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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43215450 No.43215450 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.43215652

lazy whores all over the corp... your oshi will be one of them, sooner or later...

>> No.43215657

Yeah, she got all uppity about startend along with her fans, thinking that her dominating scrims was how the actual tourney would play out, only to get dismantled.
Turns out the other players were sandbagging scrims while fans thought they were going all out because Startend was tryharding them.

>> No.43215725

I can't believe how hard she got mindbroken just because she got second place in a fucking mario kart tourney and got owned in an apex tourney because she played it like it was a pub.
She legit has autism.

>> No.43215841

They have literally no incentive to stream after a while. Once they have an audience they can just stream once a month and then do an event with a merch drop and be rich.

>> No.43215956

I specifically remember startend faggots shitting up the vspo threads, insulting the vspo girls in the thread that's about them, because of how well startend was doing in scrims and how they'd "win it all on their first try"
It got to the point where the vspo viewers just hated any mention of holo.

>> No.43217165

The Startend faggots who didn't know anything about the girls?
Oh yeah, I remember them, those pathetic and obvious falseflaggers.

>> No.43217274

Who is Aqua?

>> No.43217384

to be fair you can't really just single out aqua on the mario kart tourney. that's THE hololive tourney and fucking everyone takes it really seriously, just look at how many of them start tearing just by making it to the tsuyo cup.

>> No.43217589

>just look at how many of them start tearing just by making it to the tsuyo cup.
That was was a really weird time, especially since the recent MK8 race they all didnt give as much of a fuck about it anymore.

>> No.43217654

i was literally thinking about the last mario kart tourney as i wrote the part you quoted. pay particular attention to holox.

>> No.43217668

Pekora was almost crying and cut her stream pretty abruptly...

>> No.43217790

Good times. Menhera hololive was best hoololive, shits so boring now.

>> No.43217849

why do they care so much about mario kart?

>> No.43217882

What's that smell?

>> No.43217942

The sweet onion, ooh, it sings to me! It's enough to make a fan sick.

>> No.43219046

because shit's intense when you play it competitively.
thankfully some crazy motherfucker compiled every single relevant reaction in a giant clip so i can link this more easily for you.


also see the start of each group to see a bunch of insanely nervous chuubas, i don't feel like linking those. even at the end there was some crying and excitement and not just from suisei:

and senchou being extremely salty:

tl;dr mario kart autism runs deep and all around.

>> No.43219288
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It's funny when Gurafags bitch about how Gura barely uploads gaming streams while us Aquafags had to deal with this bullshit for 3 years.
At least oshi is still motivated, meanwhile our gaming meido barely cares about vtubing anymore.

>> No.43220632

She is a idol now, not be a bitch fucking neko, she still do her best to complete her dream .... Yes I miss game stream and want to hear Akutan laugh and have a good time but people can't get burnout and stop enjoy your hobbies specially if you put more weight in you hobby (she pass to enjoy the game to make enjoyed steam games)

>> No.43220772

Yeah anon, totally falseflaggers.

>> No.43220891

i wanted marine to win so bad....
well there's always next year

>> No.43221396

for a idol, she sure is a third rated one.

>> No.43222085

It's spring
Final exam, uni exam

>> No.43222100

I'm with him on that one considering the fact that thread traffic and IP counts didn't change at all in any of the generals for those 3 at the time and the fags spamming didn't even know any of the most well-known facts or basic history of Aqua or Towa playing APEX not even as recently as 2 months before the tournament, and they all disappeared as soon as the tournament was over, again with the IP count and traffic in the girls' generals not changing at all.

>> No.43222197

can't believe /#/ successfully broke that thread forever. to this day many from there actually believe they weren't falseflagging and shitposting deliberately.

>> No.43222218

How so?

>> No.43222417

They still have the thread title in kana because of that event and bringing up Towa, even when on-topic, is guaranteed to get at least one person upset. Mildly autistic.

>> No.43222622

this is what broke her

>> No.43222820

A classic. I'm also fond of this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULr-zQKLBkI

>> No.43222966

Aqua's insecurities and autism meant she was practicing off-stream anytime she could. Also, garbage like Apex bring a shitload of antis who love targeting the mentaly vulernable like Aqua.
It sucks that she doesn't stream more, but going from gaming maid to idol maid was probably a blessing for her.

>> No.43223005

Matsuri used to scream much more often back then...

>> No.43223101
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>> No.43223121 [DELETED] 

Retards it's not the MK tourney that made her stop streaming, it was the chink antis and apex antis.

>> No.43223260

Nothing but monthly and sponsored streams from here on out.

>> No.43223490

based, any other rage clips?

>> No.43223608

Hoshiyomis barely cared, kenzokus know how's the drill with tournaments and aquacrew are basically non-existent. Who the fuck do you think they were, retard?

>> No.43223911

Yeah, for me Aqua (forma de gamer meido) is the best vtuber of all time, I know she wants to be an idol and stuff, but her gaming streams is where she really shines

>> No.43224155

the funny thing is that /#/ didn't even have to do anything but le /vt/ boogeyman

>> No.43224395
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it's a shame i only got into her late 2020 when she was on the decline from gaming streams. early akutan must've been a sight to behold

>> No.43224420

Returning anon and fair points. But I pretty much assumed she still games, but doesn't like to stream her gaming hobbies anymore in order to appeal to her idol fans.

>> No.43224528

she objectively has less idol fans than gaming fans though

>> No.43224576

She stopped when she moved out her home and to tokyo. She now has many things to do that eats up her time and kills her want to stream. Add that to her apex antis and well you get unmotivated to do the shit you like.

I just wish she streams again.

>> No.43224593

Yeah you unfortunately miss the train. She was actually the Holo that was most known for gaming, even more than Okakoro, until the HoloNuke happened and she privatized most of her gaming videos.

>> No.43224983

She needs to learn to say no every once in a while instead of accepting every little thing that the management push on her.

>> No.43226649

It's sad reading this thread, because Ame will be like this soon.

>> No.43227413
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what do you mean? she does everything now

>> No.43227491
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she's been streaming consistently at least so it doesn't feel as bad.

>> No.43229473

This was the last time I watched Hololive. Watame, Aqua, and Suisei all ended with tears. Great stuff. Then everything went back to shitty shovelware horror games and minecraft and I got too angry to follow them anymore. Such high highs to such low lows...

>> No.43231091

it's such a shame, her bloodborne streams or spending 5 hours beating sekiro over and over again trying to get a better time. 2019 Aqua was the best shit ever. I still love her and her spending 7 hours in holocure even though it was her first time playing that genre was fun

>> No.43235250

what the fuck are you talking about? shitty horror games and minecraft have always been there even before the mk tourneys showed up, nothing's changed.

>> No.43235534

Minato "Mental Fatigue" Aqua

>> No.43235542
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>Aqua thread
>no Aqualewds
I'm extremely disappointed in all of you, I'll give you just one image out of pity and leave you to this garbage schizothread.

>> No.43235911
File: 41 KB, 574x308, Is This Pizzano Serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do they care so much about mario kart?
Because other than minecraft, it's the yearly gaming event they have where almost the full roster get together to play together. Unlike minecraft though, Mario Kart is treated as an actual competition and not a virtual playground to have fun and hang out online. Everybody spends weeks both on and off stream practicing and they all want to win and have bragging rights for the entire year.

>> No.43235968

they just had another great mario kart tourney bro

>> No.43238346


>> No.43238614

I miss the Apex grind... I'm not fond of the game but I liked watching her play

>> No.43239101

ah makes sense, I didnt realize they like bragging over each other so much. thanks for the info anon
