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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 37 KB, 598x371, file (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43482565 No.43482565 [Reply] [Original]

KFP, explain.

>> No.43482597

it's called orgy, Anon

>> No.43482630
File: 93 KB, 278x276, smuggy wawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing to explain

>> No.43482641

>Petra doesn't get a cute nickname
Lmao fuck that penguin whore.

>> No.43482649

NijiENs can't go 1 week without mentioning something related to cucking their audience.
>inb4 getting cucked by a girl is fine.

>> No.43482718

>hurr durr cuck
yuri is good and Hololive is full of it, what are you talking about nigger

>> No.43482863 [DELETED] 

Seems like Kiara is always either chasing cunny or hagussy. Is she an age gap fetishist?

>> No.43482982

They are faking it.

>> No.43483397

Luca was there too btw.

>> No.43483428
File: 400 KB, 469x492, 1605994608296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiwawa meets up with the leaders of the Niji cliques
>Daily EN scandals suddenly stop
The meeting that saved Nijisanji.

>> No.43483433

>NijiEN decline deflection thread
>Vshojo drama deflection thread
>Gura's daki deflection thread

>> No.43483509

Is vtubing just the lesbian variety hour? this shit just makes me not wanna watch, feel like it watching some lesbian version of sex and the city.

>> No.43483569

Normally I'd just post the original tweet, but this is a fun edit so I'll let it slide.

>> No.43483575

Seiso to use kiss but in translation, it was a fuckfest.

>> No.43483604

yuri is the worst part if vtubing, im so tired of it.

>> No.43483639
File: 27 KB, 532x370, 1654543402299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were watching NijiEN or even so much as knew about it from the catalog, you'd know its preferable than the state of the branch being in netorare hour for more than a year.
Plus it's more innocent than the one off collab with Millie and Enna where they just had nothing to do or talk about and just arbitrarily decided to lez out with full on boob talk to where Rosemi was in tears

>> No.43483670
File: 482 KB, 813x900, 1676691877091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and if there is any more drama I'll be back to rape you all again, understood?

>> No.43483685
File: 201 KB, 1080x806, Screenshot_20230220_120138_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a nice edit you got there OP

>> No.43483700

Anon, Kiara isn't that young herself. She's one of the oldest ENs.

>> No.43483726

skill issue

>> No.43483740

business yuri

>> No.43483798

seems pretty consistent for the lesbian chimkin

>> No.43483825

Why would she mention kissing her to begin with ?

>> No.43483827

I like how you try to pre-empt an argument with an inb4 because you have no other defense against it.

>> No.43483878

I already self insert into romcom manga, as long as the male vtuber plays the loser I can self insert as the male vtuber. Much better than watching the what is essentially gay entertainment.

>> No.43483950
File: 90 KB, 905x785, peko monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They flirt
>business yuri
>Long hugs
>business yuri
>business yuri
>go somewhere private and make out
>business yuri
>They have lesbian sex and both orgasm
>business yuri
>get married on stream
>business yuri
>adopt an orphan and buy a house together
>business yuri

>> No.43484059

Something like this has already happen
>kson says she likes women, does lgbt streams
>uhhh it's business yuri
Come on man

>> No.43484108

>Holobronie thinks the hologirls are untouched virgins

>> No.43484181

Like half of EN are old. I think Ina is the oldest now that Sana is dead, but IRyS is older than Kiara and Kiara is only a few weeks older than Mori and maybe Fauna

>> No.43484229

Kiara keeps playing gay chicken with Gura, because she finds it funny that Gira is bi but a kissless virgin

>> No.43484231
File: 1.24 MB, 1577x1378, 686832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything better then lesbo unity?

>> No.43484282

Fauna is almost a hag.

>> No.43484337

I don't remember the age order, but yeah Fauna is older. The only 3 I super remember is that Bae is the youngest, followed by Gura and then Mumei is a few weeks older than Gura and everyone else is at least a year or 2 older than mumei

>> No.43484385


>> No.43484402

Bait. Also more safer to say than orgy.

>> No.43484950
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>> No.43485026

>2 women is worse than 1 woman
sounds kinda gay not gonna lie

>> No.43485086

if someone says
>i did X
>(ok i did not do X)
they 100% did X

>> No.43485172

I don't have to pre-empt anything because what i was mentioning is extreme mental gymnastics based either on the delusion that girls can't be really attracted to girls or the delusion that it will end up in a harem for you.

>> No.43485231

>"i hate hololive and everything it represents, they're the antithesis of what vtubing and it's potential"
>"oh, a hololiver is giving me attention, better suck up to her like she's a celeb and I am grateful to have her attention"

>> No.43485285 [DELETED] 

Kiara is 4 years older than Mori. It's funny how people think they're the same age because Kiara looks young and Mori looks like a fucking walking trash bag.

>> No.43485584


>> No.43485597

I don't believe either of those things. It's simple: CGDCT doesn't get ruined if the one the cute girl is obsessed with and collab spamming is also a cute girl.

>> No.43485646

Based wawa

>> No.43485656

Oh look it is the "zero friends" duo

>> No.43485735

I will forever seethe at unicorns for bullying vtubers into not being this open about fooling around with their male coworkers. Millie and her friends just about had an orgy on stream, just imagine what happens when the cameras turn off and when they don't have to pretend to be lesbian anymore

>> No.43485771
File: 765 KB, 878x720, 1651071379870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can fix her

>> No.43485821

>I need to watch girls flirt with guys that are not me

>> No.43485838 [DELETED] 

there is no fucking way they are 4 years apart. Mori is 26 or 27 right now and Kiara isn't 30 yet.

>> No.43485844

They don't need friends when they have lovers. (me)

>> No.43485900


I hate kiara but i want to make love to asuka kiara. Stop making me like you orange woman.

>> No.43485940

Aethel why are you /here/?

>> No.43485988

It's hot. I need to hear Rosemi whimper while a man twice his size gropes her

>> No.43485992 [DELETED] 

Mori is 25, Kiara is 28. Alcohol fucked her up.

>> No.43486012 [DELETED] 

Mori was 25 a whole year ago. She is 26 now

>> No.43486187

Nyfco shutting down was a mistake

>> No.43486205

Kiara is a bull dyke, she catches other women in her orbit

>> No.43486208
File: 225 KB, 392x395, 90be5f2d6db714453b027d04427458e15e0af610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon can't cope with the fact that alcohol made her look 30 and it's only downhill from here

>> No.43486262

I don't like mori

>> No.43486419 [DELETED] 

Sana is 29 and Ina are 29. IRyS and Kiara are 27. Fauna and Mori are 26. Ame is ???, but probably about 26. Kronii is probably 25. Mumei and Gura are 24. Bae is 22 or 23

>> No.43487231 [DELETED] 

Fauna is 29-30

>> No.43487349

who are you quoting?

>> No.43487397

Based pussy eater.

>> No.43487447

Maybe they should become lesbians too.

>> No.43487538

Gura is bi. That is why Kiara keeps threatening to kiss her on stream

>> No.43488044

Kronii is in her 30s

>> No.43488713

Nina's and Rosemi's internal voice.

>> No.43488718 [DELETED] 

Her attempt at a joked based on the perception that a lot of vtuber's are lesbian or bi

>> No.43488749
File: 514 KB, 867x1300, image_2023-02-21_030027010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm, I was the lamp inside the room.

>> No.43489007

you make sick

>> No.43489837

>as long as the male vtuber plays the loser
Most male vtuber models look like chad thundercock and will make you relive that time in highschool where you liked a girl but chad was quicker and got to fuck your crush in front of you.

>> No.43490170

And she gets 4 more under her belt.

>> No.43490521

Based. Anime studios have learned by now, yuri don't pay the bills.

>> No.43491795

kiara fucks

>> No.43492248

Slutty hag need rape corrections

>> No.43492353

Real Faggot-tuber

>> No.43492769

It isn't fair, I want to kiss Nina too...

>> No.43492784

Yeah, me.

>> No.43494206
File: 73 KB, 630x630, 1646845961733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43494704

Honestly I hate treason, this kind of bullshit is nearly unforgivable.
Mingling with the enemy is one of the worst crimes anyone can do, it's disgusting and rotten.
But collabing with males and being an asshole to your own fanbase is worse.
So wawa gets a pass for this.
She has been very nice to her fans, she has streamed a lot, she doesn't collab with males.
If she wants to be in an orgy with Niji girls, I will allow it.

>> No.43495383

She became a dommie and thought how a pro relives stress.

>> No.43495452

Bait but she dosnt realize we already know that Kiara was sold to slavery in the idol industry since a young age

>> No.43496992

I commend to your bravery but you don't want to engage with the c/u/lt, anon. It's not worth it.

>> No.43497028

As someone who slept with a lesbian, you can always uncuck them with the dick.
You can't do that if they're will a guy.

>> No.43497226

>Nina, Petra & Rosemi
3 of the straightest girls in Nijien, Only Elira is Bi.

>> No.43499364

I mean, you can

>> No.43499744

I kneel to Takanashi Kiara, the queen of bed hopping

>> No.43499773

>Mingling with the enemy
what the fuck are you even going on about? If anything kiara's drastically reduced the number of collabs with mori and stopped pushing for collabing with her. Otherwise I have no clue what made up scenario you are getting mad about

>> No.43501563

That's a sentence I never though I would read in my life and yet here I akayyhjm.

>> No.43502449

Orange woman GOOD. I fucking KNEEL

>> No.43503165

That's cuck shit

>> No.43504368

If she likes Nijisanji so much why doesn't she just fuck off there? Everyone would be better off for it.

>> No.43505540

That depends on if you think Myth collapsing without her would be best for everyone

>> No.43505653

Orange woman WILL fuck your oshi, Nijitards. Seethe

>> No.43505931
File: 1.81 MB, 1238x1290, 283y75832j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You little shits! I know your fingers and lips were busy typing and speaking lies all month. Get on your knees and keep them busy inside me instead!

>> No.43506046


>> No.43507585

Nina is an actual sex pest that gets a pass because she's a woman, everything people have meme'd that miko is, nina actually is

>> No.43507711

Why are they both blind in that picture?

>> No.43509132

Based yuri hater

>> No.43509563

>>inb4 getting cucked by a girl is fine.

>> No.43509733

>Kiara is only a few weeks older than Mori
There is like a year between them

>> No.43509896

>irys is older than kiara
Is that true?? I've been writing off her absolute idiocy as zoomerism. If she's a millennial she's even lower IQ than I thought. Not to be mean but Irys has literally made my jaw drop with how little common sense / common knowledge she has.

>> No.43510009


>> No.43510041

Veibei isn’t in Nijisanji

>> No.43510078

They hated him for speaking the truth

>> No.43510299

Why is this such a big thing with en “fans”

>> No.43510505

Maritime African Americans from the deep south of eastern Asia.

>> No.43510803

There isn't. Retards like you think they have different birth years because Mori said her age before her birthday last year and Kiara said her age on her birthday last year. They were born in the same year
I literally do not understand how IRyS is so retarded when she has a doctor sister

>> No.43511690

i hate kiara so much. she can only stay relavent by mooching off of others

>> No.43511818

Fuck off, normie.

>> No.43512041

Nina attempted to sexually assault Luca during an off-collab. This isn't surprising.

>> No.43512124

Her sister got all the brains

>> No.43512142


>> No.43512187

>Most male vtuber models look like chad thundercock
No. No they don't. The only ones I can think of are Arunan (Ver 1.0), Belmond, Maimoto and that cross dressing green fag in nijijp. the majority look like your average isekai loser protag.

>> No.43512371

>nina says kiara was an absolute trooper for agreeing to meet the 4 of us
did she knowingly walk into a gangrape or something?

>> No.43512447

your feelings aside, there are vids of kiara lusting after women that well outdate hololive... see the beach video where she's asked "are you here to pick up guys?" and she responds "of course not, I'm here to pick up girls" and that was years before

>> No.43512468

I guess so, yeah, if "retard" means getting your info from a source rather than listening to the voices in your undiagnosed schizo head.

>> No.43514619

dumb newniggers

>> No.43514735

I've been watching vtubers for longer than you.

>> No.43514779

kek then maybe google "treason" you overreacting retard

>> No.43515164

Everyone knows what treason is.
I think what you are trying to say is "I don't think wawa hanging out with the enemy is treason." but you suck at communicating it.

>> No.43519672 [DELETED] 

She didn't want to be hit on but she's only dated women

>> No.43519849

>getting cucked by a hag
only in KFP

>> No.43519857

do third worlders think doctors are intelligent

>> No.43520036

this is an anachronistic level of based, you must return to your uncucked timeline immediately!

>> No.43522532

>Still seething at Orange woman

>> No.43522596

>still having to leech off others to stay relevant

>> No.43522792

>It is treason, because I am a delusional tribalfag

>> No.43522892

>Doubling down on their seething

>> No.43523044

>pathetic damage control in every thread even when it's not needed

>> No.43523131

t. seething roastie

>> No.43523176

>Mocking my delusional seething is just damage control

>> No.43523274

She's already getting pussies even outside hololive

>> No.43523279

How are there still Egg threads in the year of our Lord 2023? I thought they would've been cooked years ago

>> No.43523355

>me replying to each individual line of a shitpost is definitely not damage control
i can't

>> No.43523441

Achievement unlocked.
Kissed all Nijidicks.

>> No.43523488

So basically NijiEN Matsuri?

>> No.43523619

>I am just shitposting
>By saying what Kiaraschizos have said since 2020
Lol, who are you trying to fool Kiaraschizo?

>> No.43523809

wasn't even me but okay. I'm too lazy to write anything more than one-liners about kiara

>> No.43523989

>It was not me
Edited image as proof next thread?

>> No.43524201

do you still live with your parents?

>> No.43524225

>already planning to disregard proof
why would I bother with you?

>> No.43524860

>Why would I bother with you
I mean, you keep on replying, so I don't see why you wouldn't do it in this thread just to prove the "next thread" part wrong, oh wait you are a retard seething at orange woman so you cannot think that far ahead

>> No.43525163

yeah so I prove the next thread part wrong so you can go along with the edited part. too bad I can't think this far

>> No.43525183

>Defends Kiaraschizo
>I am not that that one
Does not matter since you are equally as retarded as that Kiaraschizo, kys

>> No.43525582

What are you going to do then... cry on Discord with your pathetic Kiaraschizo "buddies"?

>> No.43529407

Yes, I have a side I support over the other.
NijiEN is a cancer and it has proven that time and time again. Keeping it as far away as possible from HoloEN is by far the best course of action.
But I guess someone like you doesn't know what it feels to have something worth preserving.

>> No.43529447

> you have been bad girls and i will have to punish you

>> No.43532703

makes sense

>> No.43532825

Kiara has always wanted to be "first", to be on top of the vtubing world, etc etc whatever. This is just good networking, the kind of thing that breeds success in her eyes. Another feather in her cap.

t. Not a kfp, just looking at things objectively.

>> No.43533070

>Invited by Nina
>Kiara wanted to meet Petra too
>Elira and Rosemi were invited by Nina not Kiara
>During their conversation, Kiara couldn’t shut up about Pomu
Sounds like to me she has preferences (Pomu, Petra) and not trying to meet just anybody she can.
She also met with literally-who Utano Pandora that has everything to gain from Kiara and Kiara nothing to gain from her.
Maybe, just maybe, she’s just meeting up with the people she likes and wont to be friend with.

>> No.43533350

based, I too see all social interactions as transactions and project this worldview on everyone else

>> No.43533397

Actually, most public social interactions are transactions. You can thank capitalism for that

>> No.43533594


>> No.43533616

you picked a strange hobby

>> No.43533678

Every story I've read about orgies has made them sound disgusting

>> No.43536501

Eeeew Kiara is infected now.

>> No.43538031

>2 women who want nothing to do to you vs 1 woman who might
Yuri enablers are either cucks or """""""""transbians"""""""""".

>> No.43538171


yaoi is where it's at amirite

>> No.43541471

where does she keep meeting all these people?

>> No.43541504

its based when its a girl

>> No.43541648


>> No.43541715

Yuribaiting does, straight yuri doesn't. See LycoReco.

>> No.43541908

I can't recommend them.

>> No.43542426
File: 29 KB, 600x453, 1657422953078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok when Kiara does it.

>> No.43544751

KFP bros watch this! no, really, this probably would be kino stream

>> No.43544796

So is Kiara actually a lesbian?
This feels like grooming behavior lol.

>> No.43544801

imagine being this much of a faggot

>> No.43544895

Bisexual. And for some reason pointing this out scares off yurischizos.

>> No.43544975

Easy. Your Oshi got Anschluss
