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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42754942 No.42754942 [Reply] [Original]

Amazing how a mere game was enough to test an entire branch's character, all of them bent the knee, all of them, if this doesn't tell you EN was a mistake, I don't know what is, fucking disgraceful

>> No.42754964

It's not too late to take the indie pill bros...

>> No.42754985

>niji deflection post

>> No.42755087

>nijinigs deflection thread

>> No.42755109

>nijinig is a funny word

>> No.42755114

another nijisanji delflection thread?

>> No.42755127

i don't watch niji, idgaf if they play the game or not but they have westerners in their so i bet they have the same scarlet rot minded sick fucking individuals in their ranks, everything EN is a fucking mistake

>> No.42755193

I took me less than 6 months after myth debuted to see that hololive EN was a mistake. Sad to see that people are still clinging onto this branch for some reason.
And dont come at me with Nijisister this or that, Niji EN is even worse.

>> No.42755250
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Why watch Indies when the main branch is hot and thriving.

>> No.42755347

I blame management being retarded and risk averse and the girls being busy with Japan, streaming from laptops and preparing for holofes. I imagine if this had happened when they were all at home looking through their list of kusoge they have permissions for trying to find something to play they would be less happy about missing out on major fotm game the rest of the company is playing. Unfortunately the situation being as it is we have ended up with the final word on this game being courtesy of that blue homo who can't keep his mouth shut.
>gotta support the cause

>> No.42755393

Why would anyone have to play this game? Not everyone is a fan of Harry Potter and it's their choice. It's not like I'm playing it, regardless of the politics behind it.

>> No.42755449

remember what the fags used to say?
talent freedom
what irony.
faggots are two faced as usual not surprising there

>> No.42755466

>I blame management being retarded and risk averse
MAnagement are not risk averse, they've done controversial things and taken controversial stances many times
they all align with one specific ideology
They are ideologically motivated activists

>> No.42755477

Is it their choice? That's the question.

>> No.42755486

i love watching enfags suffer

>> No.42755494

What a beautiful box

>> No.42755756

Where did any of them said they won't play the wizard game?
Only the faggot blue wo(man) won't play it to support the "cause"

>> No.42755813

Or you know. It's not February 11th yet and they'd rather play on Steam?

>> No.42755942

Ah yeah, schizo thread. A classic.

>> No.42756020

Half of them are working on projects in Japan, and probably didn’t even have a proper streaming setup to handle it, Gura is on break (what don’t you retards understand) if she plays it it will likely be after she gets back.

No real excuse for council+ hope but who the fuck cares, baelz is the only one who’s shown interest.

>> No.42756026

id rather ame play new vegas than wizard game

>> No.42756058

yeah what a fucking disgrace. they should just move on from holocure already

>> No.42756073

I blame everything on Blue Homo (a.k.a Omegratrannie) who is blocking the girls from playing it because Joanne wants him out of the girl's bathroom.

>> No.42756086

It clearly isnt, Bae made it obvious she wanted to play it but wasnt allowed to

>> No.42756098

Even unmodded New Vegas is the better game.

>> No.42756100

I'm more mad they keep milking this overrated ass game.

>> No.42756126

>holoEN bent the knee
>nijiEN bent the knee
>vshojo bent the knee
>pikamee bent the knee
Is there anyone who didn't cuck out like a bitch apart from HoloJP and HoloID?

>> No.42756130

New Vegas is already a god tier game without mods.
They only mods i use are bug fixes anyway

>> No.42756239

All the streamers who make the 1.2M concurent viewers on twitch.

>> No.42756256

Why moona is playing it? Let's be honest here it has fuck all to do with the blue fag but more with the EN girls being spineless and are waiting for another of their gen mates to stream it first because they're all afraid of the twitter mob and nobody wants to be sacrificial lamb.

>> No.42756594

>Source: the voices in my head

>> No.42756670

>manufacture a controversy around a highly anticipated title in one of the most successful book and movie franchises worldwide so that when it inevitably does well you can post news articles on your right-wing blog about how you btfo the trannies
>knowing there will be a ton of eyeballs on the streams, larp as trannies harassing the streamers to make trannies look bad to the broader public
>holoEN doesn't take the bait

>> No.42756812

I don't think those are voices in his head. That random stream out of nowhere where she pronounced all of the harry potter spells was supposed to lead to her playing the game. Why else bring harry potter out of nowhere during a time everyone is playing said game. HoloEN girl pussied out. Blame the homos all you want even if the homos played it you still wouldn't support them or you would just blame them for your oshi being retarded not being able to ignore twitter drama.

>> No.42756859

>not playing woke garbage with nigs and trannies is bending the knee

>> No.42756884

She literally said why, it was a random stream idea she came up with (probably because of the hype around the game) that she finally pulled the trigger on because she was out of options for streams because she had to go in a few hours

>> No.42756934

really like this song

>> No.42757078

Altrannie deflection thread

>> No.42757119


>> No.42757145

Moona isn't in EN retardo.

>> No.42757195
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We know who to blame for all this.

>> No.42757228

A random harry potter stream during a hp game release week sure rrat, you keep telling yourself that. She wanted to play the fucking game my dude. Women love harry potter is right up there with their love for twilight.

>> No.42757338

All the other JP corpos and indies.

>> No.42757409
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You betrayed your own kind, your own people...
To ally with the likes....of them!?
Get to the punchline hololive EN, because this has to be a joke.

>> No.42757441

Both her and Ina are fans, Ina has read all the books as well as watched the movies I think Bae is maybe movie only, you are telling me neither of them want to play a triple A game in a universe they enjoy that they have the perms for? Ridiculous.

>> No.42757446

Who actually wants to see the Harry Pisser game aside from people more interested in tranny politics than watching streams?

>> No.42757574

a lot of folks are watching holoJP play it.

>> No.42757606

I know its schlock literature but unironically me, I grew up with the books, my dad read the first one to me as a kid and I read the rest myself - watched all the films of course. It would be fun to see the girls who are around the same age get hit with some of the same nostalgia and watching the JP members get excited about it has been cute.
Also speaking as a British man myself It is nice to see representation in media.

>> No.42757660

nice thread Kyo

>> No.42757846

>"trans rights? Never heard of em"
>ghosted by EN management until graduation
I don't think it was all JP management fucking with coco

>> No.42757935


>> No.42758001

Ina's busy with JP shit to the point she hasn't even been able to play Pokemon much even though her perms are about to run out. She's not gonna hop on the Hogwarts train, she doesn't have the time for it and doesn't need to bait drama, if she did. Easy decision.

>> No.42758014

Mori don't have PS5?

>> No.42758041

Mori has been fucking traveling do you not pay attention to her twitter

>> No.42758078

No, don't care

>> No.42758102

He's too busy seething at /polshit.

>> No.42758241

Nobody desu. Just fucking morons who want to latch their polcel idealisms to see another side get owned. They don't even care about the girls or the game in general is all about their little internet wars. As long they see the girls pissing off the troons is all they give a fuck about.

>> No.42758291

When is this bitch ever not traveling?
Why the FUCK does she keep ping-ponging between Japan and America like a fucking ADHD zoomer?

>> No.42758293

Whether they play it or not I don't care, but I was a little sad to see Pikamee back out after announcing she would.

>> No.42758310

No see this game where half of an 1800's british school are nigs and muslims is actually based because JK Rowling aligns with only 90% of left wing ideology and that last 10% she doesn't makes people seethe!

>> No.42758403

>all of them bent the knee
Bending the knee implies they wanted to stream Hogwarts and didn't because of tranny cancer. But how many of them actually wanted to stream it? I know Kiara for one wouldn't play it no matter what because she has no interest in Harry Potter games.

>> No.42758463

She should do whatever she wants if troons don't like it oh well. Don't watch the stream. Ignoring them would've been the best option yet they allowed people to tell them what they can or cannot play. She just play the game and have fun as a fan fuck the polcels and the troons. Both sides are equally cancer.

>> No.42758491

i mean she doesn't really, if you've read her books it's clear that most of the students at hogwarts were intended to be white.

>> No.42758541

You make too much sense.

>> No.42758644

She didn't and then she retconned the shit out of everything. So now she does. Really.

>> No.42758826

Which of the girls who can play it would actually want to play it though?

>> No.42758863
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Nah bro Hermione was black the whole time you just couldn't tell because it was a book

>> No.42758978
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>> No.42758988

Anon, she’s physically unable to play the game. Everyone else was playing the early release on the PS5, which she doesn’t have, and her laptop probably can’t run the PC version.
Not in the US, where she currently is.

>> No.42759023

Shitty game anyways

>> No.42759085

>akirose is the only one besides fubuki that doesn't has her name in english, but it's the only that says vtuber in her name

>> No.42759139

It's lose-lose because the game is so fucking woke to begin with.

>> No.42759155

>makes a joke people don't like
>ENTIRE COMPANY bends the knee and suspends her

>> No.42759186

holy cope

>> No.42759231

That's why the retards shitting up the catalog are laughed at so much. I can't speak for any chuuba other than Reine and Kiara, and neither of them have ever shown interest in Harry Potter. Wether it's because of the controversy around it the last few years that made them not talk about it, or that they really never watched/cared about it, expecting someone who's never said anything about the series to suddenly play it out of nowhere is retarded. There's a decent amount of Holos who skipped out on other FotM and the only example of a game series that was universally played with Holos is Pokemon (at least in the last 2 and a half years).

>> No.42759323

>I can't speak for any chuuba other than Reine and Kiara,
You can't even speak for them Pavonashi fag shut the hell up

>> No.42759572

Aside from the trans thing, the game is also blatently antisemitic.

>> No.42761203

that english slut played it

>> No.42762717

It's fine when black people do it
t.Wayans brothers
