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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 234 KB, 1080x911, 5829326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43545110 No.43545110 [Reply] [Original]

They're laughing at us again..

>> No.43545191


>> No.43545238

Wow, that's something alright. It sure is something.

>> No.43545265

/vt/ deserves to be laughed at.

>> No.43545296


>> No.43545311

>look mom, I posted it again


>> No.43545330

nice post redditbro!

>> No.43545445

not even sonic fans are this autismo

>> No.43545481

/vt/ is literally /vpol/ at this point.

>> No.43545532

As it should. Go back to twitter if you want to complain about the lack of trans negroid vtubers

>> No.43545668

Go back to /pol/ if you want to complain about politics.

>> No.43545687

you're the one whining like a little bitch, nigger

>> No.43546052

>plebbit doesn't understand ironic shitposting day 4032
Business as usual

>> No.43546155

at least you changed the filename recently for this one

>> No.43546185

This and it looks like his fellow redditors in this thread cant either.

>> No.43546221

/vt/ is only what the world makes it. And the world is making it /pol/. You love to see it.

>> No.43546256

yeah sure, that's what it was.

>> No.43546342

You're the one making it /pol/, chudcel.

>> No.43546535

They can't help but expose themselves, can they?

>> No.43546555
File: 259 KB, 553x597, hurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over fellow chuds, the le based chungus redditerino has defeated us with their le heckin wit and upvotes. Now what?

>> No.43547040

ritual thread

>> No.43547458

Committing sudoku is the only way, OP should go first.

>> No.43548872

literally every single of these 4chan comments is sarcastic and joking

>> No.43549134
File: 127 KB, 269x261, 1671437049551965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftism isn't' politcs btw

>> No.43549179

Or maybe 4chan was always chuds and you're from twitter lmao.

>> No.43549251

Reddit only recognizes sarcasm if you put /s (I still don't really get it)
What are the chances that the unspoiled text goes against her "4chan hates kiara and is a bunch of incels!!" Post?

>> No.43549396

Coco and HoloEN were a mistake.

>> No.43550607

>some schizos that I cherrypicked represent the board
this is why I hate schizos and r*ddit

>> No.43551528

I've been browsing 4chan since 2003. While there's always been occasional political nutjobs speaking their "opinions," the site as a whole never had a political leaning one way or the other, but ever since the whole MAGA crap since 2015, it seems that a lot of teenagers all grew up thinking this was some right-wing paradise and basically made it so by coming here, a self-fulling prophecy. In reality, you don't belong here. You never belonged here. If you have strong opinions on politics, then you need to go back to screaming in the void on Twitter or circlejerking on Discord.

>> No.43551844

>originalfag here 4chan was always liberal liberalism isn't politics btw
Fuck off and kill yourself, redditor.

>> No.43552134

Yeah 4chan would’ve been much better if it was full of people talking about how trans rights are hecking valid and how all white people should be extinct because some cop killed a nigger!

>> No.43552226

If that's all it takes to drive off 'tards like you, definitely.

>> No.43552224


>> No.43552227

No it isnt we just have a lot of tourist because the stupid harry potter shit

>> No.43552275

Of course the soiboy Jew censors retard because it’s “ableist”

>> No.43552316

NTA but
>shortening = censoring

>> No.43552379

Is the leftism specifically campaigning for more trans negroids or simply acknowledging the fact that trans negroids?
Cuz I read that post as the latter.

>> No.43552431

4chan ist anti establishment. Thats why it was considered "far left" in the 2000s, because the establishment was right-wing. Nothing to do with the modern left or really any particular political stance.
But you losers aren't anti-establishment, you are just right-wing cocksuckers. Thats the difference.

>> No.43552453

He should kneel and kiss the soles of every person of color in his zip code to repent for his use of such a discriminatory and ableist word.

>> No.43552464

Projecting that much makes you sound especially mentally unwell, you realize. Moreso than any trannyfagcuckbuzzword, ironically.

>> No.43552479

Kiara isn't even wrong, it was called Super Mario Bros here in Germany, so Super Mario.

>> No.43552485

liberalism is right wing

>> No.43552625

Yeah bro liberalism is when we kneel to every nigger in the country while TRUE leftism is when we overthrow the current government beforehand and afterward kneeling to every nigger!

>> No.43552631

>rightoids casually mentioning their raceplay degradation fetish out of nowhere
like clockwork kek

>> No.43552726

So true sis! On the other hand this is just another day in the life of leftcuck

>> No.43552998

You're missing the point, brainlet. It's not just this or that. It's not just red or blue. It's not just left or right. It's not just option A or option B. You can make fun of both or all parties involved and not be on anyone's side.

>> No.43553059

now type that again without crying

>> No.43553278

Crying is something that should be encouraged!!!! We must ensure that men get to be feminine and express themselves how they want, such as being excited when their wives' boyfriends brings them a new nintendo switch game!

>> No.43553314

Oh, I remember...

>> No.43553334

kek this mf mad

>> No.43553392

been awhile since ive seen this one again

>> No.43553431

We're on 4chan.
You're not offending anyone. Nobody here is the fragile triggered Tumblrina you seem convinced you're surrounded by. Your screeching shitfest just makes you look like a dancing monkey to be laughed at (by all means, take the free opportunity for a nigger joke).
So I'mma try doing my one good deed for the day and advise you step away from the internet for a few minutes and calm down. Cuz this' getting too sad to keep laughing at.

>> No.43553456

>caring about R*ddit
You need to be at least 18 before posting here.

>> No.43553457

I'm mad because of the unjust treatment that Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, etc. went through. We must not rest until every PoC is paid their reparations. No justice, no peace!

>> No.43553508

NTA but holy shit you're mad. Maybe you should take your own advice and step away from the internet.

>> No.43554012

I'll bite. How do you figure?

>> No.43554781

>Nobody here is the fragile triggered Tumblrina you seem convinced you're surrounded by.
>proceeds to act even more fragile than a twitter user

>> No.43554828

Oh look, it's this post again.
