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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43488070 No.43488070 [Reply] [Original]

this board becomes like women whenever gura tweets

>> No.43488368
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I don't even hate Gura. I only do it because I hate chumkeks.

>> No.43488434

Anon, Vshojo is imploding due to infighting right now. And people are posting drama threads about...Gura...selling merch?
Put two and two together.

>> No.43488462
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I do that to fill my post quota. I usually post dumb shit on this board like 3 times a day hoping a retard fell for it lmao

>> No.43488490
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I like Aki's bar karaokes

>> No.43488767

It’s a cycle, chumpedophiles shit on every other vtuber, catalog is flooded with Gura anti threads, chumpedophiles flood bait in response, Gura anti threads are posted, ad nauseam.

>> No.43489300

this isn't about vshojo

>> No.43489632

Wrong, you are falling for falseflags. People pretending to be chumbuds. They really on retards like you to fall for falseflagging. Chumbuds stay in /ggg/. You probably know they aren't real chumbuds posting that shit but hate Gura for how successful and popular she is but you know that's a retarded reason to hate someone so you shift to her fanbase.

>> No.43489641

Vshojodrones are the ones spamming gura threads, retard.

>> No.43489709


>> No.43489776

>this board becomes like women whenever-

>> No.43489883

It is actually incredible how these faggots do this all the time and then people will actually complain about other fanbases ebing the worst on the board for making like one or two shitpost threads about their oshi at a time.
I WISH pedocucks would at least control themselves that much.

>> No.43490018 [SPOILER] 
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never even heard of her, i just know that shes the biggest vtuber and guarantees (you)s

>> No.43490049

lol, it's probably 1 guy and he is seething because Gura is more popular and successful than his oshi. Success breeds jealousy

>> No.43490077

sure thing, nijisis. chumbuds are flooding the catalog with gura anti threads.

>> No.43490871


>> No.43490920

I see Aki, I click, simple as.

>> No.43491205

Sure thing pedocuck, I'm sure the dozens of daki threads made all at once and allowed by the jannies were all antis trying to make you faggots look bad. Also all the my cute wife threads which show up in bunches at the same time are actually antis. Quite the conspiracy theory you have there.
>But muh negative threads......
I'm sorry you can't just flood the board with smug shork threads without sometimes you get a little pushback for doing it.

>> No.43491289

I had a dream that Pikamee tweeted.
After 2 weeks of silence.
But then I wake up and in reality it is Gura who tweeted
Its hot fair bros

>> No.43491355

Blame holobrony retards that thing every single tweet from one of the girls needs 10 threads about it.
Here is the tactic. Keep the board flooded to drown out the competition. Even if threads are completely nonsensical like /become/ (its still about their talent), and then on top of for example Miko's and Suisei's general, you have /Pekomiko/ ship general that just takes up another slot on the board. There are many other examples like it. Just look at Aki, Mel and Choco general. It's nothing but image spam of the same 30 images over and over again.

>> No.43492762

Heh, what did she say in response to this?
