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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43453216 No.43453216 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if your oshi was harassed to tears on stream and then thousands of additional normies on Twitter descend upon the dogpile and make fun of her for crying?

>> No.43453396

Why would a Vshojo whore be my oshi?

>> No.43453400

Fuck Silvey.

>> No.43453468

Make twitter accounts and defend her. No, I'm not joking. I would be doing it for free, and to see the troons seethe

>> No.43453473

Twitter was a fucking mistake. Holy shit

>> No.43453509

I would call her a retard for not ignoring retards outside her chat.

>> No.43453568

You're doing this thought experiment wrong, idiot

>> No.43453574

A lot of these are actually funny lmao

>> No.43453600
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Oh, the lengths I would go

>> No.43453622
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I don't care about Silvervale, she shoudn't have streamed it if she couldn't take the bullshit though.

How the fuck is cyberbullying real.

>> No.43453715

I remember that. That was pretty based

>> No.43453953

holy overreacting. literally a handful of troons and their "allies". Scum of the earth.

>> No.43454032

Meanwhile the Phase connect fox with the voice like a nagging asian GF had no trouble.

>> No.43454146

NTA but the number of people involved in those tweets including the likes is very likely thousands

>> No.43454291

Who cares about likes on some whiny post? Thousands tune in to watch her every day and I guarantee not even half of one percent of them dropped her over this game.

>> No.43454512

>Thousands tune in to watch her every day and I guarantee not even half of one percent of them dropped her over this game.
Silvervale's community is like legitimately half trannies. I don't know what she was thinking but basically all the support she's getting is from rubbernecking gawkers while her own community is in shambles fighting with wach other. She's going to recline hard.

>> No.43454600

Unwanted attention is unwanted for a reason

>> No.43454639

The advantages of being in a small corpo, they pretty much dogpiled on silvervale to make an example out of it. I don't know if Vshojo as a company stepped in to make some kind of statement to try to calm the situation but this obviously got so much worse by trying to please these people, and Froot "siding" with them made the whole ordeal so much worse for her since it showed how divided the Vshojo girls are.

>> No.43454721

Man every time I hear something new about Froot it's something vile. I used to like her early on because of the drawstreams but I couldn't really watch her.

>> No.43454821

I'm a /k/ommando who knew all about the cheating shit so I always knew she was vile. But her donating to pedo groups with the full support of VShojo is clown shit to the highest order

>> No.43454921

Vtweeting trannies are not normies. Also kill yourself sunny predebut we all know it's you making all these threads.

>> No.43454919

your oshi is weak and should stop vtubing.

>> No.43455355

based af Suipiss

>> No.43455842

Qrd on /k/ommando?

>> No.43455885

>all this shit
isn't this what you faggots do here on /vt/

>> No.43455912

>collage of sub 100 liked posts from twitter trannies circle jerking
yes iam transphobic, enjoy good harry potter game

>> No.43455919

>/vt/ is one person

>> No.43455971

Most people stay in containment

>> No.43455985

i'd revaluate my life if I ever consider Silvervale my oshi and not a Vshojo trash.

>> No.43456003

why censor your twitter at the end?

>> No.43456038

Something something Pikamee.

>> No.43456162
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My oshi hardly use twitter so she wouldn't even know that woketards said soemthing about her

>> No.43456532

I remembered that too, pretty based ngl

>> No.43456541

This was such an incredible move
Imagine the rush those dudes felt and the zeal they went to the task

>> No.43456571
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if i ever admitted to taking pills to believe im the opposite gender, i'd just fucking neck myself lmao

>> No.43456714

/vt/ is 1000 of you faggots repeating the same fucking answer

>> No.43457168
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If Marine Houshou has a million fans, I am one of them. If Marine Houshou has ten fans, I am one of them. If Marine Houshou has only one fan, that is me. If Marine Houshou has no fans, I no longer exist. If the whole world is against Marine Houshou, I am against the whole world. I will love Marine Houshou until my very last breath.

>> No.43457243

But i ate breakfast yesterday morning.

>> No.43457272

She did ignore them. Until her fucking colleague decided backstab her and fucking side with the antis. Pouring oil on the fire. That's when the situation spiraled out of control and she couldn't fucking ignore them any longer.

>> No.43457545

This looks good. Viruses that have high mortality rate are the least successful, let these extremists kill each other. Serves as warning to sane people not to associate themselves with those loonies.

>> No.43457630

Yes, but anonymously because they're all cowards.

>> No.43459220

What the hell

>> No.43459331

My oshi would block and ignore these irrelevant deranged trannies.

>> No.43460704
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>> No.43460812

Just another proof that trannies should be tossed off the tops of buildings when the revolution comes.
Literal subhumans.

>> No.43460834

Why is she so popular with lgbt anyways? You'd figure her being straight and constantly coombaiting to straight men would filter most of them

>> No.43460866

It's from a different compilation and tacked on

>> No.43460903


>> No.43460925

I would bomb a pride parade for her.
I’m actually a police officer, I would fine trannies with the worst fine and the smallest argument from it will be met with more fines. I don’t care if the tranny never played a part in it, I don’t care if the tranny is a good person, I don’t care if the tranny just wanted to live a normal life and be left alone. I don’t care. Only the pain I feel for my oshi matters. In minecraft.

>> No.43461785

The normies are turning on her

>> No.43463154

You have my muscles

>> No.43463731

you're literally a retard on 4chan the only reason you're not getting dropped off a building is because you don't go outside and you're too heavy to lift over the edge.

>> No.43464456

Silvervale wanted to appeal to these types of people.
She gets my condolences, but not my respect.

>> No.43464495

>coombaiting to men
not all porn addicts are trannies but all trannies are porn addicts.
