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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43466605 No.43466605 [Reply] [Original]

Why are her, Fauna, Mumei and Bae the best En vtubers?

>> No.43466657

Because they don't collab with males, also fuck BAE.

>> No.43466661

>bro really tried to sneak Baelz in
she's homostars' whore

>> No.43466702

lmao Councilsharts are shameless

>> No.43466781


>> No.43466822 [DELETED] 

Why are you including shitrys?
She is a sub 5K streamer whose voice gets mogged by so many holos

>> No.43466836
File: 3.47 MB, 338x720, Pochi Slide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you only watch Hololive and have only like 3 other streamers to compare them to

>> No.43466839


>> No.43466846

Neck yourself brrat

>> No.43467030


>> No.43467057

Do brats really???

>> No.43467166

Mumei... the cringe amnesia and "scary mode" shit was a turn-off.

>> No.43467213

I always knew that catalogue shitting samefagging baeshizo was an irystocrat

>> No.43467288

Pls nijizang. You are trying too hard with this forced war

>> No.43467303

The entire /HiRyS/ split hates Bae, it's not exactly a secret

>> No.43467315
File: 113 KB, 1080x519, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, Bae is the worst council hire even worse than Sana

>> No.43467327

>Why are naruto, bleach and one piece the best manga?
That's basically what you sound like.

>> No.43467361

Cucklite detected roru

>> No.43467406

Yeah, it's totally not just raiders reading the IRyS thread when discussing about Bae. It's totally normal to have 90 ips when discussion about Bae whereas IRyS discussions have 60 ips
Totally normal btw

>> No.43467505

>everything is falseflaggers
Every time with this cope

>> No.43467560

Like I said, it's totally normal to have 90ips. Nothing weird about that.
And anyone starting a Holo V Holo is an obvious falseflagger here. This is a fact

>> No.43467706

I just find it hard to imagine why anyone would ever be a brratcuck.
Literally what does she deliver that others don't do better? I'll admit her karaokes are pretty good though, way better than SHARTrys, but somehow I doubt people oshi her just for that.

>> No.43467806

>singling out kroni and the reject as the two shitters
I'm not one for waifuwars, but I can support this message. I hated the reject (10 weeks of vacation when employed for less than 6 months kek) and Kroni always struck me as the exact type of girl I hated and avoided in school. She's just such a bitch and it's not like in a fun way.

Yeah, I know haha all the girls avoided me too.

>> No.43467840

Baeschizo shitting his dick after getting kicked off hlgg for the 70th time

>> No.43467864

Kronii is honestly Sana tier in terms of how little she cares. The real tragedy is how much fucking potential she has to be an S tier chuuba and she pissed it all away by being a lazy normalfag

>> No.43467926

Based. We should replace Kronii with Kaela.

>> No.43468127

She's okay.
meh. discount gura

>> No.43468131

>getting a turbo autist minecraft only streamer that can also be a bridge for more ID collabs since EN never collabs
>losing the least likeable girl in all of EN
I'm down. The silent laughing is fuckin weird, but she's cute.

>> No.43468134

>nijinigs larping as CounilRYS' fanbases
love to see it

>> No.43468183 [DELETED] 

>least likeable girl in all of EN
Do indogs really?

>> No.43468448

shut up I'm not indo I'm burger.
Honestly, though. Barring Sana for obvious reasons, who's worse than Kroni? Bae is an acquired taste for sure, but she doesn't actively shit on everything around like she's "too cool for school." Bae is consistently a positive force in all of her streams and collabs, but people don't like her because "lol so chaotic" and the ear-rape, which is fair.

Take every single collab Kroni's done with the tempus boys, for instance. Not once has she had a collab with them where she isn't bickering or trying to eviscerate Magni and Vepser. Even Calli's dumb ass knows how to give and take with Magni and fuck around for the crowd.

If Kroni isn't shitting on the other talents outright, her only other two tacts is to either sit there silently, or speak to them sarcastically.

Shit, what am I even saying. I completely forgot she's Canadian. That explains it all.

>> No.43471011

As a /HiRyS/ regular I can confirm there are exactly 4 regulars there that have been praying for BaeRyS to fade out since the very beginning of it all.
I wouldn't go as far as calling them schizos because outside of the shipping shit they do unironically look out for the best for IRyS unlike a good 75% of the entirety of IRyStocrats, which is unfortunate.
The actual Baeschizos do raid /HiRyS/ maybe one or two overlap with those regulars but mostof the time they are very obviously just dramaniggers who don't actually care about IRyS.
I myself think Bae is fine, she's professional, she knows not to push it on IRyS, and frankly I'm just happy that IRyS got a weeb kid in the same wave length that she can chit chat with besides fucking Mori.

>> No.43471593

>The boring green whore
>Homo cocksucker prime
Do EN cucks really? KEK

>> No.43471655
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Councilsharts don't have much to choose from LMAO

>> No.43472057

Please councilcucks, stop embarrasing yourselves.

>> No.43472175 [DELETED] 

You're right but every councilwhore is shit. That's why even other corpo vtubers make fun of them roru

>> No.43472653

>Not a single new IP in the last 4 posts
Councilschizo's mother got railed by 10 different men tonight so he's letting out his frustration here, powerless to stop her from getting demolished

>> No.43476923


>> No.43477001


>> No.43477101

All 4 members of CouncilRyS are the best

>> No.43478626
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Because Mumei is perfect

>> No.43478746 [DELETED] 

Perfect for Marcel's cock

>> No.43478842


>> No.43479213

>using Kaela to shitpost
Slit your throat, retards

>> No.43482576

But I'm serious. Kaela's numbers are better than some ENs at this point. Imagine if she went full EN. She'd be the 2nd Koyori.

>> No.43482720

Always been

>> No.43486104
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They aren't, not even close. They come no where near Gura.

>> No.43488578
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>nijiniggers making 10 bait threads trying to start a CouncilRyS fanbase war

>> No.43492276

Because you don't watch anyone else

>> No.43492340

Hard cold fact: Nobody will ever be the best ENvtuber as long as Gura is still active

>> No.43492468

That's only for Holocure and MC streams during dead hours with no EN streaming

>> No.43493975 [DELETED] 

No gives a fuck about Bae, this is getting pathetic. Top 3 (excluding Gura) are Ina, IRyS & Fauna. Mumei is fourth. Kronii, Mori, Ame and Bae are all trash tier.

>> No.43494031

No one gives a fuck about Bae, this is getting pathetic. Top 3 (excluding Gura) are Ina, IRyS & Fauna. Mumei is fourth. Kronii, Mori, Ame and Bae are all trash tier.

>> No.43494086

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.43494905
File: 473 KB, 671x624, nice opinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
