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[ERROR] No.4267943 [Reply] [Original]

why can't anybody understand i don't want to fuck my oshi

>> No.4268083


>> No.4268125


>> No.4268131

I'm pretty sure even my oshi thinks I want to fuck her, but I really don't

>> No.4268147

why not

>> No.4268156
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You'd better not lust after rmy wife.

>> No.4268187

I thought you were just friends

>> No.4268225

are you gay or something? Or is it that your oshi is a male, in which case you're gay anyways so you may as well admit you want to fuck them

>> No.4268237

Escapismfags and GFEfags can't understand that a lot of us just enjoy them for their ability to have an entertaining stream.

>> No.4268248

I want to hug my oshi mostly

>> No.4268285

How do I convince/tell my oshi that all I want is for her to succeed?

>> No.4268302

because horniness is something focused for me. i enjoy emotional desire in my sexual pursuits, being a woman isn't enough to make me love someone. and i don't want sex unless i love, atleast right now.

i don't romantically like women who aren't already interested in me. im guessing it stems from my childhood when i was asked out a couple times.

>> No.4268318

women will never understand

>> No.4268319

stop taking your meds

>> No.4268413

Maybe (you). She's my wife and we love each other very much.

>> No.4268563
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I want to hang out with Pekora in a non-sexual way

>> No.4268657

I know that feel...

>> No.4268688
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I want to cook for her, clean her room, rub her back and watch seasonal anime together.

>> No.4268766

You sound like kind of like a bitch, ngl anon. Like your backstory doesn't even cause sympathy, just annoyance.

>> No.4268858
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It's okay friend, I'll fuck your oshi for you!

>> No.4269069

i haven't been swimming in women my entire life. it was only really around elementary school to early middle school that i got asked out a fair amount.
i've had suspicions about women being interested in me but i haven't pursued them much out've fear i'm wrong.

i think i'm an intimidating figure these days due to my 'kindness', shyness, and energy. people figure due to my energetic state and love of others that it's a personal insult when i don't talk much or struggle setting up things with them. or in other words, they expect me to make the first move in talking with them and such. reality is i show people my honest love of them through words and such but let them decide if they want to have me in their life -- i think a great many don't understand this.

>> No.4269088

I want to be friends with my oshi...

>> No.4269101

i genuinely want my oshi to have a boyfriend. i'm worried about their mental health.

>> No.4269110

I want to be my oshi

>> No.4269145


>> No.4269150

Because you're in a hivemind full of virgin incels who indulge themselves in parasocial relationships with fake anime girls.

>> No.4269154

Ok yukimin, calm down.

>> No.4269175

Anon, you sound absolutely insufferable. They probably just think you're a stuck up bitch.

>> No.4269187


>> No.4269218

mate, if rushia gets a boyfriend she'll be wearing his skin within the week

>> No.4269226

you’re a weird guy anon

>> No.4269254

nah i've good friends. i just have autism. all my best friends are a little autistic. i love people but struggle with where i fit into the picture in social situations.

>> No.4269369

Nah, it'll probably go as usual.
I'm more afraid if he'll get courted by another girl.

>> No.4269525

You sound insufferable anon.

>> No.4271935

Is this the reason? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madonna%E2%80%93whore_complex

Or is it more that you just enjoy her as an entertainer?

>> No.4272145

Based. Oshis are not for lewd.

>> No.4272183

I can understand, anon, Gura is better for the “little sister/daughter” experience than GFE

>> No.4272250

Nigga that's gay.

>> No.4272354

I agree OP, I really don't have any interest on fucking my oshi I wanna fuck your oshi tho

>> No.4272490

Are all cumbuds paedophiles?

>> No.4272755
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I want to watch her succeed, but I know she would never want to be friends or in the same room with someone like me.

>> No.4273079

What if your oshi wants to fuck you?

>> No.4273637

Then my oshi has bad taste and I implore her to reconsider.
But I wouldn't say no if she insisted

>> No.4274507

You are weak son of anon, unsure of yourself. The fact that you possess a sense of morality and we do not. Gives us an evolutionary advantage.

>> No.4275830

Lets make a deal Anon, ill fuck your Oshi and my Oshi can fuck you.

>> No.4278373
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Well, I want to fuck Friend!

>> No.4278873

People like us are rare in this subculture.

>> No.4279785

Chammers made me drop fapping. That's probably the opposite of what most people experience.

>> No.4279994

Sowing your seeds in many places implies doubt over it's quality, survivability. Why are you so desperate to fuck everything that moves? Why not claim the most fertile and prosperous grounds? Why do you claim grounds which compromise your quality?
You choose grounds unknown and make them, the unknown, your goal while knowing it's impossibility. This is weakness, fear, deplorableness. The good sower looks only for one good field and does his work but once yet does it without compromise.

Those proud of their seed only care about having the best field, one that welcomes them. Other fields, possible or not, are distractions made important by a mind full of doubts and infertility as well as inferiority.

>> No.4280281

you will never meet your oshi
your oshi will never have your child
put your energy into cultivating a field you can actually reach, otherwise you wont be able to grow a strong crop when you eventually give up pursuing your oshi.

>> No.4283157

You don't even have a good view of this field. It's filtered, distant, full of secrets, made for another crop, at least from the angle you see it. You've no clue if your seeds would prosper there. Maybe it is perfect, but does it welcome you? The perfect field won't have to try to 'want' cultivate your seeds, it will.

>> No.4283266
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This is the most autistic thread in the catalog atm

>> No.4283287

youre a faile
