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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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425219 No.425219 [Reply] [Original]

>Vtuber can't beat the first level

>> No.425292

>Gura playing Maneater on her first gaming stream
It was so painful

>> No.425465
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>Vtuber spends dozens of hours across multiple streams trying to get her poorly thought out and shoddily designed contraption to work
>it eventually works suboptimally and they call it a success before moving on

>> No.425560
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>Text appears on screen telling VTuber what to do
>VTuber ignores it then asks what to do

>> No.425566
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>boring avatar design
>"Why am I doing so poorly?"

>> No.425645
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>Yells at chat for backseat gaming while trying to figure something out
>2 minutes later begs chat to tell them how to do the thing they just yelled at chat for explaining

>> No.425790
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>vtuber interrupts a collab to talk about numbers
>the other girls awkwardly have to congratulate them

>> No.425798
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>Pressing jump twice does a special move
>does it by accident a couple of times
>doesn't understand how to properly do it and thinks nothing of said move

>> No.425941
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>vtuber has an announcement
>another vtuber responds to it by congratulating them but then proceeds to make the announcement about themselves

>> No.425961
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>downplay achievements and milestones
>"Why didn't anyone show up to my celebration stream?"

>> No.426013
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>Collab stream between branches
>Neither can speak the other's language very well

>> No.426052

This isn't exclusive to vtubers but a widespread phenomenon and result of humbl- bragging.

Nobody can actively celebrate their achievements anymore out of fear of coming off as arrogant even though they clearly really want to, so they hide their happiness and pride over their achievement behind false humbleness. I wish this shit would stop.

>> No.426060
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>vtuber aggressively flirts with every person they collab with
>starts complaining when the other vtubers make fun of them for it

>> No.426084
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>audience member shows off while in a Vtuber's game lobby

>> No.426085

In fairness, the difficulty scaling and camera in that game are total aids. Suzuhara did it well though.

>> No.426213
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>one vtuber trying to play the game seriously
>the other vtuber trying too hard to kayfabe for clips

>> No.426253
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>> No.426329
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>vtuber struggling with viewership numbers and complains about it
>streams ARK 10+ hours a week

>> No.426354
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>Vtuber misses their scheduled stream time by more than a couple minutes

>> No.426360
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i wonder how long it will take her to learn super peel out or drop dash

>> No.426393
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>leech shows up
>it's during a celebration stream

>> No.426431

Who are you quoting?

>> No.426515
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>big name youtuber/streamer donates
>chat spams their name constantly
>vtuber refuses to acknowledge them

>> No.426530

This is based
Fuck clout chasers

>> No.426536
File: 32 KB, 400x400, Not this shit again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber has amazing singing potential
>debuffs herself by forcing a character voice

>> No.426564
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>chat starts talking about breaking news
>one chat member starts telling them to leave the chat and follow rule 4

>> No.426670
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>vtuber desperately wants to collab with big name youtuber/streamer
>chat tells them they hate it
>vtuber stops bringing them up

>> No.426798 [SPOILER] 
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>vtuber farts on stream

>> No.426802

Either based or cringe depending on the game, but I'm sweating up a storm the second I know I'm on stream

>> No.426950

>Your oshi shows up in vidya you're playing
>Resist the urge to sperg out and follow them (where applicable) religiously as a teammate or fuck around with them as an opponent
I'm glad this hasn't happened to me yet, haha... I did start playing on the BF4 JP servers for a day or two after Friend's stealth stream, but they were full of people who probably had the same idea and also I'm guessing she never returned

>> No.427107
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>cooking simulator
>none of them play beyond the tutorial and first level

>> No.427270
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>vtuber gets so mad about backseating and instead of ignoring it just stops playing it altogether
I kneel, antis

>> No.427276
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>vtuber starts playing Momotaro Dentetsu regularly

>> No.427306
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>> No.427321
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>Vtuber has a birthday stream
>Doesn't do any prepwork for it
>Nobody calls in and her celebration song is a hot mess

>> No.427411

>vtuber boots everyone from the lobby because some proplayer commented on her chat.

>> No.427468
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>plays a prerecorded version instead

>> No.427527
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>vtuber cuts her own head off

>> No.427761
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>"I'M A SHRIMP NOW!!1!1"

>> No.427930

Name 1 (ONE) such case

>> No.427991
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>vtuber plays a game
>the rest of the company will now play the same thing because they don't know what else to play

>> No.428028


>> No.428209

To be fair it's mostly due to copyright

>> No.428250

Hey I like Nier Automata

>> No.428390


>> No.428448

It's because of stupid permission policy. They're all starved for more games to play, so when something cool finally gets allowed, they all jump on it.

>> No.428481

you shut your mouth

>> No.428507

Towa certainly didn't.

>> No.428877
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>> No.429100
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>vtuber has a fantastic welcoming to every stream

>> No.429155
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>minecraft stream

>> No.429186

I know about the permissions bullshit, but they could still try out different stuff the have permission for.
>Holos have Team17 permissions but still not a single Worms stream.

>> No.429342
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>Vtuber playing a very casual game that doesn't require much involvement
>has the opportunity to interact with chat or just talk about herself
>still is completely focused on the game and barely says a word

>> No.429392


>> No.429397
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>2hu streams never ever
I thought japs were into that shit.

>> No.429412

Japanese culture also plays very important part in this

>> No.430036

are any jp hololive girls good at videogames? because all the eng ones suck.

>> No.430263
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>> No.431231
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>VTuber asks chat for help
>A sea of comments telling her what to do
>Manages to pick the ONE retard giving out wrong information and read his comment

>> No.432313

anons said ame is the best holo apex player

>> No.432499


>> No.432687
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pretty good in tetris

>> No.441035

Kiara and Ame?

>> No.441101

Kiara doesn't scold people for backseating, she basically uses chat like a guide/wiki.

>> No.441137


>> No.441189
File: 27 KB, 540x540, 1556487638532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear there must be evidence of this happening to at least ONE streamer.
Stuff like the ENHANCED AUDIO Mori on the shitter doesn't count.
It's gotta be real, with chat reactions and them trying to play it off.

>> No.441236

Marine 100% is, and has streamed Touhou before.

>> No.441238

Didn't this happen to Ollie recently? I swear someone posted a clip to that effect, but it might have been a meme.

>> No.441274

This happens so often that I have to wonder if it's intentional.

>> No.441325

I thought this was referencing Mori with Critikal, what did Gura do?

>> No.441361

>marine those few times
mostly beatmario though

>> No.442206 [SPOILER] 
File: 692 KB, 1000x1415, 1612935468503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join an agency to become a vtuber
>get raped my the manager

>> No.442471
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>No Vtuber plays your favorite games.

>> No.442761

She still would get absolutely steamrolled by Astel.

>> No.442782
File: 729 KB, 800x800, Es8lSroUwAAJ2_d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the love of god miko, why did you drop bully

>> No.442792

Korone is decent overall, everyone else is only good at their focus games and shit at others. Out of EN only Ame and Gura really play anything and Gura is mainly good at rhythm games. Kiara does stream a lot of games but it's mostly "youtube plays" using Kiara as a proxy.

>> No.442826

Please be real

>> No.442902

If it's real, I feel kinda bad for her.
I don't think it's game audio or an edit. And I don't know the original stream.

>> No.442954
File: 44 KB, 408x355, concerned tripple doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber has awesome design and voice
>plays apex, minecraft and flavor of the month like every other fucking vtuber ever.

>> No.442961


>> No.442985

I wonder what causes this phenomenon. It isn't exclusive to vtubers, it happens to every streamer.

>> No.443066

Fucking kek, she either made too real of spit fart sound and then followed up with more less real ones after to cover it up, or it was real and she did the same thing.
If it was longer, I'm sure chat would've reacted.

>> No.443081


>> No.443108

also chris-chan

>> No.443144

Yeah, honestly I can't tell but shit makes me laugh every time.

>> No.443436

>And I don't know the original stream.
I happen to have that stream archived. I archived some of her early stuff because she kept cutting stuff out of the vods. It turns out this was left in the vod: https://youtu.be/gYfZcJkp-jk?t=3737

>> No.445011
File: 21 KB, 400x223, Silly Arino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no. Korone isn't good. She just has a huge endurance to retro vidya bulshit. Literally the Arino of Hololive

>> No.445726

>Hear jokes about Ollie being Calli's daughter
>Remembers video of enhanced audio of Calli using the toilet on stream
Sort of disappointed about no art related to this kind of stuff, especially if more than just a fart came out when Ollie let loose on stream like that

>> No.445834

Ame's good at shooters, man.

>> No.445895

God, I remember when he played through most of Rondo of Blood without knowing you could backflip. How the fuck do you do that? The first thing you do when you start a game is you press all the buttons and see which does what. When it comes to retro games, it's a good idea to read the manual. I know not everyone does that, but I read the manual before playing any game. Korone at least notices shit, and she does have some skill.

>> No.445913

I love and hate this post

>> No.445935
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>> No.446011

He just sent dick pic, like 1000 of them.

>> No.446056

Justin Bieber sent her a warning.

>> No.451672

>she does have some skill.
She does, but less than an average gamer, which is only a credit to her endurance

>> No.452070

No vtuber actually likes the game. They play it for views, not enjoyment.

>> No.452110


>> No.452135

Who is Aki Rosenthal?

>> No.452153


>> No.452310

Just shows he uncreative some of the chuubas are. If she likes ARK, why not talk to Holomem and other vtubers in your circle and see if you can do a massive ARK collab stream for some big goal or mission. Aki thinks the subs will just come but look how hard Haachama had to grind this week to get to 1 million.

Ue-sans respect Haachama for this reason and I'd feel pretty annoyed at having to share my SC money with the same laggard every month. Mel at least is collabing with EN and trying her best. Choco and Aki are just coasting along till they graduate I guess.

>> No.454485

>Choco and Aki are just coasting along till they graduate I guess.
that's holoEN

>> No.456086

wow! thanks for the akasupa! big ups!

>> No.456260

This is why I believe they really are women.

>> No.456457
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>vtuber has awesome charisma and voice
>lackluster avatar design

>> No.457391

And Botan... and Aqua... and probably Ayame... and maybe even Towa, y'know who the fuck actually said Ame is the best holo apex player? Must be genuinely ENonly.

>> No.457600
File: 4 KB, 420x500, 708E9EA5-7A6D-4AF3-948E-D7F8D161B2D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VTuber can’t achieve clear mind

>> No.459572

>Vtuber does a stupid character voice that strains her throat
>Cannot keep it up in a 10 hour stream
>"No!!! I AM using my real voice"

>> No.467502
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>vtuber reads ALL the superchats

>> No.467876
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>vtuber ignores weird requests by eops

>> No.467982
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>male vtuber

>> No.469546

That's only Ina and Gura. The others actually act like they want to be in Hololive and do interesting things. Ina contributes thumbnail art but not much else. Gura is the hermit at the top of the mountain. It's also Polka since they expected more out of her compared to her previous life.

>> No.469618
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No problem with that.
>tranny vtuber

>> No.469703

Not a vtuber, but one time, Moona's mom ripped ungodly ass while she was streaming.

>> No.469763
File: 27 KB, 739x415, images - 2021-02-11T100311.680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber in general

>> No.470370

>I swear there must be evidence of this happening to at least ONE streamer.

>> No.470514
File: 25 KB, 500x500, Eix1psuXcAEErTv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vtuber roleplays getting fucked on Stream
>Youtube doesn't take down the video

>> No.478541

>Vtubers getting pregnant

>> No.478779
File: 48 KB, 494x699, Maisaki_Berry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber with the best singing voice of all vtubers
>small potato

>> No.478857
File: 77 KB, 887x1097, jc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apex legends

>> No.478897
File: 175 KB, 1014x1059, Ame pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bootleg is better than the original

>> No.478936

>pic not related

>> No.478940
File: 1.13 MB, 1000x1333, discount korone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bootleg is worse than the original

>> No.478985

>1 month since last upload
Hey wait, what DID happen to her?

>> No.478997
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>Give a red supaacha
>Your chuubas doesn't read it because your username has 'penis' in it

>> No.479003

Blame rockstar and their garbage fucking port. I'd drop the shit too after the 5th crash

>> No.479011

>vtuber suck at her own fangame

>> No.479101

Pointless drama happened and then she stopped streaming.

>> No.479121

Did skipping out on paying an artist really break her entire streaming career?
Was there more to the story?

>> No.479271
File: 198 KB, 534x663, 1603474495179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese vtuber
>Can't read some kanji in game despite speaking this language from birth
>Chat deciphers it for them

>> No.479312

They never agreed on a price and neither one of them seemed to bring it up. Uto never actually said why she left. We can only speculate why. Considering that the majority of her fans were overseas people who never heard of the drama, I feel like there must have been another reason for her to stop.

>> No.479356

Whenever they fail to read something I feel a bit better about my own skills.

>> No.479405

I swear this is the only reason I would become a vtuber
>do whatever to rack numbers
>when numbers up, play my favorite games to show how it's done
>hopefully this attract new people to said games
Won't be popular because I'm not a girl, but still, I'm so tempted to try.

>> No.479471
File: 389 KB, 500x600, 200 percent sad 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she takes it down herself

>> No.479547

This, but with my favourite songs instead of games. 90% of vtubers sings the same shit over and over, even in unarchived karaoke streams. I want some good fucking songs for once.

>> No.479594

Was going to think she'd be mighty weak willed to let some rrats ruin her streaming career over a skipped bill and some bullying

>> No.479823

>Won't be popular because I'm not a girl, but still, I'm so tempted to try.
If RTS games get popular with any big vtubers this month, the fad will be traced back to a two digit viewer male vtuber from this website.

>> No.480147

Indeed, still, you really can't go wrong with fotm indie games, those are cheap and can help to leech fame.

>> No.480494

I have nothing to add to the conversation but i want to thank you for showing me this band

>> No.480611

bruh what, this isn't even a sisters thing this is literally just a recolor of korone

>> No.480805

Lgographic writing language is shit even native Jp highschool graduate only remember like 40% of the Kanji

>> No.480862

I blame the Chinese, literally.

>> No.480892
File: 309 KB, 752x1062, nekomiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber doesn't get any fucking EN translations any more

>> No.481058

Do your archive reps anon.

>> No.481086 [DELETED] 


>> No.481095 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 128x102, orangefu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.481204
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>Vtuber pretends to be stupid
Is there anything more frustrating?

>> No.481274

The Carson thing

>> No.481657


>> No.482091

Korone isn't good, she only has determination and endurance.

>> No.482879

If you don't interact with Holos anymore, you stop getting translations. It's been like a year since she's collabed with a holomem. I found out about Annin Miru from the clipper of the Apex game she played with Aqua in the same game.

>> No.482939


>> No.483321

Isn't most of these translate channels are semi-official?

>> No.483412

I don't think so. Niji has their official translator channels but I think some translators are paid to do specific stuff for Hololive. Maybe they are and that's why they hide a lot of more 'sensitive' topics from EOPs.

>> No.484921

I still don't understand why they didn't drop that shit like mongols did with their script.

>> No.485078

and she is! in EN

>> No.485911

>try shit out
Almost nobody does this. Why do you think modern games have hours of tutorials that hold your hand through every game mechanic?
Kanji a shit. Ever wonder why japanese carry around electronic dictionaries and have pictures for fucking everything on thier menus? Kanji a big fat steaming fucking turd. Half of the words modern japanese use are English and written in kana anyway.

>> No.486488

ina is pretty decent at vidya
she also played fromsoft titles and monhun which require "some" skill and knowledge

>> No.489579

because if they did it would still be a difficult language to read because of the number of homophones

>> No.490052

Just add furigana to everything. Or at least make it as an option in games and other digital products.

>> No.490210

People come across words they don't recognise when reading their native language too. Faggots see their favourite tuuba miss a word and start calling for the abolition of kanji, lel.

>> No.490310

It's one thing to not understand the meaning of word. That's fine. But at least you can read it, right?
And with kanji - they might know what the word means, they just can't read it at all. It's ridiculous.

>> No.490324

So count the strokes and look it up, or figure it out from the radicals and the context. You smell like reddit.

>> No.491502

>figure it out from the radicals and the context
Stop pretending you speak japanese.
