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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43546043 No.43546043 [Reply] [Original]

>given the ASMR role in EN due to experience
>BTFO by her JP senpais every fucking time
What did EN's scouting mean by this?

>> No.43546104
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>> No.43546148

they're on the same team. it's okay if some are better at certain things.

>> No.43546200

Sapling falseflag astroturf thread

>> No.43546258

>Fauna does ASMR
>it's good
>Her JP senpais do ASMR
>it's good
I don't see the conflict

>> No.43546306

you can tell fauna just had an amazing stream because of the large in flux of weak bait threads about her, keep up the good streams fauna!

>> No.43546353

Imagine being a gray and not having access to any of her JOI asmr. Why do you think saplings are the way they are?

>> No.43546383

It's the one thing she consistently provides that makes her unique in the branch and she still sucks at it. She improved a bit but if she's not someone you care about it's meh. Even Sora's rare ASMR was better and that was 4 years ago: https://youtu.be/-nUMzf89-iI
I want to actually like Fauna's ASMR because it's nice to understand what they're saying (and I'm not listening to Mori's ASMR or watching 3D whores) so it sucks that she sucks.

>> No.43546433

Her prerecorded asmr is okay sometimes. Her live asmr is much worse than it should be considering she's been at it for years. She's always nervous and you can often hear noise from the street.

>> No.43546455

Think critically here for a second
Does she suck at it or do you simply dislike it?

>> No.43546475

>Imagine being a gray and not having access to any of her JOI asmr
I'm not given a penny to a vegan for shit I can get for free with Choco, Noel, Mel and Aki

>> No.43546553

>given the ASMR role in EN due to experience
Because nobody else have it.

One day she will find the proper settings to actually make use of her KU100. Because she often sounds worse than those using the cheaper ones and that's pretty sad.

>> No.43546684

20% is my bias, 80% is objectively bad when considering her many years of experience and that it's her thing. She did the typical thot thing of throwing a ton of money at a KU100 thinking that will fix everything, instead of learning the basics of audio processing, recording, gain staging and room acoustics. She doesn't even have visuals going for her as a vtuber, such as set designs and cosplay like many 3D whores can do, so there's even more reason to pay extra attention to audio.

>> No.43546720

Fair enough.

>> No.43546728


>> No.43546775

They do JOI? I need to learn japanese

>> No.43546785 [DELETED] 

They needed to appeal to cuck fetishists, so they got Fauna and Mumei, as they both have boyfriends.

>> No.43546877

Do your fucking job jannies.

>> No.43546919

Find the archived Haachama ASMR on yt. It will blow your mind how good she is, even the more wholesome stuff.

>> No.43546953

Please, PLEASE listen to more ASMR.

>> No.43547069

I've been nice towards Fauna >>43546383 because I want to actually enjoy her ASMR. I even gave constructive criticism >>43546684. I'm doing nothing wrong. I'm allowed to not like her. I've never posted in your general and never will.

>> No.43547277

You realize what constitutes as good ASMR is highly individual and subjective to personal taste?

>> No.43547477

>actually crying for the jannie
Lmao saplings are fragile as fuck

>> No.43547641

you don't understand what constructive criticism means. what you gave is just criticism, and mean spirited criticism at that. whether right or not doesn't make it constructive

>> No.43547715

We need more Zeta ASMR

>> No.43547737

Fauna's ASMR is not really for me. I kinda liked the Kalimba-ASMR she did, the rest haven't really done anything for me. If ASMR was all she did it would be bad, but she turned out to be damn good streamer on her own right

>> No.43547807

t. tinglelet

>> No.43548114 [DELETED] 

Cuck mods are really sensitive with posts about Fauna and Mumei boyfriends. lol

>> No.43548416

If she read that post, she could literally search up those audio terms and read/watch the basics to improve her setup and workflow. You're just not used to negative shit being said about your oshi because most of /vt/ and reddit adores her.

>> No.43548441

Why are you so obsessed with someone you don't like? Can you maybe just... not watch it?

>> No.43548481

Mental Illness

>> No.43548569

Saplings are up there with chumbuds in terms of fanbases who can't handle criticism for their oshi.

>> No.43548733

Cry harder schizo
