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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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426519 No.426519 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for our favorite South African shota groomers

Rose streaming MC(again) in 30 minutes if SA internet doesn't die.

Neko streaming Sally Face tomorrow at 10AM PST/ 1PM EST/ 6PM UTC

>> No.426984
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Based Mandela fixed her net.

>> No.427051
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>> No.427062
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Every day until you like it

>> No.427127

Come on lads we need more people in so we can drown the literal children especially Cody

>> No.427282

Cody is too powerful

>> No.427289
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>> No.427447


>> No.427568

Top funny Africat content

>> No.427595

bravo rosechama

>> No.427596


>> No.427627

I fucking knew it Travis you fuck

>> No.427727
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>Minors welcome

>> No.427730
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for the love of god

>> No.427785
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>> No.427879

I was busy the first few minutes and still am. I'll try to do my part, but I think things might have already spiraled out of our control

>> No.427966

Rose is cursed

>> No.428075

I havent checked up on Rose in weeks, when did she start chasing after shotas?

>> No.428106
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>> No.428382

Holy shit, she's stalking that poor player

>> No.428549
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Damn it feels like it's been forever since she last said that

>> No.428559

he was the one who stole her of living in a good country

>> No.428805

I was being ironic

>> No.428939

Yall ready for thursday?
What games do you have prepared to suggest to avoid the roblox/fnaf menace?

>> No.428988


>> No.428997

Didn't even realize. Now I really need to come up with something.

>> No.429102

We need stuff that Rose will enjoy but will bore the kids

>> No.429184

I will vote for roblox and you can't stop me.

>> No.429201

Any free to play games that might fit that criteria? I feel like something f2p might have a greater chance to be looked at. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

>> No.429241

f2p of any kind is a kid magnet

>> No.429252

I want to suggest this, but I also don't want to be the one to blow the dogwhistle.

>> No.429256

Also true.
I'm out of touch I genuinely have no suggestions.

>> No.429271


>> No.429287

let's fucking gooooo

>> No.429307

my cat died lets gooooo

>> No.429318


>> No.429398


>> No.429563

>"I've always wanted my chat to scream like that."
>"I'm in this for the screams."

>> No.429570
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>Rose collects a shota harem so she can hear them scream

>> No.429587

>Shota Groomers
>South African

Wait, wtf, how did I miss this one´s debut, I legit search for debuts very often and I missed a good one so far.

>> No.429651

debut was three months ago, back before wvt was tossed off of jp

>> No.429667

This is so painful to watch but its pure kino. Its like seeing a child play the game.

>> No.429706

Real pain is watching her DS3 stream.

>> No.429754

Oh Schnikes

>> No.429863
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>> No.429867

Nothing has topped Helltaker in terms of suffering, it actually got me concernfagging when she started hyperventilating

>> No.429920

I don't get it

>> No.429932

I don't get it

>> No.429961


Me neither...

>> No.429964

I also don't get it

>> No.430014

he tricked her into saying "rose so cute".

>> No.430138

That's not how it's pronounced...

>> No.430183

no, but she did it anyway.

>> No.430971

>tfw she replies to you directly
Is this the power of small streamers?

>> No.431057

And if you start coming back to her streams she'll even recognize your name and greet you

>> No.431318

Yup you found the real shit, go back before you need her to say hi to you every stream

>> No.431433
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>> No.431448

Oh I'm already too late, I saw a koopa stream.
Never even had a chance

>> No.431459

CEO of raids

>> No.431508

I'm a boomer so I can only guess you mean dark souls, but I'd unironically love her to stream Dead Space 1, 2, or 3

>> No.431617

Dark Souls 3, yes. Dead Space could be something for her to try. She hasn't had much horror experience yet.

That reminds me that I would still like to suggest Dead by Daylight to her since she acts like a serial killer half the time she plays with friends anyway.

>> No.431645

Pointing guns at one another just out of frame

>> No.431787

>It's literally the only reason I'm here today. To take the rod.

>> No.431878

Rose has been singing a lot more recently. Could she be preparing for karaoke?

>> No.431929

One day, maybe. Maybe she'll tune all her instruments and play something for us too.

>> No.431999


>Has callouses from doing her guitar reps
I'm thinking its coming

>> No.432309

I blame Nina for this

>> No.432382

gonna suggest DBD too

>> No.432416
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>Rose's brother made her dance the me me me dance

>> No.432704

I'm a lazy POS, can someone post the art she's talking about?

>> No.432745


>> No.432747

I know which one she means. I'll check the /home/board archive.

>> No.432770
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>> No.432904

Will Nina save the children?

>> No.433033

Not even president anymore and Trump still lives rent-free in Roye's mind.

>> No.433342
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>> No.433476

Thank you.

>> No.433503

>can you come upstairs with me, child?
>I wanna keep you in my bed
it just keeps getting worse

>> No.433620

Damn I know we were meming but this is going into the deep end.

>> No.434000
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rate it

>> No.434056

Was too busy back /home/ to pay much attention but what I caught was good/10

>> No.434113


>> No.434123

they're talking about making a discord. Should I make one and ruin it early so the idea dies out?

>> No.434169

thank god stream ended before he had the chance

>> No.434219

Neko has a discord that Rose visits sometimes, gerrie made a discord for Rose specifically but she doesn't really want an official one. Just let them do whatever.

>> No.434443

>tfw missed it because I have to learn in Zoom class

>> No.434836

why do people want to make a discord so bad? are they trying to groom her?

>> No.434864

Her chat consists mostly of manchildren or literal children.

>> No.434879

its a normie hangout, you start a discord then make a million channels so people can post their shitty memes, their pets, and whatever else they want to post
and some streamers only post their schedule in discord or post updates about the stream like if they have to cancel

>> No.435410

Manchildren I get, but why children?

>> No.435505

She plays a LOT of minecraft and the youtube algorithm did its wicked work.

>> No.435900

The only thing a discord is going to achieve is consolidating even more of a circlejerk, which can potentially stunt the channel's growth

>> No.436354
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Oh, well that makes sense.
>pic related

>> No.436389

Good thing Rose isn't part of it then.

>> No.436628

She probably understands

>> No.438347

Oh Schnikes!

>> No.440666

I'll be honest she was only gone for 3 days but it seemed like a whole week

>> No.442342
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I want to like Rose but I can't tolerate twitchshit brogue.

>> No.446134
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Can't wait to see my South African degenerate cat Nekoreen today

>> No.446176
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Rose it taking game suggestions for Thursday's stream


>> No.446181
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Pretty excited for her now that she can run games at double-digit fps. She seems to have gotten more comfortable with streaming and interacting with chat too, and her game selection is varied enough.

>> No.446234

if you don't have a Twitter account


>> No.446331

I am so tired of these people.

>> No.447578

How long will she go without saying/doing something disgusting this time?

>> No.447876
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>> No.447906

Dont post that Neko that makes it easier to dox you come on..

>> No.448488

>stream in south africa? doxxed

>> No.448596

>loadshedding again
jesus christ

>> No.449657


>Decision makers and leaders both in Eskom and in the government predicted in the late 1990s that Eskom would run out of power reserves by 2007 unless action was taken to prevent it. No action was taken by government to expand the country's energy production capacity before 2007 as government was considering the privatisation of Eskom.

Thanks Mandela

>> No.449891

What degenerate things has she said?

Also send prayers to the spirits of old Rhodesia to watch over her net and keep it safe from the ANC hordes

>> No.451843

And STILL nobody's suggested AoE2, come on guys

>> No.453374
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I suggested Dead Space and I Wanna Be the Guy

The last seems like it could be fun for strem especially if she knows literally nothing about it.

>> No.453973

Nekostream in two hours, lads


>> No.454388

So once the stream starts it's two hours until load shedding begins, right?

>> No.455005

Two and a half hours from the looks of it
Goddam ANC.

>> No.455168
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See you later virgins, Rose loved my game suggestion
We're basically internet dating now

>> No.455546
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anonchama. . .

>> No.455581


>> No.455612

Did I stutter?

>> No.455638

>Nuclear powerplant takes 10 years to build (2,500 MW per reactor)
They are currently lacking 16,000 MW generating capacity.

Are there fixes that can be implemented faster? Aside from pushing customers into electricity-generation themselves?

>> No.455677


>> No.455683

How many nasty things will Neko say today?

>> No.455700
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>> No.455712

>Already talking about how she ate more spicy food

>> No.455760

Nekoreen? Not seiso?
It's more likely than you think.

>> No.455781
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She lied to us....

>> No.455784
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very cool digits

>> No.455800
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>> No.455837


>> No.455872
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Oh no is this a Cody alt

>> No.455874

oh right her background is literally being one of Elon Musk's catgirl projects.

>> No.455957

I'm waiting for the day she just straight up farts into the microphone like Roboco

>> No.455974

What the fuck why is she asking about pee bathwater

>> No.455992


>> No.456009

Because Neko is unironically the most disgusting vtuber I know. I love her for it, but she legitimately makes me gag sometimes.

>> No.456017

*0 minutes

>> No.456042

>unless action was taken
>no action was taken
I don't know why, but stuff like this always makes me kek

>> No.456054

I am so tried of chat.

>> No.456093

Anyone else notice that Neko substitutes 'a' sounds with 'er' sounds and vice versa at the end of words sometimes?

>> No.456124

I'm not one of the piss freaks. That's guzaru and all them I swear

>> No.456193

Nina shouldve just ban him instead of warning him but I understand not wanting to do that.

>> No.456198

It drives me crazy but if the streamer doesn't mind then whatever. I keep catching myself deleting messages telling them to shut up about their retarded running jokes before I send them. Or changing them to innocent teasing like "how about we forget about this entire topic" or "you people need Jesus" because I don't want to ruin Rose or Neko's fun.

>> No.456202

Nina if you're lurking in here, just start banning people and not telling Neko. We'll thank you for it

>> No.456244

Even this game used to run on low fps for her. Seeing it run well is a pretty good feel.

>> No.456284

Same. And I guess they're kids and it's annoying but not derailing so I just try to ignore. They make it tough though

>> No.456540

Sorry, I burped

>> No.456640

We love you neko!

>> No.456690

neko is the one encouraging them

>> No.457086

Today in Neko's chat: literal children mad she doesn't recognize his unprompted references to Minecraft youtubers that no one's heard of

>> No.457108

How do we save them from the children's hell?

>> No.457156

I had to get up, I'm assuming C**y's at it again?

>> No.457228

>Throw up on me please
Neko's chat is just turning into /d/

>> No.457335

>Neko says their butthurt
So is she /oneofus/ or what? I know that's entered the wider net slang but it feels like they have an association with /vt/ or /jp/

>> No.457360

Butthurt leaked like ten years ago anon

>> No.457408

There's much better evidence for her being /here/ than that

>> No.457434

Well then answer the question instead of sperging over ancientmemes
Can't help being a boomer anon

>> No.457521

another one for the neko sound compilation.

>> No.458018

I keep getting recommended this other Africat, anyone familiar with her?

>> No.458179

F for degeneracy cat

>> No.458194
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Welp. Rate it.

I've seen her before but hadn't had much opportunity to watch her.

>> No.458237

Nice demon voice/10

>> No.458248

Brain melted by basic Lights Out puzzle/10

>> No.458269
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This is the lore I crave

>> No.458349

Made work bearable/10

>> No.458385

no matter whether you block, cody still shows up on screen chat/10

>> No.458648

Well she seems nice. Not the chaotic energy Rose or Neko have, but nice. Cute accent.
I thought I saw a couple more africats out there somewhere. It'd be cute if they all found each other and formed their own group.

>> No.459081

New link cos that one died

>> No.459477

I think it's kinda sad she only has 1 or two guys interacting but I'm glad she's having fun. Would interact in chat if I didn't have work to do

>> No.459522
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>Cooking stream tomorrow
What are we in for?

>> No.459589


>> No.459602

Can't be as bad as haachama's

>> No.459696

I wish i could finish inside nekoreen

>> No.459759

>Valentine's Day
oh heck I completely forgot that was a thing

>> No.459856

Good content

>> No.459904

>Valentine's Eve special
>10pm EST
>5am SAST
Somehow that doesn't seem right

>> No.460894

Neko tries to target big US audience

>> No.461295

How come Neko doesn't get more views? She's really nice but I didn't see any more than 20 or 22 people watching through the entire stream

>> No.461416

Youtube is harsh place for small vtuber who isn't loved by the algorithm.

>> No.461482

She doesn't really network that much aside from posting her streams on Reddit sometimes (and Reddit only cares about small indies when they're debuting or doing milestone streams) and hasn't collabed with anybody apart from Rose. Tech problems early on also tend to slow down growth, and I imagine her gross out humour has filtered a few people.
All things considered though she's doing pretty well, she'll be at 1k subs soon which is better than a lot of other vtubers manage.

>> No.461618

Didn't have the boost Rose did when she debuted, and her rig only recently became capable of streaming properly. I'd say she's on her way to an incline, she's actually more active within the /west indies/ circle than Rose is. Once she's able to activate monetization the algorithm will push her a little, but that could just mean more children. It'll take a couple more streams and more networking, but I think she can get there.

>> No.461665

All she needs to do is literally reach out to people there. Like actually talk to them. Knowing Nina she probably put something on the table tho.

>> No.461947

Thinking about it a bit, perhaps the key to purging the children from Neko and Rose's chats would be for them to collab with m*les

>> No.461989

It's like chemo, it would also filter some of us from here.

>> No.462121

As if I didn't have enough incentive to become a chuuba myself.
And no, I'm not gonna try to groom either of them. I don't see Rose that way and Neko's too nasty for me.

>> No.462138
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A sacrifice I am willing to make for the greater good

>> No.462345

Every time Rose collabs with Nina it murders Roses chat. Ninas chat is fine.

>> No.462376

Yeah, kids seem to be filtered by Nina somehow

>> No.462457
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>Neko's too nasty for me

>> No.462560

Interestingly those collabs are some of the best content for both of them.

>> No.463614

>I'm not gonna try to groom either of them.
They're adults anon. Rose was saying she was a math major in uni. Just how old are you?
Nigga they're adults you can't groom adults

>> No.463706

How could they tell which people are from /africatgeneral/?

>> No.464029

>Nigga they're adults you can't groom adults
It's completely possible for adults to be groomed in this sense.
