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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42752356 No.42752356 [Reply] [Original]


It's over

>> No.42752388


>> No.42752413

mori's cumsock

>> No.42752419

Was it because of the rape or the drugs?

>> No.42752421

can't say this came out of nowhere

>> No.42752445

I wonder if this was planned in advance or was caused by the recent controversy.

>> No.42752483

anons can't be this dense...

>> No.42752497
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Was it because of her?

>> No.42752556

mori fat and cursed

>> No.42752581

Were they actually a couple and fucking? Is that what ruined them?

>> No.42752668

If it was the Akira drama, Fra's involvement is just that his vsinger friends (Puriyama and co) turned their studio into a drug den, and he frequently does collab and projects with them

>> No.42752871

yeah you can

>> No.42753049

Fra didn't even do anything, and if it was over that, it would've been much sooner and there would not be a stream where the two are still acting all buddy buddy and joking around. Fra wouldn't even be there.

>> No.42753139

>Ci is staying
All I really cared about anyways.

>> No.42753256

Official stream here

>> No.42753303

they seem in good spirits, I guess Fra doesn't really vibe with vtubing that much anymore
to be fair, avatars are a debuff for male performers, couple Homos learned that already

>> No.42753312
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I hope they'll keep their covers up, there are a lot of gems in there

>> No.42753368

I hope Ci isn't planning on bringing any other faggots in and will do solo shit from now on.

>> No.42753378

archives and twitter are staying, further suggesting it's not related to the Akira stuff

>> No.42753476

That's a relief, that cover is especially good

>> No.42753635


>> No.42753722

>we're trending on twitter yay!
>fuck this shit, we never got to trending when we were doing concerts

>> No.42754640

Ci's parts in their Yona Yona Dance cover make me cum.

>> No.42755022
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Deep-voiced woman good

>> No.42755088

thanks Mori you fucking retard

>> No.42755175

That's what you get when you fuck with /meat/

>> No.42755361

qrd on the akira drama and /meat/?

>> No.42755422

schizo babble

>> No.42755557

Joining Holo, imagine. Cover is probably looking for more dedicated musicians.

>> No.42755611

Is there a translation of their full announcement?

>> No.42755771

the only "drama" is him knowing the ones involved, that's it. he has nothing to do with it. he literally just knows them

>> No.42755910

Which one is Ci and which one is Fra? I don't know anything about them or what happened

>> No.42755954

figure it out yourself faggot

>> No.42756112

>leaving BGV to become Homostar #54 with probably less average viewers per stream
Big step up.

>> No.42756161

Might want to wait for a meathead to come along and explain it but tldr chuuba gets anally raped, gets paid to be silent about it since rapist is connected to a drug ring running through music industry or something, money stops coming, chuuba goes to twitter and posts pics while relating boogey vox to it tangentially, goes on a menehara meltdown and deletes alot of it but damage is done pretty sure I got some of it wrong or left something out but that's the gist of it

>> No.42756405

I think Fra is the Frankensein-looking dude. Ci should be the short girl who's sleaves are too long. I only know them from Mori's old Please RIP contest and some cover they did with her. They do music or rap or something.

>> No.42756409

Stack is Ci confirmed!

>> No.42756459

Did you know that Ci is short for jiangshi(jiangci)? The more you know.

>> No.42756478

Fra is the big Frankenstein looking dude and Ci is the tiny girl. They’re breaking up as a group.

>> No.42759738

They always had separate channels and twitters so they probably planned for this.

>> No.42759850
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>> No.42759999

Fra will join Shinove new vtuber company

>> No.42760106

I'll always remember Mori talking about the song they made together, and she was like "yeah this is a song about how we've both made it now" and I was like lol Mori, YOU'VE made it, these guys are still small time

>> No.42760293

They're Mori's nepo hires for mixed gender hololive gen

>> No.42760474
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>> No.42760850

How the fuck did this guy become the music director for HoloJP6

>> No.42761548

For me it's
