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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42684772 No.42684772 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.42684784
File: 331 KB, 1920x1080, 20230203_155429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I picked her!

>> No.42684789

Alright, I pick her. What now?

>> No.42684827

1. unlike kiara, your oshi will never love you, cuck

2. unlike kiara
you will never be loved, jealous whore

>> No.42684836

Penis tuoches vagina in a big and exciting way.

>> No.42684852

The only thing Kiara loves is Kiara

>> No.42684880

Based orange woman, I pick you

>> No.42684885

Why yes, I will pick her

>> No.42684899

is it time for another /ktg/?

>> No.42684986


>> No.42685143

If you want a hateful relationship then Kiara is not for you. Try somewhere else.

>> No.42685165

Troonjisanji would be the right place for that

>> No.42685314


>> No.42685360

Seething woman made this thread

>> No.42685400

I'm jealous of kfp

>> No.42685431

>harmless appreciation to her own fans
>create a thread to mock her being ME ME ME
why is /vt/ like this?

>> No.42685455

Nijiseethe because their whoretubers openly hate them

>> No.42685566

kiara loves the idea of being loved she doesnt actually love the person doing the loving

>> No.42685899

wtf I love Kiara now. I loved her before but I love her now too

>> No.42686002

NuTeamates can't comprehend what it's like to watch someone who appreciates them, please understand

>> No.42686044

terms that this board doesnt understand the definition of:

add to the list anons!

>> No.42686099

Kneel to Kiara you faggot.

>> No.42686189

I have never been convinced that the phrase "Pickme" has been uttered by a man

>> No.42686297

Kiara has been loving kfp before you faggots decided to add pick me girl to your limited vocabulary, retards.

>> No.42686358

That says "YOU"

>> No.42686906

There's no surer a mark of the hambeast. You could clamp bread slices around the OP comment and call it a bacon sarnie.

>> No.42689737

I would pick her

>> No.42689854 [DELETED] 
File: 433 KB, 1080x1822, PekoNousagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deflecting KFPiss, you know your whore of an oshi doesn't truly love you.

>> No.42689898

someone should post in the twitter replies that one BIG kfp

>> No.42690118

>Please pick me, KFP
>Yes Kiara, I'll pick you
>this is somehow a problem

>> No.42690185

nigger she is talking to her fanbase, they already picked her. how retarded are you?

>> No.42691501

Uses as a pic the one that ditched her viewers one Christmas stream and dedicated the other to her haters for the sweet views.

>> No.42691555

I genuinely don't think that its the work of Teammates. I think it's sisters or fans of other companies that hate it when a vtuber genuinely loves their fanbase.

>> No.42694046

t. Ugly seething roastie.

>> No.42694094

cold chicken...

>> No.42694167
File: 1.35 MB, 2048x1448, Warm chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based move from my queen.

>> No.42694196

She will die alone with cats

>> No.42694674

Anyone posting about a "pickme" is probably an unlovable femoid.

>> No.42695371

>woman wants to be picked
>gets picked
>this is somehow an issue
The only women who use the term pickme are single femcels that fell for the independence bullshit. lmao work a slave job career your entire life 9-5 or more every day and return to an empty home at 50 no husband no kids to look after you
lmao but the pickme is losing somehow? haha

>> No.42695690

OP, I'm sorry to hear that your oshi doesn't show love for you like kiara does for her fans.
It's okay, if you someday want to feel appreciated, kfp will always welcome you with open arms. We believe people can change for the better.

>> No.42695862
File: 263 KB, 1300x985, FKY65dFVIAkUyIB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop taking bait retards

>> No.42696052


>> No.42696135

i pick her and join her membership just to spite you.

>> No.42696352

Cope, those kind of women are annoying
they're fucking annoying and cringe

t. Man

>> No.42696435

>the one that actually likes he fans

>> No.42696467

You will never be a man, tranny.

>> No.42696534

I am sorry your oshi doesn't show you an ounce of appreciation :(

>> No.42696611

You will never be a man

>> No.42696738

Thankfully there are truthpilled anons who get it

>> No.42697345

>it's okay for a man to try his dakndest to appeal to a woman he likes, even to the point of fucking over his fellow man to achieve
>Yet somehow when a woman tries to do the same thing and become/is more or less the ideal woman to a man it's a bad thing
This is just a hambeast/femcel/woman thing right? I don't get how a woman trying to appeal to man is a bad thing

>> No.42697482

You will literally never be a man, tranny.

>> No.42698658

You mean like every single VTuber saying that they love you?

Woah no shit retard, but I still do not get why you are only like this towards Kiara, and not any other VTuber, heck you probably superchat or have a membership a chuuba that doed the same

>> No.42699928

"That stripper really loves me!"

>> No.42700037

So pretty much this?

>> No.42700418

if i pick her can i touch her butt

>> No.42700585

Wow anon discovers the mindset of every single streamer...

>> No.42700644

Here is another truthpill

>> No.42702127

She also probably loves the guys that fuck her off stream. She did say something about birth control pills.

>> No.42702317

KFPiss are fucking pathetic. Imagine having access to millions of women online and you choose Kiara. Truly brainlet behavior. Guess sunk cost fallacy is that strong. Shoulda picked a winner like Gura.

>> No.42702369

you mean the streamer that doesn't stream? is that a good choice?

>> No.42702371


>> No.42702659

i picked her to piss off all the whiners here. found out she isn't that bad, so thanks for advertising.

>> No.42702714

Why are there Crystal Cafe crossboarders in the Kiara shitpost thead?

>> No.42702806

>Kiaraschizo is thinking about other men's dicks
Okay fag

>> No.42702913

>Muh Gura
Ogey falseflagger

>> No.42704224 [DELETED] 

So, is true her roomate worked in a jav?

>> No.42704282

hi seagull
say hi to the kiara antis there for me

>> No.42704523

No, just wrestling

>> No.42704559

>Ha! Look at KFP having a nice and caring oshi. Good thing my oshi never tells me she loves me.

>> No.42704640

Unironic chumcuck post kek

>> No.42704657

Is pick me an unironic good thing? Because I only ever see it used in response to positive interactions with the community and I kind of assume the poster is some kind of bitter tranny or femcel.

>> No.42704673

at least my stripper acts like she loves me
My stripper > your stripper

>> No.42704855

>I kind of assume the poster is some kind of bitter tranny or femcel
So the average Kiara anti LEMAO

>> No.42705601

Not even gravure? Boring.

>> No.42705654

Damn, you didn't have yo do 'em like that.

>> No.42705704

"pick me" is homobeggar terminology, aka women

>> No.42707463

the only conclusion I can reach is that they are so shallow they think male attention is a finite resource

>> No.42707564

seethe i am honestly proud of her she is the only hololive EN who appreciates her fanbase

>> No.42707631

Kys teakek

>> No.42707728

alright, i will pick you

>> No.42708077

This board also doesn't understand the definition of a idol, but that doesn't stop them calling Kiara one.

>> No.42708109

I love Kiara too.

>> No.42708245

Stream Sparks

>> No.42708766

Fun song, still not an idol.
if it makes you feel any better she was one at some point in her life

>> No.42709538

No holo fits the definition of an idol.

t. Idolchad

>> No.42710144

In the traditional role, yeah, a couple do fit some of the criteria but not all of it.
In terms on neo-idolism, there's a couple.

>> No.42710350

What about Gura she's done everything to be an Idol
>performs on stage
>interacts with fans
>doesn't interact with males

>> No.42710492

0/10 bait. Try not using Gura for this next time

>> No.42710579

i'm not wrong.

>> No.42710762

A term made up by retards that know shit about idols. You are an idol or you aren't, simple as that and no holo is an idol. They don't even come close.

>> No.42710830

-10/10 for doubling down

>> No.42710970

It's easier to give a definition that sounds like idols, than to have retards keep diluting the original meaning of the word over there retarded arguing.
Unless you're just baiting.

>> No.42711069

If you forced an AKB48 type idol into a streaming-only career you'd pretty much get Kanata

>> No.42711073

Jap wikipedia definition of "idol"

> "Idol" refers to singers, actors, celebrities, etc., whose sales are dominated by passionate fans who have romantic feelings for them. The difference between an "artist" and an "idol" is that for an "idol" there are only minimal expectations for singing, dancing, and talking, with other aspects such as appearance required to make fans feel romantic feelings for them.


>> No.42711122

-20/10 for new Ip and using wikipedia

>> No.42711193

-30/10 for insisting on your own made-up bullshit definition of idol that does not correspond to how the word's used by anyone other than you

>> No.42711224

I'm not going explain a term that has been around for more than 20 years. It's futile to try to make the 99% of retards in this board that came to know about idols when holoEn debuted understand whan being an idol entails. Just look at the guy saying Gura fits the idol definition kek

>> No.42711273

Thanks for the laughs!

>> No.42711345

Realistically speaking, I can't even tell what that one anons definition of idol even is so I'm pretty sure he's shitposting in a way to make you upset
I bet you that if you actually ask him to define it he won't be able to give you one other than "not gura/not hololive/not ..." etc

>> No.42711425

Rushia did. She even had the boyfriend yab and abrupt termination arc.

>> No.42711483

Which is why it's easier to say some are "neo-idols" because it means nothing but it keeps the actual idea of idols uneroded by misunderstood retards.
Would you rather the definition of idol slowly change to whatever these seaniggers pretend their Oshi is?

>> No.42711638

わかった!じゃぁそれで、日本語で教えてもいいんだよ、古参ヲタ先輩!お願いします m(_ _)m

>> No.42711691

He's definitely trolling. I am pretty sure that anon is the one from a few months ago who was trying to claim that the American definition of Idol is the correct one.
He's a homobeggar as well.

>> No.42711804

Because Kiara is white and they never will be.

>> No.42712659

Not to defend SEAnigs but they know much more about idols than EOP retards that has a holoEN for an oshi lmao. Now I remember how much niggas seethed about Kiara saying hololive aren't idols.

>> No.42713003

>Now I remember how much niggas seethed about Kiara saying hololive aren't idols.
That's when I lost faith in this board. Imagine implying fellow Idolchad Kiara's definition of an idol was wrong.

>> No.42713009

Because if other women start doing an effort to get men (and succeed) , then they themselves have to put some effort to get men, and we all know how lazy these whores are

>> No.42713497

The problem was that Kiara's comments were coming from her own dissatisfaction with the industry, and her bucket crab mentality kicked in.

>> No.42713732
File: 177 KB, 1024x1244, 1421259923365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick mes are based because they picked you to pick them.

>> No.42713799

Doesn't really matter when she was absolutely correct

>> No.42714273

It kinda does matter since her crab bucket mentality has led her to try and sabotage some of the EN girls that still aspire to be performers.
Even if they're not technically Idols, it seems like Kiara doesn't like seeing people not have to struggle like she did.

>> No.42714353

Do w*men really get mad about a streamer who appreciates the people that let her make a career out of playing video games and hanging out with cute girls

>> No.42714383

>try and sabotage some of the EN girls that still aspire to be performers.
I don't watch Kiara or any ENs. Proof of that claim?

>> No.42714499

what the fuck is this gibberish

>> No.42715426

I'll grab the doc from the archives, it should still be up, but the qrd
Just a bunch of the usual takamori forcefulness, but a lot of nitty gritty shit behind her reason ghosting Kiara since it was starti to cause harm to her music agreement with cover, also why once m*ri had actually established herself she threw Kiara a bone.
Just small shit here and there, honestly this part seemed more like cope
Collectively grouped info since a lot of it is very similar experiences with Kiara, but beyond Kiara forcefulness to try and get yabs, which can be chalk it up to "her personality", there just a lot of clips and member stream rips of the girls mentioning weird shit Kiara has suggested for the girls.

>> No.42715753

I can't tell if this is schizo rambling or autistic bookkeeping

>> No.42717700

Nigga I asked for PROOF. Do you know what that is?

>> No.42718180

Did you miss the chaturbate thots losing their shit over Melody's original appearance? She got there because she was 1) novel and because she was 2) kind to her audience of autistic weirdos circle jerking on a porn thot site.

Women who demand the most of men absolutely lose their shit when somebody demands less and gets more.

>> No.42718413

>uses birth control

>> No.42718639

>orange woman loves her fans
>schizos sperg out about this for no reason
My oshi loves me, and it feels pretty good.

>> No.42720039

If you weren't an illiterate troglodyte that needed everything to be in a video format you would've read the first couple lines of my post.
Give a nigga a second

>> No.42720215

>orange woman loves her fans
I don't watch Kiara or any ENs. Proof of that claim?

>> No.42720261

show your rancid tits you sagging cow

>> No.42720392
File: 235 KB, 640x360, (me)[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fu9iasu.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42721250

She said so, retard.

>> No.42721932

What the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.42721979

I'm Kirara.

>> No.42722086

That's not suicide Pippa in there.

>> No.42722371
File: 1.93 MB, 1024x1536, 1665082380193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed her son DO U? at first, but then when I actually paid atention to the to de video I realized... she was singing to herself, she is in love with herself, DO U its the MEMEMEME in the purest form

>> No.42722936

Pippa nigger deflection thread

>> No.42731106

god i hate this big nosed whore so much

>> No.42732191

Lmao this shit is still up. Hey any anons here play genshin?

>> No.42734786

yeah I have a C6 Ganyu

>> No.42735561

Isn't that the whole point, her fans want KFPickme to KFPickthem?

From the one most likely to do it if things get rough?
Unless they're a man lmao?

>> No.42737556

KFPickme deflection post

>> No.42737834

Okay it has been several hours and the archive has not been posted, retard

>> No.42738334

Over 6 hours has passed and this delusional retard has not posted the doc...

>> No.42738579

Mori's better off without lesara

>> No.42738650

t. KFP Employee#666 Apostle of the Round Table

>> No.42738661 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 307x287, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I pick her

>> No.42738796


>> No.42738912

Nice deflection post, but that still does not change the fact that the doc has not been posted, retard

>> No.42738946

i am photograph btw

>> No.42739009

well there's no where else on the internet to post this but youtube has been spamming me clips with kiara in them and i can't stand her

does anyone else get annoyed by how she talks?

>> No.42739099

>When Kiara is not there, the Connor and Lean yab happen
I get it you thrive on drama, so you need Kiara away from Mori, so that Mori keeps on getting into drama

>> No.42739151
File: 7 KB, 246x205, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am photograph

>> No.42739243

Stop watching Pippa, her fanbase has large overlap with KFP, which probably is why YouTube recommends it

I am not annoyed by her voice, because I am not a seething delusional schizo

>> No.42739284


As opposed to someone who... doesn't want to be picked?
Why would I watch a streamer who *doesn't* want to appeal to their audience?
Fucking brain damaged westoids. You people are living in hell. This is not a metaphor, you are literally in hell right now.

>> No.42739396
File: 131 KB, 329x329, 1675703159082738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a nice ass

>> No.42739754

>Appealing to your audience is LE BAD
Do you faggots really?

>> No.42739912

Hi, >>42738579 here. I'm not hasn't-posted-the-promised-doc-that-definitely-exists-trust-me-guys anon, retard.
If I were, it would have changed that by now

>> No.42739983

>so that Mori keeps on getting into drama
Wait you thought those were drama? As in actually a problem?
Damn bro, ok

>> No.42740182

>I am not him, I just agree with his delusion just after someone called him out
Yeah that does not make it any better, retard

>> No.42740293

>I just agree with his delusion
I thought they were anti-Mori, are you saying they're pro-Mori?

>> No.42740426

> seething delusional schizo

lol you don't have to be mad about it bro

>> No.42740504

>Just a bunch of the usual takamori forcefulness, but a lot of nitty gritty shit behind her reason ghosting Kiara since it was starti to cause harm to her music agreement with cover, also why once m*ri had actually established herself she threw Kiara a bone.
Where the fuck is the anti Mori sentiment in this, it is anti Kiara

>> No.42740558

>Lol you mad
Nice projection

>> No.42740717

no i was fustrated which is why i posted that post to see if there's anyone else like me

>> No.42740887

>I deliberately posted to seethe about orange woman on /vt/, but I am totally not mad, but instead frustrated
RUMAO, whatever you say schizo

>> No.42741199

oh, fuck.
In that case carry on

>> No.42741684


>> No.42741776

unicorn, gachi, idol, parasocial

>> No.42742047

okie don't tire yourself out buddy

>> No.42742175

You've been cursed.

>> No.42742493 [DELETED] 

Yeah soz, got hectic and work and couldn't chill /here/
Either found and, it's definitely a mix of schizo and autism

>> No.42742639

>interacts with fans

>> No.42742933

>Downloadable image

>> No.42743382

Meh, autist tend to forget Pastebin and docs are a thing

>> No.42743591

>Pick me
Seething femoid detected

>> No.42744012

Won't we all? With or without pets. What's your point?
I've always said it: Kiara is the most parasocial of the big vtubers and is extremely happy to be watched and loved by so many people.
You have to experience loneliness and defeat before you can appreciate success.
I only wish she would drop the chicken voice.

>> No.42744238

Yes and yes.

>> No.42744699

Online woman shows love for the people who watch her and provide for her.
Somebody else seethes.

>> No.42746664

I pick her

>> No.42747495

Jokes on you, i'm into that shit.

>> No.42748320

You are a nice ass!

>> No.42751882


>> No.42751914

These posts feel like blatant falseflagging now

>> No.42753907

I will calm down.

>> No.42753991

>Girl whose fans revel in the fact she's an out lesbian "so she'll never cheat on me hurrrr"
>She "loves me"
ACTUAL STATE OF KFP, do you fuckers EVER think?

>> No.42757626


>> No.42757770

Wait, you mean to say she's not ROMANTICALLY in love with all of us but also just me??

>> No.42758575

isnt Gura fucking dead ?

>> No.42762360


>> No.42764358

>Platonic love does not exist, it all has to be sexual
Lol, Coombrain
