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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 183 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4299345 No.4299345 [Reply] [Original]

ft. Soyuz 2.1b
Кaкoгo блять oнa тaкaя милaя ?!


>> No.4299413

Previous Thread:

>> No.4299844 [DELETED] 

Use english on 4chan eблaн.

>> No.4300769

Call me when it starts, onegai

>> No.4301255
File: 402 KB, 585x1048, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest

>> No.4301274
File: 212 KB, 353x394, maxcute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Clear

>> No.4302040

Let's Putin!

>> No.4302408
File: 210 KB, 1218x1785, Eubij2sUYAMaNfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess we have to keep this thread alive until the stream then (T-45min)

>> No.4302473

this is some impressive art
i'm glad to see this little rocket nerd has such talented fans

>> No.4302591


>> No.4302822

Ria-chan a cute!

>> No.4302854
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To prove that she's the real deal

>> No.4302890

Info on the upcoming launch (approx 1hr from this post) which was delayed last night to the dismay of all, especially ria chan who went to bed at 2pm in order to be up at 2am.

>> No.4302901
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1620612473696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart

>> No.4302905

I'm monitoring Roscosmos's twitter.
Service tower is retracting.
Launch in 1 hour.

>> No.4302946
File: 243 KB, 1381x1277, Ezn_RCKVoAIz0sR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is taken bros...

>> No.4302955

I'm not even jealous

>> No.4303016
File: 20 KB, 463x453, 1620439918412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, she is 500 meters tall?

>> No.4303032
File: 34 KB, 638x582, Eyg-CArVIAI2lPa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U didn't know?

>> No.4303053

Her dream is to launch the rockets herself with her own two hands.

>> No.4303118

drawfags onegai

>> No.4303299

Stream starting soon!

>> No.4303362

wake up, anon! The stream's live and the launch is in 35 minutes!

>> No.4303377

Let's gooo

>> No.4303397

So cute when she try to say hello in russian.

>> No.4303396

when i got into vtubers, i did not expect that i'd have to do russian reps

>> No.4303474

Is her hairpiece today reflective of the Soyuz?

>> No.4303482
File: 78 KB, 773x749, Soyuz hairclip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303484
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"konbustion" is cute as fuck i'm dying

>> No.4303540
File: 257 KB, 970x542, 1620174567376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just discovered a totally new feeling.
I'm... HAPPY!

>> No.4303562

Why is she so perfect anons?

>> No.4303565

Its 2 am in japan and she is watching a rocket launch... Instantly subbed I love this

>> No.4303566

Thanks anon. I'm awake and ready for some konbashyon!

>> No.4303572 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 137x87, 1622222066050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome home, brother

>> No.4303574

All the better to break you.

>> No.4303613


>> No.4303618
File: 1.25 MB, 1667x942, clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect. Nighttime launch for optimal wow effect.

>> No.4303664

I wonder if Orbiter is a game she would play.

>> No.4303675

I know her model and rig is pretty simplistic and not very expressive but I'm sure that that's how she actually looks right now: just staring wide eyed in rapt attention.

>> No.4303702

It's far less friendly for beginners than KSP. Though I agree this could be nice desu.

>> No.4303704

She has reached Max-QT with that model already.

>> No.4303761

So what does "spaziba" mean literally? I've heard Botan say it during SC.
Is it a relatively informal greeting?
Also, this show she's watching: do these guy just report on any old launch? I mean, does every launch have a bunch of news anchor types rattling on about shit for ages? I wasn't under the impression that this launch was of any great significance and was just a routine satellite launch.

>> No.4303765

wtf she knows russian too

>> No.4303773

spasiba means "thank you"

>> No.4303782
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>> No.4303800

Wait, were she autist enough to learn russian?
I want to belieb.

>> No.4303835

Oh shit. I thought Botan was saying 'hello' to her legion of rusfags this whole time lol

>> No.4303874

>and a Cnacn60 to you too young lady!

>> No.4303997
File: 756 KB, 930x641, download - 2021-05-19T191651.027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 minutes!

>> No.4304025

Lift-off is soon, time to tune in if you haven't done it yet!

>> No.4304026

Soyuz-chan ganbare!

>> No.4304042

So Russians are going commercial too huh.

>> No.4304049

Here's the PDF she has on screen btw, in case you want to follow along https://www.arianespace.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/ST32-launchkit-EN2.pdf

>> No.4304060

I have 0 clue about rockets but watching this girl makes me feel so happy

>> No.4304065


>> No.4304098

LETS GO!!!!!

>> No.4304101


>> No.4304107


>> No.4304131

>Getting excited that they changed the telemetry UI

bros how can this woman exist?

>> No.4304132

very yoi

>> No.4304150

She is so fucking happy bros I cant take it...

>> No.4304161

I wish I got as excited by something as she does by a rocket launch

>> No.4304180
File: 751 KB, 1920x800, 1620440084994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I can't contain my smile now!
She's so powerful. She manage to make me, an asshole, feel happiness.

>> No.4304198

Soyuz flights have been "commercial" for a while, other space agencies jointly sponsor/fund spaceflights (it was the only way to reach the ISSn) and a good chunk of Roscosmos funding comes out of foreign partnerships and private satellite launches.

>> No.4304211

i knwo what you mean I'm smiling in spite of myself

>> No.4304241

I feel like reading about rocket launches so I can be prepared for the next launch stream

>> No.4304272

Well tomorrow it's a utawaku so you've got time.

>> No.4304324

it's adorable how she's so excited to watch the replay

>> No.4304368

She watches them like 10 times and analyses them.

>> No.4304397

she spent like 15 minutes frame stepping through starship landing to analyze the engine failure. She is the purest autist.

>> No.4304467

TNaNL2 anon.

>> No.4304478
File: 31 KB, 1024x994, 1620441789050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4304507

That's moe.

>> No.4304608

oh this is the kizuna ai thing she mentioned https://twitter.com/aichan_nel/status/1382966994518040578?s=21

>> No.4304788

The easter eggs in her costumes are infinite!

>> No.4304874
File: 306 KB, 512x512, 7e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were as passionate about at least something as she is about rockets...

>> No.4304891

She is so cute

>> No.4305075

I wish I could redo her rigging so she could finally blink. :)

>> No.4305110

are you trying to make her miss critical launch details?

>> No.4305113

Send her the thousands it costs to do good rigging

>> No.4305124

I like her overly neutral face.

>> No.4305220

Why did she go for jiggly tits if her pc can't handle them?

>> No.4305231


>> No.4305256

It became a mandatory feature somehow.

>> No.4305321
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What do you see?

>> No.4305323

She stream in 1080p so I think it more of bad rigging.

>> No.4305344

I have a paketa watch from russia

>> No.4305354

>Frame stepping through rocket plume patterns

This girl is too fucking cute.

>> No.4305383

My brain thinks cute now.

>> No.4305403

The Korolev Cross: when the Soyuz jettisons its 4 boosters. Super pretty fire flower

>> No.4305476
File: 81 KB, 801x750, EyLMPhSVIAAj0Gx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she matches her costume with the type of rocket that is launching...

>> No.4305521

So cute

>> No.4305545

First time watcher. I love her bros. I wish I could understand JP better.

>> No.4305580

idk if i should prioritize my japanese reps or my rocket reps

>> No.4305611

don't be lazy, anon. do both at once. enter into an aerospace program at a japanese university!

>> No.4305699

Being Russian and understanding Japanese to some extent really helps me here, lmao
I understand technical parts from my Russian knowledge and smaller explanations along with small talk from my Japanese knowledge

>> No.4305750

I bet she was in a rocket club at school and nobody understood what the hell she was doing with explosive powder.

>> No.4305793

her english is super impressive

>> No.4305885

Do you guys think she has a degree in something physics/engineering related or is she just a space autist?

>> No.4305903

She speaks like a grad student

>> No.4305931

honestly, could be either way. a degree is just academically reinforced autism isn't it?

>> No.4305957

both I guess.
Though it's not mandatory to have an engineer degree to work in aerospace. A lot of different skills are involved in this industry.

>> No.4305964

I don't know about engineering specifically but she definitely seems to be educated

>> No.4306061

This is magical

>> No.4306177
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>> No.4306208


>> No.4306231

I was just going through her previous videos and saw she has played geoguessr a bit, I'd definitely watch those streams. Been wanting to find a vtuber that plays it.

>> No.4306310

Long March 7 launch is 05/29 (today) 1300 GMT (2200 JST), which might overlap with when she planned her utawaku... idk what her plan is for that yet

>> No.4306332

Saturday night sing stream

>> No.4306350

I will 100% watch her KSP streams

>> No.4306415

I watched her play amongus with all her little friends last week. She's good at bluffing cute getting out of it.

>> No.4306470

She really proud of her new costume. So cute

>> No.4306525

do rocket autists usually just primarily care about rockets or does it generally extend to astronomy as a whole

>> No.4306546
File: 181 KB, 608x1080, 1622229713393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing Usui getting this much support from you guys is great. Making the first threads about her was a good idea

>> No.4306573

Depends on the autist. But I find the people really hardcore into spaceflight begin to discount astronomy unless its new physics for propulsion. After all how many observations do you have to make before you say "yeah shits big expanding and far beyond interaction or relevance lets spend this money on rockets"

>> No.4306576

>yo-chan oyasumi
She really likes us.

>> No.4306585
File: 6 KB, 662x36, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her...

>> No.4306588

wtf now I have to sc her...

>> No.4306595

I'm falling asleep. I msised what she said at the end about her utawaku and the lolng march,.
Whjat's going on? Any firm times?

>> No.4306615

watched her play it live once, pretty amazing seeing her systematically find out where she is, she is really good at it.

>> No.4306619

aeronautics is a super broad field; there's a lot of different areas you can get super into. Some people can only get off on chemical rockets; some people like electric propulsion. Astronomy is like pretty far from the nitty gritty of rocketry desu

>> No.4306636

i want to make a 20 million dollars SC so she can go in space.
I'm poor though.

>> No.4306638

There's a Fanbox link in her Twitter bio.

>> No.4306660

I watched the last stream on and off. I have no idea how the locations are chosen whether it's random or if users submitted them but if it's the latter holy shit that endless brazillian road in the middle of fucking nowhere was a cruel choice if it was in fact a deliberate choice.

>> No.4306700


>> No.4306705

It's random. The mode that lets you walk around is casual compared to the autist mode where you dont move and can only zoom in.

>> No.4306733

>the autist mode where you dont move and can only zoom in
Well fuck that. No one was guessing that road if that were the case. She had to travel a few k's just to find a sign.

>> No.4306750

There's user created maps, but the commonly played ones are random and I think the method it chooses is closer to the idea of selecting a random area on the world map and finding a road, rather than selecting from a list of the picture data. If that makes sense.

When I first started I thought it would work off the latter kind of logic, so I would click in densely populated areas when I was unsure as I figured "well there's more roads there, so there it's more likely to be there". But nope, it just throws you into the absolute middle of nowhere, so countries like Australia/Russia can just ruin your score even if you can tell from the environment that you are in those countries.

>> No.4306762

Yes then you have to rely on plant/animal knowledge, position of the sun, road construction techniques and any snippet of language you can see.

>> No.4306821

You'd be surprised how much geoguessr autists can get from very little information.

>> No.4307034

I figured as much, first thought would be that she would be into astronomy, but then figured that is probably not the case outside of what's more directly relevant rockets etc. Then I realized I know a few people who are into astronomy/astrophysics and I don't think they give a fuck about rockets outside of keeping track of basic general progression in the field. They seem to be more interested in talking about how big stars are and linking popsci videos at me.

>> No.4307495

Astronomy and rocketry are sort of like meteorology and aeronautical engineering - you can get overlap between for sure because that's the environment the machines work in, but some people are more interested in the machines themselves.

>> No.4307644

Lately I've felt the global astrophysics scientific gamble for discovering physics cheat codes is a dumb meme and we should just spend more on actual space. Although we have advanced astronomy exponentially in a couple decades it has changed basically nothing.

>> No.4307855

What about the payloads, does she care at all about those beyond the weight considerations? Would a satellite chuuba have any chance at mating with her and getting carried? Into space, I mean

>> No.4307934

tfw no satelite autist vtuber gf

>> No.4307954

Hихyя нe пoнимaю

>> No.4308074

be the change you want to see in the world, anon. Become satellite vtuber gf.
hall effect thrusters are pretty hot shit these days, and there's a whole developing field of new Very Low Earth Orbing (VLEO) satellites in development that skim gases off the atmosphere and use that as propellant.
Imagine: a low alt satellite that doesn't need any fuel and gets all its electricity from solar.

>> No.4308389

I agree, though I'm biased towards the engineering side of things in general and also seem to have a growing disdain for a lot of astronomy nerds in general to the point that I basically forgot that I was interested in rockets till I watched Ria.

>> No.4308835
File: 276 KB, 1024x769, DoitforRia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys. So I know about a certain student satellite project in a college which I graduated from. I will go ask people from there if I can come in and work on it on weekends while being paid jack shit.
I wanted to do that for quite a while, but had a lot of doubts, but fuck the doubts. I'll do it for her.

>> No.4308917
File: 278 KB, 1024x769, DoitforRia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course I fucked up the picture. Here is a fixed version

>> No.4309884

Good luck with your rocket reps anon! let us now how its going.

>> No.4312312
File: 1.40 MB, 404x347, k angry 4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep missing Clear-chan because of my shitty job

>> No.4312828

Do you anons realize she's using voice changer? But her concept is cool

>> No.4313162


>> No.4313527

That's cool, but voice changer.

>> No.4314212

substantiate your rrat or get out of the thread.

>> No.4314686

Based and saved!

>> No.4317494

she did watch the lunar eclipse a couple days ago. It's pretty safe to say she's into more than just rockets.

>> No.4318017

Is there anything in particular that leads you to believe that? I'm genuinely curious how you can tell, or if you're just being a schizo.
Either feed the rrat or excuse yourself

>> No.4321481

No proof = he's a fag.

>> No.4321821

It doesn't sound anything like a voice changer.

>> No.4321965

You clearly haven't watched her stream. Sometimes she finds something funny and her voice drops an octave because she's broken character. She's obviously pitching her voice high but there's no tech required to make that happen when Japanese girls have been practicing this their entire lives.

>> No.4323007

not that guy but I honestly did think she was using a voice changer on the last stream I watched. Today's stream her volume was up though and sounded a lot more natural so I thought I was being crazy, but then this guy has me thinking again.

>> No.4323552

Usually I check utawakus if I suspect someone is using a vocie changer, since it's pretty noticeable if they're using a voice changer while singing. But I checked Ria's recent utawaku and didn't hear anything like that, so I have no reason to think she's using a voice changer

>> No.4328076

Even if she did she's definitely still a girl. What's up with that anyway?

>> No.4328328

fags itt have such little contact with girls that they don't know this and immediately jump to voice changers (that are obvious as fuck)
watch shubaru and marvel at her vocal range and note when she drops the duck voice, or listen to towa's debut when she hadn't modulated her voice to suit the faggot nips that have such shit taste and thought her voice was "too deep" (absolute fags) so now we have towa with the clothespin nose high voice
suppose it's zoomers brought up in the tranny generation so I suppose I can't entirely blame them
still, don't you morons have sisters or something? listen to them when they talk to their bf on the phone or how they talk with your dad when they want to buy something and want money and compare with how they talk to (you)

>> No.4329297

I don't believe this, but even if it were true it has very little impact on the quality of the content that is watching rockets with a cute anime rocket autist.

>> No.4329364

>voice changer
You can hear her talk in this recording with her phone.

>> No.4329490
File: 311 KB, 1536x1529, E2Is-skVkAIw8sE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know the source for her BGM?

>> No.4332480


Long March 7 launch at 2100 JST, into Utawaku afterwards

>> No.4334060

long march 7 launch stream starting https://youtu.be/XmU5Ip_RLHM

>> No.4334067

New stream

>> No.4334069
File: 153 KB, 750x1213, E0oDeDLVIAAU-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its starting!!! get in here.

>> No.4334087


>> No.4334098

I'm here!!!

>> No.4334181

Does she have a different outfit for every rocket?

>> No.4334186

I'm happy this thread stayed this long

>> No.4334256

>he doesnt have a themed outfit for each rocket launch

>> No.4334291

Did she say yon-chan arigatou?

>> No.4334318

I believe so.
I hope she doesn't check this shithole in detail.

>> No.4334578 [DELETED] 

Many chinese in her stream today

>> No.4334604

I'm guessing the Zhangs are gonna drop another booster without a deorbit burn.

>> No.4334616

Almost a 100 viewers! New record?

>> No.4334677

boosted by zhangs I assume

>> No.4334707

What a time when we can watch Japanese girls being nerds over space launches, while they pretend they´rw anime characters,

>> No.4334712


>> No.4334854

SpaceX VTuber when?

>> No.4334858

replaying the launch from her own stream... this little rocket nerd can't be stopped

>> No.4334875

she also streams spacex launches

>> No.4334892

Newfag here, the gray-haired green dress girl is a gijinka of the rocket being launched, right?

>> No.4335022

It her soon will be live2D, with is draw by herself.

>> No.4335049

>why sino rocket look like dick?

>> No.4335404

>favorite rocket is the V2

absolutely based

>> No.4335665

Was around thirty when she was first posted here, then jumped to sixty after two weeks or so, now we're at ninety.

Seems more like natural growth.
Check her archive.
>having a picture of von Braun in German uniform next to a V2 ready for launch on your nightstand

>> No.4335701

did she really say that? lol
how based can she get, honestly?

>> No.4335719
File: 456 KB, 1669x1038, vbchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Von Braun didn't reincarnate as Ria to inspire the next generation of space travel.

>> No.4335838

kuria a qt

>> No.4335849

>Ria is a reincarnated nazi

>> No.4335869

So what you're saying is that Ria will at some point bomb London from orbit?

>> No.4335910

does she stream ICBM test launches?

>> No.4335958

Are those broadcast in the first place? Would surprise me.

>> No.4336027

>implying she doesn't have access to classified footage
you underestimate her autism for rockets

>> No.4336103

>Alien Jason
this guy constantly trying to start shit in ria's stream
i know yeah yeah nobody likes zhangs not even other zhangs but don't shit up her chatbox faggot

>> No.4336168

And now he banned, nice

>> No.4336198

lol did she ban him or was it yt auto due to flags?

>> No.4336325

fucking nice.

>> No.4336338

Chat users gotta remember: She has a backlog going back nine months, streaming to an audience of basically no-one. And she did it routinely, all the time, just like now.

She wants to share this with people who care. Numbers don't matter. She ain't gonna tolerate any kind of shit in her chat just for viewer counts.

>> No.4336363

I don't think youtube be that fast.

>> No.4336430

Alas, still there. Probably self-censored.

>> No.4336486

you love to see it

always bothers me when you see the otherside of that coin where the person just accepts people shitting up their channel/hobby because they're too desperate for the slight increase in attention

>> No.4337053

>Autistically analyzes rocket launch
>Phew, it's time to sing idol songs!

Truly best girl.

>> No.4337193

wait hold up when's the utawaku, was too immersed in her cute voice to really listen

>> No.4337643

she said it will be right after the long march stream but she will take a break first

>> No.4337703


She tweeted her rules again for all us newfags

>> No.4338230


>> No.4338461

We all know the rule, including the troll. He just don't care about it

>> No.4338716

i can get behind this rocket idol project

>> No.4338777

stream has started >>4338230

>> No.4338823

You would be burned to ash if you get behind her

>> No.4339142

Did she also just get superchats enabled?

>> No.4339202

No she's had them a while.
I think a frenchie from here gave her her first ever pink one last week or the week before lol

>> No.4339217

They're on, anon. Time to fund her trip to the ISS

>> No.4339222

she has them off for the rocket streams because she's essentially streaming someone elses content

>> No.4339262

She turn off superchat in rocket launch stream

>> No.4339287

(at least that is my understanding of the situation)

>> No.4339320

So we have to fund her enough so she can get her own global camera crew for rocket launches.

>> No.4339596


and then beyond that till she has her own rocket company

>> No.4339695

Why are you no scing

>> No.4339702

I wonder if her day job has anything to do with rocketry? Or perhaps she's a student. She came back "from work" the day before yesterday and went to bed at like 2pm in order to be up for the soyuz launch (scrub) 12.5hrs later.

>> No.4339745

Which one of you(se) is SC'ing her?

>> No.4339754

i can't even afford food

>> No.4339783

Given her ability to warp her schedule she is almost assuredly a student.

>> No.4339894
File: 217 KB, 1024x717, 1622302268961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she know all of this about rockets? Is she an alien? A grey? Maybe, a reptilian?

>> No.4339982

probably just autism.

>> No.4340042


>> No.4340320

But all aliens are autistic, thats why they dont contact us

>> No.4340484

She is an alien. At least her character is

>> No.4341292
File: 312 KB, 600x350, 1620657745603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up.

>> No.4341410

She's a decent singer
Very cute and good

>> No.4341659
File: 720 KB, 727x622, 2021-05-29 18_18_31-【#歌枠】#Lovelive ラブライブ11周年記念💕ラ!シリーズ限定歌枠!リクも可だよ!【 #宇推くりあ 】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so cute?

>> No.4341780

Engineer autism multiplies cuteness x10, never mind that she is already cute by usual chuuba standards.

>> No.4342245

LL nerds are so damn fine

>> No.4342477
File: 53 KB, 960x540, DqF1s3KVAAE4Lo_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4342541

we need more vtubers who are borderline autistic about their passion

>> No.4342604

passion and SOUL are probably the two most important things for a vtuber to have imo. Way too many casual or soulless bandwagoners

>> No.4342655

Football vtuber - https://youtube.com/channel/UC_IA4W9nnLyQpi9i-f5cunw
F1 Vtuber - https://youtube.com/c/KOYUKICHANNEL
Rocket Vtuber - https://youtube.com/channel/UCeHtsCKQaFyb6SQGfRp1_6Q
Model and figurine vtuber - https://youtube.com/channel/UC1D6BasOxK0jXGRm1HmncaA/featured
rx7 vtuber - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-_fIaQi9ImX_JW5-thf60A/videos

>> No.4343094

there's also this western vtuber who assembles gunpla and other models but only streams a few times a month

>> No.4343292

after constant losing in my vidya, haven't lost a game since this stream started

clearly related

>> No.4343768

Went to take a big fat long shit but had the comp playing in the room and come back to see that she has a whole bunch of balloons now.

>> No.4344158

great stream bros, very comfy, almost dozed off like 3 times. what's your thought?

>> No.4344189


>> No.4344270

im just in a general good mood right now and i'd say the stream contributed to it, was comfy

>> No.4344372
File: 575 KB, 800x533, ferrariclowns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My jewtube feeds is nothing but F1 and vtubers.
I'm surprised this wasn't recommended to me.
Thanks for letting me know about this channel.

>> No.4344394

where's the MotoGP vtuber @

>> No.4348330

Looks like Haachama

>> No.4348532

Tsunderia also has the girl that looks like Korone... hmmmmmm
