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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43532112 No.43532112 [Reply] [Original]

I am forgotten

>> No.43532193

Where's Zaion?

>> No.43532411


>> No.43532479

My wife

>> No.43532525
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>> No.43534467

Wasn't that what the trip was for? To make everybody forget about her? lol

>> No.43534934

yugo'd. they didn't want to make the announcement too close to yugo's termination, so she's officially stewing in an "indefinite suspension" for another month or two.

>> No.43534974

Pako likes her so of course she is going to get killed just like Sana

>> No.43535189

>Wasn't that what the trip was for? To make everybody forget about her? lol
The mean the trip where Elira's clique, the whores of NijiEN, all hang out to be Luxiem's cocksleeves?
Note who wasn't on the trip too aka the good ones.

>> No.43535216

there are no good nijis

>> No.43535387


>> No.43535515

I agree, Selen stayed and carried hard

I'm fine with taking breaks, just don't gloat about it all the time >_>

>> No.43535789

Leave Koto and Melo out of this, they are just Japanese

>> No.43538198

>I am forgotten

>> No.43538512

Pomu also stayed, she postponed her own trip knowing how few streams there would be if she went on break at the same time

>> No.43540266


>> No.43544142

is she back yet

>> No.43544202

is zaion actually entertaining? her yabs after she got suspended make her seem pretty based but her roommate's twitter is kinda preachy

>> No.43544237

How long has she been on suspension? Have other nijis mentioned her?

>> No.43546260

been like 3 weeks

>> No.43546297

>Have other nijis mentioned her?
Does Kyo count?

>> No.43547772

suspending someone as they were still (albeit slowly) growing basically cripples the account. It really goes to show that niji has zero business sense and just tries to emulate what others do but fails to realize most of its purpose. The entire idea of suspending someone is straight retarded. It is made even worse when you look at what "caused it" it was out of thin air, just straws grasped for no reason that in the end caused even more drama causing even more eyes to look at that with disgust.

>> No.43549494

she isn't coming back, is she bros?

>> No.43549562

Suspensions can last for a month, other nijis have mentioned her name though

>> No.43549627

It is awful that they didn’t even give a time period in her suspension announcement.

>> No.43549663

>Falling for the "give me your money" speech
You're NGMI

>> No.43549730

By the time she's out of jail all the shotas will be grown up

>> No.43549797

Free my nigga Zaion

>> No.43549798

Honestly, I'm just waiting for her to get back. Didn't watch her before this drama, but I'll give her a shot now.
When does the ban lift?

>> No.43549931

Come to Hololive. Where your humor is not only acceptable but will make a daki for your smol boys.

>> No.43550150

bump. it was a genuine question.

>> No.43550373

Queen of the jews.

>> No.43550448

She rambles without a filter.
She's entertaining if she gets directed to something interesting to talk about, but she can run on for hours about boring shit only she finds interesting if she's not guided by chat.

>> No.43550534

She should get poached by phase or idol.

>> No.43550585

that sounds like a young female jerma which is pretty based if she yabs as often as people have said she does lately. how preachy does she get? like on a scale of fauna "my entire family is vegan [but says nothing about right or wrong]" to mumei's "meat eating is bad and so are people that do it" where would she land?

>> No.43550781

Nijisanji has never been about business sense when it comes to it's talent. It's always been a platform for people to become vtubers unlike other companies trying to be small popular agencies. That's why the VTA exists which lines with their original goals.

>> No.43550913

She's actually a 30+ giga-hag rrat is she's either married or divorced under the young girl model, so she's not preachy at all, at least not that I detected.

Also I had no clue Mumei was vegetarian. What is wrong with women nowadays ffs

>> No.43551067

Zaion knows enough to not take dark jokes seriously, overall I don't get a very preachy impression from her. I could see her being opinionated on matters, but yeah I don't see her as the preachy type.

>> No.43551169

good shit lads, i'll pick her up if she survives noor's pms episode, thanks

>> No.43551263

zai-on deez nuts

>> No.43551592

>mumei's "meat eating is bad and so are people that do
wtf I love Mumei now

>> No.43554959

>When does the ban lift?
No one knows, Nijisanji didn’t include a length of time in the announcement.

>> No.43555070
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I’m finishing the rest of her vods lately after work.

>> No.43556407

>She rambles without a filter.
>She's entertaining if she gets directed to something interesting to talk about, but she can run on for hours about boring shit only she finds interesting
It is nice to see someone being earnest about stuff.

>> No.43559332

Nice. Shame about all the privated ones.

>> No.43559648

Give us Zaion or we riot!

>> No.43559733

zaion is never coming back. expect an official "zaion has been graduated" notice next month.

>> No.43559859

t. fauna

>> No.43561695


>> No.43562045
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>> No.43562228

If she had her choice it would’ve been vShoujo. I hope that doesn’t make you hate her, because she is still a nice old lady.

>> No.43562324


>> No.43563678

She looks cute tho.

>> No.43569219

its over

>> No.43569720

Every passing day without news increases the odds of her graduating.

>> No.43569964

>Come to Hololive.
>Where your humor is not only acceptable
Holobeggars know no shame.

>> No.43570254

holy fuck i never thought i'd see a crossover of vtubers and ghost

>> No.43574624
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>> No.43575277
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>Zaion still suspended
I sleep.

>> No.43576873
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given Anycolor's ACCELERATE business model, they seem more willing to push their streamers around, since they're so obviously expendable. You are right that this decision has caused irreparable damage to Zaion's numbers and her reputation (at least from twitter fags who never watched her to begin with). What worries me is that this is all the more likely to be an intentional decision, possibly due to some serious internal conflict that could not be resolved by both parties.

They don't want her to come back. They wanted to hurt her, that's all. I just want my Genshin addict lolibaba to come back, is that too much to ask?

>> No.43579740

Giving suspensions with no end date is so scummy. I hope returning as an indie is still possible while under a nijisanji contract, without massive consequences likes fines and shit.

>> No.43579917

There's no way she doesn't graduate right? They might even yugo her.

>> No.43581226
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I think she's done for (as far as her Nijisanji career that is).
I mean let's think about this logically. This suspension has no end date and it came at a CRITICAL time when a new vtuber only recently debuted, a time that is factually THE most important time for growth. Yet they suspended her anyway knowing this.

I know doom posting isn't exactly rare here, but I think it's a justified outlook here. I mean go ahead and tell me I'm wrong, but I just don't see how suspending her with no return date like this so early in her career isn't a massive signal that this will evolve into more than a mere suspension. If they just wanted to correct her a little, why couldn't they do that behind closed doors in PMs? Why publicly announce a suspension like this. Who else has this happened to in NijiEN?

She did not deserve this shit. Twitter trannies may try to convince you that she does, but she doesn't. Her comments were so tame that when she said them they just flew past me like they were nothing. I refuse to believe they're the reason for this whole thing too. Vox literally roleplays raping and throatfucking his chat, but Zaion can't make a mild joke that she doesn't even finish about some fucking video game character? Get the fuck outta here.

If I had to guess (and that's really all this is) I'd say something else has happened that none of us are aware of. Some sort of other internal strife and now Nijisanji just wants to be through with her. But if this IS all because of that half arsed rape joke then the company is a fucking joke in and of itself because that shit was a massive nothingburger.

>> No.43581599

I think its her mentioning roms and privatizing her vids more than anything

>> No.43583116

Yeah, I don't think anything that twitter was mad about was a major reason. I appreciate her openness in discussion but I do hope she is a little more careful in the future to prevent angering her management with needing to private and/or edit her vods.

>> No.43584758
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I wanna be hopeful and shit, but she's probably donezo. The suspension being indefinite doesn't exactly strike much confidence in me, but hey, I would love to be wrong on this.

If she returns, be it as Zaion or as someone else, I'll watch. I hate to admit it but I miss that gatcha hag. Her energy and earnestness is addictive.

>> No.43585326


>> No.43585419

It could be scummy, or it could be a "take as long as you need to get your shit together, your seat will still be waiting for you."

>> No.43585641

Pretty sure she's not coming back to niji. They won't give her a second chance. The lack of any suspension ending date must have been intentional at this point. I don't see a reason for her to stay at all now, other than a "fuck you" to all the haters (including management).
Would be funny if vshojo poached her after this, but I don't want that to happen.

>> No.43586165


>> No.43586443


>> No.43587469
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If they do Yugo her, at least she isn't stuck in limbo. Can't this suspension last months, or even indefinitely?

Pic related, I agree, but it shouldn't have been a reason then, it just caused a pointless shitstorm.

That's assuming she can end the suspension whenever she wants. If it's management in control, it's only going to be a massive weight on her mind as she doesn't know IF she's coming back. Imagine if your job suspended you, for what could be MONTHS. I hope she has something else for income.

>> No.43589517

I feel bad for all Western chuubas signed to a Japanese company. Probably all Zaion did "wrong" was stand up for herself when insulted by Niji staff. In Japan you're a slave to your boss, you can't say anything negative to them, and sometimes they'll even slap you or insult you to your face for mistakes. There is no concept of "earned hierarchy" in Japan like in the West, if they're above you then you have to do whatever they say. That's why Jap managers are so shitty at their jobs, there's 0 accountability from below.

The amount of incompetency in the Japanese work force must be incredible. Millions of people, doing meaningless work poorly, and you can't even comment on it or you'll get fired

>> No.43589885

Yeah I've often thought this about both hololive and nijisanji. Suspending your own talent from making you money just seems like hustling backwards. If they do something bad, the last thing you want is to draw public attention to it. If I were running either company and a talent was needing to be suspended I would just say they had some kind of health issue or needed a mental health break or something. Something to maintain the brand of both the talent and the company.

Suspending talent makes the talent and the company look bad and it angers fans.

>> No.43591720

She's dead

>> No.43592586

>Neck snapped this early on when she needs to be building her fanbase

>> No.43592655

Worst case she's streamed it before, she'll stream it after. Just needs the limbo to end
