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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42566979 No.42566979 [Reply] [Original]

any vtuber playing Hogwarts legacy? Preferably EN but JP is okay

>> No.42567021 [DELETED] 

doesn't this game have a tranny character? We've reached peak clown world if the top way to cause a troon meltdown is to play a game with troons in it.

>> No.42567096

Many from NijiJP and HoloJP are. No one yet from their EN branches though.

>> No.42567122

the trannie character is called

SIRona Ryan and is a women

if you called thtat representation then youre the joke here lol

>> No.42567157
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>> No.42567612
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>Sir Onna

>> No.42568419
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What did he mean by this?!

>> No.42568519

Well I've literally just up some shit to stream it myself.
Course I'm literally nobody and I've got a big fat cock so nobody is gonna give a shit about me

>> No.42569092

Belmond Banderas
Usada Pekora
Hoshinova Moona

I believe Rosemi and Elira will probably play as well since they did a HP related stream a few months ago.

>> No.42569172


>> No.42569321

>and is a women
From the little I saw it identifies as a woman, but is in reality a man pretending.

>> No.42569333

HoloEN will never play Hogwarts Legacy. Both Calli and Kiara, two of the most influential members on the branch, have vocally spoken in support of trans rights in the past. Not to mention that several of the members are sympathetic towards progressive thinking such as Ame, Bae, Kronii and the very producer of EN Omega.

>> No.42569394

how about nijiEN

>> No.42569461

Lol, almost all of NijiEN are progressists, if not all of them.

>> No.42570369

The Jp dub makes pretty obvious is a woman and not a tranny

>> No.42570374

Baelz might. Anyone else who doesn't know how to ignore shitters and tardwrangle their chat won't.
I see Baelz Fauna Gura when she returns and ina play it.

>> No.42570416

Lol, Gura avoids any sort of controversies like the plague.

>> No.42570598 [DELETED] 

>trans activists are raiding vtubers to cancel their streams



>> No.42570650
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here come the airplane, say aaaaahhh

>> No.42570785


>> No.42570837

Moona is already playing and it's going to do a part 2 tomorrow

>> No.42570877

Look mah I'm jumping on the bandwagon!

>> No.42570922

does she know jk is a bigot?

>> No.42571093

Tenma from phase connect will be streaming HP legacy.
She is an jp who does almost exclusively en streams.
She already did a HP ps1 stream last week where she told off the antis.

>> No.42571312

Kronii is out,she has a surgery soon;another girls probably want to play but they want to avoid controversies so i doubt that they try to play for noe

>> No.42571320

Suisei is a boomer in game and anime taste but she doesn't seem like a Harry Potter fan so unfortunately not her

>> No.42571560

Kiara has spoken about LGBT, but having watched a decent chunk of her streams, there's moments where the facade slips. I 100% believe she's on the feminist mindset, but her reaction to trans characters that aren't overly cutesy (like Niko from whatever the fuck that coloful frog game was) is either apathy or disgust. The apathy is when she's formulating responses and the disgust has popped up a few times in moments where she has no time to think about what's happening on screen. She's the most milquetoast, lukewarm representation of the classic twitter addicted woman.

>> No.42571645

>Kiara has spoken about LGBT
No she didn’t.

>> No.42571757
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>oh yea its another time when the game is so polemic that the viewers blame the streamers for playing it for political issues

>> No.42572508

you've never watched suisei, shut the fuck up

>> No.42572874

She's Indonesian, the country itself is transphobic

>> No.42573000
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>Sir 御社

>> No.42573153


>> No.42573230

Didn't this clown Keem say he wasn't going to play in support of trans rights?

>> No.42573244

knowledge reps?

>> No.42573338 [DELETED] 

Genuine schizophrenia, get help troon

>> No.42576561

the fish cunt had a meltdown on stream because of the word "trap."

>> No.42576857

the eng version looks like they fucked up some line of code and accidentally used the wrong model. nothing feminine at all

>> No.42576995

I think Bae is going to play.

>> No.42577355


>> No.42577460
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>cardcaptor sakura
>not boomer

>> No.42578070

Germans don't like ugly caricatures
Kiara has changed a lot of her opinions over the last 3 years, the fact that she now jokes about guns and shooting is something she used to find reprehensible
Women never have any particularly strong opinions that can't change, just parroting things they hear other people talk about because it's the thing to do

It's men who are fucking obtuse about shit

>> No.42578299
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>> No.42578681

Phase Connects girls.

>> No.42578741

I care about your big fat cock, anon

>> No.42580390

She made that stream before the reddit blowup. Unaware how toxic the brand is viewed right now because of JKR. She will probably reconsider playing the game.

>> No.42580773

that was literally yesterday what

>> No.42581731
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>> No.42582962

Ohayama, she may play this game for 12 hours every day

>> No.42587384

76% of the country is muslims and Islam teach us there is only 2 sexes and genders. Man and Woman

>> No.42588328


>> No.42588384

Islam accepts transexuals, retard.

>> No.42588735
File: 3.52 MB, 498x280, 19EC6578-E84B-4A65-8C4B-E08684224F19.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irys likes Harry Potter
>We’ll never get to see her nerd out while playing the game now

>> No.42592206

Ona means woman

the name is

Sir Woman Ryan

>> No.42596625

No, they never accept trans retard

>> No.42597040

only in burgerland

>> No.42597209

I think a few Vshojos said they're going to play it. I know Silvervale for sure has it scheduled for tomorrow.

>> No.42597213

This was yesterday.
>reddit blowup
What does this mean? HP reddit? Holo reddit? Why the fuck are you on reddit?
If you mean the JKR vs trans shit, that's been going on for months, and this game's been called to be boycotted for a while now.

>> No.42597352

>Rightoids see jews and satan in everything.
>Leftoids see transphobia and racism in everything.
Can't make this shit up.

>> No.42597531

Keep dreaming faggot

>> No.42597572

Yes, a decent chunk of her hardcore fans are in their late 20's to late 30's and are very much in the 'I don't fucking care about dumb bullshit, stop talking about politics' line of thinking. She figured it out real quick when even her biggest yesmen shat on shit like Cindarella and Hand Maid's Tale. I feel like she purposly talks about and brings up some of those shows not only because she likes them, but it's a good way to get some playful teasing from the chat.
There's even been times when she would say/do something and ask chat if it was ok to do/say so because the average twitter user would have berated her and the chat overwhelmingly said 'We don't care, it's fine, stop worrying'. It's pretty funny to watch her realize there's more outside of the shit twitter echo chamber she was stuck in because of her previous work.
All that being said she won't play Wizard World because she was never into the series.

>> No.42598272 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 588x397, report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note. Is it possible to report pic related to cover and any color for possible legal action?
Basically built a harassment tool

>> No.42599262

How did indonesia become muslim anyways

>> No.42599811

Arabs, Indian, and Chinese muslims came and convert them from Hindu-Buddhist to Islam but without the imperialism like the europeans

>> No.42599882

>Vshojo being based
First time for everything, I guess

>> No.42599913 [DELETED] 

you fell for the globohomo agenda

>> No.42600042
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one of the few times i want /pol/ to get involve in this shitfest

>> No.42600080

Maybe they accept men becoming eunuchs, doubt they would be okay with women trying to act men's roles

>> No.42600423 [DELETED] 

No, even if you are gay, lesbian or trans. You are expected to behave like what your body you born with. Gay and Lesbian muslims should celibate for life and Trans is forbidden to surgically removed their genitals

>> No.42600793

He took the website down already.

>> No.42601766

Who the hell is Omega and how did I not heard about him/her?
