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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42417137 No.42417137 [Reply] [Original]

Holofags showing their hypocrisy right now.
>I-It's okay when Mori does it
No, no it's not. But keep telling yourselves that, won't make you any less delusional.

>> No.42417490

Ogey Millie.
Btw how's your impromptu vacation coming along?

>> No.42417598

Has Mori said anything inflammatory in that stream? And holobronies hate Mori why would you think they'd defend her.

>> No.42417656

remembering to really like the mori

>> No.42417732
File: 55 KB, 965x385, Mori Making People Mad[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0jw8nl.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, no it's not.
prove it then loser

>> No.42417757

>Watching Mori

>> No.42417766

nothing is okay when Mori does it

>> No.42417842

I hate when some shitpost makes me side WITH Mori. She only involved herself, plus nothing she said was even remotely hostile. Millie, by contrast, thought antagonizing faceless shitposters was a good idea, while her coworkers ‘jokingly’ aggressed upon one another.

>> No.42417892

Yes, it's ok when Mori does it and not ok when nijifags do. Not that complicated austismchama.

>> No.42417926

Yep, say what you want about her but she never once shit on other holomems or her fans during this stream.

>> No.42418170

Are you really trying to bait a hate thread with a Holo most people don't like?
Full retard, anonchama

>> No.42418178

because hololive has a better grip on their talents than "muh creative freedum and family" niji. mori would rather talk shit about herself and the haters before ever daring to say anything about her gen mates or coworkers. i don't like the wigger either but at least she has SOME level of respect and dignity.

>> No.42418301

Yes, because she didn't involve anyone else. All hate will be directed at her and nobody else was involved. Maybe the nijiggers should have done the same.

>> No.42418475

/vt/ is fine with Mori's stream because she wasn't mocking them.

>> No.42419129

Well, she mocked numberfriends, but no one likes them.

>> No.42419217
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>> No.42419218

>Mocking me = whore
>Mocking people I hate = BASED
Simple as, why are you retarded

>> No.42419247

any time she doesn't have eyes, it becomes a doxpost

>> No.42419614

Unlike the nijiflops more is successful

>> No.42420266

While watching it, I thought it would be compared to Millie's stream, but funnily the two were actually so different in a bunch of ways.
Millie's stream offloaded responsibility to a faceless entity, while Mori alone assumed full responsibility for its content while roleplaying as a persona.
Mori referred to 4chan antis very loosely (closest is probably saying "numberfriend") while the posts in Millie's stream were explicitly lifted from here.
Mori only attacked herself, while the posters in Millie's steam indiscriminately attacked anyone in NijiEN.
Mori's steam had a measure of production value and visual gags (though the C-man stream was better there), while Millie's stream had no content in that regard.
It feels like she saw Millie's stream and thought "ah younguns that's not how you do a self-deprecating shitpost stream making fun of your haters, lemme show you."
I enjoyed the Millie stream for what it was, and I don't think it's hugely problematic, but I think it was ill-conceived and it should have been obvious it would cause issues for her. While Mori's stream seems a lot more self-aware of how the internet reacts to stuff and took that into account.

>> No.42420446

>even fucking mori is more self aware towards internet hate than multiple members of niji

>> No.42420484

qrd? i don't want to give mori a view but what the fuck did she do exactly

>> No.42420529
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Just shitposted as an alter-ego from her rrat race-themed song a bit. It was pretty tame, honestly. You know if there was anything to bite /vt/ would be all over it.
Also don't forget to stream Dance Past Midnight https://youtu.be/mhIa8Vaj1HE
