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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43529520 No.43529520 [Reply] [Original]

Hot take: people shit on Fauna for being “too fake” when in reality she’s the only EN who knows how to keep a degree of professionalism at all times

>> No.43529550

Stop shitposting with my oshi fucking retard

>> No.43529595

you mean schizos. the type of schizos who create shit stirring catalog threads for now reason.

>> No.43529606

>people shit on Fauna
I don't see this happening.

>> No.43529634

Hey now, I'm a schizo and I don't stir shit. Stop with the blanket schizo hate.

>> No.43529649

>not fake enough
>a little fake
>acceptably fake
>pretty much fake
>dangerously fake
>too much fake

>> No.43529724

Never seen anyone shit on her or call her fake.

>> No.43529767

I like this take. I don't watch her anymore because I don't watch chuubas who doubledip with their roommate's panhandle paywall, so take my defense as being objective as one can take an anonymous post.

I liked her professionalism a lot. For example, in the first few months of streaming, Mumei and Fauna both talked about their vege/veganism. Mumei phrased it petulantly as if meat eaters are doing something wrong, but Fauna never did. Fauna's mentioning of her and her family's diet never jumped into why it was right or wrong without hiding it entirely. If someone wants their talking head not to lecture them, Fauna's a good choice.

>> No.43529777

After today I will support your oshi fully Sapling. I liked her before but now i know she is based as she doesnt want Gura hating trannies in her fanbase.

>> No.43529875

On one hand I know you're stirring shit.
in the other I know Wawa has always been the most professional

>> No.43529921

Why are you against it?

>> No.43529930

>15 Fauna threads today
You're just spamming Fauna bait threads on cooldown faggot, and for what reason? Retarded Saplings can't stop replying to every goddamn bait. Kys all of you

>> No.43529949

Let's be honest, this is just what numberlings deserve

>> No.43529999

am I fake!?

>> No.43530020

Ah, so you're a numberfag upset that your oshi has shit numbers? Ennafag I assume?

>> No.43530030

True take: the truth of all matters will come forth one day.

>> No.43530198

I am a nekko, thanks for asking

>> No.43530570
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>doubledip with their roommate's panhandle paywall

>> No.43530580 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 180x180, 1676307806251138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest to god, Fauna is the only good councilmem

Mumei has no personality and is carried entirely by retarded failed normies who find her mundane normalfaggotry "relatable" or some shit (same as Ina).
Kronii is a hololive-hating whore who promised her members not to cuck them and then explicitly went back on her word a single day later and started spamming male collabs solely out of spite. She doesn't know ANYTHING about hololive and made no attempts to learn and openly admitted she HATES streaming (hence she plays games she enjoys OFF-STREAM so she doesn't have to entertain chat which she hates. Again, she ADMITTED this during the minecraft fiasco). It is no surprise then that she CONSTANTLY takes breaks.
IRyS is a fucking flop who gets less karaoke numbers than Fauna, to say nothing of the complete tragedy that is her orisong "career". She can only coomerbait and GFEbait (despite being a fujo) and the only reason anyone watches her is because pajeets now finally have someone who streams in their timezone.
And Bae.... Bae.... Bae is the single most worthless existence in the entirety of Hololive. That is all.

>> No.43530697
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>defending IRyS in one post just to shit on her in the next
Nice try faggot

>> No.43530762

I thought bae was kinda cool :(

>> No.43530817

why do you say all of these things when you don't even believe them sapling falseflagger? did you at least watch fauna's trucking today?

>> No.43530859

Why are saplings like this?

>> No.43530863

I dunno man Bae is the only one I still follow because she's not a bitch. She doesn't lecture, she doesn't beg, she's usually pretty high energy. She just doesn't stream interesting stuff all that often, but there's worse. Also it's pretty based she did that "learning HP spells" stream right before Hogwarts came out because she wanted you to know she'd have streamed it if HoloEN management weren't allies.

>> No.43530886

That's not a sapling, it's a false flagger who uses that image to shit on everyone else and can't even remember who he likes >>43530697

>> No.43530985

Vtuber fans are brainless imbeciles 90% of the time. I wouldnt listen to any of these idiots opinions.
Girl playing a character
>omg so cringe
Girl acting like her real self
>omg twitch thot why did you even get into vtubing if you're gonna do that
Girl collabs with males
Doesnt collab with males
>wow such a pick me incel panderer
Plays fotm games
Plays unusual niche games
>pick me

>> No.43531056


>> No.43531221

Not op, but I actually have a bone to pick with people who see others doing their best to uphold a positive and kind image as fake. Just because you lack self control/ discipline that causes you to have a shitty outburst, sly/ sarcastic comment and/ or eventually whine like a bitch to cope in the moment, do you get triggered by people who just want to be peaceful. If anything when you smell kindness you are scummy enough to push for advantages. Well the thing is, don't get embarrassed when you get put in your place after they snap like a normal person would. Give a lazy fuck all the chances and they are still oblivious to what good will is. And thats why by the end of the day a nice schizo got a dumb fuck fired for their shitty attitude.
TLDR Fauna prob fucking S tier crazy but dont test a bitch cause the kind ones bite.

>> No.43531282

Fauna is my most favorite of the ENs. And weirdly enough, i am not into ASMR which is Fauna's thing. I understand the appeal and so on but just never felt that drawn to it after trying a few times. But i can say that among HoloEN she is probably the only one who can captivate me for pretty much the whole stream playing solo game. Her Hitman, Skyrim and Miitopia streams are the first ones to pop into my head that i enjoyed thoroughly. But there other games too. She is a genuinely funny person and her ramblings are enjoyable to listen to

>> No.43531338

I dont really think the catalog threads are indicative of some broad based conviction that Fauna sucks, or is fake or whatever. I think they're a couple of antis shitting things up because they can.

>> No.43531403

define "anti"
because i think most people that criticize with any effort are actually just disappointed a girl they're invested in has fixable flaws
i'm asking in good faith, if you can believe it

>> No.43531445

I wonder what's worse, OP making 4 fauna bait threads in a day or the posters that still genuinely reply to his threads.

>> No.43531447

Huh? No one really criticizes fauna. Idk where youre getting that from, because I haven't seen it.

You know who I would shit on? Saplings /here/ who are either
1) weirdly sexual and creepy, especially considering most of them are likely 30-50 years of age and have a oedipus complex.
2) full-tilt unicorn zealots who worship her as an anti-male messiah because she hasn't had any yabs like that yet.

Both are awful and filter me from ever calling myself a "sapling". I am glad a few sane ones do exist though like this >>43531282 anon.

>> No.43531481

KEK that is 100% of the time. When will Vtuber fans ever grow up?

>> No.43531541

I dont mean more or less by "anti" than the average anon on this board.

>> No.43531550

same tbdesu, she's the only one that I find entertaining. Gets involved in the games, has good tangents, old meme references, good sense of humor with basically no cringe filter, and she's extremely cute. I just get the feeling that she loves her job, and the kindness, supportiveness makes me appreciate her a lot.

>> No.43531614

It's not always the same people saying both.

>> No.43531695

so "anyone i disagree with"
pardon me for expecting some nuance

>> No.43531774

If you were asking in good faith, you wouldn't have interpreted it that way.

>> No.43531842

idc, she's still boring like all of council

>> No.43532007

>she’s the only EN who knows how to keep a degree of professionalism at all times
>constantly cancels streams since getting back from Japan (literally deciding to not do her job on those days when she has the same workload as everyone else)

>> No.43532044

There isnt a single holoEN that feels genuine
Gura Mumei Fauna and Kiara are definitely the worst but the others are only marginally bettter

>> No.43532100

If asmr is faunas thing why are mumei and mori better at it lmaoo

>> No.43532152

i disagree.
but if you were replying in good faith, you would have answered my question. it's not too late to still do so.

>> No.43532225

Fine. An anti is someone who's an anti fan. Paradigmatically, someone whose anti-fandom nearly parallels regular peoples fandom.

More generically, someone who determinedly dislikes x is an anti with respect to x.

>> No.43532276

Fauna is unironically one of the worst Holos at ASMR. She's only good if she's your coomer oshi which is pathetic considering it's her 'thing'.
>Koyori (recently)
Those members fucking destroy Fauna's ASMR. Better audio too. Fauna has no idea what she's doing with audio equipment and software which is baffling considering her experience.

>> No.43532315

>cancels like 2 streams after getting back due to jetlag from a 14-17 hour time zone hour difference
"constantly cancels streams"

>> No.43532354
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i.e fakeness

>> No.43532369

Frankly I'm surprised none of Fanua's haters have tried to go for a Greta Thunberg critique of Fauna's jet setting lifestyle, or something.

>> No.43532416

But real women are not entertaining and they like being whores! That's what /vt/ told me!
So real and fake women aren't good enough now, this board is over.

>> No.43532497

Why do you put so much stock in what schizos are saying? It's unhealthy to spend so much time in catalog threads.

>> No.43532620

That was the most obvious sarcasm in history my dude

>> No.43532699

>just pretending

>> No.43532951

Maybe you are right maybe they are better, as i said i mostly watch Fauna's other streams so i can not comment on her ASMR quality. Why i said it's her thing is because i have seen her post quite a number of these semi regularly, more so than others.

>> No.43532960

I was saying this shit at debut. You all are a bunch of flighty niggers who have to get conned before you recognize the good ones

>> No.43533031

Hot take: I wanna fuck her tits

>> No.43533152

Hes gone mad

>> No.43533184

Its ok ESL-kun I know reading comprehension isnt your strong suit

>> No.43533197

I bet that people don't watch them for them to be genuine. If people wanted to watch genuine female streamers their age, there are plenty of options. People watch them because their act cute and funny and not vulgar. Some do it better than others, for example Calli has let her genuine rude personality slip through too many times so it really makes you go "ugh" when she suddenly tries to go back to playing cute, but the act was already broken so it's difficult. Such a shame though since i enjoy her singing but struggle to watch her streams.

>> No.43533458

I’d ironically say Mori, Ame, and Kiara are probably the most genuine of EN, while IRyS, Fauna, and Gura are the fakest.

>> No.43533671

>deflecting to ESL accusations

>> No.43533830

You are ESL or brain damaged beyond belief if you think >>43532416 isnt clearly fucking sarcasm

>> No.43534528

you know, any vtubers who 'want to be real' end up getting depressed or taking breaks for mental health.

>> No.43535607

it's okay if you fell for the shitposting anon. you don't have to pretend like you were being sarcastic.

>> No.43536609

