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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42442822 No.42442822 [Reply] [Original]

A perfect 1:1 EN version of a JP vtuber, and you aren't watching her

>> No.42443069

Sorry, only hololove

>> No.42443241

>JRPG streams with English dubs
If it weren't for that only con, I would watch her religiously.

>> No.42443330
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>> No.42443368

I'd watch her if she had a flat chest.

>> No.42443382

Nijiwhores are automatically disqualified. Blame all the yab machine skanks ruining it for the few decent ones.

>> No.42443423
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I love her so much. I've never been more parasocial for anyone or anything else and I never will be. I can't believe how much time I spend every day watching her.

>> No.42443427
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Jokes on you, I do

>> No.42443437

Die in a fire if you're referring to Xenoblade.

>> No.42443464

Too gay, hard pass

>> No.42443495

>JP vtuber
>dropped hints that she's pro troon a few times
I dropped her as soon as she said that "ladies, gentlemen and gender rebels" shit around debut. I'll stick with Pekora.

>> No.42443524

I'll watch her

>> No.42443653
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Please do not make bait threads with my big sis.

>> No.42443671

I was referring to Persona 5, but Xenoblade also has terrible English voice acting. The most recent jrpg I've played so far that had terrible English voice acting was Dragon Quest 11.

>> No.42443710

To be fair, you'd be surprised how many pro-troon JP chuubas exist.

>> No.42443849

She should threesome my oshi with pomu

>> No.42444115

Vtubing is basically the most trans friendly hobby in Japan. You would be upset if you could understand what any of them were saying.

>> No.42444234

doubt it. Any knowledgeable anon who spares me checking the archives and succintly sums up the worst this nijiwhore has done?

>> No.42444365

The worst? Be in NijiEN. That's it.

She's completely clean, top to bottom. There is virtually nothing to talk about.

>> No.42444441

I hope her bottom isn't clean...

>> No.42444462

Celebrated p*ide month

>> No.42444512



>> No.42444888

Anglos don't understand that english dub voice acting is just aesthetically unpleasant to listen to. For anglos, he convenience of hearing their native language "overrides" everything else, they don't focus on how awful it sounds.

>> No.42445064

>1on1 collabs with males
Aaaand I'm out

>> No.42445074

what's her usual members only content?

>> No.42445168


>> No.42445621

eh, I guess membering her isn't really worth it unless you just want to show your support. thanks anon

>> No.42445802

Her and Pomu complete Lazulight

>> No.42445928

Stuff written originally for English VA can be pretty good, see Souls games, Metal Gear, the VA for a whole bunch of classic PC titles in the 00s, etc. The problem is anime translations are specifically sourced from the same general clique of US-only VAs who are generally much worse on an industry level than JP ones and aggressively attack and gatekeep any competition on their turf.

>> No.42446096

Metal Gear is a case of so-bad-it-loops-back, they go hard on the script and acting and it ends up being endearing but if compared to the JP dub the feeling is different. Second part is completely right, NA sourced translations and dubs are fucking cancerous, recently some companies have been sourcing it to UK studios and the quality is much better all-around.

>> No.42446189
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You wouldn't find much. The worst you'll hear is that she's "boring", and was PL friends with some of the current EN members that /vt/ seethes about

>> No.42446288

Noooo I can't understand a single word my oshi says so I can just pretend she's ranting about how the jews and niggers need to be wiped out nonstop don't break my hugbox :(

>> No.42450850

if you mean the mediocre JP vtuber crowding the lower ranks, sure

>> No.42452155

>big sis
name how many times she got stuck in the washing machine then

>> No.42453427

The English dubbing of JRPGs just feels like a different work of art.

>> No.42453588

Didn't she try to enforce some kind of mandatory game night between male and female Niji ENs? Shes literally the Vtuber equivalent of a whore house madam.

>> No.42453618

Yeah cause i’m not interested in the massive dumpster fire that is NijiEN, she could be the reincarnation of the messiah and i’d still be put off by her because of how trashy her group is

>> No.42453656

Am i the only person who feels absolutely nothing looking at her model? Same with selen, idk why people simp over them… to be honest i find their models sort of ugly, id rather have some generic brown haired anime girl then whatever the hell is going on here

>> No.42453702

Uhh my guy… being parasocial towards niji’s is a fucking bad idea, she collabs with men all the time, and they’re super trashy men too, not professional in any way

>> No.42453730

It's probably all of them, since most people don't have opinions of their own and just default to whatever the oligarchy tells them. This will change in the future, but we'll be old men by then.

>> No.42453734

The voice acting in persona 5 is excellent, you’re just a stinky weeb who goes froths at the mouth whenever they hear someone speaking english

>> No.42453771

They have extremely long necks and it took me a while to realize, but if you manage to ignore that they're 6/10 not too bad

>> No.42453778

Anon, you could just go to plebbit, you know?

>> No.42454124

Where the fuck did you get that from? That never happened.

>> No.42454427

>muh memes
fuck off

>> No.42454580

The people on this board are truly remarkable

>> No.42454708

This is the only thing that's been constantly making me cringe about her recent tales of vesperia playthrough, specially because of the awful audio mixing and VA replacements that came with the DE

>> No.42454851

She likes her men trashy. Can't help it, she was raised in canada.

>> No.42454940

I can understand why she typically uses EN dubs, though, her points about it were good. It makes it easier for her to pay attention to chat as well as the story because she isn't focusing on reading subtitles + she wants to be more considerate to people who are watching it in the background or while doing something else, so they can follow along better.

>> No.42455220

Now this, this is a baffling post.

>> No.42455757
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I want a gf like ewiwa bros....How do you find cute nerdy girls?

>> No.42456014

you're /here/, give up like the rest of us

>> No.42457457

leave here and find something constructive to do.

>> No.42459614
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>> No.42461522

She's not one of my favorites but she does seem very nice and her LOTR watchalong was great.

>> No.42462039

you don't, they're all taken

>> No.42462090

buddy, I don't want to alarm you, but the Japanese are just as accepting of trans shit as Americans are, they just don't talk about it as much

>> No.42462114

Fuck NO

>> No.42462226

They treat gay people like garbage. I know you mean that boomers don't judge what people do in private but don't feed delusions.

>> No.42462334

UK dubs get real actors pretty often, which is why they're higher quality
American dubs get people who weren't talented enough to break out of VA work and are bitter about it so they phone in their performances

>> No.42462658

Why are you idiots writing persuasion essays. Anyone with ears can tell English dub don't give a fuck and Jap is superior.

>> No.42463085

>two lines is an essay

>> No.42464373

are you that anon who sends "I wish Elira would be my bis sis day XXX" in Elicord anon?

>> No.42464413

Anon Elira spends 10+ hours gaming per stream, her bottom would be smelly smelly

>> No.42464452
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But i am watching her

>> No.42464490

I mean she's gonna do a Steins:Gate watchalong but yeah most of the member stuff is Hunter X Hunter watchalong. Those were pretty lit I'd say, and her non-member contents are very funny too.

>> No.42464520


>> No.42464557

Me when I'm trynna spread misinformation on a literal anonymous forum:

>> No.42464938

Please kys I was playing P5R in JP voice it was absolutely amazing

>> No.42466029

I guess so...but still being that one EN chuuba that's actually fluent in Japanese I just hope Elira would choose more BASED voice which is always the original one...

>> No.42466078

Leave this site once and for all, starts to work out every single day and eat healthy, talk to the girls in your school libraries or local manga/comics shop or something.

>> No.42466186

If it makes you feel any better, she's a massive seiyuufag and almost definitely chooses sub over dub in most cases off stream when she's not worrying about streaming

>> No.42466467

Which one is she a copy of?

>> No.42466532

Yeah I know...I think it's just started from the Xenoblade and AI: The Somnium Files streams which she prefers dubs over subs

>> No.42467791

>that one EN chuuba that's actually fluent in Japanese
Bro like half of NijiEN speaks Japanese

>> No.42467914
File: 288 KB, 400x400, 1656988811511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am i the only one who is massively gay and hates big tits on sexy dragon ladies?

>> No.42470488

“fluent" in Japanese nigga, not like "ohayo" and "ecchi" only speakers

>> No.42470517

Based Selen poster! Destroy that lil fag

>> No.42470921

the state of this board

>> No.42471716

Petra is significantly more fluent than Elira
Rosemi and Reimu are about the same as Elira level
Not even counting the actual Japanese ESLs

>> No.42471782

But I do watch her, retard.

>> No.42472014

which are literally only 3 members anon, ya know Selen, Nina, Finana, and like all of other livers literally don't Nihongo right?

>> No.42472244

>there's only one that's fluent
>ok so there are more than one but what about the ones that aren't
I never said they're all able to speak it

>> No.42472401


>> No.42472670

Big sis sex...

>> No.42475525

There's so much more like her that is always labeled "perfect" that I try to watch then gets disappointed on how boring it is.
Sorry Op, she's not my thing.

>> No.42475831

She's just kind of boring.
The Fauna of NijiEN.

>> No.42481081
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>> No.42482228

That only reflects well on Elira. I don't watch trashfires like Enna or Mori.

>> No.42483789


>> No.42483937

Imagine being a fagelira lmao

>> No.42484773

Karma is a bitch

>> No.42484833

This thread didn't age well KEK

>> No.42485893
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>> No.42486338

nijiniggers and making posts that age like milk name a more iconic duo

>> No.42487143

Aged like a turd left out in the sun

>> No.42487170

Nijifags aren't having a good year so far huh

>> No.42487250


>> No.42488095

i don't get it, is she supposed to be Selen's what? Like Ame's smol ame or is that an individual chuuba? Just a tourist passing by

>> No.42488195

>Watch EN vtuber
>Complain about English dubs

>> No.42488524

imagine unironically saying this

>> No.42488630

This is why you can’t trust nijifags who shill their chuuba. Even their lie and being cocks to their girls only streams

>> No.42490205
File: 116 KB, 1030x621, 1E701D2E-3466-494E-8CBF-15BF81F3B8F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can nuke the thread now Janny, I know you’re here

>> No.42490359

holy fuck talk about a thread aging like milk

>> No.42490383

It really did

>> No.42490575

You dont know her and youre nothing to her you parasocial fuck.

>> No.42490736

Haha fuck niji

>> No.42491583

This aged well lmao

>> No.42491652

well this aged like milk

>> No.42491741

gay and pedo

>> No.42492177

We did it catalogsisters!!

>> No.42493331


>> No.42494982


>> No.42495136

>aesthetically unpleasant
Just say you're a sub purist. You're only making things worse for yourself.

>> No.42495584

Nah, at the very least JPs bother with pretending to care about their audience.

>> No.42500583
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>> No.42500630


>> No.42500698

imagine getting mercilessly farted on by elira

>> No.42500829

Er…. Ill check out her streams-

Wait what?! She’s not a hololive talent?

Ehh sorry anon.

>> No.42500872

she's so boring though. my biggest issue with vtubers is a majority of them aren't funny

>> No.42501393

Spoke too soon LMAO

>> No.42501723

>Nijifags make threads about how their oshi is one of the good ones
>their oshi immediately has some pants-on-head retarded drama
I’ve seen this with Enna, with Millie, and now Elira. Do you guys just like tempting fate?

>> No.42501745

oh nononononononono
>he doesn’t know

>> No.42503570

You jinxed it.

>> No.42503616

>memory holing muh vibrator

>> No.42503650

I don't see how that's different from JP

>> No.42507780


>> No.42508074

Another bitchy EN niji

>> No.42508399
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>> No.42509896

>it's always the yab machine clique that gets karma'd
Like poetry

>> No.42513273


>> No.42514841


>> No.42515983

I do watch her. Not as much as Rosemi or Selen or Pomu...but I watch her.

>> No.42519098

All three of these games had good voice acting

>> No.42519937

>hololive purists
In 2023? Lol, lmao even. I member now why I never come to this shithole.

>> No.42522063

Because I can already watch the JP ones (Petra's JP streams are an exception). Other than that I watch people who make videos much more than streamers.

>> No.42522137

Nobody is even discussing hololive, Anon. Are you okay?

>> No.42522286

Collabs with males. Yikes

>> No.42522659


>> No.42522812

the absolute state of holobronies:

>> No.42525298

Hololive lives rent free in their heads please understand

>> No.42526639 [DELETED] 
File: 648 KB, 734x555, 1673318806272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too ugly

>> No.42526744

Are these holobronies in the room with us right now

>> No.42526767

That’s an easy 8 for me

>> No.42526799

Low standards

>> No.42526884

you know that's like a very early unphotoshoped picture right? RIGHT?

>> No.42526929


>> No.42527065

That's honestly not too far off from what I imagine her to look like.

>> No.42527347

what about posting a pic of your oshi? I bet my sweet bippidy they are overweight. Ya wanna have a contest or shit?

>> No.42531577


>> No.42532073

Kek talk about aging like milk

>> No.42538286

God I wish

>> No.42539459

I've been subbed to her since debut but I skipped all her JRPG streams for this exact reason. Vesperia broke the camel's back, unsubbed.

>> No.42543269

What do you look for in a streamer? "Funny" is extremely subjective and a lot of popular fleshtubers aren't funny either.

>> No.42543302

She's not my friend anymore. I didn't dump her. She dumped me.

>> No.42543376
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Elira and IRyS made me realize that, though 1:1 EN versions of JP vtubers are cool, they're just not as interesting to me as more western ones like Gura and Selen.

>> No.42543397
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>Acts parasocial and all lovey dovey
>Someone posts something parasocial back
>"Uhh ackshually i'm not an object and we're not friends and we never will be chud"
Okay thanks for clarifying and fuck off I guess?

>> No.42546408

Sorry but I actually support japanese creators and their visions, not localizations

>> No.42546488
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>> No.42546554


>> No.42546674

elira did nothing wrong. the key around her neck is actually the key to my chastity cage btw.

>> No.42549690


>> No.42551626
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>> No.42551704


>> No.42551732

lore-wise she's Selen's big sister

>> No.42552636


>> No.42553135

Stop being an entitled retard incapable of comprehending roleplay

>> No.42553159

She's not gonna be your friend, anon

>> No.42554115

I have plenty of friends in real life and only watch vtubers for entertainment

>> No.42554163

A huge potterhead than couldn't play Hogwarts legacy
wth nijisanji

>> No.42558438


>> No.42558607

Doesnt matter if youre not genetically gifted by the way.

>> No.42561545


Not based

>> No.42561666

She’s collabs with men
she’s far from perfect she’s a whore

>> No.42561728

>this thread

>> No.42561786


>> No.42567338


>> No.42567783

Yeah, time is indeed quite the jokester. Honestly couldn't have happened to a better person. Nothing of value was lost, then.

>> No.42570769

This aged poorly fast
