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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43178568 No.43178568 [Reply] [Original]

What are your hopes and dreams for HoloFR?

>> No.43178594


>> No.43178623

The French accent is cute
aside from that, I don’t watch her

>> No.43178663

Who even speaks French aside from frogs and Africans?

>> No.43178679


>> No.43178743

They speak French? I thought they speak Ubuntu or something like that

>> No.43178773

The swiss, belgians, luxemburgers(?), monégasques, quebecois, and all the overseas french in the caribbean, indian ocean etc

>> No.43178798

A lot of oui oui.

>> No.43179209


>> No.43179460

I wonder why Vshojo hasn't tried to poach Saruei yet, isn't her viewership pretty good?
I guess they just hate EU tubers like every other corpo

>> No.43179638

they've only hired 2 (two) new EN members since their debut in 2020, both of whom were very close friends with the rest of their roster
saruei is neither very close to them nor is she even the indie with the highest numbers
how does not poaching her mean they hate EU tubers?

>> No.43179672

>No one of importance

>> No.43179781

Because vshojo only cares about noombers and poaching "large indies" is exactly what they do, it's literally their business model.
The company was literally formed by slapping their logo onto 5 established indie vtubers and pretending they've done anything. Then the kson/mike poaching just reinforced the fact that this wasn't a one-time thing and that they'd always operate like that because it's much easier than having to go through applications.

>> No.43180498

cope 2view

>> No.43182053

A couple of whales from monaco or luxembourg would generate more revenue for cover than the entire ID branch

>> No.43182084

saruei's not gonna happen, she literally makes porn of herself

>> No.43182168

Brown, jealous and poor, hands wrote this

>> No.43182324

He doesn't know...

>> No.43182814
File: 255 KB, 523x480, CEO of Smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None. I just want HoloNE and maybe HoloDE.

>> No.43183635

Nta but:
Small population and even then only lke 1 in 5 people there speak french.
Now you're just padding with bs, it's literally a small city-state in France itself
Canadians rofl
>SEA and Pajeets
At this point you're only making your point look worse, frog. If you're going to go that far might as well mention French Guiana, since it beats half that list put together population-wise.

Any FR agency would only appeal to french and people that pretend to be french(a sad existence). It makes zero sense to invest in this, not when you can make an english-speaking agency instead and appeal to the richer parts of the world(including the rich people in shit countries).

>> No.43183907

Probably because she's a serial shitstirrer that even Vshojo doesn't want to touch.

>> No.43183957

God please tell me Nina applied for HoloEN

>> No.43184089

I don't think she's interested in abandoning her current identity and friends.

>> No.43184593

What a fucking faggot

>> No.43184722

Sorry bro, HoloEN just isn't the draw that it used to be a couple years ago

>> No.43184932

That it will never exist

>> No.43184993

She repeatedly said she would like to join Holo but she dislikes Niji

>> No.43185099

Hahaha no. Even german wouldn't be able to sustain a viewerbase for an entire dedicated branch and it's the most widely spoken native language in Europe (russians don't want to be europeans so I'm generously excluding them).

>> No.43185925


>> No.43187440

But that was some time back are you sure she's still up for it?

>> No.43191995
File: 95 KB, 800x450, grab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhhh. my beloved. your mouth. how i wish to grab it.

>> No.43192210

Man, everything about Saruei drives my dick insane except her actual streams. They're so fucking boring. Literally better to just watch clip.

>> No.43192513

I fucking wish she wasn't a huge bitch IRL, kek

>> No.43192552

She's less bitchy these days. A shame.

>> No.43192807

Saruei is never going to join a corpo. Which is good she's a sweetheart and corpos suck the soul out of people.

>> No.43194439

ENGLISH is the lingua franca. Don't like you know where the door is.

>> No.43195115

i can only accept the french if they humiliate themselves by speaking in english

>> No.43195508
File: 1.33 MB, 500x515, 1672092081637358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is full of actual schizos
>Image is of a Vtuber that pisses and shits herself if you ask her anything about the country
>Basically every thread on this board that isn't a general is 100 replies basically full of vague speak and misinformation, no one engaging in conversation just spreading more shit
/vt/ was literally a mistake

>> No.43196617

Based mouth grabber poster

>> No.43196776

More chance of HololiveUK guv'na

>> No.43196815

>Sacre bleu! It's time for Saruuu!

>> No.43197030

Japs have a boner for the French

>> No.43198079

french accurate is cute but they are all whores so hopefully never

>> No.43202566

French whore go die.

>> No.43204848

It would be much easier for them to bring up euro nobodies and pump them big than offer any indie twitch streamer anything. That goes for all of them not just Saruei. Most of them are trouble.

>> No.43205330

There is an ego thing going on with alot of bigger indies.

>> No.43205455

Those go in HoloCA

>> No.43205951

They like their idea of the French culture, not the actual reality.

>> No.43206003

Wow they're just like weebs fr fr

>> No.43206241

Well yeah.
That's Kenichi Smith meme isn't a meme really.

>> No.43206532

Vtubing n'existe pas en France

>> No.43208880

black enslaved by western infidels flipnigger wrote this

>> No.43209273

I only know about her feet

>> No.43212292

please no

>> No.43215864


>> No.43215936

They speak oogabooga within their own ethnic groups, but among each other Africans usually speak French because France and Belgium took over most of sub-Saharan Africa besides Nigeria.

The hilarious thing is that African French is more understandable and pronounced more clearly than Metropolitan French and, and may God forgive me for even uttering this word, "Quebecois" French.

>> No.43215991

Frail little french hands wrote this, don’t you have a war to surrender in?

>> No.43218415

Never going to happen.
Vtubing is basically unheard of in France. Barely anyone can understand English (let alone Japanese) well enough to watch clips or streams, and French people only watch a select few on Twitch and no one else when it comes to streams.
It's basically impossible to bring about a new niche.
There's a reason why Karrot and this whore only stream in English.

>> No.43219058

I don't mind if they do it (more like idc) but this chuba Saruei is fucking bitch, i fucking hate her so much

>> No.43219383
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I'm ready
