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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42958222 No.42958222 [Reply] [Original]

You nijiniggers told me Nijisanji is the most popular and normie vtubers in Japan, fucking explain this then

>> No.42958283


>> No.42958302

I didn't tell you anything nigga

>> No.42958337

anon did say that, and you are anon. You did tell them that. QED

>> No.42958352
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I mean their first few years of creation that held true but after Sankisei debut that quickly became a lie.

>> No.42958378

My pills, MY PILLS!!!

>> No.42958407

Never knew Codemiko was so popular

>> No.42958421


>> No.42958469

Why do the UK and New Zealand have such a boner for Codemiko?

>> No.42958485

Pffffffttttt HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.42958508

That was true until 2019, but now it's a hololive, I guess.

>> No.42958570


>> No.42958578
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>You can barely find Holo merch outside of Tokyo
>Almost every anime store in Nipponbashi has Nijisanji merch/sponsorships on every storefront while only Pekora has one in an animate! shop
Yeah anon, Nijisanji's just more popular than Holo because they cater to more audiences/niche.

>> No.42958625

In terms of female popularity, Niji Sanji is more popular. In terms of male popularity, Hololive is higher.

>> No.42958732

Just because you niggers mass produced your cheap shit and throw them on any bargain bin doesnt make you more popular than holo with their sold out premium shit

>> No.42958770
File: 50 KB, 650x365, Gq9VdM4s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suo Sango is the savior of deserted theme parks and has many female fans.

>> No.42958777
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Funny you'd post something like that right after a half-dead theme park made the news because it's thriving thanks to a collab with a mid-tier Niji.

>> No.42958873
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Here come the cope army

>> No.42958901

literally who and where

>> No.42958906

The hololive only collaborates with people in the city center, so there is not much impact for the rural areas.

>> No.42958987

It was on the morning news today. Twice as many admissions. Also, there were a lot of young female visitors, so Niji Sanji's popularity with women is very strong.

>> No.42959186

>Shima Spain Village is a half-dead theme park Sango is a fan of
>She shills it on stream
>It becomes a minor meme
>Fast forward to now
>They're collabing
>"Shima Spain Village" hits #1 trending on Japanese twitter
>There's advertisements with Sango on electronic billboards in major Tokyo areas like Shibuya, Shinjuku, Akihabara, and Asakusa
>The theme park is thriving

>> No.42959633

She was a nudie camgirl at one point. Nice tits.

>> No.42959681

Your subhuman EOP sidebranch loving shart stank is showing.

>> No.42959826
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Doesn't that mean they just aren't popular enough to be sold out? Lots of Hololive merch get sold out within seconds of announcement.

>> No.42959834

Literally where?

>> No.42959958

Sango is cool, she's like Mito Jr. on meme stuff

>> No.42959970
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Are you sure about that, anonchama??

>> No.42960010

Back to the doxxsite I go I guess

>> No.42960035

Man I fucking love ngo. Her excitement is infectious

>> No.42960077

>that translation

>> No.42960094


>> No.42960163

Kyoto anon reporting.
I can attest to the exact same thing over here; loads of Niji merch, only Pekora animate! collab.
That must be why not a single bit of Pekora merch has sold out and fucking deserted, while Nijimale merch shelves are empty and still has a bunch of girls flocking to them in droves.

>> No.42960272

Nijisanji is very popular in Japan and abroad, while Hololive is only in demand in SEA.
Considering that Japan has become economically depressed and now wants SEA tourists, it is not surprising that the japanese government has appointed the Hololive.

>> No.42960917


>> No.42961079

>in Japan
there's no contradiction here OP
read your own post again, this time using the full extent of your 80 iq SEAbrain

>> No.42961753

Niji only popular in China now and most major event and sponsor always Holo, Niji only got smaller events because they either can't afford Holo or Holo are too busy, truly Pepsi of vtubing

>> No.42963324

>Korean name
lmao, fuck off zainichi

>> No.42963577

>hololive has big SEA and EOP fanbase
>Tokyo need to shill it to international touris
Nothing is contradiction here, hololive is bigger oversea and smaller in Japan, simply as

>> No.42963614

hey I went to Kotobukiya in Nipponbashi and bought merch there but to be fair there was some Hololive in the animate cafe with a Usada Pekora campain right next to it.
It mostly depends on the store and their target audience but I'd agree that Nijisanji is more common in general.
this, but women tend to buy more shit

>> No.42963734

no she wasn't

>> No.42964644

she already revealed herself long time ago newfaggot

>> No.42967285
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retard and blind-chama.

>> No.42967694


>> No.42968992

Tokyo anon, in Akiba animate the other day there was around 3-4 shelves dedicated to nijisanji jp/en merch, on the same floor there was around 1 shelf dedicated to hololive with mainly Pekora merch

>> No.42969757

Nice samefag btw lol

>> No.42969959

nijifags are literally huffing on copium while samefagging lol

>> No.42970073

Who's the milf?

>> No.42970134

She was a stripper and did softcore before twitch, this isn't even a secret.

>> No.42970486

It's people trying to figure out who the vtuber that keeps winning all those western awards is.

>> No.42970494
File: 64 KB, 800x450, 03vtm_icon03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji WAS popular 4 years ago when they were trailblazing the live vtuber content. They began to fall when most Hololive members were reaching 1 million subscribers while Nijisanji has lagging behind. Now, people who know Nijisanji only look back at the good times with nostalgia.

>> No.42971145

they probably meant china

>> No.42971660

How many times do you have to do this thread

>> No.42971749

That's awesome. I'm happy for it as an spaniard

>> No.42971997

>gook name.
>en name.
Back in my day, trolling mean something.

>> No.42972452
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Ngo love!

>> No.42972504

Full sweep, jeeeesus

>> No.42972809
File: 415 KB, 2048x1536, 577474732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come they didn't use a Niji vtuber for this all Japanese ad? They used a white girl

>> No.42973005

>Pepsi lost the cola wars, but ended up becoming much much bigger than the cola market. Pepsi lost the war but won at capitalism
Pretty apt, Nijisanji is failing on the vtuber front but doing well from a captialistic pov

>> No.42977850


>> No.42978097

Its weird seeing a country where someone would be willing to be photographed with a politician.

>> No.42980006

I'm sure you have evidence to back your claims right?

>> No.42980875

Is that my nigga Nekomiya Hinata at the back?

>> No.42981103

Which one of those is a white girl?

>> No.42981452

>He doesn’t know

>> No.42981850


>> No.42981915
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Gura's dino plushie obliterated hololive merch sale records

>> No.42982040

>No tourist allowed for like 2 years
>Kojima kills Abe
>Prease comu to Japan! Tokyo vely interesting!

At least Hololive is getting more recognition

>> No.42982085

That's actually really cool
Good for her and good for whoever runs the park

>> No.42982327

Can you tribalfags just fuck off already
It is genuinely bizarre to be this emotionally invested in which corporation makes more money

>> No.42982396

migo will be PM

>> No.42982488

This is first mover advantage. Nijikikes will never catch up to Hologods, no matter how many retards they put on their roster

>> No.42982518

Reminder that the national religion in Taiwan is Hololive.

>> No.42983311


>> No.42983518

>Triple the talents
>Only ~10% more searches
>Probably mostly JOPs looking up the drama of the day for the EN branch


>> No.42983625


>> No.42983785
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Yeah, we should talk about things normal people talk about. Like which sports team is better.

>> No.42984445

Tribalfags have existed eons Anon. you can never stop the nature of Humans.

>> No.42984908

Uh anon you need to do some reps, she doesn't exactly hide it

>> No.42984997
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>> No.42985031

Surprising numbers for code Miko in the west

>> No.42985337


>> No.42987370
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>> No.42988125

Osaka Anon here, the Chinese Tourists that ruin the city are constantly plundering all the Niji male merch

>> No.42988871

Oi teme, save some for the rest of us

>> No.42988973

Codemiko doesn't even consider herself a "vtuber" and dislikes anime so incredibly unbased my fellow brits are searching for that whore.

>> No.42989095

It is not for the domestic Japanese market.
It is clearly a tourism ambassador aimed at foreign countries, and in a sense it is only natural that Hololive, which depends on foreign popularity, was chosen.
