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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42487798 No.42487798 [Reply] [Original]

Do vtubers not care to play a character anymore? Not even going to pretend to give a shit about their fanbase anymore? Is it really that hard to be an entertainer? I'm just going to stick to JP vtubers from now on and ignore all EN vtubing in general.

>> No.42487841
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Your first mistake was watching niji
Your second mistake was watching nijien

>> No.42487925

there’s only two nijicunts who try to be entertaining and they don’t even pass as. try literally any other en. hell even indies are better and most of them stare into the void in silence.

>> No.42488105

Listen nig, stop watching western whores. They're all woke, they're all feminists, they're surrounded by the most soi slurping beta orbiters who will let these slappers walk all over them and treat them like shit while insisting you're in the wrong for daring to question their 'YASSS QUEEEN' vtuber.

So why stick around? And if you do, do yourself a favour and don't pay shit. Don't member them, don't donate a thing. I haven't supported any vtuber. Not a single one. I watch their content sparingly, and only things I want to watch, like if they play a game I don't like, I don't watch.
Quite frankly, I'm not invested in any of them. None of them like you, none of them know you, none of them truly care about you. How do I know this? Simple, if you stopped watching them, would they even know? Would they bring it up? Would they ask about you? Nope, they don't give a fuck.
They're soulless and this is just work and they're shit at their job. I've just told you that they don't give a fuck about you, which should be obvious, but their jobs is to fucking PRETEND that they do give a shit, but they can't even do that. Someone sends a slightly 'weird' supachat and they have a menhera breakdown and tear the kayfabe veil off and tell you how they really feel, that you are just money to them.

When people post about 'awww no look :( the vtuber is sad because someone donated $100 to them and said they look sexy', I don't feel shit for them, if they were good at their job they'd take that as a compliment and lean into it but they despise their fans so much and their heads are so full of zoomer woke garbage that they get offended by that shit and take it as a personal insult.
The only thing they have is the anime guise. And that's why you watch.
Ever watched a fleshtuber twitch whore? Because I haven't, I can't stand them. The only time I can bare to listen to these whores speak is when they're anime girls, but knowing what I know about how little they give a shit about you and how they see you as money, I don't get attached. I treat them as I treat random fucking Let's Players.

If they weren't shit at their jobs they wouldn't be so bad. The only reason they're as popular as they are is because beta faggots can't stop defending them.

>> No.42488285

what are some vtubers with really strong kayfabe?

>> No.42488701

>Is Kayfabe dead?

>> No.42488936

Thanks for the clarification elira

>> No.42489455

Forget kayfabe, not being a bitch for a hand full of hours a week is too much for them.

>> No.42489628

Didn't read lol

>> No.42489712

mucho texto

>> No.42489727

>because beta faggots can't stop defending them.
This. Literally all western vchuuba's have keeping them a float is
>i am female.

>> No.42489744

So what happened with Elira? I'm too lazy to scan the catalog.

>> No.42489866

this is why you watch AI, flesh whores can never be trusted.

>> No.42489883
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>> No.42489909

Vtuber is kayfabe.
The first vtuber is a kayfabe.
Some of the most popular vtuber is a kayfabe.
To be a vtuber is to be a kayfabe.
Why become vtuber if you don't kayfabe?
At that point you are just avatarfagging.

>> No.42489916

i don't get it. is she having a meltdown because a fan gave her a flirty superchat?

>> No.42489950

Literally yes.

>> No.42489957

It's not even a bad superchat, it's tame as fuck.
Can't believe she said the shit she said over that of all things.

>> No.42490058

is there a clip of this?

>> No.42490165

Trash woke whore. And she was one of the "better" Niji EN girls.

>> No.42490248


>> No.42490329

Have the Twitter yassmen caught wind yet?

>> No.42490366

>Person sends slightly creepy possibly drunk blue supa
>Elira overloaded by stress the last week goes on the usual 'we're not friends and I don't like being lewded like that' spiel to chat as a whole instead of the one guy or that type of viewer
>Elira apologises in the vod's comments very soon after
>4chan smells blood in the water and does their usual thing
tldr it's a nothingburger. She shouldn't have lectured all of chat when the horny shit is always a minority of the fanbase but overall it's nothing to write home. Especially not in comparison to everything else that's happened these last two weeks.

>> No.42490525

there's no meltdown
she calmly told her fans to stop doing that and /vt/ did what they do best and made up schizo nonsense

>> No.42490577

There's already the usual yassmen in the other Elira threads trying to damage control for her.
Everybody that sees this as a bad look (which it absolutely is) apparently doesn't watch Elira.

>> No.42490843

kek, you newfags always make me laugh.
The majority of vtubers never gave a single fuck about kayfabe, and it has always been that way since before the fucking term "vtuber" existed.
I can tell you are an EOP fuck because half the JP vtubers I know break kayfabe all the fucking time, especially in Nijisanji and Hololive.
Fucking clipples.

>> No.42490925

and this is way AI is quickly taking over the space, these whores will run out of job soon.

>> No.42491035

>apparently doesn't watch Elira.
feel free to prove them wrong any time

>> No.42491283

True. AI is really going to shake things up in the coming years.
As we discuss in the AI threads on here and /g/ (mostly /g/), a recent experiment cut processing requirements in HALF for most common Transformer models (GPT, etc.), and that was a blind shotgun approach to pruning useless links in the training, and it still gave out consistently good responses. That was last month.
More targeted tests should improve that massively.

Also, re-reading my post, the tone, you'd think I hate kayfabe, but that's not the case at all. I LOVE it.
I love people that can stick to their roles intensely and unwavering.
I especially love it in the case of live production, like theatre, circus, other stage work, even live TV work (and streaming in this case), etc.
It takes some extreme dedication and focus to do that.

>> No.42491299

Kayfabe has been dead since vtubing switched from shorts to streams.

>> No.42491385

Why the fuck would you expect anything but disappointment from a nijiEN member?

>> No.42491498

Don't watch Elira but
I assume she's not a flirty GFE type streamer type no? So it's not a case of chat reflects the streamer, and imo it is bad etiquette generally to give such superchats. That being said, yeah she should've just ignored it. Why bother wasting time on a $5 SC?

>> No.42491529

Rosemi is right there if you want kayfabe anon.

>> No.42491539

Don't just cope with that

>> No.42491629

she's just a comfy JRPG streamer that wants to see cool and cute stories and do karaoke

>> No.42491632

>I assume she's not a flirty GFE type streamer type no?
She is/was literally the most parasocial and flirty with chat nijien member. This sort of thing came out of left field, just like how Finana, the branch slut, suddenly had an outburst on her fans despite how she behaves.

>> No.42491939

And they all have a boyfriend

>> No.42491989

shes not your friend chud, now pay her

>> No.42492054

Yeah, me

>> No.42492088


Don't worry my illiterate commoners, I've studied the literature and what it boils down to is that these vtuber things act like pissy minorities.

>> No.42492146


>> No.42492414

The cycle is the same every time.
>woman is unsuccesssful
>becomes a vtuber
>suddenly gets more successful than she's ever been before
>is grateful and happy and likes her chat for a while
>suddenly realizes she now has opinions on tiers of men because she is so rich without work
>as an internet nobility she now begins looking down on her chat as being gross dorks who should be grateful she streams for them
>mask drops, ccv goes down, vtuber bitchslapped by the reality that being an anime streamer isn't actually that valuable a job

>> No.42492606
File: 72 KB, 588x299, NUMBERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ccv goes down
except this part never happens
Finana's "parasocial fucks" moment happened in May, and her numbers went UP the next month and only really started to fall last month for totally unrelated reasons

>> No.42492680

AI is just a meme lmao

>> No.42492687

No one ever cared about finana and only watched her because she is the dumbest whore on the planet.
