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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 354 KB, 1080x1866, Screenshot_20230217_032309_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43228664 No.43228664 [Reply] [Original]

You fucking schizos. My sides.

>> No.43228734


>> No.43228826
File: 301 KB, 431x423, 1657456750524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>openly, proudly phoneposting
How far has this website fallen?

>> No.43228845

I kneel ad-chama.

>> No.43228879
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>> No.43228957
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>Adchads are back

>> No.43229135

>fallen into a better place

>> No.43229140

She's promising to donate a dollar for every like? There's no way she goes through with it. Call her out when she never provides proof or backtracks.

>> No.43229146

This whole board is teenage SEA people on their phones

>> No.43229180


>> No.43229267
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1612942027939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do white people love tranny shit so much?
This crap has got to do with some genetic remnant of when they colonized other countries or some shit, just some inner desire to corrupt and destroy as much as possible and sit at the top of a pile of corpses being proud of it.

Why would froot think "trans children" is anything but an evil term invented by psychopaths?

>> No.43229398

i will be leaving a like, as well as my 4,000 friends.

>> No.43229426
File: 1007 KB, 1280x626, fucking lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides are gone.

>> No.43229500

I wouldn't put it past someone to use a botnet to make a million likes on the post and see her backtrack.

>> No.43229589

35k so far. Froot...... How much is your virtue worth?

>> No.43229663

That's a lot of castrations.

>> No.43229672

My first hard drive was 20Mb. I just can’t reconcile being upset that people use their fucking handheld computers for their intended purpose. Shitposting. I get theirs like a racist aspect but that it’s just a veneer for classism. NEETlitism if you will.

>> No.43229679

Qrd on why it’s an ad and what’s going on?

>> No.43229758

some retard wanted to waste his money

>> No.43229796

This is Froot. A literal scam artist. She won't donate and say she did, even if it got just a single like.

>> No.43229799
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>> No.43229807

Yeah, Froot.

>> No.43229860

m8 she's a literal grifter

>> No.43229867

>Do actual good things like volunteering at a soup kitchen
>Or I can tell people online that mutilating themselves makes them feel better

>> No.43229893

>Silvervale plays wizard game
>troons harass her
>Froot announces that she'll donate to a charity called mermaids that supports "gender diverse children"
>Wikipedia of all places has an entire list of shady shit this "charity" did
>Silvervale starts streaming and is now crying onstream because she the harassment finally got to her
>Froot shows up in her chat and says I shit you not "everyone makes mistakes it's only human"
>You are here

>> No.43229907

Like Froot?

>> No.43229999

>inb4 "I'm sorry guys, I didn't know the Mermaids organization was involved in a paedo scandal, I promised to do better research in the future. Thank you for all the support, when I find a new trusted organization, I'll update you on the donation!"

>> No.43230048

yeah giving money to japmoot is just as bad if not worse than what froot is doing

>> No.43230074

>Why the fuck do white people love tranny shit so much?
It's Jews.
Their demonic Kabbalic G*d, (Adam Cadmon) is a tr*nny.
There's a reason the LGBTQ Institute in Germany Was Burned Down by Nazis in 1933, Jews have been always been promoting this shite.

>> No.43230099

Wasn't froot menhera posting on twitter recently about getting betrayed by someone she trusted and whatnot? Perhaps it's some internal beef over something unrelated to the wizard game.

>> No.43230118

I just left my like, GOTTA SUPPORT THE CAUSE!!!!

>> No.43230119


>> No.43230199

troons will actually flay her alive if she pulls this
nice quads

>> No.43230227
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>> No.43230282

fuck, my first quads and it's wasted. should have read her other tweet >"If there's a better transgender supporting charity to donate to I can just switch, it's not that deep"

>> No.43230293

This shit was barely a thing growing up in the 90s/00s. It existed technically yeah but nowadays it's literally like a fad for teenagers and young children whose balls haven't even dropped yet who literally don't even know if they're straight or gay or not yet to get peer pressure groomed into thinking they must be trans if they don't really have a solid idea yet.

Don't get me wrong, actual ones do exist, there are people who had 0 input from social media or their parents who insisted they really are in fact the other gender mentally basically since they could talk and would insist on it even if their parents tried to correct them. There are authentic ones who would swat a monster truck away and insist on barbies and wearing dresses. I remember seeing like documentaries about them on TV. Those ones are real, but are kinda rare relatively speaking.

I feel like easily the majority of them these days (like 80% ballpark) are straight males who either are peer pressured into it before they truly knew what they are or are regular straight incels using it as a shield to hide behind a self-assigned minority label, to avoid being called incels or questioned about it. That and gay guys who think maybe if they're a hot trap they could get better options but aren't really-really that way.

>> No.43230302

It's your fault. When I first started posting here I was immediately bullied by multiple anons if I ever accidentally outed myself as a newfag. Now all the newfags get away with it.

>> No.43230354

>Wasn't froot menhera posting on twitter recently about getting betrayed by someone she trusted and whatnot?
Yeah, and she deleted the tweet because people were posting about her cheating on her husband in the replies, kek.

>> No.43230396
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>> No.43230422

Don't disrespect the newchads

>> No.43230437
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>> No.43230494

/pol/tards that have nothing better to do than to poison another hobby they pretend they want to not be political

>> No.43230506

It's a trend. Remember all the emo kids who cut themselves for attention?

>> No.43230514

The troons will fucking turn on her if she agrees with the BBC and other news agencies that the organization had pedos in it.
I wholeheartedly want this to happen.

>> No.43230530
File: 259 KB, 397x471, 1676049151396724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guess is that it's pretty obvious, certain patch maker paid for the ad.
Cheers dude, that was clever, I can only kneel.

>> No.43230579
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>> No.43230615

>/pol/ made froot and silvervale start passive aggressive shit in public over a fucking video game
Didn't know /pol/ mastered mind control.

>> No.43230616

I look like this and say this

>> No.43230617

I just realized every Like is like a $1 negative superchat (I don't know or care what the twitch equivalent is). Pressing Like on a Twitter post has never felt this good! And for those worried about where the money is going: It's a fucking tranny charity, all that money is getting embezzled lol This hurts Froot way more than it helps "trans kids" so feel free to SMASH THAT LIKE.

>> No.43230635

I also don't really remember her making any woke statements in the past, granted she never really streamed that much.

>> No.43230673

It seems she's already at a million

>> No.43230762

froot would just be like vshojo's ina if she wasn't constantly shooting herself in the foot with her embarrassing twitter presence

>> No.43230785

Waiting for someone to bot it to 1 million likes

>> No.43230876

>le /pol/ boogeyman
you don't have to be a poltard to acknowledge this shit is ridicolous, troons and their supporters are objectively a deranged group of lunatics that should be put on a mental health institute

>> No.43230888

million views, 35K likes.

>> No.43230917

Since this is an ad thread post the gura one.

>> No.43230930


>> No.43230950

But can it reach $100k? I mean, think about all those poor children that can't chop their dicks by themselves

>> No.43230960

I am dumb

>> No.43231009

reminder that silver got her and her entire family doxxed and threats coming from those fags, but we all makes mistakes, amirite

>> No.43231019
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>> No.43231078

kabbalah is niche wizardshit only japanese game developers care about, try again

>> No.43231139

Holy shit.

>> No.43231216
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>> No.43231265

Well, she's streaming right now.
And so far those likes and support only translate to 1700 viewers. Bravo Froot, totally worth making a fool of yourself.

>> No.43231317

Both of them can draw, that's where similarities end.

>> No.43231325

Poltards never doxed my family and put me on a list for playing Gone Home.

>> No.43231408 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 1003x809, XhoBRvx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-femaleanons- add me Dainsh#5305

and chat about creative hobbies /m/ shows lolis kemono girls pokemon fate digimon smt vidya and weeb stuff yuuka meiling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou megaman monster hunter FU vtubers.( and mock deadbeats )fantasy the 4 heroes of light SFM animations females from the DoA games final the rwby anime and other stuff

>> No.43231410

What the hell is Nijisanji doing over there? Why do they let the EN branch have so much autonomy?

>> No.43231478


>> No.43231660

her numbers were always pretty shit afaik she turned vtuber to join vshojo and would have no presence as a streamer without it.

>> No.43231810

Literally anyone can buy an ad on this site

>> No.43231923 [DELETED] 

-femaleanons- add me Dainsh#5305

and chat about creative hobbies /m/ shows lolis kemono girls pokemon fate digimon smt vidya and weeb stuff yuuka meiling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou megaman monster hunter FU vtubers ( and mock deadbeats ) fantasy the 4 heroes of light SFM animations females from the DoA games. final the rwby anime and other stuff

>> No.43231992
File: 32 KB, 592x316, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43232309

Oh, I finally get it, you’re a troon. I was wondering why your spam never works.

>> No.43232337

>The Taliban did WHAT!? Yikes, maybe I'll donate to ISIS instead.

>> No.43232355

Can draw and have a very similar "cozy" stream atmosphere with soft spoken voices. Watch a bit of her kingdom hearts streams and you'll get what I mean

>> No.43232394

Why are you replying to a fkn bot you moron.

>> No.43232451

Not gonna lie, she going to get a lot of reddit and twitter points for that

>> No.43232500

She’s an idiot, but I didn’t think she was THAT much of an idiot.

>> No.43232525
File: 26 KB, 324x640, GAE class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's literal, unironic, demon worshipping gnosticism.
All occidental civilizations throughout history have died of it.
Babylon died of it.
Carthage died of it.
Rome died of it.
And now anglos are dying of it.
Moloch, Ishtar, Baal, the years come and go, but the forms are eternally recurrent. Infanticide and castration as spiritual sacraments for child sacrifice. Transvestism as 'sacred garb' for priestly castes. State enforced cock-carousel, all women must be 'temple prostitutes' before any man can have her. Et cetera et cetera.
It's all coming back, once again.

>> No.43232584

throwing others under the bus for clout sure is cozy

>> No.43232900

It's odd that christcucks harp on and on about the genital mutilation of children when they do the same to babies straight out of the womb leaving them with irreparable brain damage evidenced by scans.

>> No.43233061
File: 71 KB, 300x435, yung putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jews and their amerimutt golems are not christians.

>> No.43233173

i want this image but it's not showing up

>> No.43233213

Protestants are the only true Christians, Catholics value their baseless traditions over the written word of God. They pray to their idols instead of having a relationship with Christ and interpret whatever inconveniences them as a parable.

>> No.43233248

I want circumcision gone too.

>> No.43233312 [DELETED] 
File: 844 KB, 976x549, File.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people
they're going all out in countries all over the world, it's insane, and their numbers are doubling with every new generation. Up to 20% lgbt+ now.

>> No.43233369
File: 36 KB, 300x250, 4chan-36a7a96c01d664e8ec7c7b9e36a0886cf315a68f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43233592
File: 301 KB, 400x400, yurid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dumb schizo shills can't keep their demoralization narratives strait. Try sticking to one identity next time.

>> No.43234060

M-my thumb! It's pressing the like button on its own!

>> No.43234191

trans bullshit is American state propaganda

>> No.43234363
File: 1.03 MB, 1440x1752, 1657170812789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk moar

>> No.43234501

jews invented christianity you retard

>> No.43234519


We need to go back to JP bros

>> No.43234556

Well you see, when It's been a "Tradition" for a few generations now to mutilate baby boys by brutally stripping away the most sensitive part of their genitals: You see some incredible complexes start to form as a result, trans men are acting out a power dynamic filled with resentment for women and the absent mother as protector. So they turn themselves into a crude facsimile of a female in order to take the liberties that they feel they deserve and to act as a shield against further persecution.

>> No.43234674

thanks anon

>> No.43234938

>I support my twin brother in cutting parts of himself off and irreparably damaging and altering the form he was created to be in.


>> No.43234957


>> No.43235058

you fags don't realize just how much money these whores make huh?
worst case scenario she'll just do another one of those subathon scams streamers do which would make her much more than whatever amount of likes the tweet would have anyway

>> No.43235266

Honestly that's probably a good enough response Some people here may disagree but this is probably enough to get her out of any trouble from people on twitter.

>> No.43235439

Jesus was a Jew, The bible was written by Jews, the bible takes place in the middle East and Israel, Jesus real name was Yeshua, Moses was Moshe, Samuel was Shmuel.
Jewstianity is the most Jewest Jewish Jew religion.

>> No.43235481

Honestly, when I was a kid, I wondered if I was 'supposed' to be born a boy. Not because I actually felt disphoria, but because society in the 90s thought it was odd that I didnt like wrestling, or monster trucks, or playing in dirt, or other gross stuff.
I grew out of thinking that way soon enough, but I often wonder what would have happened to me if I were to have voiced those concerns to the modern-day internet.
It makes me sad to think of how many young and impressionable people are just being used to justify an agenda.

>> No.43235499

99%+ of /vt/ posters are tourists.

>> No.43235569

So u be saying we can reach $100k???

>> No.43235660

Why do you people always pretend this is le epic own when Jesus's whole life career was BTFO'ing the rabbis for being rabbis so hard they went crying to the Romans?

>> No.43235812

I don't know how anons still stick with VShojo. It's the condensed piece of shit cancerous tumour that /vt/ used to rrat about that HoloEN might become and destroy vtubing, except real and a million times worse than any old rrat.

>> No.43235826


>> No.43236015

Colonialism did bring prosperity and improved quality of life, if not for white europeans you wouldn't have a computer to post from you shitty SEA village,

>> No.43236037

I'm not even Christian and realize the Anglo ruling class are a bunch of Mason/Satanist/Kabbalist cultists schizos that do gross shit. Just because their religion is fake doesn't make them less malicious. Anon shills doth protest too much when they defend the honor of these sickos.

>> No.43236102

HoloEN would be the same if they weren't part of a Japanese company. Their existence was also what made everyone else suddenly want to become vtubers in the west.

>> No.43236288

We have an endless sea of EN chuubas right now, indie plus small and mid-sized corpos. It's just VShojo that's constantly the cancerous, lefty polfagging piece of trash. And even then, I think specifically the two or three. What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.43236476

And to think Kson joined these turds.

>> No.43236522

>Honestly, when I was a kid, I wondered if I was 'supposed' to be born a boy. Not because I actually felt disphoria, but because society in the 90s thought it was odd that I didnt like wrestling, or monster trucks, or playing in dirt, or other gross stuff.
Same here. In my case when I brought it up my based mother bluntly told me "No, you're definitely made by God as a boy.". For a young boy, hearing that spoken with confidence by her was enough to completely shut that line of thought down, I accepted it with 'oh okay' and that was that. I strongly suspect that's all these trannies ever needed to hear, their parents confidently refuting the idea to their face just once. Weak parenting is likely the #1 cause of transgenderism.

>> No.43236864

Both of you are weak low T nu-males. Go see a doctor. And back to twitter.

>> No.43236897

I said holoEN would be pro tranny if they were allowed to express their views.
That endless sea of EN chuubas came to be due to holoEN and you have no idea how many are lefties but we both know for a fact that there are a bunch of them.

>> No.43236910

>HoloEN would be the same if they weren't HoloEN
What a brilliant observation.

>> No.43236949

Most of these phoneniggers are election tourist.

>> No.43237172

Trump's election was ten years ago. They're the new oldfags now.

>> No.43237199

Yeah the shitty ones not worth watching maybe. All I know is Gura is a based retard and Fauna is well read enough to not be mind poisoned.

>> No.43237296

>Newfags proudly parading themselves and get mad when anons told them to do their reps
It has fallen this low

>> No.43237356

Why is it that when people talk about trannies they want to act as if is has something to do with history? There's no biological or historical reason for stupid people being stupid, go back to tumblr

>> No.43237509

Politically empowered eunuch classes are very common in history. The Ottomans would take western boys from conquered territories and turn them into castrated traps. The structure supporting it today do it for the exact same political benefits.

>> No.43237591
File: 62 KB, 1077x720, FoYhwQFXoAAwm8q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QRD? I found it on twitter.

>> No.43237773

For that pic, Froot cheated on her deployed husband.
But for OP's pic:
>Silvervale plays wizard game
>troons harass her
>Froot announces that she'll donate to a charity called mermaids that supports "gender diverse children"
>Wikipedia of all places has an entire list of shady shit this "charity" did
>Silvervale starts streaming and is now crying onstream because the harassment finally got to her https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1740317249?t=00h05m57s
>Froot shows up in her chat and says I shit you not "everyone makes mistakes it's only human"

>> No.43238061

A doctor would have told me to take estrogen supplements and install fake breasts. Fuck off.

>> No.43238117

what a ridiculous set of circumstances we're in that a subset of screechy terminally online freaks can bully and harass anyone they want, focusing on terminally niche drama only weird freaks care or even know about, and still think they hold the high ground
it's also ridiculous they get supported by mainstream institutions and corporations as they do this

>> No.43238171

No. A real doctor will tell you to MAN UP.

>> No.43238189

>Froot shows up in her chat and says I shit you not "everyone makes mistakes it's only human"

froot said that in her own chat not in silvervale's

>> No.43238202

Based retard

>> No.43238218

Simply another convenient division to fracture you and distract you from the ones really in power

>> No.43238480

I'm at work you fat nigger, where do you want me to shitpost from, thin air? This goddamn thing is a tiny tablet, a fuckin touch screen computer that I can fit in my pocket, and I get internet on it. I love cell phones like you wouldn't believe, maximum comfort. Post while shitting? Can do. Post in bed? You got it. Post at work? Yup. I don't even post from my computer anymore, haven't since '12 and I've been here since '04. Phone posting is the best. Get fucked, nerd.

>> No.43238589

By "twin brother" she means her sister.

>> No.43239019

How about you do your fucking job you lazy sack of shit?

>> No.43239280

This is it isn't it?
I'll keep this post in mind
Thank you for the wisdom anon.

>> No.43239554

she's made several considering her own brother is trooned out too

>> No.43239610

That's another thing I love about phones: unlike your PC or laptop you can just click a button that locks the screen, slide the machine into your pocket, then take it out and use it more when you have the time and convenience! Besides, my job was done an hour and a half after I came in, now I just ride the clock for the next six and a half.

>> No.43239664

It's the entire website.

>> No.43239750

>Besides, my job was done an hour and a half after I came in, now I just ride the clock for the next six and a half.
Have me hired for a similar position, please.

>> No.43240192

Just apply at any gas station or convenience store and tell them you can only work nights. Sure, you'll get the odd customer but that's nothin compared to the literal hours you'll be paid for doing nothing.

>> No.43240616

I think she can afford it. There isn't going to be a backfire.

>> No.43240762

I live in a diverse society. Do you want me to die?

>> No.43240994
File: 20 KB, 326x210, _efd188722ead19465b649d3277fffca7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skill issue

>> No.43241036

ironically, saying what you just said but for girls is all it took to cancel Rowling and start this whole thing

>> No.43242463
File: 823 KB, 2335x3838, shion11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ashkenazim are eurasian kahzars who converted to judaism in the middle ages, they are only tangentially related to bronze age migratory pastoralists. 'Judaism' itself is constantly being reinvented every century. The modern jew is a form of existence that is specifically selected for fractious hostility to social cohesion; the kinds of self-identified tribesmen that were in any way eusocial also long ago ended up sublimated into the broader europoid societies they squatted in, whether consciously or by accident, leaving only those most execrable examples possible as those that 'survived' as a distinct identity, which typifies it today.
Christianity was the first openly antisemitic religion in history. Prophets told the jews of the time that their tortuous legalistic instincts for using the letter of laws to violate the spirit of telos was going to get them destroyed by Rome - which in the event was exactly what happened. The talmud itself is basically bunch of spiritual lawyers filing sophistical lawsuits against God to try and 'trick' him into doing what you want. It reads more like a manual for how to deal with a demon than any sort of holy book.
The jews who rejected God all got scattered to the winds, while Greeks, Romans, and later Teutons all took His word up, and whose character typified it in turn. Christianity in Europe spread because Christian polities were militarily superior on the field of battle to non-christian polities; social technology for large scale coordination means large scale capital, means large scale armies. And in time, those same polities eventually conquered the whole world between them.
There was a brief moment where things looked set for reaching civilizational escape velocity up to conquer the stars too even; but entropy is a universal constant, no imperium runs on inertia forever without active intelligence to maintain it, and this one is no exception either. Old understandings are forgotten, new forms of social hacking are innovated, and the cycles of civilization turn yet again.

>> No.43243090

I want to impregnate shion's tummy.

>> No.43243384

How does this play out? Okay, it'd be funny to bankrupt froot, but if she donates all that money is going towards grooming more children into mutilating and drugging themselves.

>> No.43243679

Where have you been?
The flood of underage phoneposters happened 7 years ago.

>> No.43243834

Holy based.

>> No.43244243
File: 3.81 MB, 498x280, 1667698076348317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trans kids
why, just why? Since when did people start treating kids as if they know what the fuck they're doing? Kids are still figuring shit out and are mostly retarded, you don't let kids have life changing decisions.

>> No.43244462

anyone desperately trying not to become giga radicallizedd by this shit?

like ive been trying to ignore this trans shit for so many years now, mainly because i have yet to see one IRL, so to me its easy to ignore

but seeing how much this shit is ruining our society legit makes me want to actually take action

idk what but i want to actively hate these people now, its harder and harder to ignore

>> No.43244541

And to think that decades ago something like that would've been seen as irredeemably evil.

>> No.43244607

All trannies are pedophiles and their main goal is to dress like women so they can rape children.

>> No.43244615

This is what happens when you ignore the problem. You have the inmates running the asylum.

>> No.43244896

Sounds like you wanna shoot up a trans hospital. See you on the news.

>> No.43247336

There's nothing radical about opposing child sexual exploitation. Donating $40k+ to groomers is something radicalized people do.

>> No.43247614

As much as I hate troons, all of you faggots here suddenly care about children when back then you wanted rape them to correct them What happened!?!?

>> No.43247627

>Harry Potter of all things is the wedge that splits Vshojo
Did not see that one coming

>> No.43249581

>you fags don't realize just how much money these whores make huh?
She's probably one of the lowest earners in the agency anon. She did a subathon a while back but it was a minute a sub and I believe she only made it to 13k.. Currently she's at less than 1k subs though and she doesn't have any sponsorships. Those 43k likes are probably gonna hurt.

>> No.43249729

I care because I don't want these lunatics to convince my nephew that he needs to cut off his dick to be his "true self"

>> No.43250025

The guy in your picture has a jewish mother

>> No.43250292

I'm sorry, but there is nothing we can do anon. In one hand we can vote for right leaning retards. but even they are slowly accepting trans garbage. I wish I was born 40 years ago, far away from this retarded timeline. If I could live in a world without people worshipping trannies and cheering for people to mutilate their bodies I'd genuinely cry of happiness. But we don't live in that world. And it's only going to get worse. Remember what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah? The entire city ignored not one, but two virgin young girls (offered by Abraham) because they wanted to rape the male angels instead. We are approaching that society extremely quick. Enjoy the small things we have left, untouched by the blight of LGBT cancer.

>> No.43250390

Literally all of us are on our phones, including you, and you know it. It's simply more comfortable to post from the couch or bed

>> No.43250487

No retarded phoneposter.

>> No.43250565

>my first hard drive
I like how people who are clearly retarded always try to pretend to be oldfags. Maybe try learning basic english before you larp as a 50yo that's been on 4chan since 2003.

>> No.43250607

Sr, these are seanigger hours.

>> No.43251357

Smartphones are not computers, they are toys. Highly controlled, limited not just in power.

>> No.43252228
File: 173 KB, 480x480, 1655113915558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really get the purpose of this ad. I know the Froot thing it's referring to about the charity raising tied to the tweet's likes, but I don't get this ad.

>> No.43252349

It's trying to people to go click like on the tweet so we can save more children from transphobes

>> No.43253502

It might be because a lot of white people are living spoiled privileged lifestyles with no worries in their lives so they jump on supporting random causes on the internet because they have too much time on their hands and nothing to fight for.

>> No.43253685

It's just preying on compassion and western society is the only one with it.
It's a pretty disgusting way to normalize this mental disease.

>> No.43253985

PCs are sooo 2014

>> No.43254119

Really try to those brain cells firing anon. You're close you can do this.

>> No.43254269

john money experiments weren't considered evil back in the day. these people are on a level of brainrot that you cannot save them, it is already too late.

>> No.43254308

>Really try to those brain cells firing
I think you just shot yourself in the foot there.

>> No.43254349
File: 1.03 MB, 640x462, 09.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43256637

This is a thinly veiled /pol/ thread

>> No.43257364

most people here are phoneposters, why do you think it's so shit now

>> No.43258986

This place has always been a shithole, just for different reasons nowadays

>> No.43260087

and you retards will pretend it's random twitter trannies harassing vshojo chuubas and not /vt/ containment breakers

>> No.43262920

if you think only /vt/ has a bone to pick in this issue you need to lay off the copium

>> No.43263130

I don't think the twin even exist

>> No.43263216

It was better back then

>> No.43263217

>support gender-diverse children
Excuse me what? That is a thing? What the fuck are you guys doing there in burgerland?

>> No.43263488

This is the correct take.

>> No.43263514

Watch as whites say da "joos" and never admit to being complicit or taking the blame to anything lmao

>> No.43263576

Only talked about your sick sister once and when you need to show you pro giving to something to cut up and drug kids https://twitter.com/LichVtuber/status/1248720056068050944

>> No.43263626

It no long only there Anon

>> No.43264047
File: 268 KB, 777x777, 1647789314275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder there's more black trannies than white trannies.
You just see white people talk about it more because (((they're))) also white.

>> No.43264567

Taking responsibility for your own actions is something a mature person does, unfortunately millennials are all mentally children.

>> No.43264565

Fire up some bots on it.

>> No.43266044


>> No.43266128

When was the last time you went to Church, anon?

>> No.43269680

This woman is a living, breathing L

>> No.43269762
File: 303 KB, 766x504, 1676473202428871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43269816

Because money, you fool.

>> No.43269837

One third of all hospital beds in the world are catholic

>> No.43270756

Don't change the fact it's an abomination, even nazis stopped at mass murdering this is eons beyong that;

>> No.43271078

When I was a kid some people said I had a girls voice and that made me have self doubts, now I want to fuck my osh and fap to her everyday.
If I was born into a well off white family in the 2000s I would've been transformed into a tranny for voicing those insecurities

>> No.43271441

It's totally normal to think this way. Most societies look down on child abuse, so it's okay to be upset about it. Literally no matter what the trannies say, abusing children will always be wrong. Personally, I was always pretty centrist/liberal, but mostly uncaring about politics. But everyday this child trans stuff exists in our society, I feel like I am being further radicalized.

I seem to recall this exact sort of child abuse happening in Berlin a few decades ago. Didn't a certain someone do something about this? Hmm....

>> No.43271517

Jews anti white people since eternity and have been setting up grudgeposts after grudgeposts for some retarded schizo reasons that not even oldfags remember anymore.
