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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42750205 No.42750205 [Reply] [Original]

What did i say before?
Nijisanji fanbase is the most toxic ever

>Made Nijitroon mad
>Company suspened her to cater to their paypig
>now even her info and her address got doxxed
>Her future is either Graduated or Quit now

>> No.42750268

I still don't understand what online mobfags are angry about exactly.

>> No.42750271

She's too good for 'em I say.

>> No.42750327

Same. Nijifags are a bunch of shallow minded retards.

>> No.42750368 [DELETED] 
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was it worth pandering to them Riku?

>> No.42750377

Good. I'll feel better donating to her knowing part of the proceeds won't go to Nijisanji

>> No.42750415

Qrd? Revealed past life, is difficult to manage, made a rape joke.

>> No.42750443

You're making shit up

>> No.42750447

>Release joint statement with about how they will go after harassment of their talents
>Do everything to increase harassment for one of their talents

How does anikara even?

>> No.42750483

It's weird to me how so many people are only just now realizing that catering to That Audience* has a tendency of making your community obsessive, mentally ill, and toxic.

>> No.42750506

kyo deserve graduate than her

>> No.42750537


>> No.42750574

ofc, you above of all of them, 4chan poster

>> No.42750576

EN fans have been chimping out about shit since 2020
It's all so tiresome

>> No.42750579

just funny how you can literally make shit up in the catalog and there will always be someone eatin it up

>> No.42750582

I already contacted ANYCOLOR about it, I recommend others do the same.

>> No.42750589

Have you seen the state of /here/ as an audience?

>> No.42750643
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>> No.42750683 [DELETED] 
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My Jew My Jew Queen please don't take her away from me. Also WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH NEGROS AND ANGOLO'S WHY ARE THEY SO RETARTED?!

>> No.42750698

Literally she's not woke and politically correct enough for the Nijitroon audience. That's all really.
When she said she jokes about everything I knew she was in trouble. Zaion didn't realize she's only allowed to make fun of white people, straight people, and virgin males.

>> No.42750737
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>> No.42750764

At this point she should be the one to leave, then try her luck as an indie again if she still cares about vtubing. Waiting out this indefinite suspension isn't going to do anything good for her sake, fucking off would be a good way of sticking it to Niji too as it would mean they just spend a lot of time and money on a vtuber design to throw it away after 2 months.
On the other hand, losing her delicious design would be a shame but god damn it they did her dirty.

>> No.42750890

She gave up a Kita Senri design for lolibaba...

>> No.42750904

Not woke enough and not being an absolute fucking NPC troglodyte foaming at the mouth.
I fucking hate the faggots and mentally ill people that Luxiem brought with them.

>> No.42750930

not sure about this one, I think I will support her against nijitroons only

>> No.42751278

Yeah. Like, what little I've see of Uki I see that he's made ridiculously toxic jokes about straight people. No one's coming out the woodwork to cancel him. Fuck this faggot tranny branch...

>> No.42751288

You can't quit this early on a contract without having to pay a fee.

>> No.42751320

I'd pay for the peace of mind.

>> No.42751357

The fee is usually around a few K for most corpo according to Miori . Idk if she has that much spare money lying around.

>> No.42751425

Uki is terrible. The typical effeminate, openly hating/jealous of women homo whose only identity revolves around being a homo. If her were straight, he'd be cancelled for misogyny.

>> No.42751678

True. She should just grind her teeth and do the bare minimum until they kick her out on their own.
It's always better for you to get fired from a toxic workplace than to quit on your own. Always.

>> No.42751729

getting fired from big corpor make you blackisted from other company
unless you joined Vshojo because they didn't give a flying fuck as long as you let gem sell your merch.

>> No.42751738


>> No.42751747

she should just do 3 streams a week of 1 hour of silent gameplay

>> No.42751794

keep looking around in catalog , lazychaama
i'm not gonna spoonfed you.

>> No.42751812

Rather ironic that the one big company where she can play Genshin is also the most toxic for her kind of humor, all because of a bunch of faggots who brought the single most demented kind of fan that makes hardcore unicorns look sane in comparison.

>> No.42751818
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About an hour and 58 minutes into zaions last stream she masturbates btw

>> No.42751849

Well it’s not her LAST stream the karaoke was deleted. But latest one available

>> No.42751867

Twitter mob is devouring itself over Hogwarts fiasco and looking for victims to vent their impotent anger on. Unfortunately NijiEN is full of SJW trash and few good ones like Zai will get fucked.

>> No.42751896

Wait is that true?

>> No.42751918

Whether she quits or gets fired she'll be blacklisted in both cases. So it doesn't matter.

>> No.42752002

Luxiem garbage is on the way out. Their numbers are collapsing.

>> No.42752020

According to Miori, almost every corpo has a minimum commitment clause in the contract and a fee to pay if you want to leave early. The fee at minimum typically covers for the cost of making the model ( which are usually around few k).

>> No.42752026

No wait sorry it’s 59:32 minutes in I mean.

>> No.42752079

literally it's a bunch of women who were """raped""" getting mad that she made a rape joke about a video game character

>> No.42752090

How do we know that's the case for Nijisanji? Didn't Fulgur want to graduate early but Millie convinced him not to?

>> No.42752092

Is this even relevant now that the damage has been done? Unless they all gtfo their fans will continue to be a blight in the NijiEN fanbase.

>> No.42752147

that was an anecdote to illustrate his feelings, the reality of trying to quit wouldn't be so simple.

>> No.42752207

From the way it was discussed, it seem like it'a a very standard practice and it's borderline suspicious if the corpo doesn't have that fee (too good to be true). I'm sure all off the big corpo would have it by default for sure because they especially don't want early graduation after such lengthy recruitment process.

>> No.42752217

Okay that was hot.

>> No.42752282

In that case, unless Zaion does something REALLY stupid she's 100% guaranteed to come back. The question is how long will that be?

>> No.42752284

Clown car company. Publicly announcing a suspension to calm a mob is one thing, but there was no mob until the dumb fuck management created it.

>> No.42752294
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How do I stop masturbating to Zaion Lanza?

>> No.42752296

Who knows. From what I heard, she got doxx'ed so she might have a way to get out now without being tarnished in the industry

>> No.42752325

it's the classic Japanese tactic for when you want someone gone but can't actually fire them
just bully the fuck out of them until they leave on their own

>> No.42752344

Anon, this you describe is not clown car behaviour, it is cartoon villain behaviour

>> No.42752347

The problem is Niji EN management is DEFINITELY stupid and actually might let her go.

>> No.42752371

They would have fired her if that was the case.

>> No.42752381

She could still be fired if she doesn't react the way management want her to. Given she is shitting on her antis on her rm account I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.42752436

>mocking her antis instead of bending the knee
god I love her

>> No.42752440

She's only liked one tweet which was a meme then unliked it. Not really "shitting" on anyone.

>> No.42752503

Wait didn't Aloe graduate from Hololive in her first week? Going by the logic above she'd have to pay a fine.

>> No.42752551

You don't need to enforce contract penalties. Given the situation she obviously wouldn't.

>> No.42752644

nta but its literally the same as pandering to the four chinz audience, except signalling the opposite "virtues"

>> No.42752754

just like millie right

>> No.42752789

Yea, if zaion play her card right given the fact that she got doxx'ed, she might get out without a fee. Online harassment of talents have been in the spotlight for them lately so it can't be ignored or downplayed easily.

>> No.42752834

Posting their joint statement against it back to them would make them reconsider trying to save pennies, yes.

>> No.42752993

She'll probably just graduate at some point as quiet as Rushia did. Good for here I hope her indie career will be better.

>> No.42753036


>> No.42753088

Wait she got doxxed now?

>> No.42753138

You people aren't any better than her antis. I want her back as Zaion, not as a disgruntled indie.

>> No.42753206

I want her to do what will make her the happiest
recently it's been clear she's not happy with Nijisanji, and I doubt this situation has made her any more positive about the company

>> No.42753226

Niji livers don't get paid in salary so she HAS to stream to have the money to atleast survive i don't know about her RM but does she have other sources of income?if not I doubt niji will give her pocket money to survive through her suspension,and since there is problem a fee if you wish to leave early she can't do that either her only option right now seems to be shut the fuck up until management lifts the ban and continue doing her thing until it turns to better or the clause expires seems like a preety shitty situation since it is uncertain if she will incline if she does return might become a 3view after all the hate

>> No.42753232

HoloEN is rebouncing after a disastrous year so yes it's possible.

>> No.42753233

Bro it's just a fucking PNG. Suck it up.

>> No.42753289

You're massively deluding yourself if you think she'll be the same as always if she comes back.

>> No.42753363

You honestly cannot compare the two here, the difference is heaven and hell holoen reclined because of the self sabotage and lack of effort they put, in niji en has been getting completely dogpiled on because of drama that doesn't end. i am sure a good portion of the fanbase has left.

>> No.42753419

She's not gonna ditch the friends she just made.

>> No.42753471

Great friends

>> No.42753479

she herself said she doesn't have anything to do with most of NijiEN or anything in common with them

>> No.42753482

Fat and ugly women that would never get raped because of how disgusting they are, got offended by rape jokes
And faggots+trannies

>> No.42753486

I wonder why a hobby that's literally about cute japanese girls doing cute things attracted literal bug chasing homosexual satanist chinks.

It's like their entire existence is focused on destroying good things because they know they're garbage and they can't stand to look upon the face of the Divine without recoiling.

>> No.42753494

All I really see from doing /NijiEN/ reps is that there's some posts like OP's repeating it, but no sources and I don't see anything on Twatter. Granted, I'm probably not the best sleuth for tranny quote retweet behavior.

>> No.42753514

Coworkers. Coworkers anon. They're not your friends. They have a life beyond what you do at work.
Get some help.

>> No.42753580

The chinks aren't the issue this time, NijiEN also have a twitter sjw audience because they represented the competition to Hololive's "toxic idol culture".

>> No.42753593

Yes, and she wanted to change that. She gets along well with Maria.

>> No.42753627

but it means she hasn't made friends yet, she was going to try to do it
and now that Luxiem sisters are out for her blood she might not bother

>> No.42753643

They are doing great the fuck are you talking about? Hell, corpse ripoff stole Luxiem paypigs.

>> No.42753651
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You don't

>> No.42753668

She made a cover with Maria, I think they're friends anon.

>> No.42753677

Someone (probably Kyo) in the secret gc stream called them that

>> No.42753698

Literally their own words in Millie's "owning the haters" stream. I'm just parroting it.

>> No.42753699

She got hard doxxed in a thread liked by the Kyo's PL account. The post got nuked in a matter of minutes.

>> No.42753735
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Why am I so drawn to hags, /vt/?

>> No.42753872

Pretty much what >>42753363 said. Also StarsEN wasn't able to bring a retarded fanbase the same size that Luxiem brought, even if management acted like they were trying hard, while NijiEN's audience is a hellhole right now where a tame edgy joke will make people who definitely don't watch you want your head.

>> No.42754021
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>Kyo's PL account

>> No.42754042

Twitter threads are threads too.

>> No.42754070

First time I hear it.

>> No.42754078

>Anon thinks she won't be disgruntled and subdued after management publicly humiliated her twittertrannies tried to cancel her and a coworker hopped onto the cancel wagon to anti her. All occurring less than a month after her company virtue signalled about protecting their employees from malicious harassment
If she returns at this point it's going to be a very different Zaion than the one who was suspended and probably to just ride out her contract through gritted teeth.

>> No.42754086

>every sister says they like dark humor
>actual dark humor makes them have a breakdown

>> No.42754091

lurk more

>> No.42754117

I'll lurk in your mother's womb.

>> No.42754128

I wish I could become a little boy so she could rape me

>> No.42754142


>> No.42754145

prepare to get aborted lol

>> No.42754153

In my opinion,
-- Pomu is downright the best vtuber that exists, and it's bizarre that other people can't see that.
-- Elira gives that comfy girlfriend vibe that makes me wanna watch her. But she often does annoying noises and she associates too much with the Ethyria crowd. She's at the root of a lot of the bad in Niji, so I can't like her or support her. Although I would otherwise do so.
-- Finana isn't as bad as people think, I think she's pleasant and works well with the other two. But I can't forgive that shit she pulled, she's dead to me.
-- Selen is a SSS quality vtuber and really cares about the fans. Although her personality is such a force that she's better in small doses.
-- Rosemi is genuinely a great vtuber. Maintains her character through thick and thin, is creative and smart. Highly underrated and underappreciated.
-- Enna has no respect for anyone and is generally really nasty and awful. Drama-hungry contumely. Overrated for sure.
-- Millie is chaotic and has creative streams. But she disrespects her fans and is too aggressive flirting with males for numbers. Also lots of the things she does is very annoying.
-- Reimu is better when she's calm and gentle rather than turning on her bitch persona. She is only known for her ship with Vox so it's hard to get interested in her.
-- Ike seems like a well adjusted and put-together guy, from the outside at least. I wish he would embrace his Swedish roots and get into metal singing more.
-- Shu is awkward and weird, strange that people are into that sort of thing. He's like a bizarre animal in a zoo munching on leaves.
-- Vox was really bad, not respecting the girl's fans and popping into their streams to talk about his genitals. He broke his brain with numberfagging obsessed with being #1. These days he's more mellow. It's not clear whose side he's on.
-- Mysta is really charismatic, he has a lot of talent. But he's also kind of crazy and not in a good way.
-- Luca has a firmly established persona that he plays well. But he's also really annoying and keeps flirting with the girls. He's bad.
-- Sonny is just a typical 4channer which makes him relatable. But his gameplay streams suck, he just goofs around doing what he wants instead of attempting to put on a show for his viewers.
-- Alban is nondescript. A fun element to have in a group, but mostly doesn't make waves or get involved in drama. One of the good ones.
-- Yugo was horrible. Couldn't speak English, wasn't even male, kept creating problems for everyone else. Completely unwatchable too. Niji's decision to hire Yugo is nonsensical.
-- Uki gives off an aura of brooding hostility. He has a calm voice that can be pleasant. But on the other hand he's at the root of the cancer in NijiEN. He ruins collabs, has no energy, and he's clearly a bad person.
-- Fulgur is generally affable and reliable. But he doesn't have much force of character other than playing along with others.
-- Ren is just, kind of there. Doesn't really have much personality it seems.
-- Scarle is playful and ditzy. Her asset gags are fun, she's always doing interesting things every stream. She's definitely very underrated. One of the good ones.
-- Aia has tried to embrace her dorky side, but her gags are too repetitive and there's nothing interesting about her. Also her voice puts people off, if she could speak differently she might do better.
-- Aster is awful. His streams are bad, his personality is worse. Bad hiring decision.
-- Maria is ok. Her voice can be a bit annoying and she's autistic with games. She doesn't have much character other than being seiso.
-- Kyo is loud, annoying, and hungry for drama to create "content" as he puts it. He's a complete normie, and doesn't get along with his wave. He shouldn't even be a vtuber. He's a big part of the cancer in the branch.
-- Zaion is a martyr for her actions. She has a strong personality and charisma, generally brash and irreverent. But her choice of games is terrible.
-- Hex is a bad human being who is clearly just in the company to make as much money as possible. He doesn't know anything about vtubers, he doesn't care. He stole his entire persona anyway. Pretending to cure people's trauma for superchats is something borderline illegal and youtube should look into shutting down his channel.
-- Doppio sticks to his character, quite admirable. But he's not that great at playing it yet, and doesn't seem that comfortable in the persona. If he could speak a bit more normally while keeping the persona it would help him. In general he seems like a more respectful and conscientious version of Luca. One of the good ones.
-- Kotoka has an ESL accent and her model isn't rigged well. It feels like they didn't even try.
-- Meloco doesn't even speak English and shouldn't have been hired.
-- Ver is a passive beta-male who is awkward and cringy, and it's unbelievable anyone watches him.

>> No.42754158

when was she ever not disgruntled

>> No.42754194

I see you don't spend much time on Twitter
smart man

>> No.42754272

Zoomers really don't know what the fuck dark humor is. For them dark humor is only lame jokes that "hurt" whites, straight people, and rarely jews, asians and gay men. Zaion's joke was stupidly tame but that's enough to make the younger gen go haywire because it doesn't go against the allowed kind of targets.

>> No.42754300

So true, sister.

>> No.42754334

Anycolor chummed the water with the suspension announcement and basically showed twitter dramaposters it's okay to go after her and stir up a fake outrage

>> No.42754394

I remember worrying how Zoomers were going to turn out, and they are worse then my bleakest estimates.

>> No.42754431
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>> No.42754457

shit, I've made some fucked up racist jokes to black guys and they just thought it was funny
white girls on twitter are mentally not fit for life

>> No.42754520

I wouldn’t be so pissed if it wasn’t for the double standards. The guys get to make any joke they want.

>> No.42754529

I don't know if you ever had a real job, but when you're suspended those days are also removed from your salary if you had one. Else they would call it a "vacation"

>> No.42754574

I wonder who taught zoomers that any joke is a bad joke?

>> No.42754600

It's like starring at an abyss. It's so fucking bad I don't even know if I have any hopes for the next one, and those will be raised by the younger millennials and older zoomers, so good fucking luck for them who'll grow up with people who were raised by twitter bullshit.

>> No.42754629


>> No.42754632

black guys are unironically the best at making racist jokes anon, especially if you're burgers. if they're old enough, they grew up living that shit.

>> No.42754684
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Cringe, her and her entire clique
Based until she pulled the shit she did and showed her true colors, now she's cringe
Vile piece of shit. One of the worst parts about NijiEN as a whole.
Cringe, I used to give her a pass, I thought she was innocent despite her lewd comments she used to make and I counted that towards her chaotic nature but recently in particular she's gone way overboard, she's drank too much of the Enna koolaid and now has no identity outside of ship baiting with Luxiem and talking about her thirst for dick none stop.
Fine I guess
Used to hate him, he's good though. He's a giga autismo but he's not the problem I thought he was.
Cringe, hate him with a passion, worst male by far.
>Fungus Covid
Cringe, one of the worst of NijiEN
GIGA BASED, will follow her wherever she may go
Eh, so-so

To summorize
Top 3 in no particular order -

Bottom 3 in no particular order -

>> No.42754707

What's wrong with being an indie?

>> No.42754725


>> No.42754729

No one asked

>> No.42754732

they weren't that old, like 30s probably
I guess it helps that none of us are city folk so they didn't come up ghetto

>> No.42754748

t. faggot that only watches EN. imagine calling pomu the best vtuber in existence when she's keked her viewers with Luca multiple times and has had a surprise male off-collab. no shit people can't see she's the "best," retard

>> No.42754779

30's prob a bit too young, but their parents def grew up living that shit

>> No.42754786

Oh fuck, she really got suspended...

>> No.42754927

The woke cancer keep creating new metastases.

>> No.42754931

Pomu is a whore. She got fucked by Luca.

>> No.42754976

>Zaion didn't realize she's only allowed to make fun of white people, straight people, and virgin males.
Also her fans, since she's in NijiEN she's allowed to make fun of her fans.

>> No.42755084

I did

>> No.42755737

I want her back as herself, not a lobotomized version of her afraid to upset nijien's tranny managers.

>> No.42755790

Do you think Anykara saw when people reported Kyo for harrassing Zaion?

>> No.42755863

if people actually did it, then yes
and as Nina said, it's company policy for them to read it all, and then make the liver read it all too

>> No.42755864

Zaion not important enough for Anycolor to care

>> No.42755914

I mean Genshinturds are the most rabid twitterbrained morons. They're literally the wumao army, but instead of getting paid nickels, they pay hundred to pull the newest genshin homo.

>> No.42756017

Nijitroon? Since they're all pedophiles according to 4chan why would they be on her case about shotacons when they themselves like shotacons fuck off chuds everyone know the party about "protecting the children" are the one trying to cancel her.

>> No.42756030

Bullshit rrat. Nothing is on his twitter, nothing is on /vt/. If you have nothing, then fuck off.

>> No.42756056

literally what did Zaion say? I know enough about Twitter people to know what make them uppity-upset, but I'm genuinely curious about Zaion mindset.

>> No.42756115

she was playing a game with a female character that had been raped
at one point said character was changing clothes and she looked at her, then said "wow I see why she got r-" and then stopped

>> No.42756159

He deleted the tweet. He wasn't the doxxer but he took part in the lynch mob before backtracking.

>> No.42756173


>> No.42756269

I would say it's funny how a Chink game got a fanbase like that in the west, but considering how a lot of them are unironic commies I shouldn't be that surprised.

>> No.42756313

Just go the doxsisters site and scroll back the comments, they have her address and real name, there were a few posts talking about swatting her yesterday.

>> No.42756386

>these are the people calling her a bad person

>> No.42756438

Did you see that guy who almost had a heart attack playing the Karaoke?
People who have never experienced real trauma wouldn't get it.

>> No.42756458

You're outdated bro
Nina is a based gamer hag now who hates the NijiEN clique

>> No.42756524

You could be correct, my opinion of Nina is from like...6+ months ago at least. If she's against the Elira clique then she may actually be based as fuck

>> No.42756599

I would really like to see how anykala deals with this are they actually serious about the join announcement? Cover sure as fuck is but if niji fucks this up again it will be a huge reputation hit

>> No.42756604

Nothing. The entire "antisemetic" argument was already disproven to be a bunch of lies from Twitterinas.

>> No.42756631

Miko also had a similar episode in the game the sudden screech of pure rage was chilling

>> No.42756680

I feel bad for Zaion.
Should I report her antis to Cover too?
It was a joint statement right?
Maybe Cover can help.

>> No.42756683

If they wouldn't want their talents to be talking about such things, maybe they should check out the perms they're giving out. That's why I hate corpos managing people over 25 years old, you have to behave and please people who hate you simply for stumbling over your own words. They don't seek to understand older people mindset, they seek to hate it.
Like why the hell you would listen to Twitter, these fuckers are not even fucking loyal to the streamers who cater to them and the silent majority certainly thinks that Zaion just reacted with the least bad intent in the world...

>> No.42756722

Nina in general had her ups and downs. Short after debut she felt pretty cringe plus she had that PL shit around her. Then she got used to vtubing and became pretty ok. Then male waves came and she went full time leaching on Luxnoc, making her unwatchable. However, now she's back to being just chill gamer auntie, though I'm still not the biggest fan of her voice

>> No.42756756

They combine both cuteness and mature experience, that make you feel safe and comfy with their presence.

>> No.42756759

Unironically might help

>> No.42756777

Report them. Go off anon.

>> No.42756798

jesus, those loons really hate her. it's always eye opening to see what a twitter tranny nest the NijiEN audience has become.

>> No.42756826

She unironically does nothing but stream autism games like factorio, terraria and CK3 whilst saying she's too old to deal with the highschool mean girl drama shit these days
Her, Pomu and Kotoka are great and the only reason any of us still watch that garbage branch

>> No.42756904

You can quit without being blacklisted, there is proof of that, but it depends on the context. She should tough it out for a while either way because quitting now would put her in a bad light for future employment.
She is great though. She is /here/ so she must see that people are on her side. It is even more impressive since she is a nijisanjiEN, but even on this board that generally favors hololive and shits on nijisanji people praise her regardless of tribe. I wonder if the other /here/ nijisanji are frustrated by that?

>> No.42756919

The doxsister site starts with n and ends with o right?

>> No.42756931

>Maybe Cover can help.

>> No.42756966

She could just do what Moruru or Lulu did anon.

>> No.42756981

>those comments
Whew women and trannies really want to turn this into a culture war. They turned Zaion into some alt right god.

>> No.42757070

She's not so much "against" them as just doesn't care or interact with them. She got all the collab leech out of her system and now all she wants to do is play autistic industrialization sims with chat.

>> No.42757089
File: 27 KB, 666x666, 1661486648927665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally why do holotrannies(support the cause btw) think they can weight it on people they don't even watch? you and the twittertroons are sides of the same coin.

Mentally ill, retarded, poor, with nothing going on in your lives so you chase after manufactured drama about people you "hate" that you didn't even know existed 24 hours ago.

Your sins have tipped the scales and karma will strike back at you before the end of the year, your tears will be something of a spectacle for everyone.

>> No.42757138

Sorry, I can't spot the fat joke in the second sentence, can you help me out?

>> No.42757153

Rushia didnt graduate, she got kicked

>> No.42757241

You're so fucking fat your fat folds have gravitational fields of their own holocuck

>> No.42757276

Hololive will die any day now nijisis

>> No.42757291

You just hate Luca because he fucked pomu

>> No.42757369

her RM discord announced they're re-releasing her indie RM mousepads, guess she'll ride that money train for a while

>> No.42757400

Thank god that shit isn't like reddit because if it was any comment that doesn't think she's the second coming of Hitler would be buried by the horde of cunts wanting her head. Jesus, not even Mori has that amount of haters in the general Hololive audience.

>> No.42757439

Nobody gave a fuck about her until she got a suspension tweet that riled up twittertroons.

>> No.42757652

Nina is a horrible person, a really fake bitch. Cynical and sociopathic.

>> No.42757730

Nina is that wonderful combination of cynical and sociopathic, but old an experienced enough to realize pretending to be nice is a better way to get ahead than whatever the fuck Kyo thinks he's doing.

>> No.42757907
File: 1.14 MB, 916x985, 1670963067051656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the face of the divine
your unfalsifiable fairytale sky daddy isn't real and there is zero evidence for it or any of your beliefs. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You don't need to invoke god or your personal religious beliefs to condemn the progressivist mob and their chinese supporters - they can be more easily condemned and dismissed as being commies and a threat to freedom.

>> No.42757952

I’ve always wondered how this meme works for lefties. The women seethe if straight guys make fun of them but they will let gays and trannies say actually misogynistic things to their face and like it. Then the women get mad when straight guys don’t want to be in a relationship with them. What is their endgame?

>> No.42757962

There's also the tendency of Niji fans to retroactively find reasons to hate someone once they fall foul of management. Company before individual and all that.

>> No.42758007

And you will never get to off collab with luxiem. Seethe ya fat whale.

>> No.42758016

These Trannies that ruin everything that is sacred are a proof for me, it would be not neeeded if there was no divine.

>> No.42758205

It's not 2005 please stop watching old amazing atheist videos you will never not be cringey as fuck Christ is King.

>> No.42758356

Wasn't that the meme with Hololive? I thought Nijisanji fans were all "support the talent and not the company"? Or that's just the NijiJP fans?

>> No.42758368

I am not, do not wish to be and will never be a woman you dumb troon. Everything I said is completely true about Nina, I didn’t even bring up her being a huge leech because it is just a symptom of her character flaws.
Do your reps.
Being fake and manipulative is still the opposite of being based. This is why Zaion can accurately be described as based and Nina cannot.

>> No.42758469

she was doxxed on day 1 so i'm not sure what you're talking about

>> No.42758580

I don't need to do my reps to know that Nina pisses off faggots and fatties. Keep seething faggot, ywnbaw

>> No.42758619

Definitely an aloucûck or lucub.

>> No.42758660

>He doesn’t know
Lol she is a huge sjw. Imagine defending a grifter that hates you.

>> No.42758775

Nice try at changing the topic, Enna is even worse than Nina, the worst of the worst, and I don’t watch make vtubers because I’m not a faggot. That might be tough for you witch all the collab spam number chasing, eh? Raped until you liked it.

>> No.42758791

Post her schnozz

I want to do a cum tribute.

>> No.42758835

I don't respond to ESL SEAsisters. Have fun.

>> No.42758885

It's time to stop believing in fairy tales

>> No.42758892

How is Nina being a bitch behind the scenes even a controversial statement at this point? She isn’t up front about it like the clique cunts but it is still a well known thing.

>> No.42758897

She has always been honest about her interest in ikemens from day 1 anon. I dont blame her, most pepole /here/ would do the same. I just watch her for fun. Is that a foreign concept nowdays. My oishy is still my oishy tough and i will fight for her

>> No.42759060

Tigers don’t change their stripes, there is just no point in getting invested in someone like Nina.

>> No.42759223

she's kinda ugly but you do you brother

>> No.42759235

>Pretending to cure people's trauma for superchats is something borderline illegal and youtube should look into shutting down his channel.
YouTube has a flag/report feature for TOS violating content. Use it

>> No.42759360
File: 146 KB, 829x1079, 1669330764003471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, that's a good one.

>> No.42759447

She also still has like ~200 Twitch subs still on her roommate. Enough for groceries I guess.

>> No.42760153

Not at all, it was a Niji thing long before Holo fanbase ever had to deal with that type of conflict. Moruru being an obvious example.

>> No.42760233

A cum-pelling argument...

>> No.42760375

Oh yeah, I forgot some people were salty about Moruru changing flags. But that pales in comparison with the amount of people wanting Zaion fucking terminated. Not even Mori has antis that rabid.

>> No.42761444
File: 1.04 MB, 880x960, 1647642188801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the general unfiltered way Nijisanji acts, but I feel like I have a huge disconnect with a large portion of NijiEN fans. It's just weird, you know? Like a bunch of people got into the hobby somehow without fully understanding how weird and specific a lot of the members' fetishes or traits can be. It makes sense to act professional in most cases, but it doesn't make sense to treat the things Zaion said as if they were absolutely unforgivable.

It feels silly, especially when it's compared to how much the rest of NijiEN talks about dicks and cumming and pussies and ass and jerking off. Why would someone be okay with these things but not the things Zaion said? Why is all that degenerate shit okay, but Zaion somehow "crossed the line"? It feels particularly targeted because she didn't act specifically like everyone else, and that quote from her talking about how she's different from the other members may have triggered/pushed it even further.

The whole situation just feels weird and really fucking weak.

>> No.42761646

It's zoomers. Zoomers are oversensitive and anything that crosses the line they set automatically turns you into their worst enemy that doesn't deserve any redemption and should be treated worse than an actual criminal. Edgy jokes can only be those they allow and don't you dare go beyond that unless you want a bunch of cowards who can't even complain about their wrong order at Starbucks flooding any and all social media you have and rushing to doxx your personal info if you were dumb enough to put it online.

>> No.42761862

Sure but she's also smart enough to not be a massive bitch.
Most she had was her beef with Pomu, which they just turned into a comedy bit.

>> No.42761926

Landing some cucked cali tech head who ignores them sleeping around and buys them shit.

>> No.42761960

you can really tell who's from reddit here with their reddit spacing

>> No.42761976

This is the audience that Luxiem brought in. A bunch of Twitter trannies and whores who bitch and moan about everything.

>> No.42761983

she isnt in a position to be a bitch by virtue of being outisde of eliras clique

>> No.42762003

>look up pl name
>there's a picture of her just randomly first thing on a vtuber wiki

>> No.42762374

>>Fungus Covid

>> No.42762391

OK Kyo

>> No.42762504

Holy shit

>> No.42762895

funny how pegor made the exact same joke but got away with it
apparently all that "talent freedom" doesn't mean shit.

>> No.42763059

would you rather she become just another blandass "NijiEN" streamer? no more edgy jokes, complete PG13 content, not being able to express herself and slowly becoming a shell of what she was?
Would you really call yourself a fan if this is what you want for your oshi?

>> No.42763196

Guess i'm dropping Nijisanji outright now, until that Kyo fuck is fired.
I'll unsub them all in a month if he is still there.

>> No.42763219
File: 24 KB, 580x458, lowkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go the doxsisters site

>> No.42763470


>> No.42763508

holy shit that choice of words after lmao

>> No.42763525

Her full name was publicly available (along with her picture). Seems like a pretty big oversight on both her and Anycolor's part to not have that scraped.

>> No.42763734

>every member that gets suspended gets a tweet
>every one gets the same exact shitty treatment
>it's only wrong when it happens to zaion

>> No.42763778

it seems like she herself posted the picture on her pl
why do chubbas do this....

>> No.42763870

Thats what happens when you hire fleshstreamers that dont give a fuck about vtubing

>> No.42764045

>Video game focuses on a character's ass during a cutscene
>Said character was sexually assaulted
>"Damn, no wonder she got-- haha"

>> No.42764127

Zaion being so petty that she likes her own tweets through her RM account.

>> No.42765065

cringe hag

>> No.42765370

the petty ones are terminally online twittards who are always looking to get upset over the stupidest shit

>> No.42765695

Zaion will be the Hajime of EN except actually entertaining

>> No.42765773

reminder that the blue homo supports this cause :/

>> No.42765775

Hey, he was entertaining that one time Karubi tried to bully him on Rust.

>> No.42765872

don't kid yourself nijien has been courting the tranny audience since day one. Trying to blame luxiem for this is retarded considering it isn't them pushing trap is a slur or any of the other retarded shit

>> No.42766492


No comments on Nina?

>> No.42766543

You forgot Petra...

>> No.42766545

nina is a based and i want her to give me a nursing handjob

>> No.42767237

nice falseflag LMAO

>> No.42767492


>> No.42767698

I legitimately can't wrap my head around how people can be so hateful and hostile over a harmless joke. It makes no sense to me.

>> No.42767772

Hope you guys are actually sending reports to ANYCOLOR because I did.

>> No.42767848

They don't hate her because of that, it is merely an excuse.

>> No.42768224

If you are new to twitter/the new internet then of course you'd be surprised. Here is the deal:
every person that would have been a school yard bully now has access to the internet and has realised that it is much easier to hide behind twitter handles to harass people. And they have discovered that this harassment will not be seen as harassment or bullying if they hide behind some kind of cause. SA or tranny shit is their favourite causes to use to bully people with.

Just think about the wizard game shit, they have not attacked the theatre plays, amusement parks or anything that is really big bucks. They attacked the thing that is easy to do and allows them to harass and bully other people

>> No.42768353

Yes. idk if they'll even read it but it makes me feel a little bit better

>> No.42768638

Sure would be funny if people started flooding the general NijiEN and Zaions hashtag with clips and fanart of her.

>> No.42768814

yes, unironically. Now go back to twitter, faggot

>> No.42768824

>Why would someone be okay with these things but not the things Zaion said?
Because they don't actually give a fuck and are just saying things to virtue signal.

>> No.42769091

nice joke

>> No.42769242

Nigger, do you know who Luna is?

>> No.42769526

I hope a lot of it is correction rape art. I wonder if she needs some of that irl. She'd probably enjoy that very much. She's based like that.

>> No.42770196


>> No.42770457

Should have tried for hololive. Might have Chinese antis but the fanbase won't eat you alive for a joke.

>> No.42770720

Is 4chan really incapable of rationalizing why people think "Sex Good, Rape Bad"?
Zoomers weren't joking when they said consent is hot.
You can joke about jerking off and sex as much as you want but when you talk about wanting to violently and sexually assault someone without asking a line gets drawn

>> No.42771091

Have you listened to Vox's ASMR content, anon? There's no consent even implied in some of them.

>> No.42771135

Correct me if I'm wrong, but she made an unfinished rape joke about a video game character in a laundromat or some shit, didn't she? Not just some "OOOOOH IT'S ME ZAION, QUEEN OF THE JEWS, AND I ONLY ACCEPT RAPECOIN FOR YOUR JEW TAX SO BEND OVER BUCKAROO"

I don't really follow Zaion but anything I've seen from the people attacking her has been lukewarm "Yeah maybe she shouldn't have said that" stuff at best.

>> No.42771186

How can you try for it when there are no auditions

>> No.42771228

Sex good, rape better

>> No.42771247

the rape joke in question was about a fictional character
you know something that is not real
if it was about an actual person sure go off but it wasnt so people bitching about the joke are retards plus joke itself wasnt even bad shit was tame as fuck
here's a link to it >>42756173

>> No.42771273

I'll miss Zai-chan :(
Hope she at least comes back as an indie if they fire her.

>> No.42771310

I think Vox should get flak for his shit too, don't get me wrong. Unfortunately he makes the company too much money and his fanbase is shielding him from any criticism
I don't think she should graduate or anything, but I'm not opposed to her being reprimanded. It also wasn't just the one joke
I'm well aware it's not a real person. It's just crass and unprofessional

>> No.42771356

I would bend over for her if she said that

>> No.42771422

NijiEN have the worst fans. It's all luxiem fans. That's the danger of males. The fans tend to be insane women, overly dramatic gays, and twitch troons. They need to just dissolve the branch

>> No.42771695

Disney/WB shows like Silicon Valley and Always Sunny can have rape jokes but they're too edgy for Anycolor?

>> No.42771755

The word rape as well as any "rape innuendo" got blacklisted years ago. Just think about all these poor souls that got raped and get flashbacks by just reading the word.

>> No.42771762

>women get mad at woman making offhanded joke directed at a woman(fictional)
>somehow this is the fault of the men

>> No.42771803

All she had to do was not be a chud.

>> No.42772101

>It's just crass and unprofessional
sure sure

>but when you talk about wanting to violently and sexually assault someone without asking a line gets drawn

so how does this work with fictional shit

I like you

>> No.42772121

Yes, because the Niji men are the only reason the women know of Niji EN at all.

>> No.42772125

NijiEN started accumulating the 14 year old fans that have an unhealthy attachment to streamers and are all "we gotta spread wholesomeness and positivity" but do something they don't like and they switch to doxxing, deathreats, and slurs.

>> No.42772320

>they can be more easily condemned and dismissed as being commies and a threat to freedom.
sorry sir, do you have a source for why I should care about freedom
I asked the science experts and they said socialism is the future

>> No.42772341

There is nothing hot about consent. Consider ethically necessary if you must, but to lie and call it arousing in and of itself is just a cope. She's still consenting if she's a prostitute or a dead fish.

>> No.42772349


>> No.42772431


>> No.42772432

>Nina is based

>> No.42772474

>Nina isn't based

>> No.42772520

she's based them hag titties on my dick

>> No.42772530

please spoonfeed me her pl on twitch, I just want to support her

>> No.42772617
File: 33 KB, 448x272, 1674640871823012.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those moans
>you can even hear how wet her pussy is

>> No.42772655


>> No.42772723


>> No.42772727

look for sayu on twitch

>> No.42772786

zoomers have never had sex, you are a zoomer who has never had sex

>> No.42772971

"Zaion" as we know her is gone. Management and coworkers shoved her in front of the twitter bus without remorse. Whatever she did, it wasn't something that deserved this treatment.

>> No.42773112


>> No.42773109
File: 581 KB, 720x900, Tokoyami_Towa_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't find out what happened? That's unusual.
She refused to post Trans Rights or some other SJW shit on nijiEN discord so they decided to ruin her career

>> No.42773142

Aren't EN auditions open at all times or am I mistaken?

>> No.42773273

>Japanese American weeb hag realized she join the wrong branch
Should have joined NijiJP so she wouldn't have to deal with the EN stans.

>> No.42773410

he's generally okay when collabing with people who aren't afraid to shit on him
being first wave means a lot of people have to pretend to respect him, but he's bearable when collabing with some of the old-timers

>> No.42773439

They don't join JP bc NijiJP isn't open and you have to go thru that shit vtubing school instead

>> No.42773483

Pretty sure that's the one who speaks shit-tier Japanese.

>> No.42773769

exactly. plus most of the posts are coordinated samefags trying to make it look like somebody gives a shit or that vtubing is something more than entertaiment that you watch in the moment and forget minutes after

>> No.42773932

100%. I like both of them. It's Enna's influence that's the problem.

>> No.42774256

>This thread
wtf, are we the good guys?

>> No.42774283

Did they ever say how long her suspension is?

>> No.42774376

Bullysanji at it again, maybe she should make the move to hololive like a certain demon princess did

>> No.42774407

Ever since the Ethyria anniversary she went through a redemption arc and started focusing on improving her own content. Now she has the power of hag wisdom on her side

>> No.42774539
File: 355 KB, 1520x720, If she isn't raped you can't masturbate...... .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If she isn't raped you can't masturbate......"
Welcome to Nijisanji you fuck

>> No.42774639

4chan is completely delusional holy shit. Zaion is completely in the wrong and retards are on her side because they think anycolor did this because of SJW shit

>> No.42774703

Go back to twitter tourist

>> No.42774708

fucking retards. if they wanted her terminated, she would be. they are giving her a chance.
And the mob would happen regardless because theres always been haters of her.

>> No.42774958

always have been

>> No.42774990

They got enough of a backlash from firing Yugo (from people that never watched Yugo) that I'm sure they learned they need to give the *appearance* of a second chance for EN

>> No.42775050

Towa... get the hell out of here you dumb female (male)

>> No.42775102
File: 351 KB, 450x600, 1656435627580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zaion is in the wrong for lying to management and repeatedly breaking the rules
Management is in the wrong for throwing her under the bus and subjecting her to a doxxing and harassment campaign
Two wrongs don't make a right

>> No.42775313

They didn't throw her under the bus. Suspensions are done like this and reasons are said. why the fuck are you all retards and dont understand how that shit works
they saying or not saying shit wouldn't change anything
Yugo got plenty of chances before he was terminated.

>> No.42775437

Unironically yes. I don't like Millie but the based way to handle antis is to mock them.

>> No.42775519

Probably milli

>> No.42775530

fuck man i wish EN wasn’t so infested with twitter trannies, zaion would have been PERFECT in skb club

>> No.42775539
File: 1.10 MB, 512x512, omesis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42775646

>they saying or not saying shit wouldn't change anything
This thread is literally about something that would never have happened without the management swinging their dick around in public. There was no mob until they decided to publicize their grievances with her. There might have been a few triggered faggots but the mob formed as a direct response to the suspension. Barely anyone was even aware of the rape joke until then.

>> No.42775684

>They didn't throw her under the bus
They did, the statement put her in bad light, in an already bad situation, to the public
And Kyo is doing shit that would get him instantly terminated in any real company

>> No.42775743

the fact Nijisanji let comments open on their suspension tweet letter is just an invitation for people to shit on her
Fucking awful ass company

>> No.42775762

>9 matches
What's with fascists and this obsession?

>> No.42775879

english skb club when
finana is the horny virgin like ange
zaion is obviously utako
nina would be perfect as gundou if she talked about lewd stuff, I imagine that Nina is also obsessed with nakadashi
I dunno who could take the place of rindou

>> No.42775955

did she remove her like?

>> No.42776547

Pomu would have a place in there if she is willing to be more open with her powerlevel about all her doujins. Not sure if she would match Rindou’s role though.

>> No.42776829

Tranny pedos are always at odds with lolicon and shotacon you newfag retard

>> No.42776924

There is no proof that lied to management. Your only evidence is, a statement made by management.

1) Management lied just last week about covid being the reason for the concert cancelation; NIJEN's own talents made that very clear via twitter.
2) The statement itself includes her innocuous jokes under the list of her high crimes. We know this is bullshit, and as such, there is no reason to assume the rest of it is true.

>> No.42777043

Furthermore the hyperbolic and scathing nature of the statement basically painted a target on Zaion's back. This is quite ironic considering the anti slander/libel statement from NIJ that is supposed to scare people into compliance even though it has no legal support outside Japan.

>> No.42777164

Does some anon have a screenshot form kyo's tweet in his roommate account about zaion. He deleted it

>> No.42777220
File: 137 KB, 1295x722, 1676041243650614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.42777677

Dude you're cracked if you think they could get away with doing that in even a remotely interesting fashion and not a boring neutered shit version

>> No.42778332

Bullshit. Suspensions always say the fucking reason. If nothing was said and she disappeared she still would get it
They didn't lie about anything. Covid shit was never said to be the reason but one of the reasons said.
Anycolor dont suspend livers for not reason historically, and if they wanted her out, they could just terminate her with no problem. think for a moment retards

>> No.42778480

The press release was fucking brutal though.
If this was your typical insubordination, they'd slap up em on the ass with a two week suspension and not even publicly announce they're being suspended.
This one felt like there were powers at play that Paul Li wanted to appease, at the expense of their own talent

>> No.42778550

Yeah, that's why Vesper didn't get suspended in public, huh?
also stop with this paul li shit. this guy is a fuckng random staff member, not a fucking manager

>> No.42779606

I was about to explain shock humor and what the joke part in rape jokes are about, but I'll just settle for the tl;dr.
What morons think rape jokes are: "Huhuhu raping women is funny I wish I could do that".
What the joke actually is: Rape is something that has existed throughout all of history and we can do nothing about it, so you can either be angry for the rest of your life or laugh at the absurdity of how fucked up a person must be to do that to another person. The humor of the rape joke comes in the shock value of saying something like that, as well as the gap between how the person telling the joke is (not a rapist) and what a person who actually rapes people is. The joke is literally "There are people that actually think like this and act on it and that's fucked up, but I am obviously one of those people I'm pretending to be".

>> No.42779812

Fuck me Magicami has some fucking hot h scenes in it.
