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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42528202 No.42528202 [Reply] [Original]

Which Hololive Vtubers play Hogwarts?

>> No.42528272


>> No.42528288

Moona is too based and TETONA. I fucking love her.

>> No.42528336

Bae probably will. This stream she's doing rn feels like a lubing up session for it.

>> No.42528433

All of them hopefully.

>> No.42528435


>> No.42528768

you're a wizard Nk

>> No.42528893

abayo niga

>> No.42528909

A lot of them. HP is incredibly popular among HoloJP.

>> No.42528917

Pretty sure every JP Holo who's fan of HP (Lui / Lamy / Subaru / Haachama / Fubuki) will stream it. JP doesn't care about trannies.

>> No.42529033

Based VTubers

>> No.42529096

lui, haachama, fubuki, someone from 3rd gen, moona and maybe baelz
i would have guessed probably more but holocure is around the corner

>> No.42529547

rank them on how much they care about harry potter. I don't give a shit about the game, but it's always fun to watch people who are really into thing enjoying thing. So far going with Lui because she was always doing watchalongs for these movies.

>> No.42529564

>but holocure is around the corner
I can't see many of them sticking around for more than 1-2 streams - some might just try out new stuff, 1st / 2nd Gen will play as themselves / their genmates and only actual HoloCure grinders (Sora / Lamy / Reine / Kaela / maybe Koyori) will stick for long.

>> No.42529894

>Subaru / Fubuki / Lui literally went into cafe where you can make a cocktail themed after any of 10000+ fictional characters, including HP ones - they also bought RNG HP figure packages and got like two Voldemorts out of six packages
>Haachama is building her OWN Hogwa- ahem, CHAMAwarts in Minecraft
I do remember other holomems talking about HP, but I'm not sure if they can compare to those four (either I lack knowledge by not watching every stream or those holomems never mentioned HP that much)

>> No.42530295


>> No.42530388

Subaru isn't going to because she doesn't do one-shots of big RPGs and there's already a long list of games queued up for her weekend slots so it won't be there either.

>> No.42530406

Enjoy the stream amigo.

>> No.42530429


>> No.42530433
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Only other HP stuff I can remember offhand was from Shiraken, but only a few times.

>> No.42530522

No surprises about those matches.

>> No.42530691

Wait, really? I though she could start it after 13 Sentinels, especially since she's done with Pokemon and Live-A-Live collab...

>> No.42530875

She's doing Armored Core next, already posted it on twitter yesterday. I guess she could do HP once a week like with Pokemon but that was kind of a special exception and she prefers having those weekdays slotted with variety content. Maybe it's not impossible but I doubt it.

>> No.42530905

Post Moona TETONAS

>> No.42531172

so all of them will be kino? nice, will check a bit of all of them to decide which one to follow.

>> No.42531275

>She's doing Armored Core next

>> No.42531378

>>42531275 (me)
just checked, it's fA, still based, can't wait holy shit

>> No.42531443

Moona collects Harry Potter lego sets and has built one on stream

>> No.42531599

jesas look at how many parts
wish I cared about anything this much

>> No.42531784

Shuba really love her mecha stuff, I guess

>> No.42531834

Haachama literally built a mini-hogwards in the minecraft server.

>> No.42532205
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you're a witch? pretty sure it was "you're a wizard"

>> No.42532362

Some did buy magic wands...uhm harry potter wands in USJ. Pekora was one of them the others i forgot.

>> No.42532452
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>Moona activates subscriber only mode
>no trannyshit spam because twitter troons don't actually watch hololive

>> No.42532999

Yes I'm Peruvian
Problem gringo?

>> No.42533309

please learn how to vote
im tired of having my feed filled with political bullshit from there

>> No.42533312 [DELETED] 

heard this anglo nigger game has a tranny character. they literally insert trannies and their nigger woke cult into every fucking single game.

>> No.42533966

wizard = male
witch = female

>> No.42534072

Fun fact: If your Vtuber is taking the night off, they're playing Hogwarts.

>> No.42534146

with me

>> No.42534245

then i have nothing to worry about

>> No.42534257

all millennial women love harry potter
even the butthurt twittards secretly like it, but need to pretend otherwise for internet points

>> No.42534362

tranny character is literally called Sir.

>> No.42534447

It's literally a parody character and twitter is already crying about it.

>> No.42534531
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Stop shilling for Moona. She chose her grave and she will lie in it. Fuck her. God damnit I fucking loved her.

>> No.42534634

Why is this such a big drama when at the same time people are okay with them playing Blizzard games like OW2?

>> No.42534871

>first time watching Hololive in a while
>half an hour of tech issues
>sound popping
>gamma too high

Ah, the hololive experience.

>> No.42534885

im already bored watching this

>> No.42534920

I may disagree with her 100% politically but I love her sense of humour!

>> No.42534953

I'm not fucking watching Moona. She cut my fucking heart out and she's not getting it back. Fuck that bitch.

>> No.42535364

Wait, just subscriber mode is enough to filter them? Not even membership mode?

>> No.42535441

What are you talking about? OW2 has multiple gays and is poc correct, there is no way they don't have trans characters, heck even Apex has them now. The drama is because the creator of the IP said Men can't get pregnant and that means war for the ultra left. Blizzard did prostrate themself multiple times for portraing women in skimpy outfits. On topic, short rat stream, never picked up again.

>> No.42535505

A run down, post haste!

>> No.42535527

Yep. Seven thousand people in the stream right now and the manufactured twitter drama hasn't come up once.

>> No.42535559


they're literally organizing hate raids to find people to harass

>> No.42535602

These aren't Moona antis but a mob that jumps on anyone that streams the game, they aren't subs.

>> No.42535643

Can someone tell her about gamma correction because it looks pretty bad.

>> No.42535699

You think trannies watch streams?

>> No.42535782


>> No.42535842

only the most based Moona of course

>> No.42536012

I mean, that makes chink bots (the ones who spammed gibberish in Coco and Fubuki streams - IIRC the last time I saw it was Splatoon 3 collab with FBK / Roboco / Aki / Watame?) smarter than trannies because bots actually bothered to sub in advance...

>> No.42536419

>that makes (insert anyone here) smarter than trannies

>> No.42536443

Well, the chink bots had humans at the helm at least.

>> No.42536503

Yes...Its normal to be smarter than trannies anon.

>> No.42536712

>no Hufflepuff rigamarole

>> No.42536725
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/m/ refugee holobros, finally....

>> No.42536762

>The drama is because the creator of the IP said Men can't get pregnant
But it's correct
How the hell is this a controversy?

>> No.42536780
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>> No.42536845

Trannies are mentally unwell anon.

>> No.42536980

You spout blasphemy against the new god and dominant religion, you get burned at the metaphorical stake.

>> No.42536990

What part of Satanists are in charge didnt you understand?

>> No.42537219

>transgender man has given birth to a baby he will raise with his non-binary partner, with the help of a female sperm donor
That's a news headline from 2019 for context.
mmmm steak

>> No.42537324

Will the schizo indogs attack those twitter trannies if Moona gets attacked by them? They fucking hate lgbt crap so much. I'll kneel to you indogs if you lot could force 41% a couple of those mutants.

>> No.42537376

Combat looks like it could be good if there's more mechanics added later on.

>> No.42537520

oh that's Nice to Know that WIZARD is for male

>> No.42537535

It's going to be awkward every time they reach the trannie scene

>> No.42537564

I don't know much about Harry Potter but this game seems alright so far.

>> No.42537679

>They fucking hate lgbt crap so much
They literally cannot do anything. Indonesia is a tiny fucking country compared to the USA, both in terms of economic pull and population. The trannies outnumber them and it's more likely they will convert Indonesians that they encounter on Twitter than stop the harassment they unleash.

>> No.42537682

yeah its kinda soulslite

>> No.42537697

I think most will just pull
"My country is my problem, Your country is your problem.
Since Indonesia as a country don't support LGBTQ, please redirect your anger to chuubas with appropriate nationalities (countries that support LGBTQ)"

>> No.42537722

Do we have any ETA for that?

>> No.42537743

her gurren lagann watchalong was pure joy

>> No.42537805

>that makes Chinese smarter than trannies
what was your first clue?

>> No.42537867

Rat is gonna stream this too

>> No.42538336

for some kid who just watched people die the player character seems unnaturally calm

>> No.42538371

That's doubly dangerous. Australia is maximum pozzed, and JK Rowling is a Commonwealth citizen. The hate for her will be overwhelming.

>> No.42538388

Of the homos I know Astel is going to play it, he also confirmed they have to turn SC off for it.

Altare mentioned it and already has someone in the comments of that stream going off on him about it.

>> No.42538479

we all know trannies are backed by all USA citizen
please destroy us trannies, it is for the best

>> No.42538590

It doesn't matter if they're backed by all or even a majority (which they are) but that the Powers Above back them. They're basically the avatars of the official religion.

>> No.42538666
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>actual in game lore for why they didn't put Quidditch in
Ok, I'm fine with that now

>> No.42538746

I live outside Us and we have a lot here too

>> No.42538807

A direct occupation is the only way mutts can do to get the indogs to accept lgbt.

>> No.42538894

And yet the children will consume American movies, games, and literature. The children will be brought up knowing that they are LGBTQ and that they must fight for their rights.

>> No.42539281

I bet it's another game suggestion from Botan

>> No.42539312

Let me tell you something. What was the name of the woman that committed suicide at Blizzard? Do you know? Did anybody know?


>> No.42539550

No worries. Indonesian Muslim parents are great in brainwashing their kids

>> No.42539602

what's gonna be the reaction when she sees the tranny in hogsmead?

>> No.42539619

>Indonesia is a tiny fucking country compared to the USA, both in terms of economic pull and population.
Indonesia is the 4th largest country in the world by population, just a bit after USA at 3rd. 275 million vs 330 million. Economy is obviously a much bigger gap, but that's cause USA accounts for somewhere around 1/4 the entire world's economy. Indonesia's still in the G20 and one of the fastest rising economies in the world.

>> No.42539897
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>Moona picks Slytherin
Avada Kedavra!

>> No.42539907

Anon is probably still thinking that Indonesia is one of those underdeveloped middle east hellholes.

>> No.42539915

I am literally cumming at the thought of more Holos playing this game to continue filtering out troons and shit

>> No.42540053

As a rule, Japan doesn't know or care what is going on outside of Japan. You will pretend that streaming or not streaming certain games proves they agree with your opinions, but you know deep down that the decision means fuck all.

>> No.42540073

Sorry, Noel wasn't part of Shiraken yet

>> No.42540137

Ina probably will when she gets back

>> No.42540143

You have to go back.

>> No.42540144

This kind of thing is reportable, right?

>> No.42540318

Twitter is a dumpster fire right now thanks to Elons manhandling, reporting will do nothing.

>> No.42540379

I'm actually using it to find vtuberers playing it, it's a really good tool that can be used both ways, KEK.

>> No.42540445

Indonesia doesn't care about you either. The only people who care about you are yourself and the people you hate. How sad.

>> No.42541606

oh hell you bet they will

>> No.42542454

Yes but it's a crapshoot whether it will get taken down.

>> No.42542616

>the people I hate care about me
That's nice of you to say.
