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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 452 KB, 613x477, しゅばーりん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42615957 No.42615957 [Reply] [Original]

Slytherinbros...we just can't stop winning, can we?

>> No.42616041

only whores pick cucklytherin

>> No.42616061

I am in Gryffindor. I'll save you

>> No.42616427

Based Muggles and MUDBLOOD BTFO

>> No.42616487
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Migo is next...no way she won't end up with us as well slitherchads.

>> No.42616550

Why do they all like the villains instead of the heroes?

>> No.42616567

Do we have a count on which holos are which house?

>> No.42616613
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>Cute hag is a ravenclaw autist
Make way for the queen

>> No.42616623

>green robe
anon...i have a bad news for you

>> No.42616676

Slytherin ain't villians, they're just very self-centered and thrive on power. They're still fairly honourable

>> No.42616750

>All the cunts go to Slytherin
How am I not surprised?

>> No.42617057





>> No.42617066
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Slytherin: Pekora, Subaru, Moona
Gryffindor: Lui
Ravenclaw: Mio
Hufflepuff: Nene (she RNG'd her last reply though)

Don't know if any other holos have played it yet.

>> No.42617141

>Gryffindor: Lui
I always know hags are the best

>> No.42617165

Fuck that's so character accurate

>> No.42617313

Sasuga Nenechi

>> No.42617477

Slytherin Miko and Subaru feel really out of character, I see them more as Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. Personality-wise the only true Slytherin in HoloJP would be Pekora and Suisei.

>> No.42617516

I have a bad news for you as well, esl-chama...

>> No.42617631

Personality doesn't necessarily matter, what matters is really shit like their goals and honourary actions

>> No.42617690

Slytherins that pretends they are Gryffindors are the WORST

>> No.42617733
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Miko wasn't sorted yet, should happen in a few minutes from now.

>> No.42617782

To be fair, leaving it to rng is a pretty hufflepuff move.

>> No.42617785

>Personality-wise the only true Slytherin in HoloJP would be Pekora and Suisei.
You forgot Rushia

>> No.42617872

The biggest judas in the franchise was a Gryffindor, so...

>> No.42617906

I can see that, Rushia would be Pekora's retarded sidekick.

>> No.42618051
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Nice one, sir.

Also tfwno Merula chuuba.

>> No.42618185

My Hufflepuff picks: Nenechi, Sakamata, Luna, Fubuki

Would try to betray her at some point too, and almost suceed, but in the end her own actions would bring her demise.

>> No.42618396

Agree with the rest but I see her more as Gryffindor. Korone would be the perfect Hufflepuff.

>> No.42618517

yeah, I can see Korone as a hufflepuff

>> No.42618595

I was considering Korone too, but in the end thought she would fit in Gryffindor more. Similarly with Watame.

If you put Korone in Hufflepuff you need to put Okayu there as well.

>> No.42618634

you gotta learn to read nigga.

>> No.42618723

you say that like Miko isn't gonna autopick snekbro house.

>> No.42618830
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Okayu belongs in the house who's common room is right next to the kitchen. She's the most Hufflepuff Holo around.

>> No.42618963

Everybody is picking Slytherin, guess Rowling accidentally turned them into an underdog by shitting on them too hard

>> No.42619096


>> No.42619138
File: 573 KB, 923x528, Bild_2023-02-08_141623216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Migo sorting ceremony starting NOW.

>> No.42619233

Slytherin is easy to end up in because it's easy being evil.

>> No.42619331

>muh Slytherin is evil
Nah, that's just Rowling's poor writing and basic shitter just assume that

>> No.42619434
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there we go

>> No.42619455

hold up anon, let Migo cook.

>> No.42619477
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>> No.42619488





>> No.42619519

ok nvm

>> No.42619559
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Why is it so hard to believe Miko is Slytherin? Shiraken houses have been known for a while

>> No.42619592

I almost thought we got to cocky. Almost.

>> No.42619792

They should've just implemented the same quiz from Pottermore at the start of the game instead of this basic 2 questions with obvious answers

>> No.42620025

Harry Potter was originally going to be put in Slytherin y'know.

>> No.42620122

Explain Merlin then, nigger

>> No.42620133

Most based house

>> No.42620250

Numberfags are natural Slytherins. Why is it so hard for people to understand?

>> No.42620276
File: 57 KB, 350x405, 1666682429157896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I think the answers are kinda rigged in favour of sneks for jp chuubas. The good old idol attitude of always giving it your best, aiming for the stars makes 野心/ambition a pretty safe and obvious answer. 勇気/courage might sound a bit too much like they're praising themselves so they don't really want to claim they're courageous, even if they value courage like Miko said when she was thinking about the choices.

好奇心/curiosity would in a way just be a repitition of the earlier studying/exploration question, and while 忠誠心/loyalty might be nice, it doesn't really match the usual viewer/chuuba relationship because it's the viewers who are expected to be the loyal ones.

Yeah, would've been more fun at least for streams.

>> No.42620278

That school decision is really lazy. One question and it's so obvious which answer leads to which school

>> No.42620375

ofc most streamers get into Slytherin
It just proofs that they all have a huge ego and are insufferable irl

>> No.42620448

>Miko’s signature game is GTA where she plays an amoral psycho
>Subaru’s is Sausage Legends where she plays with pseudo snakes
>not Slytherin
Yes, they are.

>> No.42620479

>RNG'd her last repl
that what Hufflepuff do

>> No.42620552



Patra- Ravenclaw
It seems like women like slytherin and men like gryyfindor

>> No.42620575

>compulsive liar
lore wise

>> No.42620657

Ambition means you want to accomplish things, not that you have.

>> No.42620724

Slytherin is full of elitist dickheads. I'm sure Miko and Subaru will feel right at home.

>> No.42620782

>Slytherin ain't villians, they're just very self-centered and thrive on power. They're still fairly honourable
It is such an easy sequel hook to have a Slytherin hero with a Gryffindor villain. The idea being keeping the personality types the same per house but showing how evil comes in many forms. Yes, i am aware that there were good guys in canon Slytherin , but they weren't heroes.

Slytherin is just crying for a Batman-type anti-hero.

>> No.42620934

shiraken already enter the dorm first
Micinet Slytherin

>> No.42621166

I thought Patra was hufflepuff

>> No.42621435

She got Ravenclaw, but she chose Hufflepuff because that's where she was sorted during the VWW collab.

>> No.42621463
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ITT: "Men" taking astrology (forma de Hogwarts) seriously

>> No.42621873

>everyone in Phase Connect has picked Slytherin, except for the one talent who's playing it offstream instead.

>> No.42621974

Never thought women were cold psychopaths.

>> No.42622059

Yeah I knew about those tweets, that's why I was sure Miko would have chosen Slytherin in the game. I figure that's some sort of personality test, but I don't see how Miko and Suisei's answers could be similar enough to give them the same result. Might be wrong, but I feel like Miko forced some answers because she wanted to be a Slytherin rather than letting the test do its thing.

>> No.42622180
File: 230 KB, 458x544, 1673858219151524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Slytherin the rapist house? I have never watched harry potter

>> No.42622199
File: 661 KB, 700x525, 60b8d7debee0fc0019d5b109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the majority of potterhead are woman? was it because Daniel Redcliff?
like if youre going to Hogwarts world in Universal Studio it's all woman and little kids

>> No.42622276

Now I know what Yagoo asked them in the interview

>> No.42622305

It was one of the only personality traits back in the day, anon, and they grew up to be coomsumer females since they didn't get married nor had kids

>> No.42622397

It's the house where all the evil people come from in the books. More generally it's the house of ambition, full of people capable and willing to take what they want and do whatever it takes to achieve their dreams.
So yes, it's the rapist house.

>> No.42622441
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>> No.42622465

Now I know Hufflepuff is the best house and Gryffindor is for nerds

>> No.42622607

Women never grow out of the mentality of children.

>> No.42622626

Truly house of the elites

>> No.42622677

malay sorry

>> No.42622824

Add some in ur list dude

>> No.42622905

Brits and Magic
It's the same as vampires and werewolves to them

>> No.42623006

Slytherin is just the old minecraft kensetsu

>> No.42623111

Shion = Ravenclaw

>> No.42623150

Wasn't that because he can speak with snakes?

>> No.42623169

Ange went ravenclaw

>> No.42623246

Yura from PRISM is about to start the game:

>> No.42623556

Nah, according to Dumbledore, Salazar Slytherin would have prized a student like Harry for "cleverness, resourcefulness, determination, and a certain disregard for the rules."

>> No.42623597

Astel is Ravenclaw

>> No.42623779

Nobody asked nor care.

>> No.42623973

based, i care about my disney princess

>> No.42624200
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Results so far, Nene and Lui seem lonely.

>> No.42624525

Rowling can't write for shit so
Gryffindor - Good house full of the brave good people.
Slytherin - Evil house full of power hungry people.
Ravenclaw - House of smart people.
Hufflepuff - Anyone else.

2 of the houses don't matter and the 2 you have left are black and white as fuck. Huge wasted potential.

>> No.42624754

I'll keep Nene company

>> No.42624860

The town retard nene…

>> No.42624861

It is with a heavy heart that I must remind you that it's a children's novel. Not "YA", not even "teen", literal children. Like ones who just learned how to read.

>> No.42624889

It's been a while, but isn't Slytherin the house that sided with the racial supremacists in the story proper? It's a little amusing how so many JP are ending up with them, though to be fair, the houses have taken on a life of their own outside of what official canon has portrayed them as.

>> No.42624902

I agree with this.
All of the post-justification of "No, it's about 'ambition', you see!" and such is fine. Maybe that's true in the lore now, as far as the fans are concerned. But the way it was written is "Good House, Bad House, Sideshow House 1, Sideshow House 2", which was completely fine for a series of kids books.

>> No.42624988

>Slytherin is just crying for a Batman-type anti-hero
Yeah, a true heir to Salazar Slytherin's legacy of hiding a basilisk trained to eat mudbloods in the school. This time he'll train basilisk to eat bad people instead, like mudbloods and maybe squibs.
>Ravenclaw - House of smart people.
*House of slightly smart people. Really smart people go to Gryffindor.

>> No.42625115

>Ravenclaw - House of smart people.
Lockhart, Trelawney and Luna are all Ravenclaws.
Ravenclaw isn't for smart people, it's for weirdos.

>> No.42625137
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>> No.42625166

>not Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw
do anons really?

>> No.42625200

Is Holo really full of casuals that want to play the edgy boy house or is it because it's full of ambitious narcissists?

>> No.42625215

True enough.
If JK was a better writer the main cast would be split between different houses, but instead she made gryffindor the protagonist house.

>> No.42625260

I disagree with that. I grew up reading HP and don't care for the series, but she did seem aware that her audience was getting older and the books reflect it. That's why you had the terrible relationship drama in later books that ruined everything and shifted away from adventure and worldbuilding to angst.

>> No.42625314

Dam bruh. I got slytherin too.
Good to know I'm in good company

>> No.42625326

You don't become the biggest chuuba by being nice.
Hell, you don't become a streamer in the first place unless you are at least a little narcissistic.

>> No.42625347
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Your verdict, /vt/?

For me, it's either the hag (pink variety) or year of the rabbit.

>> No.42625386

With how foreign countries and viewers have totally no sold the controversy surrounding the game, Rowling really should license out the IP to companies in places like Japan and let them write their own stories within the HP universe. Ditch the one school for the whole of Asia and let them have one school per country, that shit is dumb no matter how you cut it.

>> No.42625397

It's a little annoying that you can't make a good looking character in this game.
I couldn't make one as white as me. I do not feel represented.

>> No.42625416
File: 11 KB, 350x350, 7549B5D4-860C-4080-A2D6-2DBC0D33CD55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like sluthering

>> No.42625420

I think the main issue is you can easily forget other houses even exist, they just have no real character which is why it's weird seeing fans say shit like "I'm Hufflepuff". You don't even need them to be protaganists, just have people playing some role in the story or background to make it seem like they exist and have their own ambitions/character.

>> No.42625440

Nah you fail to get what the appeal is.
It's that "english public school (minus the sodomy) experience which is what sells pottershit

>> No.42625488

>minus the sodomy
>the headmaster is secretly gay
You missed Rowling's implication there

>> No.42625515

You got to remember.
Rowling is a mediocre writer.

>> No.42625548

Why did none of them try to make Asian looking avatars? Also Nene is based for making Beethoven

>> No.42625563

Delete this

>> No.42625606

Bruh. It's the students who do the sodomy in public schools.
Basically how it goes is the older boys sodomise the younger boys who when they get older will in turn sodomise the new younger boys.
Teachers rarely get in on the action and instead just reminisce since they generally went to the school themselves. Also hire underage male prostitutes.

>> No.42625604

Everyone's character looks so old

>> No.42625624

LMAO is this real

>> No.42625638

Does the harry potter theme park still exist?

>> No.42625654
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I always thought Hufflepuff was for the retards since Ravenclaw was for the smart people and Gryffindor and Slytherin are opposing to each other as the good and bad guys.

>> No.42625660

Oh yeah that place still exists and still makes bank for universal.

>> No.42625663
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>Could have gone with Slut-therein
ESL, please..

>> No.42625716

M*ggles need to know their place

>> No.42625729

Isn't that Fantastic Beast main character from Hufflepuff?

>> No.42625741

Shouldn't the twitter mob go after that instead of focusing on a game which probably supports a bunch of underpaid and crunching game devs.

>> No.42625750
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Its very difficult to make a good looking character.
Like this was the best I could do.

>> No.42625803

It's for 420 dude weed lmao type of wizards

>> No.42625858
File: 2.50 MB, 2480x3702, jokelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kali Yuga. The spirit of a modern artist under the atlantic empire is filled with ugliness, and so naturally they reproduce that ugliness over everything around them.

>> No.42625865

You have skin problems

>> No.42625932


>> No.42625961

> Asian looking avatars?

Well I think Lui and Pekora could pass as Haafus maybe. Or Finnish/Estonian, lel. Migo looks like your average western lolita weaboo who visits cons and shit. Subaru is probably Mexican or some other sudaca, I'd need some merican race expert to enlighten me some more. Mio could be anything from southern European to Northern Indian/British Paki. Moona looks generic face 001.jpg.

And Nene...well...

>> No.42625969

Well Universal has security. Also if they call the police then they will come.

The problem is a lot of the main NPC characters look very good.
Its players and anyone using the same character generation system who look bad.

>> No.42625971

She isn't a self insert fag, so based.

>> No.42626001

you don't know? she likes bbc

>> No.42626020

With the main characters being all in gryffindor, it makes a lot of things smoother because it's easier for them to spend time together. They share the same common room, eat at the same table, and Harry and Ron have beds next to each other.
I agree that Hufflepuff should have had more spotlight. Cedric himself wasn't really enough.

>> No.42626054

Lui's looks the cutest in action, imo. Also fits the voice.

>> No.42626090

slytherin is mainstream at this point. like naruto.

>> No.42626098

okayu would absolutely be a terror (pleasure?) for the house elfs

>> No.42626125

How do you think we figured out humans are 70% water?

>> No.42626138

Yeah but the reality of english public schools is that Ron would have been pounding Harry's arse every night. Since he occupies a higher position on the social ladder until that whole chosen one thing comes to fruition

>> No.42626154

it's a rowling thing
the only way to have an asian avatar is if you name the character something like cho chang or chimmy chonga or sum ting wong or ching cho or whatever

>> No.42626167

It's not a public school though.

>> No.42626269

Anyone wanting to be in Gryffindor has protagonist syndrome. Only reason Harry wasn't expelled and survived any of it was because of plot armor.

>> No.42626274
File: 49 KB, 1200x900, 3671AE84-7B3C-4B25-8381-1B4442831CCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody keep track of wands? Miko has a unicorn core naturally

>> No.42626282

Troon social media addicts have the attention span of goldfish. The reason that they are making a issue out of this and not making an issue out of anything else is because literally nothing enters into their mental universe (such as it is) unless prompted by media.

>> No.42626399

Yeah, I also think it's turbo cute that she named herself Lui Scamander.

>> No.42626444
File: 488 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public school in the UK refers to a group of very old private paid for schools. Eton being perhaps the best known example.
They are referred to as public schools because they were the first schools to allow anyone to join, so long as they could pass an entrance exam and afford the tuition fees.
They predate the mass education system which in this country is referred to as the "state school system"
Public schools are strongly associated with the upper class and the wealthy.

Hogwarts is in general designed to emulate the environment, norms and prestige that the British public generally associate with these institutions.
Pic related: Eton.

>> No.42626456
File: 501 KB, 750x420, FnKl7UgaMAU1Sii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing game that is anti-tranny
>choose house that gave birth to literal magic Hitler that killed over 6 milion mud-bloods and muggles
that is beyond based

>> No.42626519

>british people
>can't even make sense in english
Fucking bongs.

>> No.42626639

It is absolutely an English public school. A private live-in boarding school where kids are divided into Houses? Hogwarts is the equivalent of Eton which is meant to churn out the rich and powerful who come from the social elite. If Rowling didn't decide that there were only 11 magical schools in the world, the UK would have a magic school just for construction workers and hairdressers that learn with crappy wands and decade old textbooks.

>> No.42626805

Well it makes sense in the historical context.
When the public schools were founded education was not widely available to the public. Your options were the church or private tutors.
The fact that they would admit anyone who could pass a basic exam and had family who could afford it was revolutionary at the time. They were available (in theory) to the wider public.
Though for the majority entrance would only be possible if they could find a wealthy sponsor.

They developed a certain prestige over the centuries of operation before the state schools emerged and wanted to maintain that. Hence why the "public school group" as its called exists.
They don't want to be associated with plebian private schools that are only a hundred or so years old.

>> No.42627004

Let's also acknowledge the fact that she initially considered naming herself Lui Diggory.

>> No.42627229
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I found this on /v/. That's pretty good looking I think.

>> No.42627302

I think its more that he's playing on low settings which covers a lot of the issues.

>> No.42627306

Lui being a HP otaku is rather amusing and definitely would have been a major boon for her in the wider community if she had debuted 2-3 years ago instead of being something that people quietly tried to ignore.

>> No.42627322

>Ravenclaw: Mio
Get out of the way Gryffindork, let me show you what an actual supreme hag is like

>> No.42628134

Actually makes sense that Belmond and Ex-Albio would be in Gryffindor

>> No.42628159


>> No.42628858

Perfect house for a leech like Lui

>> No.42630742

Slytherins are just beta Gryffindors.

>> No.42630881

She made Beethoven

>> No.42631030

Slytherins are numberfags.

>> No.42631068

Gryffindors are just retarded Slytherins.

>> No.42632384
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nenechi is in the worst house...

>> No.42632446

If it's worst house, then how come Nenechi is in it? Check-mate.

>> No.42632540
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>> No.42633433

Subaru didn't want Slytherin, but when faced with the obvious question of house association, she picked "ambition".
She wanted Gryfindork but deep, her heart beats Slytherin.

Also no one willingly chooses Hufflechump

>> No.42633476

>Also no one willingly chooses Hufflechump
i blame the movies as to why

>> No.42633512

Do I really have to like this crap to make the trannies seethe?

>> No.42633518

That's because Hufflepuff chooses YOU! You can't just join on a whim, you have to be invited like Nene did.

>> No.42633557


>> No.42633568


>> No.42633719

No, just lie and say you bought it and that will guarantee at least one suicide.

>> No.42633733

they seethe regardless

>> No.42633790


>> No.42634016

>say you bought it and that will guarantee at least one suicide.
If only it was that easy

>> No.42634291

Hufflepuff had Cedric in the movies though and he was pretty much the typical chad, it's Ravenclaw that never got anything from the films
It's the internet that painted Hufflepuff as the joke house over time though since it didn't have a cool trait the others had like courage, ambition or intelligence

>> No.42634486

Rravenclaw has the cutest girl in the movies which should be enough

>> No.42635183

I just tried it, it was.

>> No.42635260

But Ms McGonagall is Gryffindor?

>> No.42635600

Is Harry Potter popular in Japan?

>> No.42635751

I wouldn't be shocked.
It's hardcore english upper class whimsy.
The majority of the story is set in a public school, the main locations outside of it are either ancient ruins, old forests, a quaint little market town and an incredibly old fashioned slice of central london.

And if there's a part of Britain that everyone seems to love?
It's that.

>> No.42635941

Popular would be an understatement.

>> No.42635990

I also though the mentally impaired girl was cute

>> No.42636621

+japs have been britboos ever since meiji tennō, they love to larp as the brits of Asia as well because muh island nation, muh monarchy, muh emp- uh nevermind.

>> No.42636890

Well there are plenty of similarities.
And on some level I'm glad they're avoiding our mistakes, if I was able to leave and go anywhere? It'd probably be Japan.

>> No.42636923

In theory it's for goody two shoes (core theme is loyalty), but in practice you're correct.

>> No.42637136

Yes, and the nostalgia for it is completely untainted by the recent onset of western twitterbrain shit from people who used to suck JKR's clit the hardest.

>> No.42637283

Yeah but then like 90% of people in Slytherin turn out to be petty, self-serving assholes

>> No.42637821
File: 561 KB, 2075x2083, mtg_color_wheel_prime_viridian_E5f4oj5XwAAanuG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this "ambition" is like the retroactive take on Magic the Gathereing where they wanted to establish that black wasn't all about being evil and selfish. See attached picture (not official WotC stuff, but get the idea).
Don't really know how to feel about this. On the other hand, it perhaps adds variety and makes things less straightforward, on the other hand it feels like a cop-out. Bad guys can have nuance, but it's better if they're honest.

>> No.42637904

God I missed out, not being born in England and not going there

>> No.42638011

>I feel this "ambition" is like the retroactive take on Magic the Gathereing where they wanted to establish that black wasn't all about being evil and selfish. See attached picture (not official WotC stuff, but get the idea).
Many parts of Warhammer universe is bad, but they did one thing right. The evil gods all have a positive attribute, it's just that they represent too much of it to excess and thus makes them dangerous. So the idea is that good intentions can still link to evil.

>> No.42638043
File: 112 KB, 1718x969, mandrake-e1643120684820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically you don't get to live that life unless you're born to the upper class like this toff wanker.
In which case you'll be a guaranteed nonce and insufferable wanker.

No thats fan lore.

>> No.42638316

>Nene got into Hufflepuff
My sides are gone. Nene please.

>> No.42638735
File: 103 KB, 500x667, 1654209251375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42638779

One of these is not like the others.

>> No.42638836

but i want to be nurgle

>> No.42639062

I'd argue that suichan would be the one not getting slytherin if that occurs.

>> No.42639386

Biggod Mío my Queen

>> No.42639422

can't you make asian looking character in this game?

>> No.42639589

You can.
But asians don't like how asians look

>> No.42639974

Hololive MTG Arena arc when?

>> No.42640128

... is that why they also drive on the wrong side?

>> No.42640225

The character creation looks really half assed; whether this was due to time constraints or deliberate (see Mass Effect: Andromeda). A lot of them look the same or really similiar to the other 'options' from when I was watching Moona's play

>> No.42640367

They are very limited.
You basically get a selection of predefined faces.

>> No.42640448

Wonder if there would be enough player feedback to get them to add more as a dlc.
Cause the many of the faces look hideous

>> No.42640661

Kind of off topic, but the asians in cyberpunk don't look asian at all. You'd think a heavily japan themed game like that would get it right. Have western devs never seen an asian before?

>> No.42641318

What’s a Relationship Companion quest line? Like a romance quest? Heard every house but raven claw has that

>> No.42641409

>everyone finds love but the autistic nerds
Just like real life... so immersive...

>> No.42641620

But everyone except Nene is a hag

>> No.42641693

Hufflepuff is the whore/cuck house, though.

>> No.42641771

>Yeah, a true heir to Salazar Slytherin's legacy of hiding a basilisk trained to eat mudbloods in the school. This time he'll train basilisk to eat bad people instead, like mudbloods and maybe squibs.
Holy based.

>> No.42641890

Stay mad, stay Mogged.

>> No.42642744

Any EN vtuber has played it yet?

>> No.42642827

Nene what the fuck

>> No.42642948

I strongly doubt they will play. Kroni especially.

>> No.42642987

Silvervale from VShojo is playing it today, Miyune (3view who collabed with the AI) played it yesterday, other than that it's all 2views (well maybe MiraPink counts)

>> No.42642997

>buy the game to own the libs
>like 75% of the british school is brown
>there's an actual tranny

>> No.42643025

How about the Nijis?
huh, I honestly didn't expect any vshojo to do anything but publically condemn it

>> No.42643029

suck it up chud, it's the price you have to pay for owning trooners

>> No.42643120

It's called Talent Freedom

I bet Nazuna is going to play it too

>> No.42643330

>unironic hololive fans cheering on goyslop wizard game
Man, the mighty have fallen. What's next? Twilight? MLP?

>> No.42643345

lol the two biggest potter fans I know are both married and have multiple kids

>> No.42643346

Seethe tranny

>> No.42643467

If cheering on your oishi just to own the trannies is what you want
Seek some help
Clearly you already get none

>> No.42643538

well if you put their reasoning to be in those houses into account then all of them being in Griff makes sense. Weasleys are always Griff, Harry wanted to be in the same house as his dad because he has daddy issues, and Hermoine also exudes all the traits to be there too.

>> No.42643589

I liked HP and MLP.

>> No.42643641

Why would any normal human being do it
those people have bug eyes and feature at least they are self-aware

>> No.42643755


>> No.42644386
File: 92 KB, 1200x673, hogwarts-legacy-guide-companions-guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hufflepuff is the only house the gets a non-negroid female party member
Hufflepuff it is

>> No.42644712

They aren't house locked.

>> No.42644729
File: 9 KB, 202x174, 1600604061791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's because draco malfoy
why do you think so many women like slytherin? because all women are inherently evil?
no, it's because they think they can fix him

>> No.42645103

And one of the absolutely worst and most vile characters was in Gryffindor.
The whole idea of the houses is total nonsense, aside from putting the rejects in Hufflepuff.

>> No.42645170


>> No.42645503

Harry didn't know shit, he just liked gryff because that's what Hagrid told him. Hagrid also told him Hufflepuff was stupid and Slytherin was evil. Based on this 2 minute conversation, Harry picked the house that would define his entire life.

>> No.42645868

You're not wrong
But it's also because women ARE inherently evil

>> No.42645937

They can't keep getting away with it

Nenechi will show them the true power of honey badger. You don't fuck with honey badger.

>> No.42646268

European badgers are not nearly as aggressive.

>> No.42646349

this is not what killing bites is, anon

>> No.42646486

>tfw there will never be a Killing Bites game

>> No.42646553

it depends, if yyou poke around their Set theyll break your legs. that swhat i was told as a kid anyway

>> No.42646679
File: 1.13 MB, 959x719, 1668494202245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be Hufflepuff, not Slytherin.

>> No.42646946

Big brain Polka...

>> No.42647023

Nene did chaddest of the moves and made the house choice random.

>> No.42647115

ha, FAG

>> No.42647150

sounds like something a stupid kid would do, makes total sense then

>> No.42647256

Why arent HoloEn allowed to play it?

>> No.42647349
File: 87 KB, 602x727, main-qimg-af12eefb80ccc68488cfe736a3946385-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gryffindor had some of the most evil people in the series. Hell, James Potter and his gang were worse than Malfoy's group. Meanwhile Snape was one of the best characters and made killing Voldemort possible.

>> No.42647620

Choosing randomly is a pretty Hufflepuff move

>> No.42648470

Kronii threatened everyone in the discord

>> No.42648836

People who still think that Slytherin is villain faction are simpletons that's worse than yokels.

>> No.42648972

lol James Potter was a fucking asshole.
Poor Harry had to deal with the karma caused by his father.

>> No.42649159

Because they waited for the troon trolls to die down.
Also Troons can't speak Japanese or Indonesian so they're pretty impotent overseas
Even when they think Indonesians can understand English, those Indonesians can just switch their brain to Indonesian mode

>> No.42649405

Don't be too hard on him. I'm surprised his foster family still sending him to (public) school even when they despise him.
Harry had to learn the hard way growing up.

>> No.42649506

>Women never grow out of the mentality of children.
>vtuber fan
Anon I...

>> No.42650450

Fuck Subaru
Marry Lui
Kill Mio (reminds me of Great Thunberg for some reason)

>> No.42650506

>cut off all their old friends to further their own careers
That's peak Slytherin behavior.

>> No.42650639

Are no HoloENs going to play it?
Are they really that scared of being "cancelled" by twitter trannies despite it not happening to any fleshtubers?

>> No.42650656

can someone explain this shit, does your House matter for your whole life or is it just school bullshit.

>> No.42650745

Dumbledore a fucking asshole for knowingly keeping a kid in an abusive household.

>> No.42650825

It's pretty much a school mandated clique.

>> No.42650936

Jesus, no wonder normies like this shit so much

>> No.42651016

What even is Ravenclaw's gimmick? Being smart? I read the first 3 books in middle school like 20 years ago and I don't remember the house or any students being relevant at all.

Pretending to like it is enough.

>> No.42651083

The household was the only thing keeping Harry safe from magical threats, specifically his blood connection to his Aunt.

>> No.42651095

The houses are basically like coed fraternities. You join one as a first year and live there until you graduate.

>> No.42651155

Hufflepuff are normies, Ravenclaw are booksmart snobs, Slytherin are sigma chads and gryffindor are just chads.

>> No.42651162

Intelligence, book smart, not very flexible, basically the nerds house
Bravery, bold, the jocks house full of self-righteous tryhards
Cunning, ambitious, the edgelords of the school. Everyone fucking hates them
The rest

>> No.42651391

Hufflepuff are normies? I thought they were simps.

>> No.42651515

They grow plants and smoke weed

>> No.42652505

Are any them m*dbloods? I don't want my Slytherinbro partying up with subhumans

>> No.42653338

Women have been obsessed with magic for thousands of years. Fortune telling, curses, made up healing methods, pink rods with bows and hearts on them, pointy hats and broomsticks, and Hogwarts house quizzes are all manifestations of it. It's even so strong that Wicca is recognized as an actual religion in most countries. Men also have interests like DnD, but the vast majority of men in history are more interested in sports, hunting/fishing, or simulated combat both historically and today.

>> No.42653442

If there was a One Piece theme park you'd go to it and you know it

>> No.42653530

No it isn't there are plenty of asian presets

>> No.42653600

Most people give up after 10 minutes, the average person has face blindness and can't tell that something looks like a caricature

>> No.42653661

For women yes

>> No.42653718

Like that other anon said, that's as hufflepuff as you get

>> No.42653814

You didn't see that one watchalong stream?
That's Niji. Tho jew eelwife also sang some MLP songs on her karaoke.

>> No.42653839

Pretty much. As non American it always baffle me that Americans and UK goblins are so obsessed with the concept of sorority and fraternity.
Also what with adopting the Greek letters now. I kinda understand with the old toga parties but now they're so creatively bankrupt they don't even have themed party. All they do is getting drunk and fuck.

>> No.42654004

Well this is like comparing apple and orange....

>> No.42654168

They're for wiztards who aren't smart, brave, or cunning. In other words, they have no redeeming qualities besides being mouthbreathers.
Sounds familiar...

>> No.42654251

lol some of the heroes are Hufflepuff

>> No.42654340

Not necessarily big brain, Ravenclaw is also for those who are inquisitive and creative, traits Polka certainly embodies

>> No.42654341

Hufflepuff's thing is supposed to be diligence and loyalty, but Rowling didn't give a single fuck about Hufflepuff so she wrote like one character from it who ever mattered

>> No.42654482

Lumi is the best for Hogwarts streams. She's such a HP nerd holy fuck.

>> No.42654961

>can someone explain this shit, does your House matter for your whole life or is it just school bullshit.
It's internal competition. You try and divide the whole school into teams so there can be organised opposition. Maybe this is something that would happen without intervention anyway, and and schools create these divisions to better manage it.

>> No.42655008

Also for boarding schools, historically they would be LITERAL houses. Basically barracks for students.

>> No.42655125

Cedric was a Hufflepuff.

>> No.42655200

And he died like a bitch.

>> No.42655537

Technically the best student in the whole school. He just didn't have plot armor.

>> No.42655604

Twilight has new love in the form of it being unintentional comedy. The final movie in particular is so batshit insane that most people who read the novel thought it would be unfilmable.

>> No.42655733

Reminds me of how Christopher Hitchens who went to one of those schools once said that any boy who said they didn't do gay shit there was a fucking liar and on that note, anal sex is incredibly overrated by people who had never done it.

>> No.42658713

Only noteworthy thing about him is his death causing the plot of the god-awful HP stageplay and finally killing the childlike and whimsical nature of the early books. Sounds like a wiztard to me.

>> No.42658762

>Christoper Hitchen: "I'm angry that not everydude want to fuck me in high school"
lol believing a commie journo

>> No.42659033

Never quite understood why the big three MCs were all chosen for Gryffinsnore when each of their defining characteristics would have them deadset in another house. Like yeah, I get that they're all "brave", but you can't tell me that Harry's cunning and leadership, Hermoine's intelligence, and Ron's propensity for anal buggary wouldn't have them put in Slythershit, Ravencuck, and Hufflefuck respectively.

>> No.42659220

Yea to be honest if the trio came from different houses and working together, it will make for more interesting story.
But Rowling is a simple housewife. She can only make story in one straight path.

>> No.42659680

Thinking about how nice it would be if Harry had to deal with the fucking Syltherin bullshit so he could have a fulfilling school life with friends from different backgrounds, Hermoine trying to get out of her books and make friends, and Ron finally realizing that there's more than one hole on the human body that can receive a phallus, it would have made a much more heartfelt story. Gave some more exploration into the house differences, too.

>> No.42660436

Yeah, and make Draco did a heelface turn after Snape died so it complete the 4 houses friendship

>> No.42660818

But that would require a competent writer, not a sexless housewife with too much pen ink and not enough writing skill

>> No.42662763

Because Harry asked the hat to put him in Gryffindor? He adamantly refuses to put into Slytherin in the film, but i forgot if he also said it in the book

>> No.42663131

People told him that it's an evil house for evil people and he just sort of bought into it. And Draco being picked for it just before it was his turn to get sorted probably made it worse.

>> No.42665100

Honestly, I always thought they were put in Gryffindor to restrain their talent. Gotta need to keep the student in check or magic coup will happen

>> No.42665502

Yeah women love intimidating men
