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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43224409 No.43224409 [Reply] [Original]

>hololive infested from within by troon management (omega) that is possibly posing as one of the talents as well
>pikamee and silvervale bullied into submission by troons on twitter
>zaion lanza potentially graduating due to twittertroons spinning out of context or minor things out of proportion

they've taken over vtubing as well. why didn't we listen to /pol/?

>> No.43224461


>> No.43224544

>Didn't prove OP wrong either

>> No.43224587


>> No.43224673

Good thing I saved this one just in case.

just before IRyS debuted, she did a test stream that was accidentally set to public. In the chat, staff were posting including AO-chan and a staff member named Jyumi T.
>When people looked up Jyumi's youtube channel, their subs were all public and they were subbed to a bunch of channels about transitioning and resources for trans people including a small, local resource center for trans activism in Singapore.
>They also subscribe to channels such as this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzRtZurrIeU[Open] [Embed]
>AO-Chan was in IRyS' chat leaked test-stream which suggests a far more important role in management than just being Ina's personal bitchnigga / Omegatroon is literally listed as a producer for IRyS
>leaked minecraft logs had a person named "holoEN" pushing FFXIV and suggesting the idea of "joining in", but for that they "may need AO-chans design first"
>holoEN person turns out to be Enma, who's clearly working UNDER AO-chan/Omega
>Kiara has confirmed that management tried really persistently to push FFXIV on them as a continuos Myth collab/campaign (to the point that she bought the game multiple times because they tried to push it multiple times)
>Exact same robotic, passive-aggressive ESL typing style
>Omega appears after AO disappeared, yet Omega is confirmed to have been there since the start
Fast forward
Is Altare Omega?
>Takes all the credit for "making Niji collabs possible" since she was fighting for a Pomu collab for years.
>Altare asks for niji the collabs and they "suddenly" are instantly possible
>some faggot tranny in management that probably suspended Vesper. We know that Altare and Vesper probably had a fight(from Axels membership stream).
>We don't know for sure but it would be 100% in char if Vesper did not want to collab with Altare anymore.
>Altare being a pityful little shit does 7 member collabs to make Vesper look bad or like a loner. Altare never answers why Vesper isn't here, it's usually only Magni that does it, who's actually more of a Leader than Altare will ever be. We know that Altare invited himself to Magni in an offcollab shortly after he and vesper had a fight, probably because Magni is the only one who actively is on Vespers side.
>He slips that he's responsible for collab ban time in the Holotempus by saying "I'll give them a week before collab ban is over" on stream

>Altare claims he won't play Hogwarts Legacy to "SUPPORT THE CAUSE"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYj88IeIM6A[Open] [Embed]
>Bae mentions wanting to play it once in a zatsudan, but goes dead silent after that

>> No.43224686

op being right and op being a dramafaggot are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.43224692

Fuck off omega and stop deleting threads that don't break the rules

>> No.43224884

Where's the evidence?

>> No.43224953

Look up, retard

>> No.43225049

Again, where is the evidence?

>> No.43225150

Kill yourself, Jyumi T.

>> No.43225153

>silvervale bullied into submission
I haven’t seen anything about her caving yet, proof?

>> No.43225215

Eh you rite, I concede

>> No.43225216

>why didn't we listen to /pol/?
because I'm not mentally retarded?

>> No.43225226

she cries from the harassment she got from troons and posted in her discord

>> No.43225380
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>Omega calls herself them/it/xem/her/faggot/troon
>Altroon "support the cause"
Thats enough for me

>Also they are watching this will be deleted in 3..2..1..

>> No.43225382

/pop/ is schizophrenic anon, broken clock etc. Are you also gonna say the earth is flat because pol said so.

>> No.43225384

Also let's say it's not a win for the troons, it's just exposing how horrible people they are and how all the respect they ask is not deserved at all.

>> No.43225421

That’s not caving though. She didn’t apologize for playing it from what I’ve seen, if anything it just goes to show how hateful troons are and continues to turn people against them

>> No.43225464

Schizos have magic powers, when they listen to the voices they reveal yabs

>> No.43225516

This guy just streams shooter games to like 800 people and barely talks to anyone outside of Tempus, I don’t really understand why his existence has been spun into something /pol/faggots seethe at.

>> No.43225557

Maybe because the faggot ruined council debut

>> No.43225569

never understood why there are so many trannies online. statistically, they can't even be 1% of the population at most; I've only ever met like one in real life. where the fuck do they all come from?

>> No.43225627


>> No.43225645

We know the RMs of both Regis and Omega and they’re not the same person. Regis is a faggy zoomer but just streams and keeps to himself.

>> No.43225653

That's just hearsay though. Will never hold up in court.

>> No.43225680


>> No.43225717

It is a win for them, they treated Pikemee's kneeling the same way, literally said she "learned from her mistake" or some shit when Pikamee just didn't want to deal with their psychotic harassment.

>> No.43225793

It’s dumb that he said this, but it just proves that he cares too much about the Twitter hate mob, not that he’s affected anyone else. He doesn’t collab with girls outside of indies and the HoloID girls and has no overlap with the EN ones.

>> No.43225839

stopped reading go back there and stay there

>> No.43225858

>We know the RMs of both Regis and Omega
This is a literal bold faced lie

>> No.43225932

2 reason first they spend dozen more time online than an average person (online provide "safe space" from a lot of reality that they prefer to be in denial, like negative effect on their health or such and provide the attention they are in desper to get, who once again is not something anyone really got IRL) and second by being this much online they are in contact with a lot of people who are also terminal online and gain support from them and that why they are overrepresented online compared to real life, wouldn't be such an issue before they start believing that this online presence have any impact IRL and we are currently here.

>> No.43226000

YWNBAW, go back to tweeting about trans rights and george floyd

>> No.43226011
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>> No.43226069

You will never have a ethno state not that it matters you're not 100% white anyway

>> No.43226113
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Tempus honorary Vshojo

>> No.43226116

They both have different IDs, be a doxxfag and look it up

>> No.43226117

nta, I would go on detail about their RM but I don't want to be banned, do your research. It's known who they were/are

>> No.43226159

Virtual youtubers?

>> No.43226235

Nha that just desilusion, the result is that they will still kill themselves and be killed more than before and less people will care about it and more people will be happy about it, this is the reality, they are loosing everywhere and had no way to win anything in this "fight". If one of those harraser get found in a trashbag tomorrow, all of us will think "deserved" and nothing else, and it will be deserved.

>> No.43226256

Nonsense, I have been wanting to doxx Omega since the beginning.

>> No.43226262

We really missed on a big YAB for hogwarts but because you pulled a "It's okay when JP does it," we missed out on that. We could've had something similar to Miko and Marine apologize for their freezer doujin incident but you somehow dodged a bullet. Oh well. The year is still going so something big may happen in Hololive

>> No.43226270

Unfortunately. I wish it wasn't the case

>> No.43226303
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lmfao seethe jew

>> No.43226380

Didn't miss out on anything except bigger numbers

>> No.43226392

They infest everything retard, it hardly matters if you're aware or not

>> No.43226423

>>Omega calls herself them/it/xem/her/faggot/troon

>> No.43226452

You wish, bitch. At most 1 or 2 EN graduations with no drama. Keep coping.

>> No.43226479

Then use your two braincells and look for Regis RM

>> No.43226578

The purpose is achieved >>43224673
I don't care who he is

>> No.43226636


>> No.43226726

If you know their RMs you should know the omegaltare rrat isbullshit

>> No.43226747

cope tranny

>> No.43226809


>> No.43226835

he's right though, the guy was a twitch 3view for years before becoming a homo.

>> No.43226838

It's a Revolutionary Truth.

>> No.43226906

Is the implication that I am not watching homo streams? Because yes I do not watch homo streams.
And? Omega played FFXIV, fits.

>> No.43226943

It just means he’s a loser, not that he’s Omega.

>> No.43226981

>Omega played FFXIV, fits
who the fuck hasn't?
