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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4249201 No.4249201 [Reply] [Original]

what are these threads
why are there always 5 of them at any given time of day

>> No.4249248

they're on /jp/ too. it's a mystery

>> No.4249284

I assume some badly named "general"

>> No.4249288

It's like discord, but on 4chan.

>> No.4249310

It's your daddy, know your place /vt/vermin

>> No.4249404

It's bizarre that people still refuse to move from /jp/ even though the threads there are functionally dead.

>> No.4249445

Assuming this isn't bait, I'm genuinely curious as to why you guys are on this board. What chuubas do you actually watch?

>> No.4249576

/hlg/ - full of people who think only JP content is good while not knowing JP, usually seething about whatever kiara does.
/nijisanji/ - full of elitist pricks but at least they know JP, they have a personal medio
/vyt/ - nijisanji split thread with indies and other companies sprinkled in, also a hololive-anti thread

>> No.4249580

OG era chuubas, vsinger chuubas, indie chuubas

>> No.4249755

Wrong wrong and wrong

>> No.4250484

It’s not even the original /jp/ general, it’s the fucking offshoot

>> No.4250690

They just have a lot of images to share.

>> No.4250723

Generals from /jp/ they gets moved here for archival purposes

>> No.4251185

/jp/ heritage.

>> No.4253002

hlg doesn't talk about ENs in general, let alone Kiara

>> No.4253186

Those threads are for actually discussing the deliveries while they're airing.

>> No.4254118

Effectively this. Especially for collabs, it is more useful/enjoyable/active to discuss in that thread than in a thread for one of the individuals in the collab.

>> No.4255307

Yeah no, you obviously haven't been there in the past week

>> No.4255335

This board hasn't even existed for a year and there's already newfags.

>> No.4255343

They sure do appreciate their 24 hours of hate over there. My oshi is JP and I don't like EN/ID more or less than the original branch, yet I'm more happy over here.

>> No.4255368

The threads go by way too fast for any real discussion. It'd make more sense to create a new stream-specific thread whenever there's a collab rather than having a thread for fucking everything that goes faster than the speed of light.

>> No.4255426

>but at least they know JP
kek I guess that just posting links and images means one knows japanese

>> No.4255521

It enhances the experience(for some) and creates lots of oc.
The energy there quickly drowns out antis posting on cooldown, when an important stream is happening.
Making a thread for every collab is imho a stupid idea. A centralized place for such things is easily searchable in the catalog. Maybe we just disagree on what we want our 4chan experience to look like. Visiting /hlgg/ during a big stream is like watching sportsball in a pub. You and the other autists are united in your love for the subculture and are singing it's praises together. It's a very social event.
I'm all for high energy, oc-laden threads, which are moving fast, while you may prefer slower boards for whatever reason. Having a fast moving thread on an otherwise comparatively slow board is in my opinion the best of both worlds.

>> No.4255908
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>/vyt/ - nijisanji split thread

>> No.4256302

How new?

>> No.4256753

They're the main reason people come to this board, everything else is bonus content

>> No.4258833

Ohhh nooo my pwecious secwet club that isn't secret! nooooo newfags everywhere!
Grow the fuck up faggot

>> No.4259072

Ritualposter general

>> No.4259110

more bizarre they don't just stay on /jp/, mods obviously aren't making you leave

>> No.4260173

you know EN was mistake.
We English speakers shouldn't watch them because they are easier to understand.
We should stick to JP because they are cuter.

>> No.4265418

but then you wouldn't understand what they're saying
