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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43375790 No.43375790 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck did I just missed?… what the fuck is this? QRD?

>> No.43376429

How long were you away ?

>> No.43376760

The QRD is you are a subhuman dramachimp who can’t even do the easiest of archive reps

>> No.43377024
File: 840 KB, 1280x720, who cares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>group of vtubers that were formed primarily from former and/or active 4chan users said mean things in the past
>currently getting cancelled for it

Or in other words,
>pic related

>> No.43377029
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>> No.43377470

>silvertranny bans trannies
That was Twitch's automod feature. It will suppress people for saying the word trans.

>> No.43377630

Silvervale played wizard game and got harassed by troons.
Froot decided to virtue signal by donating to a "charity" for "gender-diverse children" run by pedophiles.

>> No.43378615 [DELETED] 

Twitter trannies are seething because silvervale streamed le wizard game, going as far as harassing her and the people in her chat, in the meantime froot popped up to virtue-signal by claiming she'll be donating to a charity known for pedophilia scandals. Nothing is really gonna happen, give it one or two weeks and they'll all be back to doing their usual stuff and trannies will continue not being women.

>> No.43378723

She also promised to donate a dollar for every like on her tweet. She's on the hook for 54k now. Every like is like a $-1 donation.

>> No.43382347

You get your QRD by cliking on the ad, anon

>> No.43382727

Silver needs to leave.

>> No.43384428

So do you. From life. Time to finally make your parents happy and occupy that grave you were supposed to be in already when you were born.

>> No.43384528

Man that was cringe, but your right

>> No.43384718

dramafags on the other side of the wizard game tranny meltdown are having their own meltdown because that's how it works these days.

>> No.43385692

Don't forget the backstabbing snide "everyone makes mistakes"comment from Froot too. What a rotten miserable bitch. Silvervale should just go indie

>> No.43385785

Where did this hostility come from anon, what the fuck?

>> No.43385897
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>> No.43385987

I don't wann hear that from you specially!

>> No.43386009

He's probably a tranny, likely a Froot supporter.
They've proven lately just how much of a propensity for aggression and violence they have.

>> No.43386034

Where did it come from? It's pretty reasonable to be done with and want to be rid of Silver's antis at this point. Anyone would be tired of them by now.

>> No.43386357

Yes, but it's froot and she's done so much shit, makes nyanners look like a saint in comparison.
It's making noise because some people are hearing about it for the first time.

>> No.43386695

Hell ANY word spammed enough will get automodded. So if you spammed Potato enough it'd get automodded.

>> No.43390394

Shut the fuck up, you fucking loser. Trannies like you need to be bullied to the point in where you need to fucking die. She needs to leave as a whole from this toxic relationship (mainly vshojo), why the fuck would she be dealing with your fake vagina that doesn’t reproduce eggs. Go talk to your dad… actually never mind! You don’t have a dad! Since he left your sorry excuse of a human waste! You fucking groomer! YWNBAW!

>> No.43390848

That's right. She's too good for Vshitshow
Mel and Ironrrat as well

>> No.43391268

You forgot Kson and Nazuna as well. They don’t belong in there with these whores. And fuck Ironmouse… she throw Silver under the bus as well.

>> No.43391405
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It appears we're having a misunderstanding. I assumed people were hating on Silver and just wanted her gone in general. I didn't realise they wanted her to leave Vshojo for her own betterment. I actually like her and I consider myself on her side. Also, I still have a penis and I'm very happy with it.

>> No.43391561

Well, I am glad we are in the same page. When I said she should leave, she needs to leave… why stay with people that can backstab you at any given moment?

>> No.43392999

Just report the tweet

>> No.43394288

Pay up, Froot.

>> No.43395149
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>company made up of porn stars, hypocrites, woketards, attention whores, troons, and literal low IQ retards.
>expecting them to actually support each other and not back stab each other in the back
>not expecting all out civilwar
this was inevitable

>> No.43396164 [DELETED] 

dude, no way in fuck he is a troon. his insult smell like its coming from some random SEA shitter, nobody get atached to their parent more than seafagchama.

>> No.43396340 [DELETED] 

If I could increase it to 42% id do. Trannies need to die faster. The faster they're gone the better for all of us.

>> No.43396546

Vshojo needs to leave

>> No.43396640

Vshojo is in the process of imploding OP. The reason is really stupid.

>> No.43396659 [DELETED] 

A year ago I thought the zhangs were bad but holy flying fucking shit burgers are even worse.

>> No.43396689
File: 29 KB, 259x271, doitFroot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froot needs to leave this mortal coil

>> No.43396736
File: 18 KB, 577x122, Froot💀VSHOJO (@LichVtuber) _ Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43396795

>literal low IQ retards
you're /in/

>> No.43397170 [DELETED] 

She know what those mermaid trans group does to kids, and she actively support them if this thing didn't blow up, what a POS

>> No.43397427

I feel bad for the Canuckistani Autist, though

>> No.43397920

isn't froot a britbong?

>> No.43398210

Majority of these tranny are actually burgers.

>> No.43398351 [DELETED] 

Probably because you understand the burgers and their agenda. Imagine what you would think of the zhangs if it were the same.

>> No.43398773

But I understand both agenda.
Compared to the others, I meant Taiwan shit or even the Rushia shit, one was a geopolitical issue and the other parasocial fags outcry over a woman being in a relationship, this one just comes off as being so fucking petty.
>Le cancel and harass you because you play teh bad wizard game xD UwU I'm a woman and I'm the good guy btw.
Fucking disgusting. Makes me unironically hate both tranny and burgers.

>> No.43402003


>> No.43404873


>> No.43405125

Close, but,
>Froot shows up in her chat and stabs her in the back one more time by saying "everyone makes mistake"
That wasn't in Silver's chat. She had a micless art stream and responded to someone in her own chat about Silvervale. She was not in Silvervale's stream.

>> No.43408019

>What the fuck did I just missed?
nothing of importance

>> No.43408661

Reminder that it's a nonce charity with a shady track record. One board member left when it was revealed they were involved in pedo groups and the rabbit hole goes darker and deeper still.

>> No.43409334

When he said Silver needs to leave, he means for her sake. As in VShojo is doing her no favors and she's better off without them.

>> No.43409383

oh this was cleared up already
nevermind my slow ass sorry

>> No.43409482

Still fucked up that she referred to playing the game as a mistake on Silver's part. Backstabbing old cunts.

>> No.43409550

Oh, no, it's absolutely fucked up. It's just important to get the details right if you're gonna be saying this kinda shit. Don't give people any ammo to work with in rebuttals. Make them have to stretch.

>> No.43410025

what's amazing is that it took this long for something like this to happen

>> No.43410634

Yes. From what I remember she was a norf bong
