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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43345477 No.43345477 [Reply] [Original]

>stops making ASMR
>last ASMR video she made it didn't include ear eating or kissing
>removed all the other ear eating/kissing ASMR videos from her Twitter profile

You Shondocucks ready to admit something?

>> No.43345542

dunno who that is

>> No.43345594

I think she removed all the lewd ASMR stuff from her Twitch because she's about to redebut so I'm guessing she's completely going the variety vtuber route

>> No.43345898

She's a woman?

>> No.43346021

Can't wait for her to star dissing loli content all together.

>> No.43346124

What is it about her and always getting the most shitty human beings for mods?

>> No.43346297 [DELETED] 

it was the 6'6 viking wasn't it?

>> No.43346398


>> No.43346826

>1st gen mods
Literally groomed her and she actually traveled from Bongland to Florida to meet and fuck one of them

>2nd gen mods
Would constantly spam her chat and she would ignore the rest of chat. They were also shitty at moderating and keeping the schizos away

>3rd Gen mods
Opposite of 2nd gen mods and are absolutely no fun allowed. Convinced Shondo to get rid of the general and memes chat from her discord and users are quickly booted from streams for small things. Obviously they're also creepy Groomer's

If you haven't noticed a pattern yet all her mods are Groomer's who hate her fan base

>> No.43346921

She, and all her fans, deserve all of this.

>> No.43346945

Her current mods are the worst. They'll delete content from her Discord and reupload themselves to get Shondo's attention. It's disgusting and pathetic.

>> No.43346991

she's getting ready to go on hiatus and debut as part of hololive EN's 3rd generation.

>> No.43347000

You can solve this problem by not participating in, or looking at, public d*scord and livestream chats for most vtubers, especially if you are over 25+ years old, this should be mandatory.

>> No.43347004

It's like she hired the most mentally stunted perverted schizos from her fan base to become mods. Good for her I guess

>> No.43347134 [DELETED] 

Former "mod" here.

she's dating one of her mods again

I'll leave you take a guess who it is.

>> No.43347288

Who TF even is she? An indie or corpo chubba? One is worse then other

>> No.43347387

So... does anyone have archives of her stuff?

>> No.43347660

>Looks at things people are saying
Nah she ain't making it

>> No.43347719


>> No.43347781

It's me.

>> No.43347842

>retards make the streams worse
>”j-just don’t look at it”
I want to take a brick to your skull, you fucking neanderthal.

>> No.43347856

won't stop me from drawing hentai of her

>> No.43347898

Then stop watching shitty streams where the streamer interacts with garbage or allows garbage to influence them, really easy. You seem to have some self reflection to do.

>> No.43347931

>Convinced Shondo to get rid of the general and memes chat from her discord and users are quickly booted from streams for small things
And this is bad because? Are you one of those retards who hanged out on those shitholes?

>> No.43347991

>reee let me say retarded shit in chat i am based

>> No.43348055

Didn't know it was that easy to groom her lets fucking go

>> No.43348112

well she never finished middle school and is br*tish. so shes very stupid and groomable

>> No.43348128 [DELETED] 


>> No.43348141

Why are you arguing with a random guy on 4chan? Just stop using the website.

>> No.43348174

you're not the boss of me now and you're not so big

>> No.43348185

I might actually watch her now, knowing that I won't share a fanbase with you guys. Surprisingly great news!

>> No.43348249

Sup 2gay

>> No.43348265 [DELETED] 



>> No.43348268

Actually, she only likes big (at least 6'6) boys. No chance in hell, my nigga.

>> No.43348308

BABY BABY BABY BABY BABY *Shondo heatpat emoji with pacifier*

>> No.43348391

She only dates tall lanklets

>> No.43348625

The fact that she still pushes, and was pushing in the past, the idea that she still a virgin and hates sex will never be not funny to me.

>> No.43348691

That's weird

>> No.43348725

Deemed not profitable, going "hecking uohrino am I right my fellow anime otaku?" every 20 minutes is the new wave

>> No.43348756

>believing the antis schizos that she's dating mods

She's a shut in neet with real mental health issues. She's talked about it before how she's gotten dick pics sent to her before and not knowing exactly what it was at first

>> No.43348894

There's no reason to drop the virgin narrative when dumbasses like >>43348756 exist

>> No.43348901

Being a shut in neet makes it 600 times more likely for her to fuck a discord mods, or at least e-date one. Well adjusted normalfags don't do that shit they just fuck people they meet irl.

>> No.43348932

LMAO imagine being this retarded and actually believing her

>> No.43349083 [DELETED] 

I did my reps, infact I the one who compiled infamous monkey_on_the_celling.png. I am 99% sure she is lying and just like her mom she is whore.

>> No.43349087

What a sad life you must have to have a warped perspective. This website has really poisoned you.

>> No.43349090

She said multiple times that :
- one of her micro is busted and want to wait until she can buy a new one for proper ASMR
- Even if she wanted to, she only has so much time each day when she could record
Didn't knew she did remove anything from her twitter account though
Hope she doesn't. The next step would be to try to rewrite her past like Nyaners and I don't like that idea.
At least I've already DL all the ASMR I wanted from her.
Her mods are like her in a sense...

>> No.43349151 [DELETED] 

You must be 6’7 to date Shondo. She’s totally asexual though so no sex wink wink.

>> No.43349222

So you're that antis who's been making these threads? Do you have any idea how little she cares about this even if you can't contain yourself and have to go to her streams and say stuff like "YOU'RE BEING TROLLED ON 4CHINZZZ LMAO"

You're only making yourself look bad.

>> No.43349471

This is just a basic observation. Normalfags don't fly out to fuck other people outside of rare and specific cases. Only terminally online people will go into discord looking for a girl who pretends to be a loli for people on twitch to fuck

>> No.43349573

You are making a lot of assumptions. I only did it because her threads were surrounded with contradicting information, so I spent a day at my work doing the research.
I posted this picture once, and it spread on its own.

>> No.43349617

I wonder if he got to deflower her

>> No.43349677

>They'll delete content from her Discord and reupload themselves to get Shondo's attention.
Seriously? I would insta drop a chubba if that happened and they didnt care

>> No.43349706


>> No.43349723

it has to be a schizo rrat and you fell for it

>> No.43349754

lol of course
only the her cuckfanbase believe her when she said "nothing happened"

>> No.43349962

If a vtuber tells you she's a virgin she is definitely lying and trying to get your money

>> No.43350201

Twitch demands submission. It's no coincidence she took a break and came back neutered after the WW2 yab

>> No.43350522

the what now?

>> No.43350605

Anon tried to make a joke, but it doesn't make any logical sense.

>> No.43350674

the mod bf yab

>> No.43351089

Can anon spoonfeed me?

>> No.43351185

>Anon cant scroll up

>> No.43351220

>"hehe I'm a virgin you guys!"
>old tweets reveal she has a 6'6 viking bf and that she traveled out of the country to stay at his place
>"nyo nyo nothing happen it was nothing serious!"

>> No.43351319


>> No.43351355

Thanks kind anon
Wish for you to find your 6'6 viking bf

>> No.43351432

yeah i was a member to her for a while but i dropped her a few months ago. she's becoming too boring for my liking and she's cultivating this weird cult fanbase that i don't enjoy being a part of.
if she's not going to do asmr, there's no point in watching her anymore.

>> No.43351614 [DELETED] 

Ellie was cultivating a cult from the moment she started doing asmr as 15 y.o. girl.

>> No.43351779

I listened to her ASMR until her meltdown about her friend going corpo. Good thing I jumped ship if she's joining the ASMR to variety streamer pipeline.

>> No.43351822



>> No.43352019


>> No.43352025

>he doesnt know
thats her real legal name

>> No.43352238

>the ASMR to variety streamer pipeline
I hate this so much, find a 2, maybe 3view ASMR girl, and then starts doing ASMR less and less to interact with chat more, its the worst

>> No.43352376

Yea Fallenshadow is a perfect example which makes me sad because I used to really like her stuff.

>> No.43352819

>over 25 years old
Why? Is Discord full of young people these days? I've been on it for years

>> No.43352854

can't wait for her to debut a non-loli big tiddied "family friendly" new model with a complete change of content mostly around being a whore with ahegao and bouncy tits every few seconds and lewd words they didn't mean to say for some reason that slipped out "don't clip that uwu"

>> No.43352863

she got tired of youtube weirdos demanding more and more

>> No.43353039

I can confirm this is what she's going for

t. Fallen

>> No.43353040

Zoomers trying to steal our turf.

>> No.43353184
File: 26 KB, 250x242, thats bullshit but I believe it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43353231

You can judge people from who they choose to keep close. She's full of red flags.

>> No.43353344

her newer weirdos are just as bad if not worse

>> No.43353692


>> No.43353732

ASMR has caught on to getting views are female vtubers are abusing it to get the views in hopes it transfers over to their stream. They are whoring themselves out for views and deleting the past/forgetting about it after they succeed.

>> No.43353861

Some of them just stop doing ASMR because they get a jealous bf. Shondo according to her just never felt comfortable doing it and switched to being a variety streamer once she inclined

>> No.43354008

>she didn’t know what a dick was
You truly deserve her if you believe this bullshit lmao

>> No.43354068

Calm down tismo, she doesn’t know you exist, what’s the point of white knights?

>> No.43354157

There never was a point watching her unless you were a genuine Pedo.

>> No.43354209

I thought she was an asexual that was only romantically interested in women, now you are telling she is getting ass blown out by 6'6 chads. Wtf are you saying she lied? She wouldn't lie would she?

>> No.43354212

A weirdo acting like a child fuck doll is attracting weirdoes, WHAT?! No!

>> No.43354262

>I don’t feel comfortable doing this thing I’ve been doing forever
>views and money? Time to stop hehe

>> No.43354360

shes a chuuba and a woman. so of course she lied

>> No.43354407

She's a woman with needs...

>> No.43354423

...and why would that be a bad thing?

>> No.43354462
File: 146 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20221225_162224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole fucking thread
Real talk, if you wanted find a cute skinny pale girl with big tits on discord, to date, like actually date and maybe marry, from 1 to 10, with 1 being one of the worst ideas possible to 10 being a genius move, what number would you give that? Also what type of chuubas or egirls are most likely to like a 5'6 hispanic guy, I lift if that matters. I heard asian chuubas are into latinos for some reason, is that true?

>> No.43354547

What? Attracting pedo and being a pedo is bad.
The fuck kinda question is that

>> No.43354669

Kek yeah thats what i was saying

>> No.43354754

Every girl I know has a boyfriend. Normie friends, university friends, weeb friends, shut in ffxiv nerds. All of them are in a relationship. But somehow every single vtuber is a super cute girl who is sociable and single? You're the one with a warped perspective.

>> No.43354840

how does literally every girl you know have a bf, you must exude heavy orbiter aura

>> No.43354868

You ever wonder why the white man is so much more intelligent than his colored counterparts? One theory is that the early humans that migrated to colder climates, and thus loss the melanin in their skin, had to develop long-term decision making in order to survive the harsh winters where food wasn't readily available. It was this adaptation that led to the signature cunning wit often found in Caucasians. This division of man is still found today, not only in the bountiful jungles of Kenya and the merciless snows of Europe, but in the extraordinary bosoms of modern women and the delicate and beautiful chests of precocious young girls. Men of lesser constitutions often view these girls as unfit, or unripe, not yet ready for reproduction. But the white man knows. He knows that an investment of just a few short years is nothing compared to a relationship that lasts a lifetime. He knows that there is a clear and obvious negative correlation between length of marriage and number of previous sexual partners. And he knows that younger mothers give birth to much healthier children. These reasons sound cold and clinical when written out plainly, but the white man is not so cold, for years of evolution has cultivated this knowledge not in his head, but in his heart; the knowledge is expressed in the form of his love, and the white man has an opulence of love to give. The lesser man looks at a fully developed woman and sees an opportunity for a few minutes of fun. The greatest man looks at a small girl child and sees an opportunity for a lifetime of love and passion.

>> No.43354924

>she's about to redebut
What? Is this true?

>> No.43354946

>be 25+

>> No.43354986

I have a girlfriend retard. Its insanely rare for young women to not be in a relationship. The only reason for it is if theyre genuinely unlikeable (not a factor if theyre a popular vtuber), or they prefer to have casual flings.

>> No.43355034

One of my favorite theories is that the brain is a like a PC that needs constant cool temperatures to function at maximum capacity so Caucasoids were able to evolve their brains more efficiently as opposed to Brazilians, Africans, and Middle Easterns

>> No.43355038

march 4 i think, some new lore and either a completely new model or some upgrade to teh existing one.

>> No.43355109

yeah, new model/upgrade and a new lore video. think on march 4 or 3, check twitter

>> No.43355117

She can afford it with the money she's making though? And even if she couldn't, people would gladly pay on throne

>> No.43355151

I only knew one girl in my school without a bf. And she was fucking insane.

>> No.43355173

okay if you're 25+ I can believe most women you know being in a relationship of some kind

>> No.43355403

Lying bitch. It's clearly two mods >>43347719 >>43347781

>> No.43355427

>If a vtuber she's definitely lying and trying to get your money
fixed it for you

>> No.43356499

In the "indie and small corpo" redebut is basically new outfit release

>> No.43356539

>5'6 hispanic guy
I'm 6' and the only reason I bother talking with girls in discord servers is because it's so easy to get into their inner circle, since it's all filled wit faggots like you, easiest competition of my life.

The quality of girls is pretty trash, but still better than what you'll find on dating websites. To answer your question though, probably 2-3. Forever online girls are almost never skinny, and skinny + big tits = can be a complete retard and people will make an effort to socialize them anyway.

Might as well try your adds at the lottery, manlet.

>> No.43356594

I don't really the point of this thread. A lot of anons on here already dropped Shondo and her new fans are mostly deranged redditors

>> No.43356657

But what if they're out of state or worse out of the country? Don't tell me you're actually traveling long distances for stinky e-girl pussy

>> No.43356850

I have no reason to, no, especially not girls in other countries. This is about latino anon and his search for a big titty gf. That said I do live in a state known for tourism, so sometimes they come here and ask to meet. Bfs/fiancees/husbands nonwithstanding.

On that note, I will never trust that a woman won't cheat while travelling, even with family. Liars, all of them.

>> No.43357304
File: 109 KB, 1080x1049, 1662726601278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was this stupid, this hobby would be much more enjoyable

>> No.43357765

If I got the chance to hold Shonshon in my hands and just hug her, but immediately after it I was forced to roll around in finely shattered glass for 5 minutes, then finely grounded chilli pepper, then forcefed my own shit... I'd gladly do it.

>> No.43357850

while this is probably bait, i wouldn't be surprised if she was involved with snowie. tell me if i'm close.

>> No.43358070

least mentally ill shondo fan

>> No.43358504

not sure how to tell you this anon, but she used to frequent 4chan and has pretty deep knowledge on fucked up tags and fetishes.

>> No.43358705

Fakest vtuber ever. Used 4chan to inclune and slowly distanced herself from it. She is moving away from GFE too.

>> No.43358944

People actually watch this cunt? Her voice is so grating.

>> No.43359115

>The quality of girls is pretty trash
Aren't egirls supposed to be hot

>> No.43359310 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 628x1040, shadowcucks lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought she was an asexual that was only romantically interested in women,
HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA. Cucks on /vt/ have donated thousands towards her and she doesn't even class those ''adults'' under 6ft as real men.

>> No.43359349

if they were they wouldn't be e-girls, now would they?

>> No.43359499

I /think/ that might be sarcasm.

>> No.43359592

>woman scams and cucks hundreds by playing loli, lying about virginity, and fabricating sob story about her and her family

>> No.43359681

is this the point shondocucks are at?
>I-I know a bigger dude gets to creampie her, I just watch and give money f-for the memes..

>> No.43359754
File: 2.79 MB, 1811x1247, 57484645768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its totally going to happen just have to wish harder.

>> No.43359831

It didn't make for very interesting content.

>> No.43359838

That was sarcasm anon, we always knew.

>> No.43359865

so you admit to being a cuck?

>> No.43359920

do you fap to the thought your oshi lost her virginity to some guy bigger and stronger than you?

>> No.43360005

Nyanners did the same thing but I’d just more open about it now

>> No.43360037

I doubt that her family was ever in the financial trouble.

>> No.43360169
File: 183 KB, 1258x672, Screenshot 2022-12-25 130052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it always the /here/ tubers? why is it impossible to be a virgin and come to /vt/?

>> No.43360275

because unless they are a full on femcell, female virgins are usually told to avoid this place at all costs

>> No.43360447

I never trusted her in the first place.
Why can't there be a single female western vtuber that is a virgin who's never been in a relationship? At least my JP oshi has a rather unfortunate face in old photos on top of never having yabs, so I can actually believe her when she does unicorn-pandering

>> No.43360527

Holy shit this is the most pathetic anti thread I've ever seen

>> No.43360624

>Pathetic anti thread
>implying anti threads aren't pathetic by default

>> No.43360632

I treat Shondo like an escort, whenever I have no one to watch and I'm feeling lonely I go watch her and for the duration of the stream engage in her wife roleplay, but as soon as the stream is over I forget she exists.

>> No.43360783

My favorite part of shondo threads is when this gets posted>>43359310
And all you faggots who were trying to subtly imply she's a loner autist who has no human relationships need to slink away.

>> No.43360806

Anon posting something that's been addressed on stream isn't a gotcha.

>> No.43360839

Didn't she literally talk about having sex on stream recently? Admitting to fucking her mod and then saying she has no desire for sex or relationships anymore after that.
Imagine being so bad in bed you turn the girl asexual after taking her virginity.

>> No.43360895

Literally none of this is true. Also she's done ear licking what, 2 or 3 times? It was never a staple of her content and she hasn't said she won't do it again.
Also the last >, that makes no sense. What do you mean Twitter profile? She doesn't post ASMR to twitter, and all of it is still up on YouTube on her main channel as well as her VOD channel. She hasn't removed anything.
If you mean twitch, they remove vods after 60 days, the streamer can't keep them up.
What kind of delusional bullshit is this thread? Half the shit posted doesn't even make sense.

>> No.43360917

Eh not really, Nyanners was a huge SJW and actively advocated on her tumblr for a bunch of shit that became mainstream but everyone only remembers her denounce of the ponpon song. Shondo just had sex.

>> No.43360948

I treat all vtubers in a similar fashion. I'm friendly with some, but it goes no further.

>> No.43360993

Shondo antis having so little that they went from vaguely factual autistic nonsense to just outright making shit up is pretty sad. Imagine having this much time and energy to sperg nonstop about some random schizo indie

>> No.43361026
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Well never getting back those superchats, so whatever. I really need to find an actual girlfriend.

>> No.43361082

This is a terrible larp, she streams on Twitch kek

>> No.43361173

Because any femanon with half an ounce of self awareness knows that dating anons is a really retarded idea. Good for her seriously she deserves better than the type of retarded men that posts here.

>> No.43361214

This really happens each time a shondo thread appears in the catalog huh.
She's already said her stance on all of this on stream multiple times and yet antis still go around with literally years old rrats that she has addressed at least 4 times in the past
Please get new rrats

>> No.43361230

Mentioning 4chan once 2 years ago doesn't make you a herechuuba, she's told people openly mentioning 4chan to quit containment breaking every time.

>> No.43361267

These aren’t rrats they are facts

>> No.43361359

The only fact in this thread is that she had a boyfriend, which she has never denied, and even talked about multiple times when it's brought up to her on stream. She isn't ashamed and says it's okay if you can't handle it and told white knights who were saying it was fine that as a vtuber viewer she gets it and not to shame people for being mad.
Literally everything else in this thread is desperate attempts to pull everything she does apart, like claiming she's magically going to do a 180 on loli, or she's dating her current mods, or she's lying about literally everything she says ever, or she removed ASMR from twitter, when she never fucking posted ASMR on twitter, just youtube, and it's perfectly there and still up.

>> No.43361422
File: 2.44 MB, 325x316, 56389016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no proofs in thread... i dont know who to believe
guess its just rrats

>> No.43361450

Why get new rrats when you can make the same nonsense bait thread 300 times

>> No.43361482

Firstly, this was when she was an ASMR Youtuber, and before she even debuted as a vtuber and before she did any GFE content besides her RP ASMR videos because she needed to get the money.
Secondly, the entire reason why she chose to do GFE in the first place was because she realized that if she can make one person happy, she could make everyone happy instead by being everyone's wife.
Thirdly, she has told this story on stream so many times you can make a day by day recount of those days. She has said that she was so uncomfortable sleeping in a hotel bed that she almost went the entire trip sleepless.
She even brought her mother during that trip, she has hugged and held hands with the guy, but didn't go further because she's still traumatized and disgusted by physical contact.
Most likely because of a past lover of her mother that probably sexually abused her.
She was once felt up on her thigh by a stranger and cried the entire day and quit her job. And you think she'll have sex with a guy she met for the first time?

>> No.43361508

Shondo is well known around Miami clubs as a girl who likes fucking cuban guys. They call her "La aspiradora gringa" or the white vacuum because of how much dick she sucks. She hangs out in El Palacia De Los Jugos with whoever cuban guy She's fucking that week.

>> No.43361563
File: 47 KB, 1024x702, e92e046c8962feb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the name of the abuser? Albert Einstein.

You have to be literally retarded to think every single chuuba isn't getting railed daily. They are all attention seeking narcissists and liars - It's literally a requirement to become a vtuber.

>> No.43361583
File: 606 KB, 825x619, shondostonks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyt shit bro that's crazy. What a whore.
Did you know she also genetically engineered a lion to look like a sphynx cat and commissioned a company to make a twice as big version of a snackbox she was sponsored to try, all so that she could make her hands look smaller on camera? She truly is a scheming, maniacal whore. There's no limits to her antics, I have no clue what she will pull next.

>> No.43361627

Yeah it's me
I have sex with this schizo girl who showers less than once a week and shares a bedroom with her kid siblings. I rail her right in front of them.

>> No.43361684

>actually believing any of that shit
There's no helping you. You'll learn eventually.

>> No.43361693

>El Palacios de Los jugos
Wtf, now those are some local ass references. Shondo would never go there, that place is hispanic as fuck, good food tho.

>> No.43361703

Sorry for your oshi that you think that way of her.
But the requirement for being a vtuber is just daddy issues, not being a slut.
Because sluts become sluts regardless, reference convention whores.
Vtubers are just those that would want attention in other means than sex, however, the pool of vtubers got corrupted by sluts that saw that actual vtubers don't weaponize their womanly powers and leverage that to become vtubers that fuck their fans, reference oceana and that one other vtuber that got caught sleeping with at least 3 of her top fans and doesn't plan on stopping.

>> No.43361792
File: 569 KB, 487x575, 1655589469270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's going on in this thread but I think I should post this.
It's everything she has to say about THAT situation, and please don't ban me, this shit is literally from a somewhat recent stream, from her subathon.

>> No.43361836

You vague post about random shit when it's clearly you that has a poor taste in vtubers and constantly pick the whores that horny bait.
If you choose whores to worship, of course you're getting whores that'll cheat behind your back.
It doesn't apply just to vtubers but to real life too, think of who you're actually supporting

>> No.43361901

The whole reason she gets these messages is because of these kinds of threads

>> No.43361905
File: 1.11 MB, 264x196, faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here for the entertainment only. I actually get my dick sucked, so i don't have to pretend these vapid holes are my GF.

>> No.43361995

Good for you, you should choose girls that you find entertaining instead, shondo isn't for entertainment, she's for the IWE.
You should try out tempus or nijisanji instead.
You can't go to a thing you don't like and complain you don't like it when you're the one that chose to consume or engage in this kind of content

>> No.43362057

>Shondo isn't for entertainment she's for IWE
I beg to differ, I enjoy the IWE but there's plenty of watchers that just watch her because she's cute and also funny. There are not many western indies, especially on twitch, that are just cute girls doing cute girl things and being funny to watch all the while.

>> No.43362133
File: 99 KB, 375x375, i came here to laugh at you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally what i do. I also like to laugh at you incel retards, who unironically believe these whore's lies.

>> No.43362163

Although that's valid, that's clearly not the type of content the anon I'm replying to wants either, and if he doesn't want to pretend that it is so, he's going to get pretty bored at the hours of kissing, pet name calling, coddling, and love bombing she does.
He's looking for entertainment, not cunnies nor "parasocial" connections

>> No.43362219

You do you bro, girls really seem to dig it when you mock others on the internet as a hobby

>> No.43362273

Hasn't her appeal always been that she's mentally ill

>> No.43362344

>I dated my mod
>we held hands
>we hugged
>but we did not fuck
Massive DYRBI?

>> No.43362354

How can you want to hurt this?

>> No.43362402

which means bye bye cunny model.

>> No.43362408

>Believes everything she said up to that point
>Doesn't believe it when it suits you
Either you believe she's a whore that fucks on the first date despite her schizophrenia and fear of being touched, to a point where she goes rabid over it. Or you're just selectively blind

>> No.43362429
File: 518 KB, 1194x1200, 1674678066785148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they do. I used to bully freaks in primary school, junior high, high-school and college to get my dick wet, and i still do it today. By the way, all of the GFE chuubas fuck dudes like me and they both laugh at you and call you losers.

>> No.43362431

PSA: Don't become invested in Vtubers who have their own Dicksword server.

>> No.43362482

She addressed this at least 3 times in the past before when she was asked about her redebut.
Her new model is also a cunny and will be debuting on the 4th of march.
You can see for yourself then if she's keeping the cunny model.

>> No.43362506

She has said she will quit streaming before she gets a model with tits, and she plans to stream forever

>> No.43362520

Sure man, if you need your ego boost, you sure got it, you'd fare better on /soc/ or /r9k/

>> No.43362543

>Meet a guy online
>Relationship is mostly long distance
>Only meetup in person for a short period of time
>Hug, which most couples do as a greeting
>Hold hands while out on date
>Only met him in person for a relatively short amount of time, don't really know him that well in person
>Not comfortable enough having sex with him, especially given she's was a virgin.

A lot of normie women wouldn't be comfortable having sex in that situation either.

>> No.43362548

Sounds like those cheaters stories where the girl or the guy get caught and says "yeah but we just kissed once, we did not have sex".

>> No.43362597

The thing that sold me on this as an ex-doubter was when she told white knights saying it was fine and nobody cared that of course people cared and it was okay to hold it against her, but she can't change the past and it is what it is. Lot of respect for that mindset. She gets it and that's rare.

>> No.43362599
File: 89 KB, 793x540, 1674509537341670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we just danced, i went over to Stacy's house to sleep it off, nothing happened

>> No.43362609

It's one of the only ways an indie vtuber can nurture a community of her own. Unless you're saying all vtubers should be a corporate vtuber.
Which is pretty bullshit because corporates do like past experience in at least some form in entertainment, and building a community for yourself is definitely a point you write on your CV

>> No.43362608

when it suits her*

>> No.43362661

Normalfag women fuck around at parties and bars. They don't get in situations like this.
It's really is a case of DYRBI. Some do, some don't, it's faith.

>> No.43362709

Think about it, does it suit her to tell everyone that she flew over to a foreign country just to meet a man in the first place?
She could've denied that entirely and spared this entire controversy, but she chose to be honest about it all.
She could've just said that she's never even touched a man before nor kissed anyone, but she's told us every time she's dated (4, 3 online, 1 with a woman) and every time she's kissed (1, with a girl while she was sleeping) but she chose to tell us all about it.

>> No.43362770

Are you seriously counting the girl she kissed at a sleepover when she was 11 and her club penguin boyfriend when she was 8 as people she dated? I would barely even count the chick that groomed her since they weren't dating, the woman just had a crush on her and Shondo got a little jealous when she hooked up with someone IRL. C'mon anon

>> No.43362809

Dude, she was underaged a couple of years ago, you expect her to have that much experience with how fucked up her family life is?

>> No.43362814
File: 1.67 MB, 680x366, 1674593689041037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really not understand that liars always admit to a lesser charge in order deny the heftier charges? This is literally documented fact in criminal psychology.

>> No.43362851

>Girl says she's never fucked
>Girl said she's fucked
Literally no way to convince you otherwise

>Hymen inspection
Hymen reconstruction surgery

>> No.43362924
File: 38 KB, 764x492, 4fc2be508a9504f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if she's a virgin or not, i care about the blatant fucking lie in order to grift incels with the "kawaii uguu i'm such a smol bean pure loli"-act.

>> No.43362966

Still applies

>> No.43362995

I believe her, British girls are massive prudes.

>> No.43363024

Not when Jenny the whore exists.

>> No.43363082

I was just happy when vods dropped. Think I made one comment ever about how there was a bulk drop and thought it was cool.
>never saw a vod with >10 comments, all tame.

>> No.43363146

> despite her schizophrenia and fear of being touched
She literally talks about receiving a piggyback ride from her bf in that infamous ceiling fan monkey twitter dialogue. This is not how anyone who’s afraid of being touched behaves around a person they just met recently. Take it from someone with an actual phobia borne from being an incel of 28 years and counting with an emotionally detached family that avoided all sensory contact from a young age, and not a kawaii uwu totally a virgin you guise teehee e-girl.

>> No.43363180

why do unicorns think a girl being a virgin is so important? You'll waifu your oshi for years fully convinced that she's """purse""" and can't tell at all that she got spitroasted the night before the stream.

>> No.43363233

>British girls are massive prudes

>> No.43363252

>piggyback ride
No? She says she's climbing on a ladder in the tweet?
Why do you fucks just make shit up for your narrative?

>> No.43363280

>Piggyback on the same level as having a meat rod stuck inside of you and being railed

>> No.43363315

Either you're a virgin or you're getting spitroasted
Now that's some extremes

>> No.43363330

That's retarded, those are the most fun, especially when you hang out in VC and play games with them.

>> No.43363348

>schizo can't even read a tweet that's been posted thousands of times

>> No.43363441

Again, nothing on this matter can be proven. Unless the guy leaks a video of them fucking or Shondo does a hymen inspection stream (not even a good way to prove it) we will never know if they truly did something. It all hinges on Shondo's words and if you believe her or not. I don't have to tell you people lie to protect their image, and her thing with the mod is so well known now that not addressing it would have probably been worse or simply impossible to ignore in the long run.

Since we are working on Shondo's words, we have to acknowledge that she literally has nothing to lose and everything to gain by not saying they fucked.
>Impossible to prove they did anything one way or the other. The lie has no downsides.
>Coming forward and appearing "honest" on this matter by disclosing only part of the informations is good PR. Shondo looks trustworthy and open with her audience.
>If they did fuck, saying the truth would have serious negative consequences for her channel and no benefit whatsoever.
She knows the game. In my opinion there is too much vested interest in her keeping the "virgin scared of sex" thing going on to really take her words at face value.

>> No.43363444

>Either you're a virgin or you're getting spitroasted
no one said that, unicornfag

>> No.43363466

yes, shondo cute
i hate asmr so idgaf

>> No.43363486

My dude, read your post again

>> No.43363597

what about it? A unicornfag could not tell if their oshi was getting double teamed the night before unless she explicitly told them about it.
The most promiscuous woman you can imagine could easily convince any unicornfag with just a loli model and cute voice.

>> No.43363601

See >>43362851
If you really choose to believe that despite everything she does, then there's no use trying to convince you, it's already set in stone in your mind that she's a whore

>> No.43363643

Nice goalpost shifting, anything else you feel like ranting about?

>> No.43363647

I had a girl friend (not girlfriend) that would just cuddle with me all the time and we would even sleep together but we never fucked. She would literally come to my house from school and sneak into my bed and sleep with me. We were hugging and cuddling a lot but we never even kissed. I tried to but she wasnt comfortable with it. Kinda weird but I still took it for what it is because it felt nice.

>> No.43363728

>Actual schizo shut-in vtuber with heart issues and a weakened immune system
Cool, sounds like some projection is involved

>> No.43363738

I'm gonna take her to La Carreta on our date, I think she'll like the lechon from there.

>> No.43363745

it's more about what she has to gain/lose by telling the truth. If she says they fucked it's over for her in her current state. I don't think she is stupid enough to torpedo her career just to tell the truth.

>> No.43363821

Like I said, and proven by your post, you've already solidly believed that them fucking is the truth, and so you believe it to be so without any means of convincing you otherwise.
The only difference to you now is whether she tells you she's fucked(truth to you) or she didn't(lie to you)

>> No.43363886

If you aren't trolling, you are actually retarded. With your logic, when you are questioned by the police for something you didn't do, you telling them that you didn't do it would be proof that you did do it, because you have something to gain from it. Completely retarded.

>> No.43363967

Why are you fags who actually know and watch shondo, who know these threads are made as bait and blatantly false, actually coming here to try and set the record straight with a bunch of shitposters who don't give the slightest shit about what's true or what she's said. What goes through your heads? People that want to actually discuss her know what generals to go to, just stick to there and let catalog baiters and shitposters waste time among themselves.

>> No.43363993

>Why won't you just let us have our fun gossiping about her

>> No.43364151

Her voice is awful and I can think of a dozen vtubers that do better ASMR with a tenth of her viewers. She also has an annoying fanbase that doesn't help her image at all.

>> No.43364156

I don't believe anything really, it's just that I see the two scenarios (having fucked and not having fucking) being easily resolved both by the "we did nothing". Way too easily.

This analogy doesn't work because the police can find actual proof you did sometthing. You can say whatever you want and they don't have to believe you, they can just find out real evidence.
In the case of Shondo, evidence will never be found, there will never be proof they had sex or not. It's just her words.

>> No.43364214

>I don't want her to tell the truth and be honest
>I just want her to lie and damage her reputation so we can't believe her in the future that she never tells the truth

>> No.43364323

>the police can find actual proof you did something. [...], they can just find out real evidence
oh you sweet, sweet, summer child

>> No.43364400

Where are you people coming from wtf, this place has Miami anons? lmao. Take her to Sedanos bro, get a her a jugo de caña and some pastelitos, she's gonna love that shit. Dile Mami que gfe ni gfe, aqui lo que tenemos es real. Dale lambida del bollo y se queda contigo se olvida del lo de vtuber.

>> No.43364421

Didn’t know there were so many pedoes on /vt/

>> No.43364495

>defending a "child" in your eyes, of having sexual relationships with a man is considered pedophilia.
You must be catholic too.

>> No.43364596

There is no reputation damage anyway because whatever she said can't be proven one way or the other. It's just a matter of good PR.

I don't think you want to open the door and factor in "dysfunctional human behavior" in the analogy because that could be applied to the Shondo section too.

>> No.43364652

Do you really think honesty is all about reputation and not about morals?

>> No.43364674

Wonder what the next thing to pretend seethe at her for will be. Placing bets on the redebut daki making some anons go REEE PEDO like they’re pretending with Gura. Artist is announced as Shoukun so it’ll be cunny as hell.

>> No.43364884

>Literally groomed her and she actually traveled from Bongland to Florida to meet and fuck one of them
Holy fuck source??

>> No.43364918

>British girls are massive prudes.
He doesn't know

>> No.43364934


>> No.43364973

>Why can't there be a single female western vtuber that is a virgin who's never been in a relationship?

>> No.43365141

>404 not found

>> No.43365150

>menhera pedo panderer is a grifter too
lmao, serves you fags right

>> No.43365273

>Baseless accusations
Going well my dude

>> No.43365425

I'm British and a lot of them are, plenty of orange slags too

>> No.43365555

Go drag shondo to get her vaccine, she's going to die the next time she catches it from her family

>> No.43365705


>> No.43365724

That means leaving my village.

>> No.43365861

pahaahahaha, look at this faggot, he has mOraLs

>> No.43366181


>> No.43366236


>> No.43366327

>never once mentioned a boyfriend as Gura or her past life
>never ONCE even implied
I'm objectively right. I will never acknowledge schizophrenic rrats with no proof.

>> No.43366439

thats what virgin incels truly believe

>> No.43366556

Being a western woman that isn't horribly disfigured pretty much means it is impossible for you to be a virgin in or past college age.

>> No.43366587

That she's the best GFE? I mean if you want faggot

>> No.43366611

Best part is she never mentioned a piggyback. That’s just schizo delusion

>> No.43366620

Not unless you're the repressed religious type of course.

>> No.43366646

>Groomers who hate the fanbase
name a more classic duo than this

>> No.43366966

She's the bitchiest vtuber I've ever seen. Good model but crap personality

>> No.43367028

Bitchier than veibei?

>> No.43367055


>> No.43367122

You have not even pretended to watch her huh

>> No.43367332

there's shitloads of sexless fujos and artist types who are basically asexual and just wanna mousou about dudes fucking one another's buttholes
i personally know like 5 women over 30 who have never gotten laid or dated because of this

>> No.43367349


>> No.43367378


>> No.43367406

Now that's one hell of a way to twist words

>> No.43367479


>> No.43368019

>no real response
Just as I suspected. NEVER respond to my posts ever again and NEVER even ATTEMPT to imply that Gura isn't a pure, boyfriendless virgin.

>> No.43368054

Sir, this is a shondo thread

>> No.43368071

Both in this life and her past one she is so vague and inactive and uninformative that it makes sense she has a secret to keep. Literally she is the only incredibly elusive member of Hololive.

>> No.43368077

you're bringing too much reality in this for anons, they can't jack off to stacy getting railed by the football team like this

>> No.43368118

It's not gonna stay up forever

>> No.43368209

>it makes sense she has a secret to keep.
This is schizophrenic anti cope.
>Literally she is the only incredibly elusive member of Hololive.
Watch more hololive.

>> No.43368279

and you believe her?

>> No.43368313

What would make you believe her?

>> No.43368369

Nothing, I've been with enough women to know that as long as their mouth is open whatever's coming out is either bullshit or flattery, often both, it's up to you to not get swept away

>> No.43368393


>> No.43368438

>cutesy voice: I swears guys, I wasn't in any wewashionship uwu
>I hate physical contwact uwu
See I can bullshit and be cutesy too anon

>> No.43368501

>shondofags think she won't purge old content
Kek. I've been subbed to her ASMR channel for as far back as when she was still doing that yandere Kouhai viewer death ASMR shit with the even more forced voice. A good while before she was a vtuber she was even showing her lanky feet in videos trying to sell t shirts. Retard shadow deleted most of her old stuff and she'll delete all of the stuff you like too, in time.

>> No.43368557

She loves her husbands and fuck you

>> No.43368575

>Wants to delete images of herself being underaged
I hope you aren't actually encouraging actual pedophilia

>> No.43368598

>and I believe that shit at face value
just because you're retarded doesn't mean we all have to be anon

>> No.43368620


>> No.43368700
File: 1.11 MB, 1185x667, 1667432565935835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon she deleted them because she was a child. She started making videos when she was 14. She admitted both of these things openly until she started vtubing and took keyfabe and her privacy more seriously. You have a problem... with her deleting videos she made and footage of herself from when she was underage?
Also >lanky feet kek

>> No.43368991
File: 40 KB, 770x578, Enzo-Tokyo-Treat-CFM-770x578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These boxes are really fucking small too.

>> No.43369333

no, that cat is huge

>> No.43369464

I can't believe anon genetically engineered a cat to make Shondo's foot look smaller...

>> No.43369754

>removed kissing ASMR
Seriously? That was literally the only content of her that I enjoyed.
She was already dead to me after I found out she is a compulsive liar, but guess now I have no reason to care about her anymore.

>> No.43369987

Here you go, open wide

>> No.43370020

motherfucker this looks normal, the hell you talking about?

>> No.43370209

This is a child's foot. There's no fucking way.

>> No.43370270

malnutrition is a hell of a drug

>> No.43370621

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a bitch

>> No.43370723

>and you believe her
retardchama please...

>> No.43370857

>compulsive liar

>> No.43370888

>nooo i want to fap to an actual child making sounds its not fucking fair

>> No.43371127
File: 72 KB, 600x600, 1651628168321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she joining the sad girl company as part of her redebut or not?

>> No.43371249

>believing she was a child in the first place
surely you can't be this fucking retarded

>> No.43371425


>> No.43371843
File: 1.07 MB, 1278x719, 54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still a mod
>he's inactive
Also the way she has to BTFO the betas in her chat trying to stop her? It's sad how she can't ban them.
They're the same roaches who infest /uoh/

>> No.43371979

Actually he hasn't been a mod for almost a year. He went from active when they were together to inactive when they broke up and then quietly left.

>> No.43372262

Do your reps. The pics were posted a hundred times by now.

>> No.43372632

point me in the right direction at least?

>> No.43372807

why not just do the normal thing and leave after they broke up then? Any normal person knows that exes don't stick around

>> No.43372979

she was 15 at the time but whatever you say, go find children sounds somewhere else

>> No.43373046

He was a mod for a long time before they dated and went back to being a mod after. She didn't make her boyfriend her mod, she made her mod her boyfriend.

>> No.43373088

and you took her at face value?

>> No.43373281

I don't care if she made her bf a mod or not, I care why he stuck around after they broke up, why not fuck off? Did she ask him to stay or what?

>> No.43373505

if you're a lonely person you don't drive off anyone who's gracious enough to stick around

>> No.43373816

>oh woe is me shondofags, I know I just broke up with this guy but I don't mind if he stills tays around right? We're not together anymore. Pinkie swear
I know you're all autistic retards so let me clue you in, exes don't stick around, bf's pretending to be exes do.
The absolute state of shondocucks I swear to god

>> No.43374019

All information we have points towards them breaking up because of her disgust at any sort of physical contact. Not because she didn't care for him, or they fell out, or one of them found something else.
Yeah she's getting that transatlantic cock all day every day retard. They broke up before she fucking streamed, there was nobody to "woe is me" fake it to.

>> No.43374048

your formulaic posts are boring

>> No.43374308

It's not formulaic, it's me just reading this from experience and relaying how much you're all completely clueless
So what was he a mod of exactly if she never streamed? You understand ho what you're saying doesn't make sense

>> No.43374542

Her discord server. For her YouTube ASMR. How can you know so little about someone you're obsessed with?

>> No.43374681

>Do your reps
>Literally posted in the thread
>Literally rebutted and talked about without lying at all, a couple of posts above you
Please, do your reps instead of relying on rrats from literally 2 years ago

>> No.43374799

I just got here and I'm seeing you idiots simp for someone who's clearly taking you for a ride
>oh but muh context
Exes don't stick around, if they actually broke up he'd been gone, or she would've banned him

>> No.43374932

by doing nothing but responding "wow shondocucks are deluded" while shondofags furiously type a college essay to debunk someone who doesn't give a shit and will just reply the same

>> No.43375010

seems like you haven't watched a single stream and yet assume

>> No.43375116

Yeah I haven't, I don't support roasties

>> No.43375191

at the very least, please learn the terms you try to use

>> No.43375383

ethot? Take your pick!

>> No.43375437

please, I'm begging you.

>> No.43375878

I'm not the one getting cucked by "wifey" anon, you are, what would you rather she be called?

>> No.43375967

anon, 3 strikes in a row
At least the basic amount of info about the thing you're trying to brag you're so knowledgable about.

>> No.43376221

well she'd be stupid to get rid of her perfect UOOOH design

>> No.43376404

I'm not bragging to know anything except what I'm reading on this thread. How are we different? You're willing to believe a girl who "leaves her ex to be a mod because we totally broke up u gais" because she says so but not some random jackass on 4chan? What's the difference?

>> No.43376452

Her redebut is march 4th, she's shown her debut trailer already, don't just trust gossip on 4chan

>> No.43376818

"nooooo if you obtain anything real in your life you have to leave me because I'll feel really sad don't do that stay and give me money while I date my mods"
you didn't own anyone by posting this and just made her and you both look worse

>> No.43376903

Are you really comparing everything an identified individual that has everything recorded on the internet since she was underaged has said to something a random anonymous person on 4chan types out with no credibility nor accountability?

>> No.43377236

>I'll feel really sad don't do that stay and give me money while I date my mods
When she was dating, she told us she was dating, when she broke up, she told us that as well.
She then started doing GFE and streaming as a vtuber.
Yes, this means the entire mod thing was before she was even a vtuber, AND before she even started being called "wifey"

>> No.43377335

She's not going to fuck you anon

>> No.43377430

Is that really your rebuttal to yourself claiming with no evidence that her and her ex are still together after mountains of evidence against it?

>> No.43377541
File: 3.00 MB, 1019x1440, 1660357968321547.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of me wishes /vt/ had never showed me the truth.
I was so close to becoming obsessed with her. She was the loli indie GFE I was looking for, but sadly turned out she isnt trustworthy. Cant even blame her cuck fans, she is cute and based, but her GFE is ruined to me.

>> No.43377624

When were you obsessed with her.

>> No.43377698

>mountains of evidence
her word?

>> No.43377782
File: 157 KB, 395x355, 167354957659493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so sad. Can we hit 10 likes?

>> No.43377877

Against what?
Her word that she dated her mod?
A bit hypocritical aren't we?

>> No.43378385

>I was so close to becoming obsessed with her
She did you a favor and didnt turn you into a weak faggot. Theres nothing more pathetic than a man that is OBSESSED with a woman.

>> No.43378565

Oh strong man anon, please tell me, why did you click upon a shondo anti thread that has all posts repeated for almost an entire year now.
Don't tell me....you're obsessed with her?

>> No.43378783

>I don't know what sex is
>I don't date
>I'm a virgin anons
>I date my mods tho

>> No.43379206

>Never said, she knew all about it, and has her own tag for it specifically
>Disclosed every time she's dated so far
>Yes, has even said masturbation actively hurts her, also, has said she doesn't feel physical sexual attraction to anyone (asexual)
>Yes, entirely documented by hers truly, see >>43367378 and >>43361792
That's the spoonfeeding you needed?

>> No.43379393

I checked a few topic because I just got home and wanted to see what people are shitposting about. I dont even watch Shondo. I cant watch twitchtubers.

>> No.43379695

>I believe it because she said so

>> No.43379697

Pray tell, what makes you so knowledgable about someone you've never heard even once before?
It couldn't be because you believe everything you read on an anonymous basket-weaving forum could it?
You wouldn't be this naive right?

>> No.43379889

She was also the one that said she dated her mod, do you believe that?

>> No.43380217

Well /vt/ anons saving me there.
I bet she wants us to be obsessed with her cuz it means more money.

>> No.43380366

Yes, because it's discord, and from what I've seen this thread she's just another dime a dozen girl getting in way over her head and milking dumbass saps for money while getting off to someone in her DM's

>> No.43380496

Yea, she's grateful that this "job" of hers that she enjoys even more than her ASMR content before is able to pay for her house's rent as well as being the sole breadwinner of her family of 7.
Could you say the same?

>> No.43380700

Anon, maybe read the thread a little more then.
If you really have seen the thread, it means you either are illiterate or have the inability to comprehend English.
Which is it?

>> No.43380757

not even once

>> No.43380891

You're just mad because you're not the one making her cum in her DM's, and you never will be

>> No.43381060

>You're just mad
I don't see anyone mad here except someone seething about his previous experiences with women and being lied to.

>> No.43381256

At least I got laid, what do you get? PNG's?

>> No.43381499

No need to take a higher stance about it anon, we're both in this catalog anti thread.
We both need to think about our lives a little more.

>> No.43381728

I'm peak retarded, anon, I like vtubers as much as the next guy, I'm just not delusional enough to think I'm anything to them except another money drip

>> No.43382119

Anon, if you're retarded, then maybe you should have enough clarity to not listen to your own thoughts about things, you know, since they're retarded.
Not every person in the world has it against everyone else.
If someone is capable of making a social interaction with a discord mod enough to date them, it's also plausible to make a good enough social interaction to love an audience that supports you and treats you well almost unconditionally for over an entire year.
Don't let one bitch ruin your entire life's view.

>> No.43382567

I'd agree with you, if she weren't doing this for money. It benefits her to make you think this, she doesn't love jack shit and doesn't support anyone except herself. She'd drop you like a ton of bricks if it benefited her. Like I said, I'm not delusional enough to think I'm anything but a means to an end to these people. I love people I can see, interact and touch, anyone else telling you different just wants your money, and she just wants your money

>> No.43382681

She's selling you a story and you're buying it hook line and sinker, rise above it, start asking yourself why would you believe her at face value?

>> No.43383181

nobody cares

>> No.43383204

>I'm not delusional enough to think I'm anything but a means to an end to these people. I love people I can see, interact and touch, anyone else telling you different just wants your money, and she just wants your money
Please anon, real women suck you dry much faster than any online woman would ever do.
Dates, presents, anniversary gifts, wedding ceremonies, feeding an entire extra mouth every day, and raising children.
An online woman WISHES she could get as much as that from you.
>she doesn't love jack shit and doesn't support anyone except herself
She supports her entire family of 1 grandmother, 1 mother, 2 babies, and 1 older brother through everything, including their rent, schooling, food, groceries, and even pocket money. And she still donates to charity.
She's very grateful to her fans for letting her do this, but also has strict morals about it.
She has banned multiple people that tried to bribe their ways back into her community after being banned, by the way, bribed with hundreds of bucks mind you. If you want to watch this, you can watch the unban request portion of her subathon on her youtube channel where she archives things. Money is an incentive to do what she loves, not her reason for streaming.

>> No.43383295

>>43383204 (me)
Sorry, I forgot 1 older sister too. She's supporting 7 people in her household

>> No.43383443

>face value
Her face must be pretty deep if her story has been kept completely the same over multiple years if she's lying so much.
She's pretty smart to be doing this when she's a middle school schizophrenic ADHD dropout

>> No.43383542

yikes lol

>> No.43383579
File: 212 KB, 643x537, 1676670236808747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been here since /hlg/ and always thought 90% of the gosling and schizo posts are ironic until I waste 4 minutes of my life reading through this thread.
Didn't think you faggots are actual obsessed neurotic freaks that loses their mind when they have to defend her honor.

>> No.43383630

she literally did asmr for valentines you dumb fuck. All it means is she doesnt have to whore herself out as much now that she has a stable viewerbase

>> No.43383645

Try post that in /hlg/

>> No.43383861

Vice hating you is instant based status.
