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43636707 No.43636707 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about Lyger?

>> No.43636806

I don't.

>> No.43636876

>loves his oshi
>does work for her company now
>still loves her despite her drama
im thinkin based

>> No.43636877

I like that he tried to set up standards for clip channels in the past, but other than that he's an annoying retard as a Matsurisu

>> No.43637129

this, he's an autismo but also contributes in the form of tardwrangling and translations

>> No.43637238

He moved to Japan in order to stalk her. He's a schizo piece of shit that created a github app that tracks all her accounts including roommate and calls it his Matsuri stalking app.
He bans anyone in her chat that he gets jealous of or makes him look bad by translating for her.
He's obnoxious and constantly posts "kawaii" and shit in her chat even though mods are supposed to keep a low profile in holomen's chat.
He's a SEAfaggot tool.

>> No.43637289
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somewhat inspiring example of a simp that rose up through the ranks by sheer dedication and simpening, although Matsuri seems to be the few type of chuuba (for a big corpo) that enable such path on the first place.

>> No.43637381


>> No.43637380

>tried to set the standard for clip channels
Nigga, he's literally one of the reasons Matsuri has been declining. The guy became her "official" translator then stopped doing liveTL. Then proceeded to ban people replacing him. EOPs fucked off because of him.

>> No.43637685

If you think he isn't a hardcore schizo, he defends the stalking app saying she'd tell him to turn it off if it creeped her, since they're mutuals on twitter.

>She follows me on twitter, this means she's actively checking out my insane behavior and would talk to me about any issues in our relationship

>> No.43637793

all the discordtrannies are just jealous that speedsubbers ate their lunch
and his "standards" are just his own personal biases and opinions he tries to impose on everyone else

>> No.43637930

>Then proceeded to ban people replacing him. EOPs fucked off because of him.
Surely it's all part of his master plan to groom Matsuri and make her his and his alone. He's been at it for a long time now.

>> No.43638628

low key a pretty high level schizo, but his love and dedication for his oshi is legit

>> No.43640971

Admirably dedicated, but still too creepy for me. Also I wish he wouldn't spam chat comments using his mod account.

>> No.43642631

He was unironically what caused Matsuri to decline, should've just stayed as an out of reach clipper. Basically went on a power trip once he became her mod and apparently one of the translators for Hololive, which makes me hate him even more because the official EN subs on Hologra are fuckin cringe especially when Luna is on it and they go way over the top in uwu language

>> No.43642783

>He was unironically what caused Matsuri to decline
I wouldn't go that far. He certainly didn't help at all, but the main reason she declined was because she became addicted to apex and betrayed her fans.

>> No.43643673

Want to hate him for being an ass and creepy behavior, but he was the reason why I truly got into Hololive, so I can't really

>> No.43644033

Ok then, apply as a translator if you don't like how things are done. Something as easy even a monkey could do it.

>> No.43645042

>they go way over the top in uwu language
But anon. A translators RESPONSIBILITY is to NEVER assume the audience has ANY knowledge of the original language and make sure they use lingo that is understandable to the sodiujbpr pweahioerpaieropsair dfbgspkjfd bgsprhbpstrjsr klgsjkgrs depoigsri dpghdrpiob grdpiogr

>> No.43646540

>apparently one of the translators for Hololive
how the fuck isn't he fired? he's a turbo schizo stalker

>> No.43649334

AsaCoco? Never heard that word, it is Morning Coco and always has been right guys?

>> No.43649544

They didn't apparently have the best screening/HR in place for Mel's manager but I thought maybe they would have learned for lyger. Guess not.

Not to mention loserbait works there and you can openly find old posts of him on reddit talking about the best spots to get hookers in Japan and such. And yes he's SEA too. Because of course he is.

>> No.43650387

Funny to think loserbait mafumafu'd on Ame's stream once

>> No.43650929

He's a good translator, his mental illness is what sours everyone.

>> No.43651490

Eh, if he's railing whores that means less time to be creeping on the talents, right?

>> No.43651824

Those were good times. Trolls said they were dating then five days later amegeddon happened.

>> No.43654698

ITT: anons who don't know why Lyger was disliked in the first place and who just repeat stuff they heard from others

>> No.43656251 [SPOILER] 
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Rhymes with what he is.

>> No.43656411

>EOPs fucked off because of him.
I not see the problem
>Low numbers
Well Matsuri still have a nice number and sponsos to don't die for starving

>> No.43656658

lyger is what you could've been for your oshi if you did your reps

>> No.43656730


Soon anons soon...

>> No.43657668

you guys underestimate the amount of chuubas that want their own reliable translator.

>> No.43659553

He will kill Matuli and rape her corpse one day. But Matuli kind of deserve that

>> No.43661698

Well he has banned multiple people attempting to boost Matsuri by liveTLing for her, so yeah he is partially to blame for her decline
He's also an obnoxious fag in her chat

>> No.43661744 [DELETED] 

stfu SEAnigger

>> No.43662621

The incline in EN and garbage translators slowly switching from subbing JP to posting untranslated EN clips is the best shift in the clipping industry yet.
I appreciate the efforts of Lyger to set a standard for actual good translation. Today and in the past. If you’re a translator and Lyger hurt your feelings, maybe do some more reps.

I don’t care how he act in Festival’s chat, I don’t watch her.

>> No.43662828

>that want their own reliable translator.
Yeah about that, like multiple people pointed out he doesn't actually LiveTL anymore and actively bans people that do so in his place.

>> No.43663328

Living the dream we all wish by being real close to our oshi and even talking to her. Having Matsuri all to himself still eluding him. Still he's an asshole if he isn't going to live tl and abusing mod powers. He's hurting her more with driving away en viewers to watch and maybe support her financially and buy her merch and he needs to be quiet as it's always cringe when a mod talks that isn't a hololive member.

>> No.43663425

t. lyger

>> No.43663659

He also produced blacked cuck porn.
