for space
but it was always just a fucking excuse, Russia invaded shit like Chechenya and Georgia on flimsier basis, with Moldova probably being next after Ukraine

>> No.43685794
File: 1.03 MB, 2892x4096, 1650457128837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43685905

WTF I like her more now than I already did.

>> No.43685909

Savi is being an idiot here. She is russian herself and should have done more research, the entire dev team are anti war, they even put only russian singers and bands that dipped out of russia the moment the war started and they donated to the Ukraine and shat on Putin. I don't get it, for a person who always talks about the war and russia, this time she got brainwashed by twitter trannies.

>> No.43686095 [DELETED] 
File: 604 KB, 658x1200, 105424053_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they could've kindly consider getting the fuck back to Russia, not like the place is hurting for space
Yeah, fuck the house and/or farm that made you work hard for 20 year so you could pay its mortgage. Retard.
Again, there was a fucking referendum.

There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless.
Only one worth the whole world is Kanata, and her Demon Souls streams have been pretty cool.

>> No.43686210

I mean she's right.
>Have an opinion
>"You're wrong"
>Tell them to stop winning

>> No.43686470

Do you have a source on this anon?

>> No.43686999

I won't deny it, a few years back I was exactly like this. In part due to pressure, in part trying to be like my friends.
I took a break from twitter and it was like my eyes were opened. I could breathe again. It was liberating.
Now all I feel is pity for these people. They are part of the machine and it takes being broken down by it to even get a taste of freedom. And by then you have been warped regardless.

>> No.43687268 [DELETED] 

You're insane if you're justifying war for that. If they want to be part of Russia, they can fuck off and move to Russia. Or if they REALLY cared, they can do their own revolution. That's NO JUSTIFICATION for another country to invade a sovereign nation and murder its inhabitants. You're either fucking braindead and the easiest person to manipulate or being disingenuous.

>> No.43687335 [DELETED] 

>Again, there was a fucking referendum.
yeah, when Chechens tried that shit in the 90s they got fucked worse in 2 years than Donbas in a decade
Russia bad, end of topic, there's a reason every former USSR state would rather get nuked than to go back to being part of it

>> No.43687393

Artists should just art

>> No.43687538 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1038x1576, 105135708_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, getting rockets thrown at you, by your own government, ain't shit.
Fuck off back to twitter. You will never be a woman.

You could, however, become a Heimin. Just watch Kanata's pretty cool Demon Souls streams. That way you'll feel forced to join her membership.

>> No.43687559 [DELETED] 

>mandating a majority historical russian population to speak ukranian instead is pretty damn fucked of Zelinski
This never happened
You live in a non-Russian country and yet you choose to regurgitate Russian state media propaganda. How fucking dumb are you.
>are now being forced to speak ukranian
obviously this never happened
also, i cannot stress this enough, the only reason eastern european countries are joining the EU is because they don't want Russia to invade them again, and Russia is proving constantly that it wants to invade its neighbors. I'm sure you have some state propaganda spin to justify the Russian invasion of Georgia, too.

>> No.43687631 [DELETED] 

Rather than worrying about politics, you should probably be worrying more about your delusions and paranoid neuroticism before it becomes full-blown schizophrenia. The real world isn't that complicated, people are just fucking stupid.

>> No.43688240 [DELETED] 

>I mean, this is a conflict that has extremely obvious "good/bad" sides to it

>> No.43688327 [DELETED] 

It does unless you're a midwit

>> No.43688357 [DELETED] 

yea (russia is the good side)

>> No.43688421 [DELETED] 

sorry, I should have said midwit or blatantly biased

>> No.43688841
File: 275 KB, 784x434, Laughing Russian memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the art but good bye, better have these kind of retards away from the fan base
Good anon, better late than never
I used to be the same too

>> No.43689439

Easily one of the bigger problems Niji has is a disproportionately high amount of vtweeters in their fanbase. Those types hate anyone actually funny or quality in any degree because they themselves lack it.
They hate Zeta because she was actually capable of making jokes, and they hate anyone who plays [THE BIG BAD GAME] because they don't need to attach themselves to whatever ID politics they have to cling to to have a sense of identity.

>> No.43689563

We talk endlessly about women's rights, instead of women's wrongs.

>> No.43689590

>Based trips of redemption

>> No.43690724

>They hate Zeta because she was actually capable of making jokes

>> No.43690836

fuck, I thought it was saruei for a little bit

>> No.43690851

She told non-pc jokes, like a rape joke, joking about her love of shotas, etc. Generally stuff other than the usual cheap dick jokes people have come to expect of indies and Niji en.

>> No.43691436

Zeta? Not Zaion? Anon did you mix up these 2 silver hair cat women?

>> No.43691495

Ah, I mixed up my Z-women. That's my bad.

>> No.43692653

I'm going to member until mother russia wins

>> No.43692805

>Selen 'Sino-Soviet Relations' Tatsuki

>> No.43692938

What was the joke?
