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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42642731 No.42642731 [Reply] [Original]

Can't even incline when literally the entire big corpo EN scene isn't streaming
truly pathetic

>> No.42642947

that is an avarage number for en male vtuber you number nigger

>> No.42648925

*braaaaap* sorry I farted

>> No.42650119

try to read nigger. It's about only 1 streaming in NIJIEN, HOLOEN and HOLOSTARSEN

>> No.42650295

Yeah, and that's normal numbers, retard. Stop wasting threads for this shit.

>> No.42650308

>M-muh numbers!
>M-muh no overlap!!
>M-muh incline!!!
>M-muh recline!!
God you numberfags are so pathetic go back to /#/

>> No.42650330

he's still getting plenty of scs though

>> No.42650677

It's Homostars, they can be content with 2k+

>> No.42650831

Does this guy do anything but zatsu

>> No.42652303

yeah, your oshi

>> No.42652782

Are you still seething that Kronii pegged him, anon?

>> No.42652815

He doesnt even do zatsu, all he does is SC readings

>> No.42653046

Lmao no it is not, vesper is by far the most popular homo, other then magni and that one clown faggot, i don’t think any of tempus can even get half of this regularly, i know for a fact mecha boy and axel regularly struggle to break 1k viewers

>> No.42654045

You just admitted he's doing better than average, retard. Congrats on contradicting yourself.

>> No.42654141

"by far the most popular" try again, magni and bettel have been matching or overtaking his numbers lately

>> No.42654615

The point is, even with no other options people STILL have no interest in the homos unless they're an existing viewer. Growth is literally impossible for them.

>> No.42655075

no I literally didn't retard, quote the part where i said that... i said he's the most popular homo, that does not mean he is in fact popular, it means he's more popular then his complete flop of a unit

>> No.42655133

that means nothing, they're all still a flop, and besides, i mentioned magni and clown fag in my comment either way so your correction is a little retarded
