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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43017067 No.43017067 [Reply] [Original]

What is THIS?!


>> No.43017143

Something NijiEN doesn't have, actual Quality Content that is also Fanservice and Borderline GFE but Wholesome

>> No.43017207


>> No.43017255

>Half of them cucked their audience

>> No.43017307


>> No.43017505


>> No.43017561

Are they trying to appeal to unicorn fags now? After they throw them under the bus lol. Guess homobeggars don't send sc.

>> No.43017929

Nijiseethe incoming

>> No.43018015

>Written by MoriCalliope

>> No.43018035

>Appeal to unicorns
>Just a skit for Valentine's

>> No.43018046

he's talking about the tempus collaber

>> No.43018129

You bet they are indeed hehehe, Nijisisters would Kill Infants to have Thier Boys do this for them lol

>> No.43018243


>> No.43018408
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Its quality content, something i no longer deserve to watch after abandoning them for the “better” Niji En when lazulight dropped. Enjoy your video Holo bros.

>> No.43018424

I appreciate the effort but I couldn't help but cringe. Most of them are so bad at voice acting.

>> No.43018476

No wonder they talk about alcohol and make Kiara mention watching a show apparently about dudes. She just can't help herself.

>> No.43018556

bro are you unironically retarded? did your mom dropped you when you're a kid? learn to read, i was informing you what that anon meant because you're too retarded to grasp nuances in a text, you room temperature IQ subhuman.

>> No.43018629

>Deflecting this hard

>> No.43018685
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What are you taking about, nijien has their own vn too

>> No.43018765

I dont think china celebrates valentines day

>> No.43018931

That obviously luca, even in vn they get cuck

>> No.43019079

They were all free to edit their lines as they please. Anything your oshi said was approved by herself.

>> No.43019300

thanks for the heads up calli

>> No.43019369

She mentioned it in her stream last night.

>> No.43019420

And tell Mori to change something in her script? Fat chance of that happening. It's Mori, afterall.

>> No.43019470

Your Golden Girls Reps.

>> No.43019520

Damn you retarded.

>> No.43019624

the route i followed was cute

>> No.43019679

God that's so embarrassing. They should be encouraging their viewers to go out and meet people, tips for dating and how to have healthy relationships. But no, they go the "If I pretend to be your girlfriend, will you send me money?" route

>> No.43019799

Mori can't do anything right in the eyes of this board. I've actually become a fan of hers because the hate was so bad here, because after watching her I realized it was completely unwarranted. Thanks anons!

>> No.43019909

It's entirely on the viewer/fan to separate finding an entertainer cute and charming from their real life issues. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at all the vtuber fans that throw money at them.

>> No.43019932

Bruh you killjoy kekw

>> No.43020070

but its free

>> No.43020525

I know this is a joke/bait post but I just did three routes and I genuinely felt uncomfortable at the end of all three of them. I could not imagine being in these situations in real life. I don't think I'm gonna make it, bros...

>> No.43020578

>What is THIS?!

>> No.43020849

This makes me realize a full-length hololive VN is very possible. Utilizing lore with a full plot and everything. Fund it. It would be a lot easier of a goal than an anime.

>> No.43020944

That's called a grift, specifically one targetting their lonely audience on Valentine's Day.

>> No.43021018

Please understand, they have to waste money making that shitty horror game that their own talents didn't even play.

>> No.43021453

They should make ntr route

>> No.43022070

>50+ girls
>harem (gen) option so the number of routes goes up
>can go into shipping mode so it inflates the number more while pandering to fem shippers
Fuck yeah Cover lets gooooo

>> No.43022279

>need to leave Kronii alone in the cold, dark park if you want to go with Ame
>need to leave a sleeping Mumei alone in a restaurant and dump the bill on her if you want to go with Fauna
I lost interest before checking out Irys/Calli/Bae and Kiara/Ina routes, do you have to be an asshole to some of them as well?

>> No.43022436

Unga bunga you retard too.

>> No.43022824

>Lazulight and some dudes
wtf nijis like to watch cuck dates of their oshis with random dudes.

>> No.43022891

VA!Kronii voice is sex.

>> No.43022952

NGL, this scripted stuff sucks, did Fauna write this?

>> No.43022976

Yeah and have it reveal on the end that the protagonist is a Holostar

>> No.43023068


>> No.43023282

Unicornbros we cannot stop winning

>> No.43023397

need more

>> No.43023401

The Kiara/Ina one has you choose between playing in the snow with Kiara or making chocolates with Ina

>> No.43023450

I don't have a sister to kiss.

>> No.43023477

I will kill myself if someone found out my hobby is watching vtubers

>> No.43023762

It's not too late to repent

>> No.43024695

Not enough of these posts.

>> No.43024721

VA quality ranking:

>> No.43024839

It's cringe, that's what it is.

>> No.43024844

Surprise, surprise.
The one actual VA is the best one

>> No.43025095

>actual VA
le mao

>> No.43025155

Fauna was definitely the worst, was like she mumbling half her lines. Irys surprised me with how terrible she was, she had a really hard time not sounding like she was reading a script

>> No.43025460

It's kind of funny seeing the girls read lines that were clearly written by Calli. I know she opened up the script, but it's pretty obvious some lines were kept as is.

>> No.43025486

Unfortunately, while Mori did about as well as anyone could reasonably hope for, it's still the same kind of writing almost all western VNs and dating sims have where there's still a thin layer of embarrassment hidden behind all the lines.

>> No.43026524

>lines that were clearly written by Calli.
You mean like how Mori invites random people to house parties when Hololive members are visiting? I guess it would be a lowkey roast if anyone but her wrote this.

>> No.43026558

she sounds fake asf though
doesnt sound like how she normally streams

>> No.43026698

Fuck off mori

>> No.43026738

So which ends are going to be in the top 3 view-wise? Gura and who?

>> No.43026887

Cleaning dishes with those two sounds painful, so that should be the worst one.

>> No.43026941

Ame is the only one that receives choco from the MC. CANON?

>> No.43027062

>Awwww, Bubba, did you eat some of the chocolate. Is that why your tummy hurts
Ame, he's about to fucking die, you're way too calm about this!

>> No.43027156

i thought the writing in the first one was super cringe, then i saw who wrote it and was like yup, checks out. i have to say though, she did this for all of en, and this was probably a lot of work, so i gotta respect that.

>> No.43027194
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>Wigger Debuff
BaeRyS route immediately discarded for forcing the fat pink wigger. She has no friends and has to attach to her kouhais. Like that loser cousin that hangs out at the kids table to feel “cool” during holidays. You have no purpose.

>> No.43027252

She did capture their personalities though. IRyS is a total retard who doesn't understand the meaning of simple english words (checks out), Kiara is yelling about how she has to do everything herself (checks out) and Kronii insults the MC because she hates her audience (checks out).

>> No.43027305

Kiara clearly tried to damage control by saying it is KFP, but we all know that it is not

>> No.43027571

>Ame & Mumei

>> No.43027801
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>watch video
>instantly order sets for Gura and Fauna
God they're so fucking cute.
The shipping on this merch is outrageous though.

>> No.43027817

>Kronii that high
They never learn do they

>> No.43027832
File: 1.79 MB, 1234x601, lll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice art style but was it really necessary to draw Kiara as an yandere and Gura as a cock lusting succubus?

>> No.43028485

>Something NijiEN doesn't have, actual Quality Content that is also Fanservice and Borderline GFE but Wholesome
Uh what?



>> No.43028733

wow... I don't even feel anything towards any of the girls including Kronii. I'm dead inside for any of them.

I'm hoping hololive JP has something like this I'll be all over Marine, Shion, Aqua, Lamy, Nene, Suisei, Iroha, Chloe shit Ima stop writing gonna end up writing everybody's name eventually.

>> No.43028812

duh! that's why it's called voice "acting" retard

>> No.43028920

Mating press bros...

>> No.43029321

>kronii didnt do a good job depicting kronii
>duh it's acting

why kroniggers like this

>> No.43029352

where's the harem ending you cowards

>> No.43029474

You only need to show your big tits with a decent model and this is what happens anon, has nothing to do with Kronii as a person at all.
Kronii's personality is repulsive to almost everyone because she combines Mori's lack of femininity and Ame's bitchiness.

>> No.43029545

>You only need to show your big tits
Kronii, who proceeds to hide her tits every chance she gets. please make it make sense with your copium

>> No.43029981

If you pass up:
You leave her to win a prize for Mori alone, heavily implied that this causes her to miss Irys's concert.
Her ending is just a meta joke, so there's no canonical "dick move" in ignoring her.
She's nervous before the concert, but there's no explicit confirmation that she'd do any better or worse without you showing up to calm her down.

She just goes out to make a snowman by herself, I guess? No consequences I can think of.
Left alone to clean up after the party (literally the only one who didn't bail on it).

Also, consider the following:
You leave a tiny girl out wandering the streets by herself like a retard.
She is explicitly stated to accidentally buy Mumei laxatives in an attempt to get her some medicine to make her feel better unless you're there to stop her.
Probably the worst one. Assuming she even finds Bubba on her own, she would still find your letter addressed to her plus your valentine's chocolate half-eaten. She drags her sick and probably dying puppy back to you and Kronii where she discovers a literal NTR scene.

Mori, Kiara, and Irys are the only three you can feel least-bad about turning down. The rest are varying degrees of rude, irresponsible, or outright unethical. Bravo Mori.

>> No.43030070

lol you seriously don't know what voice acting is huh? how embarrassing for you anon

>> No.43030110

>actual Quality Content

>> No.43030134

kronii route is the best cause you get to cuck ame

>> No.43030198

Ame did her voice acting reps, she sounds better than her previous VA work

>> No.43030353

you obviously don't either kronig
this overacting is exactly why she isnt pro yet

>> No.43030506
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Some of these are a stretch, like you could definitely stop Fauna from actually feeding the laxatives to Moom if she came back, but yeah, I get your point.
Come to think of it, the shark was actually the smartest person in the NOT scenario. She dipped ASAP and left all responsibility and morality on (You) and Fauna. A dick move, yeah, but smart.

>> No.43030552

Shit, I meant SNO scenario. Time wasn't there.

>> No.43031006

That's fine. It's stuff only a few of us will ever understand about Enna and why I like her a lot compared to others who do not.

>> No.43031632

I have to admit, when i first saw this announced, i was hoping it was going to be an actual VN.

>> No.43031693

I'll give her points for trying, but she feel back on too much of the memes and really janky dialog.
>Bae and Irys talking about spiked drinks.
>Kronii and the sandwich over and over again.

>> No.43031760

>It's stuff only a few of us will ever understand about Enna
You like edgy and cynical, "I can fix her" girls where you pretend she actually has a warm side that only you are able to see clearly, don't think you have some special understanding about her anon.

>> No.43031802

>>Bae and Irys talking about spiked drinks.
This is on brand for Mori though.

>> No.43031868

I hope the girls talk about their role in production. I like the scenario where Mori sends Ame the script and she's all like "hell now guys should come to me"

>> No.43031947

yeah i really couldn't feel good about who I would pick because it felt like i was just ditching the other girls, leaving them hanging or abandoning them in some cases.

>> No.43031987

Yea but it feels like Mori's making underhanded comments about them. Like Irys being too dumb to know what a spiked drink is or Bae being the type to pull something like that.

>> No.43032242

She does have a warm side. The mentally weak like yourself can't see her nasty bark that's why you have to come with up with some deranged sorry ass excuses to tell yourself and sleep easy that a little girl scares you the fuck off. I'm glad for it while you look for an actual woman who will be loyal to you, Enna is that girl who'll actually stick with you for better or for worse. She's never been in a real relationship so to project by thinking I'm saying that I can fix her is retarded. What she needs is an actual man to guide and rule her. Go play with your dolls, virgin.

>> No.43032261

Can anyone confirm that the contents of the Kronii voice pack contain a sloppy sandwich hand job?

>> No.43032509
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>> No.43032736

Sounds about right.

>> No.43032898


>> No.43033095

Both Mori/Bae/IRyS and Mumei/Fauna/Gura routes were rough around the edges narratively, but the latter was the weirdest one for sure.
Gura dips at the start, which is on-brand but following her or Fauna after Fauna leaves the restaurant means leaving Mumei asleep, alone, and to foot the bill? Not that a restaurant is dangerous but still. The entire setup seems convoluted just to separate the three.

>> No.43036256

>What is THIS?!
HoloEN........... doing projects ?!?

>> No.43036414

>She's never been in a real relationship
Is this satire? She literally talks about all her past relationships on stream

>> No.43039062

>Something NijiEN doesn't have
