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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43450769 No.43450769 [Reply] [Original]

where the FUCK is pomu?

>> No.43450814

Based Unitychimkin

>> No.43450874

she also met Axel of tempus, by the way

>> No.43450910


>> No.43450928


>> No.43450956

You mean
>Suck Axel cock

>> No.43450958

>meet kiwawa party


>> No.43450962

I know none of those names, are they from some other corpo?

>> No.43451058

>Suck Axel cock
It's zeta

>> No.43451070

>the girls who aren't part of the cancerous Luxiem/Etheria clique minus pomu met up with Kiara
Jumping ship soon?

>> No.43451077

I bet she met the Aussie himbos too.

>> No.43451138

niji management messed up pomu's visa paperwork so she wasn't able to go

>> No.43451171

It came to me in a vision. Trust me.

>> No.43451176

Watch her last stream. You didn't think with them all working in the same company and being in the same country they wouldn't meet at least once?

>> No.43451218

I’ll never understand the common unityfag, other than understanding many are insufferable shipfags.

>> No.43451252

Tribalfaggots, we lost...

>> No.43451275

Oh, it's just your schizophrenia then, good to know.

>> No.43451287

That’s not proof, though. That’s supposition.

>> No.43451289

>No cute nicknames for Nina and Petra


>> No.43451309

EN3 confirmed?

>> No.43451315

>Watch her last stream.
Did you really said that, hoping that people here would actually believe you?

>> No.43451320


>> No.43451427

Niwa and petwa

>> No.43451464

kiara now has a large harem of nijisanji and vshojo girls now
absolutely based

>> No.43451468


>> No.43451494

Exactly, its so easy to do it following the same naming convention, yet she didnt...

>> No.43451529

>a meet-kiwawa girls party
Makes it sound like the four of them specifically wanted to meet up with Kiara

>> No.43451579

We're finally trading orange women to Anykara?

>> No.43451612

So she met Luca too, right?

>> No.43451651
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>> No.43451812
File: 565 KB, 1527x2160, __zaion_lanza_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_savi_byakushimc__cd5466f5263b47617a85203e467c96b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara topping Petra
o i would watch

>> No.43451971

Did she fuck Rosemi though

>> No.43452054

Get some help

>> No.43452122

>Kiara has now raped more vtubers than Vesper

>> No.43452168
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First she fucked Petra, now she's fucking Anya


>> No.43452193

They probably did meet but this right here is just schizophrenia.

>> No.43452302

Vesper is gay anon

>> No.43452668

Kiara probably met Luca too then.

>> No.43452681

Yes, this came to me in a vision too.

>> No.43453342

>Meanwhile Petra and Anya will never be in the same room together, breathing the same air

>> No.43453883

And she said multiple times on her streams that she's an Introvert. Fcking liar.

>> No.43453958

Kiara meeting with any male vtubers offstream is a sort of Russell's teapot scenario. It's in the realm of possibility but there's no evidence for it and there will probably never be any evidence for it by her choice.
Personally I find the implication that Kiara had the NijiEN girls kick out the guys just so she could meet them to be odd so I wouldn't doubt it if it's more a lie by omission.

>> No.43454025

>It's true
Yeah, she browses this board

>> No.43454061

Wait, are all the Niji girls in Indonesia for some reason? Or did Kiara just fly to Canada
Either way this is weird and I don't like this timeline.

>> No.43454102

Nina I could understand, Petra is cute you can't hate her

>> No.43454104

>Watch her last stream.
>if I say this people will actually believe any claim I pull out of my ass
>what do you mean her last stream was a collab with ID girls?

>> No.43454114

They were all in Japan

>> No.43454116

"So when are your contracts with Niji ending?"

>> No.43454122

Trust me bro

>> No.43454128

Japan, retard

>> No.43454174
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>> No.43454173

>not part of the clique

>> No.43454239

Hello fellas I came to voice my disdain for fat whore Nina Kosaka in this thread.
Hopefully she had fun sucking Tempus cock.

>> No.43454441

>It's true
Wait what is this even responding to, were people asking her about it?

>> No.43455139

You have clearly never seen how cliques work. Yes it is entirely possible that despite being close friends with enna and millie elira herself isn't part of the '3thyria' clique.
Alternatively for elira to be part of the clique she at this point has to be actual mastermind material to have cunningly known where every possible yab would be and to dodge them all flawlessly which is an absurd scenario.

>> No.43455277 [DELETED] 

>nijiniggers immediately bringing up their males

This is why I don't want unity because you faggots will force them to be front in center.

>> No.43455473

The first male mentioned was a Holo

>> No.43456023

You're all coping. She DID meet with the males.
If she says otherwise she's lying, they were all there together. She's not gonna ask the nijigirls to send the nijiboys away, that's fucking absurd.



>> No.43456121

All of a sudden her interactions with Gura and HoloID mean nothing to me.

>> No.43456186

>They met together once, so they have to stay glued together forever, until they leave
You realize this is not sound logic, right ?

>> No.43456194

Rosemi and Luca had a date the just yesterday. I bet she also met with Luca, there is no way that sex pest didnt fucking latch on.

>> No.43456244

Yesterday she was in Indonesia, anon, she met them earlier

>> No.43456264

Yeah dude, sure, you totally just go on a trip together to meet a group of co-workers and then all split up and go your separate ways afterwards...

>> No.43456286

dang i mustve had sex with all 4000 people working at the same company as me in my country. good to know im not a virgin

>> No.43456299

Clever KFP chimkin trying to get more people to view Kiaras streams

>> No.43456345

>he doesn't know about the hanamori clique

>> No.43456383

That's... litteraly what Myth and Council did, yeah ? Not everyone want to do the same stuff.

>> No.43456525

Why are you so obsessed with being a beggar?

Try again.

>> No.43456576
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you new? thats how shit works around here

>> No.43456620

Kiara has more fans than all of them put together, she can make them do whatever she wants

>> No.43457597

The lowest rung in one company is the lowest rung in all companies. She was their errand bitch.

>> No.43458266

lmao that's a weird cope homobeggar

>> No.43458378

>meet Kiara party
MEMEME strikes again

>> No.43458932

Yeah I don't really buy that the boys suddenly disappeared. It's probably just a little hush hush thing so that her fans don't freak out.

>> No.43459036

unity chads won

>> No.43459084

Kiara had to agree to meet up with them. She doesn't know or care about them and there's no way any of them would bring uninvited guest over, I know Nijis have a tendency to backstab their own after the Kyo thing but they wouldn't dare fuck something up as simple as not bringing unknown guest. They all can't be that scummy, I hope.

>> No.43459365

>they wouldn't dare fuck something up as simple as not bringing unknown guest
surely that wont make that mistake again for like the 5th time

>> No.43459712

>meeting nijishitters
Yeah Kiara should have been fired long ago.

>> No.43459874

It's pretty easy to believe if you actually listen to the Nijisanji people that were there talking about it. They didn't spend the whole time as one big group. There were times when some of the girls did stuff together, some of the boys did stuff together, mixed groups did stuff together, and the whole lot of them did stuff together. Reimu who is the person in this clip didn't even go and she is one of the girls, Kotoka and Meloco who were at some things didn't go and they are girls. Not everybody went to everything. A couple of the boys for example met with guys they collab with outside the company like Minase from Neoporte. And I think Ike met with Shin from Noripro while none of the others did because they have collabed etc.

>> No.43462799


>> No.43463335

>Watch her last stream
Indonesia off-collab with Moona, Ollie and Kobo?
Myth off-collab at Mori's place?
2 hour HoloCure to shill Valentine's merch after looking at Holobags the day before?
Which "last stream" are you referring to and how do you think it shows she has any interest in meeting the stars?

>> No.43463376

Yes, even Rosemi called it a "girl's night out to meet Kiwawa".
They specifically wanted to meet her at that dinner.

>> No.43463577

anon you know for a fact that only a fraction of Kiara's 1m+ subs are actually fans of hers

>> No.43464100 [DELETED] 


>> No.43464197

i hope they had sex

>> No.43464332
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, 1654396777202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope to the highest degree

>> No.43464430

She implied it. Might as well have said it out loud.

>> No.43465392

Pomu should take a trip to Austria one of those days...

>> No.43465548

wait, Petra? Isn't she in Japan for grad school? I'm confused about where they all met up, huh.

>> No.43465815

In Japan.

>> No.43466092

Give me a timestamp to her implying it

>> No.43466241

the niji girls spend 24/7 dangling from luxiem's cocks, so yeah.

>> No.43467225

I don't think that's a good idea...

>> No.43468303

They were not here all together because for one Reimu was already back home.
The list of people at that dinner was explicitly said multiple times and is 100% consistent with all people who talked about it and they even called it a girls night. There is literally nothing that would even vaguely imply that nijimales would be present.
It was Rosemi, Petra, Nina, Elira, Kiara and no one else.
