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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 124 KB, 587x696, tranny potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42505275 No.42505275 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you're ready to defend your oshi from the tranny horde (that aren't even viewers) that are about to harass them for playing the "transphobic" magic game

>> No.42505353
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Wouldn't be the first time, so I'd gladly do it for the cute lil Rat.
These faggots will forget about this shit in a week anyway.

>> No.42505366

Thankfully I ignore Twitter unlike you, OP.

>> No.42505396

Stop posting these shitty Twitter screencap threads and make some quality threads worth of this board please

>> No.42505398

why are americans like this

>> No.42505408

too late, my oshi is Kronii, they already ruined her

>> No.42505419

What the fuck is this on about then?

>> No.42505439


>> No.42505450
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>> No.42505471

10:1 likes to retweets
Has the twitter horde not been summoned yet?

>> No.42505498
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i'm feeling so heckin' invalid right now, sisters

>> No.42505504

That is the funniest shit I have seen today. I forget how much I hate trannies and gender freaks when they make me laugh...but just for a few moments.

>> No.42505525


>> No.42505573

How can Twitter be real if our eyes aren't real?

>> No.42505580

can't wait to see Kson play this. kek

>> No.42505668

only the scouts have arrived, they have to go to discord and go through the progressive stack before the horde can actually be unleashed

>> No.42505672

I need a full list of all BASED streamers who are proudly streaming this game and telling their tranny fans to raise that 41% to at least 50%. This is the best thing to happen all year.

>> No.42505676

She only plays ARK, Yakuza and bargain-bin kusoge.

>> No.42505710

>streaming this game
>telling their tranny fans to raise that 41% to at least 50%
These are two very different things

>> No.42505720


>> No.42505779

>/vt/ will now start sperging out over any Holo who dares to NOT stream the game because it must clearly be because they're trannylovers and not because they don't give a shit about Harry Potter

>> No.42505786

They are one and the same

>> No.42505809

I like how people are rallying around harry potter like it's something that matters in the grand culture war.
The harry potter nerds like Haachama will play it. The others won't.

>> No.42505863

They`'re the same thing in the eyes of tranny activists. They've said as much, so even if it's not a direct statement the trannies will interpret playing the game on stream as a "fuck off, go kill yourself" message

>> No.42505887

Which holos and nijis are playing this game in early access?
Genuine question since I want to watch some actual gameplay

>> No.42505909

This is the biggest game release of the year. Everyone is playing it. Multiple nijis already have plans for it and they even did Harry Potter themed totsus and stuff. 4chan won, trannies lost.

>> No.42505998
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She's not my oshi, but treating metastases of cancer is always a good thing.

>> No.42506013

Funny thing is, she's not even streaming the game, just the idea that there's a possibilty for such a stream got them all uppity uppity
But I agree with >>42505396 twitter threads posters should neck themselves

>> No.42506044


>> No.42506049

Bae is literally going to kill trannies.

>> No.42506051

I'm 100% will, the game is already a success being played all over the internet trannies lost

>> No.42506070

The only quality threads are generals. Everything else is drama or drama baiting.

>> No.42506080

rent free in /#/ thirdworlders' heads
she barely ever plays AAA games and she has never watched or read harry potter

>> No.42506086
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*dodges the controversy by being coincidentally on break, as usual*

>> No.42506099

Trannies really have to make everything about themselves at all costs, huh?

>> No.42506123


>> No.42506179
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>> No.42506180

Gura will 100% play it, if she can make fun of Jews and survive a HP game will do nothing for her

>> No.42506201

you're literally the one bringing up trannies on this board

>> No.42506200

Damn right.

>> No.42506212

>the IP that has made billions of dollars around the world has a popular game
wow, almost like twitter isn't the center of the world

>> No.42506238

Someone tell that faggot in the post that he isn't forced to watch it

>> No.42506251

The only thing that sucks about all of this is my oshi is super fucking into Harry Potter, even likes the fantastic beasts shit. She even hates RPGs but was willing to give it a try because of the premise. She talked about it since it was announced. I personally dont give two flying fucks about it, but I will not fucking stand people attacking her simply for enjoying something.

>> No.42506267
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>> No.42506286

wait what the fuck this is actually an issue? ive caught wind of it a bit a long while ago but i thought it was just your usual tranny nonsense that'll stay in twitter echo chamber anyways but it's an actual issue now? thought people would at least need to dig deep to find out about that stuff bruh who the fuck cares about what the wrinkly old author is up to it's fucking harey potah a huge, known franchise and that'd be the reason why chuubas are playing it not because they agree with the author's stance that trannies are faggots or something

>> No.42506289

why? she mixes with those faggots,
she can enjoy the homobeggers as much as she wants.
i can't wait for the other faggots to stream like kronii, what she'll do to her faggots "fans" she gained.

>> No.42506300
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*Brings gura in a completely unrelated situation*

>> No.42506303

Harry Potter has had many games, none of them are popular and no zoomer has ever read Harry Potter.

>> No.42506332

>Harry Potter has had many games, none of them are popular and no zoomer has ever read Harry Potter.
haggord on PS1 spurned at least a few popular memes. problem is that they're just average games.

>> No.42506333
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No, to extremists and the terminally online it is
Most people in the world will just see this as a harry potter game because that's what it is

>> No.42506359
File: 212 KB, 1607x668, jqd8k4hprlga1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots are planning to play it

>> No.42506382

Lol. This game has been great. Just another reminder for the average transfaggot that regular people care more about Harry Potter than their rights and wellbeing (as they should.) I expect at least a couple more suicide attempts being added to the 40% over some trannies favorite chubas playing this game.

>> No.42506392

>boohoo my oshi has to consider trans people's feelings and can't give money to rowling who very publicly donates it to anti trans organizations without backlash
Get over yourself, people are dying over this and you're mad that the virtual anime girl you like watching has to face criticism for supporting it? The world doesn't revolve around her.

>> No.42506404

It's gonna be a nothingburger in terms of sales but the boycott is certainly real and the trannies will aggressively harass everyone who streams it.
IGN put a fucking pinned comment for their video with some babble about how "JKR bad".

>> No.42506412


>> No.42506419

People that are so weak that they'd kill themselves over Harry Potter really ought to.

>> No.42506453

you're unironically like this on 4chan? do the world a favor and kill yourself? hey at least we'll be on the same page anyway world won't be so hard for you if you're not in it

>> No.42506462

because unlike you SEAjoggers we actually have enough wealth and stability to worry about retarded shit like this

>> No.42506467
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>people are dying over this

>> No.42506473
File: 72 KB, 1080x927, 1675699077541691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game literally has a trans person in it.

>> No.42506507

Is this real?

>> No.42506512

Doesnt matter, Rowling made 500 bucks off the license.

>> No.42506521

I listen to a couple gaming podcasts due to nostalgia for the hosts from back when they were relevant and they literally don't even mention the game as something that exists because it's industry poison. The gaming industry is one of the most political and controlled industries there is. It's also completely irrelevant to most people who play games.

>> No.42506554

Is she killable?

>> No.42506561

Please be bait

>> No.42506578

>normal people use mental gymnastics
This but unironically.

>> No.42506577

I got my shitposting twitter account banned today for letting some tranny beta orbiter account know that regular people care more about JK rowling and her Harry Potter universe than they ever will about trans rights. Smh

>> No.42506596
File: 246 KB, 593x592, 1675650233701188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was my thread about this tweet deleted but this one gets a pass?

>> No.42506632

meant for >>42506392

>> No.42506657

Nice bait. No one actually cares that much about dying trans people. Lmao

>> No.42506689

Its a nothingburger if they just never address it. Also there were more harry potter fans having aneurysm when she announced dumbledore was gay.

>> No.42506714

>wait what the fuck this is actually an issue?

>> No.42506725

Or even better. She will be evil villain puppet.

>> No.42506746

based SEAchads burn trannies faggots and the like alive in the name of allah instead of giving these abominable creatures the time of your day

>> No.42506759

i don't get, isn't Harry Potter the official LGBT book series?

>> No.42506769
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 11A47FF6-AD24-49FC-A1E4-4073ECE167B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generals are are inherently garbage due to how they function. This is true for every board.

>> No.42506786

What? They all fucking creamed themselves when she said he was a faggot, or when she said Hermione could be black, probably some other stuff as well, I bet she compared Voldemort and Trump at some point.

>> No.42506790

that's fucking retarded.

>> No.42506794

has she ever played nobeta
this is important

>> No.42506804

>people are dying over this
Then they should stop casting Avada Kedavra with broken wands.

>> No.42506847

the replies to this... lol

>> No.42506861

It was praised when rowling was making retcons like "oh yeah Dumbledore was blowing guys all the time" but when they found out when she says feminist she means girls without cocks, they turned on her.

>> No.42506878

I want Gura's comeback stream to be hogwarts legacy.

>> No.42506923

what about them? just seems like her JP fans are really excited

>> No.42506927

>we actually have enough wealth and stability
Lmao. EU anon here that lived in the U.S. for 12 years. Funniest shit I read today. Most people barely make ends meet, and outside of a handful of nice places, U.S. (like most countries if we're honest) is a complete shithole. I'd rather live in fucking Slovenia or something like that, than in bumfuck Arkansas.

>> No.42506933
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>> No.42506954

I only see one negative one, and they have the fag pride in their username.

>> No.42506973

>a bunch of 20/30 something girls love Harry Potter
No shit, only terminally online dumbass wouldn't see why.
By the way, it's not a good thing since HP is fucking awful.

>> No.42506992

I buy the hogwarts game and a trans dies, I refund it and one is revived
call me the necrotrancer

>> No.42507008

No 20-year-old knows Harry Potter

>> No.42507017

based rat shes earned my sub

>> No.42507026

Don't want to go too /vg/ but a lot of generic AAA trash that coms out always get big pre-order numbers, the IP is just the cherry on top.
Suckers always get drawn in thinking it's gonna be The Next Big Thing before they realize it's a mediocre rehash with a cosmetic slapped on for commercial purposes.
Since this thread is a thinly veiled /pol/ thread anyway the Tranny outrage never would matter ,not one bit, if anything it's good publicity because some outside of the HP circle would support the game in the name of owning the libtards. As long as the product isn't some absolute dogshit lack of any worth, the average consumer would gobble it up without a second thought because it's tagged with familiar names or franchises or a famous game corpo.

>> No.42507034

I don’t care about this game but that would be kinda funny

>> No.42507058

>Set in 1890s
>A tranny
This faggot would’ve been burnt at the stake

>> No.42507060

No one man should have all that power

>> No.42507080
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i-is pika a t-t-t-t-TERF!?!

>> No.42507113

Bae is a zoomer.

>> No.42507117

>1 dumb comment
>1 thread, 95(+1) replies about it
You drama whores remind me of the people posting about flat earthers in the comments section of any video that kind of talks about space. You've become even more obnoxious than the """people""" you're fighting against.

>> No.42507130
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every single quote tweet

>> No.42507140

As a sign of unity we should all hold hands while watching a Hoggwarts Legacy stream.

>> No.42507166

Erm, how about fix the school mass shooting 1st

>> No.42507167

>You have to like Harry Potter now just because Rowling hates trannies, but is still the cringe SJW Libtard with everything else
Damn it is absolutely funny seeing the complete 180 from some of you retards

>> No.42507180

I want to go back to when I could bully people for liking Harry Potter.
At least rally around something bashes them without being meant for fucking nerds, like literally any anime.

>> No.42507198

I hate to tell you this...but you're on a drama board. Do you go to /o/ and bitch about cars?

>> No.42507207

Seethe about it tranny

>> No.42507231

>dying over this
truly an evolutionary dead end

>> No.42507244

I’m sorry to break this to you but anime is for fucking nerds.

>> No.42507286

He looks unmistakably male, has a clear man voice, and his name begins with "sir". Troons are not happy.

>> No.42507291


>> No.42507335

yaas so true sister

>> No.42507336

those who refuse to carry deserve to get shot

>> No.42507366

Incorrect, most anime is for kids.

>> No.42507403

Not that I care about game journo's opinions but IGN has been pretty anti-rowling during the run up to the release of the game and even they can't give it lower than a 9/10

>> No.42507438

And that's a good thing.

>> No.42507443

Only because of >>42506473

>> No.42507454

>Ru paul shows selling out all over the US
>Singers of all genres being flamboyant as fuck
The 80's we're arguebly more accepting of trans than now.

>> No.42507480

Read the date again anon.

>> No.42507482

>Hurr durr you are a tranny for still consistently not liking Harry Potter and not changing your mind just because the auhor has one opinion that you agree with
You are fucking sheep

>> No.42507499

someone need to tell tronnyparkirys to shut the fuck up

>> No.42507510

First trans character Sir Franken Beans, a woman

>> No.42507514


>> No.42507523

anon, i...

>> No.42507534
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>> No.42507561


>> No.42507566
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She's not my Oshi, but I will stand with the raat.

>> No.42507571

I'm really out of the loop about this.
I thought that she made Dumbledore gay, therefore she's on the fags' side.
I don't understand...

>> No.42507572

yeah that's why you're getting overrun by arabs

>> No.42507613

Damn she fucking hates trans people.
Twitter's not gonna like this.

>> No.42507623

lmao is this true?

>> No.42507632

She came out as a hardcore TERF in tranny eyes for suggesting Trans women aren't women.

>> No.42507640

She later on said dudes in dresses arent women. The most terrible sin.

>> No.42507656

kek, I love how anons are now forced to defend gay ass harry potter shit just because trannies hate it
>inb4 ywnbaw
good, how else would I be able to fuck your mum

>> No.42507718
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she said this 2 years ago, this caused IGN to describe her as "one of the most prominent anti-trans mouthpieces on the planet" during their review of the game preview.

>> No.42507756

Gays and trannies are not on the same side anymore.

>> No.42507769

The world doesn't revolve around you either, yet here we are.

>> No.42507786


>> No.42507830

Why the fuck is everyone so obsessed with trannies? They're less than 1% of the population, I've never even seen one before and I live in a big city. Even LGB is less than 5% of the pop, and that's probably exaggerated because of all the people pretending to be bi.
