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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 133 KB, 294x330, 1668096052113447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43183974 No.43183974 [Reply] [Original]

>see an indie with 3 viewers
>join in
>say a "yo"
>slow content, but ok
>feel an immense fucking pressure like never before, like an icicle got shoved into my ass while I'm crossing a suspension bridge on Mt EVEREST during a fucking winter wind
>I now have to watch this indie alone for it became my responsibility because the others fucking left
>tfw I know how it feels to be ignored
>mfw I now have the chance to save her
>now I have to pay attention and send a message every 5 seconds
>if I stop for a minute she stops fucking talking and I feel bad about it
>I point out every little thing to keep chat moving, she responds properly
>I find myself enjoying it but it's still too much pressure
>I leave a like and I leave immediately
I dont know how saviourfags are doing it but I'm not dealing with that, maybe atleast a 20 view and I'll manage. Jesus christ
>mfw I couldve saved the next diamond in the rough hoshimachi suisei but I'm too scared of socially interacting with a vtuber

>> No.43184086

fuck off bb

>> No.43184211

You went straight into the deep end. Start with 2 views, build up the ability to talk to the streamer without being a sperg and then go and do that.

>> No.43184302


>> No.43184426
File: 229 KB, 680x450, dd0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally clicked a 2 views
>if any of us leave she'll notice and she will be sad
>2 hours of karaoke it is then
i can FEEL the tension on both sides it was unreal

>> No.43184505

Moral of the story is never click on a stream with less than 10 ccv.

>> No.43184513
File: 96 KB, 378x326, suiflarehd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im amazed you can even find 2views in your feed. The lowest view count ive found was about maybe 10 at the minimum.

>> No.43184556

3 years ago I watched one streamer who started her stream around 1 am for me
She didn't have a lot of viewers (1-3) and often I would be the only one
But my vacations ended and I had to get a better sleep schedule
She sadly stopped streaming a bit after that

>> No.43184582

Just open youtube, type in vtuber, filter by live. Instantly seeing people with 1-2 viewers.

>> No.43184603

I've never chatted in a stream ever and I never will. I silently watch and follow.

>> No.43184668
File: 218 KB, 725x695, suicry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think i have the strength to be a saviourfag, let alone be one to a jp. Thank you for letting me know the method when i can actually muster up the courage to do this

>> No.43185085

You're a good man anon, but yeah I can relate, this is why I only tune in to those with at least 10 ccv

>> No.43185232
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>Click on 2 view stream on accident
>Panic and like/unlike or sub/unsub while trying to click out
>Think about it for the rest of the day

>> No.43185261

I hate twitch streams that have a big obnoxious follow alert. Like fuck off.

>> No.43185682
File: 7 KB, 393x60, ;kasj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying it rn and its not that hard. was she jp?

>> No.43185712

i've noticed single digit chuubas dont commentate that much

>> No.43185972
File: 6 KB, 200x197, 087433443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found a literall 2view
>accidently clicked on her stream
>she welcomed me with her cheered voice
>explained what she did
>never stopped the conversation and constantly asking question to make sure i'm still there
>now i'm stuck watching her for 2h and racking my brain to reply with my limited nihongo
>about to leave midway
>she was asking me if i was still there
>i didnt reply
>she thanked me for coming and apologized if she had made me uncomfortable or the sort
>immense guilt
>i'm stuck for another 1h
>it was already 3am where i live by then

>> No.43186441

I've had this happen with EN and JP vtubers, my easy way out is to only comment like gg when they win a game, and stuff like hello / thanks for the stream. I treat corporate vtubers the same way actually

>> No.43186573

she's manipulating you anon. if that even happened in the first place

>> No.43186650

>"What do you think chat"
>its only me
wtf do i do

>> No.43186838

Damn i don't watch 2views but this sounds interesting don't really think anyone will have a chance to become the next suisei tho unless they end up in hololive in the future

>> No.43186905

That just seems like glory hunting. You should watch vtubers because you like them, not because you want to be a hipster no one will remember.

>> No.43186922

I'm a afraid you're gonna have to form an opinion of your own for once.

>> No.43187002

But by then they usually have an inner circle built and you can't wedge your way in

>> No.43187288

>mfw I couldve saved the next diamond in the rough hoshimachi suisei
Iirc Suisei debut stream had +100 viewers.
I don't think she ever had a 2 digit stream.

In the last few weeks Youtube has been regularly suggesting 2view karaoke streams from JP vtubers.

>> No.43187414

Here’s a pro tip: They probably won’t remember you after a day or two, especially if you barely talked in their stream so just chat away and if you fail and the first impressions are bad just leave, there’s thousands more to groom

>> No.43187503

>Iirc Suisei debut stream had +100 viewers.
I mean, she was uploading videos on the channel before her first livestream.
even then those 100+ viewers she had on debut could have evaporated, and the next livestream could've been less viewers.

>> No.43187582

My problem is that it takes like 6 hours of searching to find a 1 view that isn't shit or male if you're eop. Doing my reps but I'm not at the point where I can follow and chat in jp streams and EN indies are 99.99% trash

>> No.43187627

If you're looking for EN indies then youtube is not the right place for that.

>> No.43188253

Oh I don't, I use twitch if I want to watch an EN 2view. But my comment applies there too

>> No.43190354

God, we, men, are so easy.

>> No.43190944

>Iirc Suisei debut stream had +100 viewers.

yes when being a vtuber was wow

>> No.43191146

There is this one really cute 1view that I'll watch sometimes. Even if I don't/can't watch, I'll at least pull up their stream, give them a like and let it run in the background for the entirety of their stream.
Only real issue is I don't speak their language so I can't really interact with them.

>> No.43191193

More power to you
I really don't get how people "watch" streamers who speak a different language. Like, are you enjoying their vocal inflections? I don't get it

>> No.43191322

I don't, normally. I just found her to be particularly sweet from what i could understand and deserving of an audience.

>> No.43191533
File: 277 KB, 755x1004, static-assets-upload6741932407641011151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see an indie with 3 viewers
>join in
>say a "yo"
>slow content, but ok

>> No.43191589


>> No.43191638

Are you gay? You could have literally had sex right there and you left

>> No.43191684

I hate women.

>> No.43191706

why are you so fruity

>> No.43192376


>> No.43193234

I don't know about twitch, but youtube's live viewcounts have been fucked up often enough especially with very small streamers that I just don't trust the number it shows anymore.
But if you feel pressure to keep commenting and awkward, you could write in the chat that you're having the stream as a background as you're working or something. Shows her you're still present eventho you ain't talking much. She'll be happy that someone's there watching her. You talk whenever you feel like it and that's how it should be.

>> No.43193448
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>> No.43193480

I get disappointed every time. Sometimes it's a really good character model too. I just want cute girls.

>> No.43193612
File: 730 KB, 1137x970, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be the savior of the broken
The beaten and the damned?"

>> No.43193664

yeah thats why they remain low digits

>> No.43193692
File: 112 KB, 750x1262, 1662322684583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see random link for indies posted
>click one at random
>i am the only viewer
>vtuber greets me
>close window

Yeah, I'm not talking to you if I'm not able to at least watch long enough to know what you're about and if you're worth my time.

>> No.43193887
File: 495 KB, 2048x1164, 1676565141840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we had a saviorfag general. It'd be interesting to talk about random 1-2 viewer vtubers dammed to be at the bottom of the pit.

Sadly this could never happen because aspies would come and advertise themselves turning it into /wvt/ 2.5

>> No.43194204

I mean that's basically /indie/ but, as you said, no one will give up their favorites because they don't want them flooded with autists

>> No.43194717

i really have no idea how saviorfags do their thing every time i try to watch a small indie i fall asleep meanwhile i have exactly 1 person watching me every stream and i feel genuinely bad for him with how he has turned into my therapist..

>> No.43194991

my favorite 1view only streams once a blue moon but she will always greet me even if i don’t type in chat. how do i get over my autism bros

>> No.43195119

sounds like it's parasocial fr fr

>> No.43195479

>to be a savior fag you need to at least dedicate time to interact with the streamer for the entire the stream.
>have to come up with things to talk about so the conversation doesnt end up dead

Whats the appeal?

>> No.43196229

>>feel an immense fucking pressure like never before, like an icicle got shoved into my ass
Jesus Christ you fucking retard, it's just a woman. Get a grip.

>> No.43196428

Women are horrifying.

>> No.43198264

Your second point is pretty much just normal human interaction though?

>> No.43198373

I'm a 2view who sometimes watches other 2views, so I understand both sides. Of course, I don't actively check who's viewing my stream though so I don't call out lurkers to say hi unless they type in chat.

Here are some tips to feel less pressured:
- Food is always a good topic, you can say "I'm eating xxx" or "Have you eaten?"
- If you're trying to lurk, just say so. We are appreciative of lurkers too, just say "Gonna lurk for a bit!" or if "lurk" isn't a term then just say you're having their stream in the background while you do some work.
- To leave a stream you just have to say "I'll be going to (reason)! Thanks for the stream, I enjoyed it" with reason being any excuse like eating, sleeping, class, going out.

If you want to groom them be sure to follow their socials and slide in their DMs.

>> No.43199180
File: 243 KB, 900x900, 1634802215872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Join JP stream with around 100 viewers
>Say something in English without thinking
>Vtuber homes in on it because of course all the other viewers are japs
>A while later she says something referencing the English speaking commenter but my Japanese isn't good enough to fully understand it
>Overanalyse it and can't think of what to say, don't end up saying anything
>She seems disappointed
A grim lesson was learnt that day.

>> No.43201331
File: 673 KB, 595x533, 1641692912435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does a streamer with literally zero viewers even do? Does she keep talking even thought she can clearly see not a soul can hear her?

>> No.43201664

She said to her JP viewers get a load of this faggot

>> No.43201699

That's actually the best way to find the good streamers. The 0views who just sit there drooling will always be low energy and boring. But sometimes you'll find one giving fun commentary and cracking jokes. That's a gem

>> No.43201788
File: 20 KB, 221x217, 1324376688526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal human interaction

>> No.43201848

Nah, it was about spit fetishism and wondering if foreigners would understand that sort of thing.

>> No.43201996

you guys know you can hide your viewercount? Most streamers do, otherwise you would constantly check it and feel like a failure seeing it go down and overanalyse what you just did and if its your fault etc.

At least the best piece of advice i can give is hide your viewer count. Maybe you have 0 viewers, maybe you have 10. Just keep talking as though someone is there though- best way to grow and get better at streaming.

>> No.43202373
File: 414 KB, 1746x2000, FMapKK5VcAQlB-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this fox so much

>> No.43202456

If you're looking for quality vtubers then Twitch is not the place for that. The English vtubers that stream on Youtube are much more likely to be in tune with the elements of Japanese culture that actually makes vtubers appealing in the first place.

>> No.43202469

oh sweet retarded anon you can say literally anything because it's all content for the streamer

>> No.43202533

Posted this in the wrong thread, sorry anons I'm a retard

>> No.43203020

you niggas can't be serious. if you're the only viewer left but you're still enjoying the stream then just keep watching, interact normally. if you're not enjoying it just leave. remember: they're girls and regardless of their success as a vtuber their life is at least 20 times easier than yours

>> No.43203167

Because they know how to groom.

>> No.43203309

Just say you have to go to bed and "good night." Like holy shit.

>> No.43203625

I respect you anon. I tried using Nobody.live once. Never clicking that shit again. I wanna leave cause I am neither interested nor have time to watch the whole stream but man, it feels bad doing that.

>> No.43203716

You heartless monster. Do you also shoot up kindergartens?

>> No.43205443

Best you can hope for is individual treads with tips on how to saviourfag and the answer is jsut doing networking so you can shill the chuuba well

>> No.43205576

>Try to saviourfag a chuuba by actually helping her improve instead of just shilling her
>Accidentally groom her
How the fuck do avoid doing this

>> No.43205912

Those two things go hand-in-hand. It's not possible to separate

>> No.43206212

The more I do this the more I'm starting to feel like all the best female models are the men. Every time it's an actual woman it's some low res powerpoint with clown design

>> No.43209443
File: 188 KB, 303x296, 1653791750234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually able to DM 2views? I thought it was frowned up and she would think i'm disgusting. What do people who dm 2views even talk about?

>> No.43209584

Twittergroid thread

>> No.43210197

Holy shit I did it. I found a literal 5view who is actually goddamn perfect. It only took me days of searching

>> No.43210245

youtube or twitch?

>> No.43210371

twitch, the only downside

>> No.43210396
File: 246 KB, 503x501, 1612131598114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join a 1 view chuuba's stream
>the girl is talking in voicecall with two other guys
>they notice I joined and one of the guys said "who the hell is that?"
>the girl says "I dunno" and they all start laughing
>leave feeling utterly humiliated

I'll never try to saviorfag again

>> No.43210468

she was just a whore anon, you tried to do good

>> No.43210487
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>> No.43210623

>join 1 view stream
>theres already someone in chat grooming her
should i try joining in or let him do his thing and move on?

>> No.43210820

You'd be amazed how many of those people give up after a week tops. If you really like her then go for it

>> No.43211522

has anyone here successfully groomed a chuuba? ive read lot of stories of anons giving up eventually or retards ending up grooming themselves butt never a happy ending

>> No.43211735

there was an anon who groomed a 2view single mom and is going to japan to meet her

>> No.43212211

Have any of you tried teaching your pet 1 views how to stream better or how to promote themselves better on twitter and youtube shorts?

>> No.43212255

You literally make it a mission to touch grass so you have a mildly interesting story to share with her when she finally shows up.

>> No.43212356
File: 3.90 MB, 2002x8070, 1661769228403339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a tranny who got exposed

>> No.43212448

But if they do that they'll incline and how are you going to groom them then?

>> No.43212510

oh yes i remember this. but did they ever go through with it

>> No.43212568


>> No.43212600

The entire point is to make them incline though. They make it big and you're secretly the one fucking her after the stream

>> No.43212685

Part of the grooming process is to grow /with/ them. If they see no future in vtubing their dreams will be crused, they'll close up shop and then all your hours of grooming will be wasted as she returns to the reality of wageslaving.

>> No.43213812
File: 497 KB, 450x450, 1660552214930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god oh fuck he just left and now it's just me. I don't know what to say

>> No.43213902

I'm in this picture. I'm famous!

>> No.43214243

Talk about your favorite general threads

>> No.43214332
File: 1.04 MB, 640x586, 1671414603331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she ended the stream

>> No.43214425

obviously you don’t just dm a random vtuber watch a 1 view constantly till they know who you are and start seeing you as a friend from there on just like you talk to any other person

>> No.43214974

This was the first anon I've ever cheered for. I hope they got what they wanted.

>> No.43215038

Nigger, you talk to her until she sees you as a friend, then you hit DM for further actions.

>> No.43216611

This is honestly the one situation in streaming that isn't parasocial. In fact it's less parasocial the fewer the viewers, in an inversely proportional relationship. The more aware of you, specifically, the less parasocial by its definition. What do you think a parasocial relationship even is?

>> No.43216750

sauce please sauce now returned nothing

>> No.43217366
File: 165 KB, 987x960, 1676285132963495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking your 1view does anything
Keep in mind that YouTube cucks the viewcount by leaving out people with adblock and other browser addons from showing up on her chat. The 1 viewer was HER.

>> No.43217502

I remember hearing a JP 2view tell chat how she doesn't have those alerts enabled because JPbros told her that it made them uncomfortable.

>> No.43217575

I was looking for a 2view and one of them I found today had the alert set to a jumpscare. Got old REALLY fast

>> No.43217784

That's like the top 0.1% of streamers.

>> No.43217885

>2view pulling an endurance for 1000 subs
>wait until they hit 1001
Yep, ahh. That's my good deed for the year.

>> No.43218311

>find 1 view playing a game from a franchise i like
>she is also a fan so it was fun to watch and i was easily able to keep her talking
>leave before the end, but tell her i'm subbing and i'll tune in when i can
>follow her on twitter and she follows me back
>show up for her next stream and she happily greets me
>again it was fun but i couldn't stay until the end
>miss the next couple of streams but when i do catch a stream she happily greets me and says she had missed me and asked where i've been
>told her i got busy and just didn't see the last few times she was streaming
>she now tweets at me before every stream to remind me so i don't miss it
Am I the one being groomed?

>> No.43218414

no :)

>> No.43218420

This scenario is exactly why I am afraid to type in chat. I would have to delete my youtube and twitter and change all my usernames if this happened to me. The pressure is too much.

>> No.43218671

>join 1 view stream
>guy desperately trying to groom her while she keeps saying it's impossible for streamers and viewers to even be friends
>me and two other dudes trying our best to just talk about the game she is playing
I honestly hope that fag gets hit by a bus. She is too nice to just ban him, but he fucking ruins streams. Even spoiled a game she was playing while pretending he was making predictions.

>> No.43219403

lucky bastard

>> No.43219847

First time watching Elira, eh?

>> No.43220650
File: 282 KB, 562x634, 1648614882668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2view pulling an endurance for 10k subs
>subscribe and quickly unsubscribe
>notice her counter adds +1 every time i do it
>continuously subscribe and unsubscribe until i glitch her counter to 10k
>she cries and thanks everyone for supporting her

>> No.43221648

I think I want to be groomed by a 1view now

>> No.43221812

I was watching a 1 view the other day and the fucking guy was talking a mile a minute, constantly shitting out talk about the gameplay or quips about the dialogue/story. I didn't even need to say anything and he just kept talking it was actually kind of exhausting

>> No.43221913

>to leave stream say x
No you idiot don't do that. Literally just leave, if you tell the streamer you're leaving then that just makes them think they're not entertaining enough to get them to stay

>> No.43222948
File: 69 KB, 619x447, heartless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought it was kinda funny

>> No.43223736

as a vodwatcher i dont have this problem

>> No.43224047
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>he couldn't saviorfag
you're not worthy

>> No.43224290
File: 2.20 MB, 3277x4096, 1667714152022253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon is about to get harassed by his new oshi if he retweets another vtuber

>> No.43224603

>click on a 3-view because he was playing a game I liked
>typed too soon
>he turned out to be pretty creepy and mentally ill, like irl, not playing a character
>too late, he's already aware of me
>he asked me to follow him
>oh shit he'll probably remember me if I refuse
>follow him
>have to make a new Twitch account
so yeah don't type in small streamer chat until you've fully accessed the situation

>> No.43225185

shilling my 2view oshi, please watch her thx

>> No.43225567

Cute hag, I'll sub for you

>> No.43225993

bizarre, wonder how it ended
thank you brother

>> No.43226076


>> No.43226258

>girl is mean to you
Fucking whore!
>girl is nice to you
Fucking whore but also a liar!

>> No.43226551

thanks bro you are a god
what if she has sex with you?

>> No.43226741

>0 dead air even as a 1view
The guy is going places.

>> No.43227900

Dead air is uncomfortable when streaming please understand

>> No.43227951

roastie hands typed this post

>> No.43228366

she talks fast...

>> No.43228447

>on 4chan

>> No.43230764
File: 9 KB, 259x194, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So real question, why are 2views, 2views?

Is it the model? Their personality? Dead air? Inconsistent schedules? Not improving streams?

>> No.43231121

because (you) don't watch them

>> No.43231973
File: 1.13 MB, 448x322, 1675321579603228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber has at max 14 viewers
>half of those is just me+my friend group
>we only watch since she's been a irl friend of ours since high-school and i suppose the super high quality model she poured her soul into making
>double pressured to not leave since she might theoretically personally ask any of us at any time "did you stop watching my stream?"

>> No.43232300

People only watch streamers when they are popular. Eventually, enough non-bandwagons watch the same chuuba that they end up 3views and the band-wagoners start to pile up.

>> No.43232591
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I just went to Youtube and took a look at all of the english speaking literal 0, 1 and 2 viewers on youtube and none of them interested me for a bunch of reasons:

>Ugly/generic looking models
>Poor quality mic
>Not talking/too much dead air
>Bad/uninteresting or unskilled gameplay

The other vtubers that were live had 3, 5 or even 12 views which is good enough in my books so I didn't check for feedback.

I think you have to keep grinding and improving your stream before you see any results, from what I've seen the 2viewers literally deserve to be 2 viewers.

>> No.43233159

Suisei debuted to about 150, same as Miko. She had 2 view streams all the time as an indie and INNK couldnt lift her much

>> No.43233615

>he has to dm the 2view himself
amateur, real saviorfags get dmed by the 2view herself.

>> No.43233780

>deserve to be 2 view
Except that's not necessarily true. Streamers live and die by the algorithm, and even the mighty hololive would likely still be a 4view if not for clippers and their ilk.

>> No.43234342

I've seen some holos do that

>> No.43234447

Why does this site exist? why would you encapsulate the sadness of being an indie in one website??

>> No.43234689

Dodged a bullet anon, never lose faith, one of them might just be waiting for someone like you.

>> No.43235221

i watched these streams in the past and they would always grow much bigger if i kept watching. i feel like a viewer magnet

>> No.43236315
File: 220 KB, 1131x224, waterfox_23_02_17_13_10_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that was exactly my experience looking just now. Pic related is the one with the lowest views that still has a decent model, but the model also doesn't appeal to me because it's too slutty.

>> No.43236598

If they've streamed for months, they're used to it.
Just say something nice when you leave like "gotta go eat, I love your voice!".

>> No.43237276

>be 2view
>no chatters for multiple streams at a time
>about two and a half hours of energetically talking to the void in, about to call it for the day
>suddenly, jumpscared by a strange noise
>it was the follow sound
>I had forgotten what it sounded like
>there is now a chatter
>ask how it's going, what's up, etc.
>they are very knowledgeable about the game I'm playing, know which NPCs give what quests and where, tells me the optimal "oh since you're doing this, you should do this since it's on the way"
>very friendly, very active
>end up going for two more hours
it cuts both ways sometimes. My throat just got a tad dry.

>> No.43237642


>> No.43237789

I forgot the "literal" part. ごめん.
I know one of them is me looking at chat/monitoring stream, but there's usually something looking at me putting the count up to 2. I guess it's still more accurate to say literal 1view. It's funny, but my "biggest" streams get no chat at all.

>> No.43238600

I once bumped into a vTuber who was worried other tubers would steal her model's unique antennas, and I joked that every vTuber was going to have them pretty soon.
Turns out, she was a real menhera who was worried about things like that...

Felt guilty about that for awhile.

>> No.43238837

Sometimes they're 2views because they're just streaming for fun.
I know one that has tons of rigged models and whatnot, and it's not because she's trying to grow her channel.

>> No.43239036

how are they so weak?

>> No.43239535

why would anyone "stream for fun"? they absolutely want to be seen and get attention if they stream to a big public platform

>> No.43239730

this is why i always open my own stream with my smartphone

>> No.43240028

Difficult to find, shit schedules and poor and/or repetitive content choices. It's mostly shit schedules that does it for me though. I've now subbed to countless of chuubas, some for whom I've waited actual weeks to a full month to catch them live, only for them to just not stream until my interest slowly fades and I just forget.

>> No.43240196

Shill her, ill save your friend.
