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4238900 No.4238900 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she so fucking stupid?

>> No.4238953

Alcohol and meme induced brain damage

She grew up in the Midwest also

And she isn't a bookish type, so hasn't really built up a lot of general knowledge

>> No.4239017
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About 35% of her stupidity is genuine cluelessness and saying whatever comes to mind, and the other 65% is her playing it up because she knows her fans think it's funny.

>> No.4239052
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She’s cute

>> No.4239091

She's just pretending

>> No.4239197

To ensnare thousands of hearts and minds.

>> No.4239385
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and funny

>> No.4239434

korone went to tokyo u and pretends she doesnt know basic facts for her fans

>> No.4239463
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no one watches hololive streamers being smart anon.

>> No.4239606
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>> No.4239615

She's a dumb hick

t. a dumb hick

>> No.4239625

I don't think she drinks Alcohol.
I'd argue this. She likes to pretend from time to time, but she is often unironically clueless

>> No.4239640

She drinks like a fish, or used to

>> No.4239654
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>I was merely pretending to be retarded

>> No.4239697

Imagine thinking she's stupid when her antics force her fans to Superchat hundreds of dollars to backseat her gaming

>> No.4239759

stupid rural alcoholic american.

thats why i love her, i was one of those and also quit drinking so heavily recently. me and gura are on this journey together.

>> No.4239762

Except when she succeeds people also superchat to congratulate her or tell her to try new things. The only constant is being cute and popular.

>> No.4239805

she didnt actually , she just made that up while playing the "millionaire whatever its called quizz"

>> No.4239843

Guras brain is feast or famine. Either she completely understands something or it is totally incomprehensible. The difficulty of the concept is irrelevant.

>> No.4239947

where'd she go then? i believe it. korone's pretty smart obviously

>> No.4239959


>> No.4240003

If she's really that smart than she wouldn't dox herself like that, would she?

>> No.4240130
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Dumb shark lmao

>> No.4240175

Gura is just a simple midwest girl from a low IQ humble family of farmers.

>> No.4240243
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Why is he so fucking stupid?

>> No.4240279

Sometimes, it's an act
But sometimes, it's real
>Where's the rest of 'em?
She seems to be a genuine moron, but is at least self aware enough play it up for laughs.

>> No.4240299

100s of thousands of people went there in her plausible age range. it's not doxxing

>> No.4240329

Don't think she was playing it up in the char creation collab...

>> No.4240353


>> No.4240401

wheres the rest of 'em was obviously a joke lol

>> No.4240433

just never played a trpg. not a dang nerd

>> No.4240529

What's wrong with being stupid?
I think it's endearing.

>> No.4240568

t. just as dumb

>> No.4240579

It....it really wasn't. You can tell from both their reactions it wasn't an act.

>> No.4240615

Top percentile, actually.
But nice projecting, bro.

>> No.4240635

yeah you sure sound smart lol

>> No.4240645

Nothing. Not like you can do anything about it.

It's just that usually, stupid people are the butt of our jokes, not our e-celeb idols. It's rare to find such a popular streamer with so noticeably a below average IQ.

>> No.4240692


>> No.4240738

the hell are you talking about? streamers and celebrities in general are always dumb as bricks

>> No.4240761

Honestly I thought it was an act until I watched her play DMC3, there's no way she was faking doing so much dumb shit like that, like, many of the stupid things or decisions she made weren't even funny, they were genuine brain farts.

>> No.4240765

kaira isn't entirely blameless. The way she said "one to five" with the pause between "to" and "five" is not the way you would naturally say it, creating the impression she's saying "one, two, five"

>> No.4240768

retards in this thread aren't filmed reacting to things every day so they dont have the opportunity to find out what obvious shit they dont know

>> No.4240780
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>> No.4240796

>pretty smart
Not really, she's in the same group with all the girls who misread kanji on the regular and don't know cardinal directions.

>> No.4240847

To be fair, Kiara’s autistic phrasing and tone was confusing. Still a dum shark moment but you can see how it went wrong.

>> No.4240848

more importantly why the fuck did she only use 1 attack from one weapon repeatedly? how did she beat 5? how is it possible that no one in chat even suggested switching between weapons or varying up the attacks? i don't expect her to pull off sick combos but the cerberus' equivalent of stinger, on repeat? come on now. also i was watching when she was fighting the blood gargoyles and it took her like 3 minutes and looking at chat to figure out that maybe she should shoot them.

>> No.4240855

I absolutely adore gura for many reasons. But my god it is extremely frustrating to watch her sometimes. I hate to say it but as awful as backseating is in general, she actually needs it. Too bad there’s no real good way to filter it.

>> No.4240873

Because pretending makes her more approachable to her gosling fanbase, which in turn means more superchats and revenue.

>> No.4240886

Also, most people would say “one through five” or better yet “first through fifth.” Kiara set Gura up for a shark brain moment.

>> No.4240891

that's all japanese

>> No.4240921

>most people would say “one through five” or better yet “first through fifth.”
esl detected

>> No.4240929

Look up senzawa

>> No.4240951

I've seen her have trouble pronouncing or reading certain words, and to a non-native English speaker this really sounded like she doesn't know how. She isn't pretending. But that's irrelevant. Gura has a certain talent, a certain finely honed skill that is worth more than all the treasure in the world. I just don't want to spill the beans on that, since it's my ultimate rrat.

Let's just say that things even out nicely.

>> No.4240972

nah, you don't even need that, just saying "to" quickly and almost clipped, like "one t' five" is enough for most people to understand the meaning.

>> No.4240982

Yea I can’t blame Kiara for not speaking perfect English.

>> No.4241008

yeah you need to study english a little longer for us to get your innuendo

>> No.4241054

Anon, normal people would instantly realize she said to and not two and wouldn't think that Austrian elementary schoolers skip straight to fifth grade. Don't try to pretend this was all a 5D chess play by Kiara to make Gura look like an idiot, god knows I love Gura but she does that just fine on her own.

>> No.4241123


>> No.4241141

I’m not saying Gura didn’t expose herself as an airhead, but the way Kiara said it was weird.

>> No.4241209

Id say its more like 50:50

>> No.4241213

Midwesterners are the most powerful people on the planet and nothing can convince me otherwise.
Too bad everyone here wants to leave really badly

>> No.4241313

finally someone getting it she is playing an eastern cirno for fucks sake

>> No.4241342

cause basic addition is so nerdy.

>> No.4241362

It's almost 3 in the morning and I honestly don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't referencing fucking in any way if that's what you're aiming for.

>> No.4241395

Everyone knows she used to work as an escort anon.

>> No.4241413

I didn't have a problem with her spaming moves but mostly how she didn't even notice some of the most obvious things
>fought the hell vanguard like 10 times and still doesn't know what to do with them
>after discovering that she can ride the giant centipede she didn't even thought of jumping from the big platform above, instead tried jumping from the floor for some reason
>took her almost all mission 8 to notice she was inside the leviathan
>used stinger for every situation exept for bosses that required her to reach them faster
>still doesn't know how the combat adjudicators work

she also died to a door, but that was hilarious.

>> No.4241638

She spent too many points into CHA and not enough into INT during CC.
Amelia is also kinda like that, just to a lesser degree. In fact, probably intelligent people just don't go into streaming.

>> No.4242225

I've seen some glimpses of brilliance when watching her play 3 and when she was fighting Beowulf she was actually dodging and not being a total retard, but she doesn't seem to grasp concepts very quickly or hold on to ones she's already learned.
One example is how she kept realizing that shooting is an important source of damage and style retention and will start using them, but after a while, she completely forgets about this and then rediscovers this idea later on.

>> No.4243012

she's not really that dumb for a hololive idol
and no, she's not an alcoholic

>> No.4243133

>and no, she's not an alcoholic
Yes she is, look at how defensive she gets when you call her out on her drinking

>> No.4243272

Hopefully she stays away from it and just stays a cute dumb shark

>> No.4243420

she tried drinking on stream and got butthurt after everyone immediately assumed she was drunk, because that was her roommate gimmick (she wasn't drunk there either)

>> No.4243676


>> No.4243684

>Negative XP
>Egg White
>Many other based individuals
damn it anon, you might be on to something

>> No.4243935


>> No.4244205

That's first time I've seen anyone mention that and I've done my roommate reps.

>> No.4244256

Lurk more newfag

>> No.4244361


>> No.4244407

He was mocking the schizo post. Don't give (you)s to bait.

>> No.4244446

If it got me millions of dollars, I would be a brain dead fucktard TOMORROW

>> No.4244553

Sure she wasn't drunk, Naivechama

>> No.4244581


>> No.4244605

Ah, I see. Guess I never saw that one.

>> No.4244719

>*not actually drunk just reatrded
cope HERfag

>> No.4245617

she's a farm girl, ofcourse she's dumb

>> No.4245885

Bro, have you ever dealt with women? Even the smarter ones are dumb. Imagine having to explain why alcohol (depressant) + caffeine (stimulant) is dangerous. Or having a woman with a Master's degree in data analytics get filtered by a trashcan.

>> No.4246562

>woman with a Master's degree in data analytics get filtered by a trashcan
what now?

>> No.4246678

She’s cute so who cares.

>> No.4251858

huh? i don't understand

>> No.4252076

This rrat exists about every streamer with a reputation for foolishness. They are not pretending. They are playing it up. Big difference.

>> No.4252088

Is gura actually a shark?

>> No.4252283

haha, hey guys it's a picture of brittany venti!

>> No.4252481

No she's a cat cosplaying a shark,

>> No.4252561

She reminds me a lot of my exgf who was also unironically airheaded and dumb in a cute way, and sometimes worrisome, but she definitely plays it up somewhat.

>> No.4253810

>Also, most people would say “one through five” or better yet “first through fifth.”
Most people say one to five, the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.4253857

The absolute most useless person I know has a master's in fiscal law, has this goldfish-like stare and got filtered by the fucking mail just last monday
>now that you mention it I did received a letter from our energy supplier
>was I supposed to read it?
>but it was closed??
Had to fish it out of the paper bin, it said warning in bright red letters on the front and somehow this broad didn't even entertain the thought of opening it or at least ask for help

>> No.4253957
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>> No.4253965

The smartest people are generally also the dumbest

>> No.4253997

She's a woman

>> No.4254035

Yeah, I'm sure everyone in this thread
trying to dunk on Gura is so incredibly intelligent and successful.

>> No.4254147

Stupid people are cute.

>> No.4254153

Does she really thing 9 x 9 is 36?

>> No.4254157

>calling out people who intentionally post anonymously to avoid sticking their neck out

>> No.4254171


>> No.4254432

Watching Gura play, especially back in early micra, was so fascinating. There was one video that was 3-4 hours and she did not do anything at all, it was incredible. Had a goal but kept procrastinating, but even while procrastinating did not finish any smaller goals
>oh wait I should get some food before I leave
>gets 1 piece of bread/fish
>hm, wait maybe I should fish some more
>catches one fish
>oh right did you guys see this
>leaves all the food behind anyway and never returns

>> No.4254509

Shork brain pls andastd

>> No.4254522

She's the cutest!

>> No.4254531

Gura is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.4254571

Her Red Dead Retardation was unbearable.

>> No.4254761

Anon, all women are stupid...

>> No.4254835

No, in the char creation collab she was just after a 10 hour endurance stream and didn't sleep after that. If you watch it you'll see she's literally dozing off for the majority of the collab.

>> No.4255096
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Kinda got a half chub imaging how many times people took advantage of her while she was drunk.

>> No.4255133

Explain Botan then.

>> No.4255554


>> No.4255611

Look up the "Hot and Crazy matrix" anon. It explains all.

>> No.4255711

old enough to have finally gained some intelligence

>> No.4255748
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You're just looking in the wrong places.

>> No.4255764

senFUCKINGzawa always do drunk stream

>> No.4257714

How often did she stream though?

>> No.4257863

Yeah almost like she isn't a native english speaker

>> No.4257921

that's just a meme, she never did drunk stream... she rarely stream..

>> No.4258038

They always acted like they knew everything when they didn't even watch her stream back then kek

>> No.4258430

It's the most mild place. As long as you're not near the big cities, most people just want you to fuck off and leave them alone.

>> No.4258520
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>he lacks critical information

>> No.4258757

All women born after 1990 know how to do is order doordash shake they Vtuber model and lie

>> No.4259575

>he actually beleeb her act
you've never been with a drunk girl

>> No.4259909

>he thinks having like 1 little cooler thing will get someone wasted and that she isn't just embellishing it
>le she's drunk again XD

Yeah no. It was an act only cringe kids really bought into, part of why she looks back on her entire past iteration as just cringe now.

She was always mostly guarded as ever, because if you actually get completely wasted you a.) can't really game or really do much of anything for long and b.) might say a bunch of sensitive shit, and she always was very keen to avoid that.

>> No.4264752

>because if you actually get completely wasted you a.) can't really game or really do much of anything for long
i got to top percentile MMR in multiple games by drinking in long sessions as a complete alcoholic

your other point is true though

>> No.4265739

asian gura...

>> No.4267260
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