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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43383701 No.43383701 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone falling out of love for idol and unity shit?

Nothing makes me excited anymore. 3D showcases lost their charm. Chuuba orisongs are garbage. Off-collabs are boring mumblefests. Forced cliques are cringe.

Game autists are all I watch now.
Give me more Kaelas. Give me more Koyoris. Give me more Ninas. Give me more Torus. Give me more Onolumis.

I just want to see the light again...

>> No.43383872

>Anyone falling out of love for idol and unity shit?

>> No.43384024

the issue is none of them stream so it sucks when they waste all their time ignoring their fans

>> No.43384667

>losing love for idol shit?
Never. Love for idol shit has been part of my life for long enough that it will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Even as I interface with the hobby less and less, it will always be special to me and I can always get back into it. Lack of streams feels bad but luckily for me, I've been watching chuuba streams a lot less so I don't feel the lack.

>> No.43384756

its called growing up

>> No.43384827


>> No.43385007
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Nah just you

>> No.43385377

I'm suffering from sunken cost fallacy after spending $1400 on Hololive figures

>> No.43385384

I don't like unity, especially in the competitive enviromnent

>> No.43386391
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>Falling out of love for idol and unity
Couldn't be me

>> No.43386398

>Anyone falling out of love for idol and unity shit?
I was never into to that, so no.

>> No.43386463

I dunno about "autist," but I'd add Korone to that list lol
I watch Miko for laughs and a good time & it's amazing how she's always doing something clip-worthy. Never gets old.
But maybe you just need to take a break from chuubas and this board & reinvigorate yourself with a different hobby.

>> No.43386760

Somehow I also watch more Idol & PC than Holo these days.

>> No.43386849

Watch Tempus already, your brotuber is waiting. Endless kino awaits if you just watch male vtubers you dumb incel.

>> No.43386899

Because idolfags were right. You guys were never into idols or any of that stuff, you barely knew it existed and used it as a cover for your GFE obsessed antics.

>> No.43386948

take the JP pill shart

>> No.43387163

I like them even more but then they do yurishit and I dislike them again. I wish we had a non yuri idol chuuba.

>> No.43387309

Good. There are better ways to spend your time than watching this cringe stuff. People who are obsessed with this are mostly immature, insecure virgins. You falling out of love is just a sign that you're growing up for the better.

>> No.43387732

Take the NijiEN pill anon, their chemistry is off the charts, inb4 they fights, fighting is natural, awkward robot introverts with fake friendships are not natural

>> No.43388076

>Take the shit pill
Worst suggestion ITT

>> No.43388103


>> No.43388316

Happened to me after my oshi changed and stopped caring for the others too

>> No.43388314

I tried anon...
the people i occasionally watch in EN are ike, sonny, nina, and elira. i find the rest insufferable

the ones i consistently watch in 2434 are JPs like rena and toru since i understand nip.

>> No.43388407

Doubt it

>> No.43388590

i think i watch too many chuubas, anon
which is probably a big part of the burn out...

>> No.43388832


>> No.43389228

don't you get tired of making the same thread every day?

>> No.43389943

you need help

>> No.43390167

they're just streamers, lol

>> No.43390234

I get it. We need EN3 to switch things up.

>> No.43390260
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you're not even trying nyfcosister

>> No.43390300


>> No.43390476

>Anyone falling out of love for idol shit
Never was really into it. I tried getting into it at some point but I realized it has zero entertainment value for me.
Give me funny autists who are into video games and weeb shit. .

>> No.43390722

Leave idolshit to real idols is my take. Holo's idol gimmick was more fun in the pre-EN days where it was less of a priority.

>> No.43390770


>> No.43390788

Maybe you should have supported someone who actually streams instead of someone who ghosts you constantly then has more and more excuses to NOT stream.

>> No.43394819


>> No.43394922

Tempus is not idol shit though, its all kino funny streams, being pure maidens is not their content.

>> No.43395038

Idolshit is entirely based on delusions

>> No.43395195

For idol? Yeah a little.

For unity? No, it's one of the few things keeping me going. It's one of the few real things we can count on.

>> No.43395290

the trident race they did yesterday was fucking kino

>> No.43395359

imagine a Holo Vs Niji Sportsfes
on one end it'll end with the power of friendship
on the other end it might become an all out war

>> No.43395397
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No way ENshart

>> No.43395694

Yeah that would be absolutely wild

>> No.43395849

It's not about the idol shit, it's about idol culture, unironically. Keeps the girls active and disciplined, filters out normalfags, and goes hand in hand with cgdct, so there are no males on stage monopolizing the female performers. Idol culture applied to all sorts of performances is what keeps hololive on top.

>> No.43395980

I'm getting tired of you faggots thinking your dumb ass pathetic feelings is a barometer for anything or something that anyone should care about.
You are not important. Kill yourself.

>> No.43396205

Have you heard about this thing called "hiding threads", nigger?

>> No.43396229

I was smiling like a dumbfuck watching Ina's stream and then I hopped on here and remembered I'm supposed to be bitching about everything.

>> No.43396767

If you're not into idols then don't watch idol groups. I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.43396787

never cared about idol and def not unity shit. if you wanna keep being parasocial never look up your favorites irl, kills the whole thing outright (at least did for me).

all the consistently entertaining streamers are jap and I gave up on learning that. also not sure if maybe they are only as entertaining because what gets translated are only the somewhat entertaining parts, whereas the most boring shit gets filtered out before translation.

watching streams for the gameplay is hard because most of them suck too hard and with the constant switching of games rarely get good before quitting. worse though many of them aren't good storytellers. or comedians. honestly for a significant % of these girls im not sure how exactly they manage to entertain people

>> No.43397046

I never like unityshit and unityfags, I still love my (idol)oshi, she can stream eating her breakfast or taking a nap and I gonna enjoy that stream (like the rest of her streams, bc hearing her voice makes me feel alive) and for last you are a faggot

>> No.43397332

Gura is my oshi so have no problems. I did check out others during her break, but just confirmed why she is my oshi. Kaela is good listening while in the background. Her talking about her father always working and still does, and how she was doing two full time jobs with Holo, just shows that she is built differently, influenced by her family.

I've fallen out of anime recently. I'll do it with vtubers too someday. Probably be when Gura retires. I don't expect idol vtubers to stay on the grind for many years. They'll want the own life.

>> No.43397877

It was fun at first, but it got stale after everyone decided they wanted to be idols too.
For me, the journey is a big part of the idol appeal, but there's only a story if they start from nothing. Nobody since gen 4 has had to work for their success, and then you have some older members who didn't care about being idols but hopped on the gravy train after it was proven that idolshit was the way to go.
Idolshit got a lot more appealing after I moved on from Hololive and started watching smaller corpos.

>> No.43398499

Mostly I just hate holobronies

>> No.43398714

Like mlp pony vtubers or something? What's a holobrony?

>> No.43398853

You got a clip or timestamp for that? Im curious

>> No.43399123

Viewers that only watch Hololive and can't conceive of watching anything else no matter how displeased they are

>> No.43399218

I know. Just because you get disappointed once, doesn't mean it's always like that. Give others another chance.

>> No.43399379

4chan ain't your personal blog fuckboi

>> No.43401358

sounds like a faggot issue

>> No.43402083

>Anyone falling out of love for idol and unity shit?
not at all

>> No.43402213

Never really been that stuff in first place

>> No.43402297

Thanks anon, I will try that. Anyone stand out outside of Vesper?

>> No.43402334

>the journey is a big part of the idol appeal, but there's only a story if they start from nothing.
This this this
Seeing Myth, Council, and then HoloX just get loaded with subs and cash on debut really killed that idea of the idol's journey in Hololive for me and I stopped watching them much back in 2021. At least it was fun keeping up with gen 5 and how they recovered from Aloe's graduation and all the other shit they dealt with in their first few months.

>> No.43402341

I’ve been watching tempus recently and laughing more than I ever have watching chuubas. I don't think any of them are proper game autists though only thing that's really missing
