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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43239432 No.43239432 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.43239481

Please pay for advertising

>> No.43239652

i had high hopes that she could improve her esl in a year

>> No.43239725

She's all over the place when medicated.
What will happen if she streamed with no meds

>> No.43240718

this chicks name is Ron?

>> No.43240767


>> No.43240822

if this is the extent of your advertising for her I refuse to watch

>> No.43241049

Goys are so funny

>> No.43242510


>> No.43242574

Please mister Shekelstein you have to pay for advertising like everyone else you can't just create threads and keep bumping them forever

>> No.43243116

This is embarrassingly bad.

>> No.43243644

Who's this "ATOLS" fuck supposed to be, and why is it significant enough to mention his name in the title?

>> No.43243795

I'm sorry if you're a fan of hers but that was bad.

>> No.43244033


>> No.43244208
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i've been seeing posts like this repeating the same thing since her debut. did she have antis from before carry over or something?

>> No.43244262

No that's just usual responses
OP should have shat on this song if he wanted praise

>> No.43245202

Cyber? Which part of her body is augumented?

>> No.43245255

Or maybe get your fucking ears checked you retard. Her singing, the mix, everything about this is terrible. Not everything is an anti conspiracy.

>> No.43245313

sounds pretty good to me. visuals are really nice too

>> No.43245445

meds, its great

>> No.43245462

I didn't know Cyberlive was still around, guess they had a new wave? I don't really pay attention to them.

>> No.43245589

yeah, their 5th gen was pretty solid

>> No.43245596
File: 154 KB, 354x347, 1659703160002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolis should be advertised more.

>> No.43246345

How strong is this girls' accent? Usually you can hardly notice it when people sing, but I can distinctly tell she is from eastern Europe.

>> No.43246822


>> No.43246936

>Proto gura arrives
>Yab happened to the big 3
Ky0, the envoy of a new era, take out one of them and I shall bend a knee

>> No.43246989

let's say after watching her debut I felt like replaying stalker

>> No.43247232

what did hololive do

>> No.43247797
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>> No.43248054

blue fag is not part of hololive. he is part of holostars

>> No.43248108

Dyke druggie whore

>> No.43248179

Still fucking miraculous the girls managed to stay away from politics so far, generally speaking. But these fucks roll in and it's immediate tranny pandering. Absolutely has me rolling anons actually expected men to be more professional and stable, until these guys arrived. "Men do it better" was it, I believe? lmao

>> No.43249834

I mean you can just watch the debut vod, but to me her accent/way of talking vaguely reminds me of a russian Tenma.

>> No.43250037

Men are more likely to take risks than women. This gets you more heroes and villians.

>> No.43250377

With all the respect of the world my good idol corp enjoyers, the song is not a banger :c I wanted to like it but is just not sticking in my brain

>> No.43250427

I wasn't aware she debuted already. I was under the impression this was a pre-debut release to build hype. I'll watch it once I've got some more time later today.

>> No.43250444

>>43250377 (me)
oh damn I'm not the only one who thinks this way too, damn my condolences Idol corp fans fr fr

>> No.43250646

that's how credits work anon, the mixer and artist of the video are in there too

>> No.43251670

I think this might have cured my insomnia...

>> No.43254924

inside who

>> No.43255120

Vocaloid producer. His biggest song is probably this one from 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXqN519Z4Io
>literally who
>shit numbers
Vocaloid songs are eligible for Hall of Legends if they reach 1 million on NND so fuck off in advance. I also knew this song back when it released, listened to it and was pleasantly surprised to know ATOLS made a song for Kyoresu. She likes this producer too and specifically asked Idol to arrange an orisong from him.

>> No.43255402
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Just listened to the song.
It's good.
Therefore since I have judged it as being good, anybody who says otherwise has shit taste.
Cope about it.

>> No.43255450

>target demographic: Russians who can't donate and LatinX who have no money

>> No.43257406

and me

>> No.43259495

I feel like I listened to this song like 10 years ago.

>> No.43261768

Everybody in Idol has the best personalities but streams the most debuff content. Her first week schedule has nothing to be hyped for.

>> No.43261837

>best personalities
A collection of garbage edgy whores you can find all over Twitch.

>> No.43261868

So, this is the fabled "Gura killer"?

>> No.43261920

If youve ever played stalker or watched boris on youtube its about the same

>> No.43261987

strong but in a marketable way

>> No.43261986

Jesus christ that was awful. Why does she sound like a lost alvin and the chipmunks member

>> No.43262102

>please pay for advertising
>idol pays for advertising
>”wow what a bunch of sellouts, needing to buy ads to do well”
What is with you people?

>> No.43262135

maybe they should try organically capturing mindshare instead.

>> No.43262170

Shut up fags. Tenma from boyfriend Connect is fucking massive ESL and no one complains

>> No.43262519

It's funny because I've seen a bunch of posts say she improved a lot

>> No.43262640

Gura tweet lets make 200 threads, new chuuba do anything, you need to pay

>> No.43262653

People are just salty that idol secured her when their corps couldnt manage to nab such an obvious choice of talent

>> No.43262718

yeah bro. that 4k debut with 30% CCV bleedout has everyone shaking in their boots lmao

>> No.43262744

>junkie duke esl
>such an obvious choice of talent

>> No.43262751

We don't expect anything from Phase

>> No.43262867

>Less than 3view
>Barely any streaming experience https://twitchtracker.com/kyoresu/streams
>Can't actually sing live
>Can't draw
>Nightmare mix of Russian and Spanish accent

>> No.43264678

Anons on /vt present pc as the direct competitor of idol.

>> No.43264909

Tenma sucks too

>> No.43265563

Wow three view thats crazy, say, how many views did she get in her covers?

>> No.43265706

>>Can't actually sing live
just like over 3/4 of the chuubas!

>> No.43265878

Not enough to carry over, evidently

>> No.43266284

/pcg/ coping and seething

>> No.43267361

All will kneel before cunny corp, the day of the ToT will be upon us

>> No.43271849


>> No.43273461

>no I hate this music, you will hate it too
I hate rap, don't see me imprisoning people for it. (although to be fair, I wouldn't mind doing it for half of rap listeners. Hint hint)
