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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42365371 No.42365371 [Reply] [Original]

why can't we have a male branch too

>> No.42365525
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It's idol think anon

>> No.42365535

Because it's smarter to just make a whole male agency instead of having 2 fanbases mix that don't want to interact.

>> No.42365617

Because you won't watch them

>> No.42365675

Either this or you just make it mixed since the beginning like NeoPorte for example.

>> No.42365713


>> No.42365712

Yeah that could work too, but idol is a female only company and should stay that way.

>> No.42365750

Weebs hate males, it's a fact. Doesn't help that the majority of male vtubers are raging homos.

>> No.42365788

Because a certain people despise men and put plastic in the water supply

>> No.42365794

Considering what happened to NijiEn, it wouldn't work. male vtubers in En are absolute dumpster fire that is even more neurotic than fucking women. Male branch only work in jp only because jp have strong conservative culture.

>> No.42365841

What other sources can you pull from your ass?

>> No.42365849

A small corpo debut males is suicide, if some of the girls want to interact with males fine go do it but do you really want to lose the already small fanbase by shoving males in the name of your brand? Is something that you need to do it from start or never

>> No.42365852

First you need to have a real succesful main branch. Then you can have a male project as a side project. Sometimes you strike gold. The yume market is untapped.

>> No.42365879

but isn't the jews homofriendly ?

>> No.42365904

Aviel already said he does not have any intention of debuting males in idol.
Aviel is a smart man and will learn over time, so i genuely doubt he will ever change his mind about this any time soon.

>> No.42365921

Male idols exist too, it's just that the vtuber community doesn't hold men to the same standard as does the idol business.

>> No.42365933

Yeah that tweet was based

>> No.42365982

I watch Nijisanji, NijiEn and VSPO/Apexgumi. I know enough about this shit. Westernoid don't have clear barriers between male and female unlike JP.

>> No.42365992

Also the male predebut vtubers getting mad at it was funny, their whole existence is jumping into corpos where girls make the foundation of popularity until males can try to steal it

>> No.42366085

This personally annoys me the most. Most of the current, or rather nearly all of the male vTubers ride the wave of females parving the way, yet have the audacity to act like they are hot shit.

>> No.42366366

To give you example, in JP, if someone make a sex joke during collabs (usually started by female), males will often play as a straight man and would try to stop it. And JP male will never start a sex joke. In En, both male and female will start a sex joke, wouldn't try to stop it and will escalate it even further.

>> No.42366737

Adding more, En male seem doesn't have any self control or reading atmosphere unlike Jp males. They will try to force themselves into the circle and will try to make himself the spotlight like Gyaruoh who hit on girl at the beach. Since En males who venture into Vtuber or streamer are usually loser in real life, a small popularity will quickly get inside their head. Male vtuber would never work in western sphere. The culture is simply incompatible.

>> No.42366739

Exactly, also not really saying there aren't male idols, I meant idol as in the company

>> No.42366929

Oh no! How terrible

>> No.42366993

Idolen should give male vtuber a chance, nijiEN having fun everyday.

>> No.42367060

Yes, it is, Rin.

>> No.42367375

It wouldn't work Rin. Niji En is shit. And I'm fan of Nijisanji and VSPO and I have no problem with males. En males are simply trash. End of story.

>> No.42367737

only Rin and Juna are overtly friendly. Nikki has said she doesn't personally understand it but recognizes that it would make some people unhappy.
the rest are either outright "no males" or have avoid touching the topic entirely.

>> No.42368568

NijiEN might be having fun, but the fans don't.
Literally just look at this board, they have the most splits i have ever seen, it's disgusting.

>> No.42368627

I'd watch them if they all look like variations of the happy merchant.

>> No.42368698
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I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.42368702

>they're all 60 year old jewish dudes

>> No.42369040

>Torah reading stream.

>> No.42369140

I'll give every Idol my Male Branch if they want.

>> No.42369278

I have no issues watching male streamers, in fact some of them have provided me with most fun I've had in streaming content as a whole. But even if you put a gun to my head I simply cannot watch male vtubers, does this happens to anyone else?

>> No.42369299

No, fuck off

>> No.42369409

I'm (mostly) the opposite. I like Vesper, MajinObama and some others.

>> No.42369462

Yes, moonmoon is my broshi but you couldn't pay me to watch nijimales or tempus

>> No.42369562

I dont understand, the majority of weebs are men who like women, why gimp yourself with male vtubers who barely anyone is going to watch, especially since nijisanji already has a grip on the few that DO watch male vtubers

>> No.42369571

retards here don't, normal fans don't care or mind.

>> No.42369702

Because we don't want to watch men, that's gay. What are you OP, gay?

>> No.42369783


>> No.42369811

"normal fans" don't care or mind about anything, they are not the people you actually carter to, otherwise you would be a normal streamer.

>> No.42369822

Did you catch obama talk about Mori the other day
I didn't know that people outside of the vtuber sphere knew her for dropping the n word

>> No.42369826

Literally me. Male vtubers make me physically cringe but every non-chuuba streamer I follow is a dude.

>> No.42369892
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Shut up Rin, no one likes you /here/ stop homobegging you snowflake cunt

>> No.42369900

Pretty much this. Women cried for WNBA and when they got it, no one cares to support their fellow women playing basketball. Male basketball league is literally paying for WNBA's existence.
Virtue signaling trannies should be killed.

>> No.42370221

I didn’t give a shit about males when they announced Tempus. The last HoloEN stream I ever watched was actually Mori’s last Mario Party collab, and I got bored because of Mori and Kronii, not Vesper and Magni.
I just realized I didn’t want to be around people who were currently into Hololive.
I imagine this is what caused the Nijisanji exodus after Luxiem’s debut, too, since there’s no way all of them were unicorns. It’s not actually the males, it’s having to share the same room with people you have nothing with in common and the corpo aggressively trying to pretend you do.

>> No.42370276

You're honestly going to die alone at an un-attended funeral :(

>> No.42370318

And you will marry some fat dude that abuses you lol

>> No.42370451
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Despite what their kike CEO says, i'm fully expecting them to do a 180 and pull a NijiEN once they gain enough clout. They're appealing to the CGDCT crowd to gain traction and will spit on their faces once they're of no use anymore. I'll take back what I said if there's no signs of a homo branch by this time next year, until then they're kike faggots pulling the same Jewish tricks.

>> No.42370468 [DELETED] 
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Fuck off you cuck faggot

>> No.42370493

You say this as if Luxiem isn't the most successful EN branch to date, beating even Myth

>> No.42370591

>sees women having fun
sorry OP but you're either a cuck or a faggot

>> No.42370623

Same for me is
>Anime guys are not appealing
>A guy that needs to wait for permissions in games is a huge debuff, I like to see male streamers play games on release or some weird mods
>Male vtubers doing kayfabe are pure cringe

>> No.42370697

KYS you retard. The CEO said no homos. Fuyo says eww, no, no guys on my streams, cooties, every time they're brought up. Take your bait and get the rope.

>> No.42370983

Why do you want to see men? Are you gay?

>> No.42371022

No you don't get it. Anon is an expert on Japanese idol culture. He couldn't possibly just grasping at a vague concept they learned about Japanese culture within a specific context with indirect translation.

>> No.42371177

>beating even Myth
Show me the numbers. I'm not a numberfag but I wanna see how did Luxiem beat myth. I believe that myth has more subs, average CCV overall and vod views.
I don't know the superchat numbers and I don't know how many memberships each of them have. So at what metric did Luxiem beat Myth?

>> No.42371199

>being respectful gentlemen is considered undesirable.
Take a look at Kagami Hayato(Shachou), Belmond Banderas and Yashiro. They are prime example of gentlemen. Shachou formed a unit with Hakase Fuyuki and Yorumi Rena. Yet Hakache and Rena fans never bothered about it and in fact respect him. Because he know his limit and his distant. And always polite unlike faggot in NijiEn. Belmond Banderas are basically the dad of Nijisanji along with Maimoto. He is mature and cared about his colleagues. Yashiro is the normal guy and always humble and he teach Eli Conifer how to be Proseka pro. None of them make a dumb sex joke and they know a barrier and to limit themselves when interacting with female vtubers. Something that all male vtubers in En lack.

>> No.42371218

Luxiem is getting gangraped by Holo ID these days I believe. Cope more Nijitranny.

>> No.42371273

Luxiem and Vox is cancer that killing the Vtuber.
t. NijiJpfag.

>> No.42371309

Yeees, after shilling themselves as the "pure, girls only" vtuber group, they should suddenly add males like holoEN and become the same as everyone else! Force all those incel unicorns to pack their bags and leave to somewhere else

>> No.42371380

ToT I love cunny!!

>> No.42371460

And he would be right to, because that is in no way true.

>> No.42371489

Payback for woman infiltrating and every single male field and doing the same, gott endure fags

>> No.42371569

They'd have to get circumcised

>> No.42371609

>using /vt/ as a barometer for anything other than how deranged a community can be

>> No.42371619

>Aviel considers a male branch since it's a new corp and all
>sees the absolute shitshow Tempus ends up being and 4chan's reaction to them
>gives up on the idea because why would he ruin everything from the start (yeah he sure would be able to steal all the chinese fans from Vox right)
>this causes homobeggars to seethe to no end
Funniest shit. Thank you Aviel, please keep being based.

>> No.42371666

Aren't American men circumcised anyway?

>> No.42371696

You say this, yet Vox viewers used to be one third every time he had one on one collabs. Even lower if it was reimu.
And you know NijiEN has the most deranged community, don't pretend to be ignorant.

>> No.42371738

this a female only company
not even the CEO wants to be a part of it but he knows that women cannot run companies so its a necessary evil

>> No.42371792

Gotta do it again when you enter the fold, satan-chama. Probably on the arm

>> No.42372121

Please don't use my wife to shitpost homobeggar-san

>> No.42372433
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>> No.42373981

I can only get so hard anon, you'll be remembered

>> No.42374965

don't bring facts to delusions these faggots have.

>> No.42375580

Honestly I would be up for it as long as the males were entertaining. I don't really see the issue as long as there's no flirting, it would make for some interesting collab material.

>> No.42376441

This sooo much. Compare the way NijiJP males act to the likes of fucking Kyo or Luca.

>> No.42376883

Cause the only people who want it are people who want to audition for it, no viewers actually want it

>> No.42377006

I'm a male so I want my representation simple as.

>> No.42377372

Yes male idols exist too, but fun fact, cross gendered collabs are still an incredibly rarity, which means that even male idols generally don’t try to collab with female idols, so yes both exist, but the whole reason people want it is so that they can collab together, which defeats the purpose, if they were fully separated then maybe but something tells me the homobeggars would go wild over that

>> No.42377646

I've no issues watching Small Ant, Distortion2, Northernlion, etc. by now I've probably watched them even more than I did the entirety of Holo, barring the JP side. But even the least cringe male vtubers are just still too much to watch.

>> No.42377883

Kill yourself Rin

>> No.42378641

Obama just talks shit about everything to be fair

>> No.42380507

But he's just a little guy, it's also her birthday!
no, really. it's her birthday today

>> No.42381051
File: 22 KB, 200x270, average unicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate males because you perceive them all as competition
>obsessed with girls who don't even know you exist
>demands all girls be boyfriend-free >arrested development, lives in a perpetual fantasy land because reality is too hard to handle
How did 4chan go from mocking Chris-chan to becoming him?

>> No.42381249

and it goes both ways. I wouldn't watch a 3dpd stream to save my life

>> No.42382344

>wants to be a woman
Look who's talking.

>> No.42382427

True, yeah. Same for me. I don't think I've ever even watched a girl streamer, come to think if it.

>> No.42382429

Please just don't get any ideas about your mom anon that's all I ask

>> No.42382756

No, a homobeggar like you would get off to me getting ideas about your mom. Feel free to tune into the off colab, I know you love to watch.

>> No.42382915

>he's so unfuckable to any actual woman he has to dig up corpses
Anon your Chris Chan transformation is progressing too fast!!

>> No.42383226

you two are so lame and bad at this, just stop talking

>> No.42383779

>he's so unfuckable *and* unlikable he has to watch a a homo and a woman interact

Is it a self insert thing? I was thinking at first if it was the case you'd self insert as the homo, and you imagine yourself actually talking to a woman. But lord knows you like the idea of being the girl, and I bet you'd get flustered thinking that there'd be someone who doesn't find you and your surgically altered genitalia revolting.

>> No.42383890

Shut up nigger this is a shit thread so I'll make it shit
