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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42292799 No.42292799 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread:

3rd Anniversary Showa Song Festival

Christmas Voice

Akasa Ai (her mama/illustrator) artbook full of Senchou illustrations now on sale



Marine Shukkou MV

Marine Shukkou Full version

Umisea MV

I’m Your Treasure Box MV



Sankisei's first original song, Interact Fantasia
https://youtu.be/F61eDAXtmnw [Open]

Marine Artbook on sale now

SKDW Hibiki Radio

Clips and other stuff

>> No.42294265


>> No.42295531

love marine
hate noel

>> No.42295582

marine and pekora met gura and ina
marine and pekora both have functionally zero English and were totally useless, and Gura's Japanese was similarly completely useless, so they had to rely on ina to do all the interpreting

whoever said Marine was getting better at English, I think it's fair to say her English has barely gotten any better, the improvement has been negligible for a while now. For more proof go watch any skdw episode where Marine has to employ any English whatsoever, like the irys eps. She is genuinely still surprisingly bad, worse than a random Japanese highschooler.

>> No.42295639



Midsommar. I haven't seen it but I heard it was good. Nice pick, desu

>> No.42295724

Seriously? That movie is dogshit, I'm going to slap the nip who suggested that garbage, I was excited for another movie watchalong with Marine but now I've lost all interest, I'm going to play the stream as background noise or watch another movie and pretend it's that one instead even though It's not going to match anything she will comment about it.

>> No.42295769

is it that bad? I'm glad I haven't seen it, because at least I get to experience it fresh with Marine

>> No.42295806


>> No.42295888

If you go to Odaiba tomorrow you can meet up with Marine herself
Anyone going?

>> No.42295988

No it's not that bad, it's TERRIBLE, it pretends to be one of those movies that try to be deep and leave you thinking but in reality the plot makes no sense, the characters behave like retards and the protagonist behaves like a massive bitch (nothing unusual with today's female leads), kinda like "get out" which is a terrible movie too but for some reason everybody praises it.
I hate modern Hollywood so much.

>> No.42296088

So $50 for a minute of conversation with Marine

what would you want to say to Marine with your minute?

>> No.42296170

skdw 126 is out
will anyone upload the new ep?

>> No.42296266

>Imagine if she were actually physically there.
$50 usd? Jesus Christ, Cover is really exploiting the goose that lays the golden eggs.
As for the question, I guess I would memorize a little known but short and very funny joke to make her laugh, there is no woman who can resist a really funny men.

>> No.42296389

they could charge a lot more than $50 if they wanted to, but they keep prices down and restrict supply by holding a lottery instead
Lots of people who wanted to pay $50 for a chance to speak to Marine missed out because they didn't win a ticket in the lottery.

>> No.42296662

Marine English has never improved and anyone who thinks otherwise is an EOP huffing dangerous amounts of hopium.
For the thousandth time I have to remind these people that she only claims to be interested in learning English to attract EOPs but in reality she's not because she has never put the slightest interest in it other than to pay for a full course of which she only took like 3 lessons and got frustrated and never attended again wasting her money in the process

>> No.42296697

to be fair that eikaiwa course was probably a waste of time anyway

>> No.42296872

You See this is my problem, having to win a lottery to even have the privilege of being able to buy something is absolute bullshit although well that's not just Cover's fault as it's a common thing with limited events or goods in Japan, but its a tactic to get more people to participate than expected by creating a kind of limited scarcity and generate FOMO among them.

>> No.42296971

I think it isn't a tactic, it's just because they can't make the girls actually just keep doing these 1 minute meet and greet sessions for days on end. They set a limit to how many they'll sell because the girls are too busy for it / don't actually want to spend all day every day doing this for as long as it takes for everyone who is willing to buy a ticket to get to actually go and talk to her. Well, the venue itself can't host them forever too.

>> No.42297742

>Oshi just recovered from one of her episodes

"Hey, let's recommend her a miserable, depressing, dogshit movie about some bitch going completely batshit menhera, what could go wrong?" Also JP: "Why's our suicide rate so high?"

>> No.42297875

playing horror games and watching horror movies seems to be a thing that she seems to think her fans want from her

>> No.42297971

Japan's suicide rate is not that high, actually. That's an outdated meme. The US has a much higher suicide rate, for example.

>> No.42298008

Fucking nips have a terrible taste for western movies.
She most likely chooses those kinds of games/movies to look cute when she gets scared.

>> No.42298184

Which country have the lowest suicide rate btw

>> No.42298475

10 mins

>> No.42298562

subaru is doing fuujinroku, I feel like this might lead to some kind of Marine interaction

>> No.42298806

Why 2hu 10? Isn't EoSD the most popular one?

>> No.42298915

Unironically, poor countries

>> No.42299140

Well let's see this piece of shit
The shit I subjugate myself to for this woman..

>> No.42299267

it's the first modern one

>> No.42299380

Shit, was suggesting this movie to Marine some kind of hint from the nips?

>> No.42299425

what kind of hint
but yeah I bet flare had something in mind when she recommended it to her

>> No.42299632

>protagonist in medication and therapy
>Themes of depression and suicide
What you think?

>> No.42299657

I don't think it was a recommendation from Flare though?

>> No.42299685

I don't know, that's why I asked. What do you think people are hinting when they recommend something with themes of depression and suicide?

>> No.42299726

Flare wants to hear her impression of the movie

>> No.42299761

It sounds more like Flare hasn't seen it and wants to know Marine's opinion of it.

>> No.42299779

yeah, no shit, they are streamers not a carabet club

>> No.42299793

yes, she wants to know what marine's thinks of it

>> No.42299823

For reasons that I never really understood MoF is the game the jp 2hu community recommends new players start with

>> No.42299825

>they're going to get high
>Marine asks what is that they are taking?
My sweet and innocent Senchou

>> No.42300265

That was a hairy pussy

>> No.42300430

When will Marine watch Squid Game?

>> No.42300690

What the fuck is this bullshit movie?

>> No.42301257

There's still an hour to go before this shit is over?
Fuck man I'm bored already, only Marine's commentary makes this trash tolerable.

>> No.42301359
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So Ina said she met Marine for the first time recently. This makes me wonder then how do the 3d lives work then if this is suposedly the first time they met then whats up with the songs that Marine has done with Ina and Gura on like her Showa shit?

>> No.42301405


>> No.42301523

Did you actually unironically believe that Marine had already met Gura because she appeared in her 3D live?

>> No.42301610

you also can humor the possibility of recording live 3D across the continent , but 90% the actual way is >>42301405

>> No.42301611

I assume Ina and Gura simply are recording and sending the voice + motion capture data to Cover, so they can be played in events.

>> No.42301682

Are you Retarded or just pretending to be one?

>> No.42301732

They record the mocap data seperately and composite them together in post. if there's any interaction between them it's not much different from chatting voer discord

>> No.42302276

That makes the most sense though I wonder how they get the mocap data

>> No.42302343

um, Google Griver 15Gb free plan?

>> No.42302716

>it's not much different from chatting voer discord
Following a script and not seeing what the other person is doing makes it quite a bit different. There's no actual interaction between the two going on.

>> No.42303175

This is some weird fucking movie

>> No.42303192

Well that scene was certainly something else

>> No.42303289

It's trash but it's always good to see Senchou horny.

>> No.42303340

anon they can have a live camera set up between the two, it's just the 3d stuff that needs to be done in post

>> No.42303759

Oh yeah, they can definitely have live camera setup and perfectly understand a language they don't speak. The interactions are real!
Why do you delude yourself like this?

>> No.42304260

This shit is finally over, I would have preferred some Otaku shit over having to watch this train wreck.

>> No.42306219

Fucking nips, recommend her a good movie for the next watchalong for a change.

>> No.42307124

They won't. there's a bunch of dipshits suggesting hot garbage like Tenet in the replies. Ain't gonna change unless us overseas ichimi start suggesting movies, maybe we should start spamming her some good stuff the next time she asks.

>> No.42307476

I kind of spammed her twit replies with a movie (typing the name in Japanese and even linking the Japanese trailer) and it didn't work, I think we have to get used to the idea that she just won't cater to gaijins like us anymore.

>> No.42307776

Nah, just spam her some popcorn flicks the next time. We just gotta drown out the garbage the JPs are posting. Watching garbage like Midsomar doesn't make for good streams, it just fucks with the minds of people who are prone to depression (like Senchou)...what the fuck's next? Requiem for a Dream? You can't feed into this shit, she just fucking bounced back

>> No.42307818

my friend, hololive hasnt had a single truly live concert in over 2 years now.

>> No.42308102
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no, it's not, I'm sorry Senchou but it's the truth

>> No.42308335

I don't agree to babysit Marine but recommending this movie given her recent depression problems was inappropriate and even felt like trolling.
I hope the next watchalong will be something wholesome and with good vibes, something that she will be left smiling at the end.

>> No.42308631

It kinda reminds me of when Mr. Koro did a watchalong of A Clockwork Orange. Management has to step in if a talent decides to watch some weird stuff, maybe do some research on it. Call it babysitting, but some movies just don't work when it comes to watchalongs, especially in cases like Midsomar. This was actually the first time in 2 1/2 years I was glad I missed one of her streams. Flare's role in this mess seems pretty suspicious, ngl

>> No.42309283
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It's Flare, again?

>> No.42310454


Actually, Flare and Subare were surprised why she wanted to watch that movie, but Korone praised the movie, so she went along with it.

>> No.42310796

The inner machinations of Mr. Koro's mind are an enigma. I just hope Senchou's doing okay...but bloody hell, we need to start suggesting some better movies

>> No.42311187 [DELETED] 

Rikotan is a horrid bitch like all ichimi and Brocolli is disgusting.

>> No.42311897

Clearly you're not included in this "we".

>> No.42312389

Marine is THE gfe Holo

>> No.42312597
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>> No.42312951

Hey, she's still asking her viewers for recommendations...if it's all for show, then there's nothing we can do about it, sure. If she's hellbent on watching garbage like this because she's depressed, that's on her. Least we can do is suggest some more positive stuff, maybe give her some feedback on wtf this watchalong was. Feeding into this shit is never an option and I have no idea what the fuck Korone was thinking, but that's Korone for ya guess

>> No.42313035

Why don't you start by suggesting something? You won't because you don't actually give a shit, and again, clearly you're not included in this "we".

>> No.42314411

We know the doog is fucked in the head from the moment she asked management to make a stream on instruments of torture and management denied it for a good reason.

>> No.42314502

Do Marine and Noel hate each other? Some guy on /jp/ keeps saying they do

>> No.42314667

Of course not, they regularly watch movies together

>> No.42314796

Well, to get the bad taste out of my mouth from that shitty movie, I watched Split for the first time and holy shit M. Night Shyamalan makes instant classics at his best.
Maybe I'll spam that movie next time Senchou asks for suggestions on what to watch next.

>> No.42314799

Yeah I thought so.
I don't really watch them much but they seem like good friends.

>> No.42314844

anon the next time you run into him talk about how Flare and Marine are fucking and you'll immediately understand what kind of mental illness he's suffering from

>> No.42315100

Oh, I will, don't you worry about that. The tsunami of nips suggesting garbage like Tenet, Transformers and the Ghostbusters flick with chicks needs to be stopped somehow and the bitching about it here won't ever reach her ears.

>> No.42316156

>This was actually the first time in 2 1/2 years I was glad I missed one of her streams.
Honestly you did good anon, after watching that shit if it wasn't for some of Marine's comments and reactions I would have felt like I wasted 2 and a half hours of my life that will never come back.

>> No.42316802
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>> No.42317435

I remember my niece asking excitedly if I saw that new female Ghostbusters movie and what I thought of it since I was a big fan of the originals back in the day. I told her my honest opinion and that the only part that made me laugh was the post-credits Ernie Hudson joke. She was floored and a bit offended that I didn’t like it.

>> No.42319721

How many hours have passed and I'm still thinking about how retarded the film was, I honestly thought it would be mediocre at best but it's worse than I imagined, much worse.
The shit I do for my Oshi

>> No.42320876
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>> No.42321212

suisei's live concerts are actually live

>> No.42322686


>> No.42323091

did she go for dubs, or subs?

>> No.42323249

I'm sure it's not great, but this level of seethe seems unwarranted.

>> No.42325568

Subs I guess since she was repeating some English words.

>> No.42327226
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Senchou's monitor

>> No.42327427

Something tells me this woman is unbearably cute irl

>> No.42328524

I just love how girly she is

>> No.42332426


>> No.42332882

love you

>> No.42333423

Meh to be fair her comments during the sex scenes were pretty funny, I think it's the first time she does a watchalong with a movie with explicit sex scenes, it was also funny how she had to calm down the chat during the conception scene, it turns me on every time Senchou calls us sick degenerate fucks.

>> No.42333826

most japanese movies don't even have dubs

>> No.42333871

western movies released in the japanese market, I mean
it's like foreign-language movies released for the English market, mostly only kids movies get dubbed

>> No.42334088

Ichimichads, we MUST spam Lord of the Rings recommendations

>> No.42336873


>> No.42336907

did she like it? i wasnt here for it

>> No.42338320

>literally pedobear
jesas, this woman...

>> No.42338480

>2 Chrome
For what reason?

>> No.42338556
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ichimi literally look like this.

>> No.42343271

Unfortunately yes
retard if not joking
Marine browsing for one, RM for the other?

>> No.42346425


>> No.42347798

So today is when Marine is going to do that fan meet?

>> No.42347977

she's doing it right now

>> No.42348030

start 20 mins from now, should end 5 hours later

>> No.42348225

Umm ok

>> No.42349184

any pics from twitter of the meetup event?

>> No.42349561

use the tweet tag

>> No.42352400

damn some of these people are bringing up some wild shit with marine
I wonder how far you'd have to go before the staff would escort you out of there

>> No.42355110

1 minute isn't very long, doesn't seem like you could say very much that's meaningful

>> No.42355666

I was thinking recently, I really want to see what Toby Fox's original composition and rough takes of Maribako were like before Camellia got their hands on it
I have a suspicion the song ends up being good despite Camellia rather than because of them

>> No.42356727


>> No.42357040

>I love you senchou. I watch you everyday.
>I love you too anon thanks for watching me.
That would be less than 30 seconds.

>> No.42357507

When will Marine have her own trio group

>> No.42358142

Emm she already kinda have one; the oneesan gumi

>> No.42358355

When was the last stream?

>> No.42358369

I don't have the full context of this and I don't know many Japanese euphanisms either but what the fuck does this even mean:

>> No.42358516
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>tfw always fap and cum easily to Senchou
feels gud man

>> No.42358647

I never fap to senchou.

>> No.42358679

Same here

>> No.42358720
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>> No.42358834

I feel weird when I think about masturbating to senchou.

>> No.42359005

Even she doesn't mind and her model is pure sex, it's not like other chuuba models that are more cute than sexy.

>> No.42359163

I don't know, masturbating to senchou is like to masturbating to my female friend, it's really weird.

>> No.42359460 [DELETED] 

>barely better than Azki's GeoGuessr

>> No.42359473
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Ogey but if I had a female friend who looked like this well...

>> No.42359587

For me, I admire her and her talents a lot more than lust for her.
She's like a big bro I look up to. Even though I'm older

>> No.42359640

if I attended one of these, I'd want to ask her if there's anything she regrets having revealed in a stream. maybe that's too serious a question, though.

>> No.42359752

he reminded Marine about the time he told her about liking nose hooks in porn

>> No.42359840

Ah ok, thanks, I hope that guy was joking hoping Senchou remembered that although the nips are pretty delusional so I wouldn't be surprised if he was serious

>> No.42360027

From what I've read in some tweets and from Marine herself have confirmed that there are certain guidelines for what can be done and discussed at these events, obviously. I guess questions like this would be too serious and could potentially ruin Marine's mood with the rest of the guests.

>> No.42360220


>> No.42361604


>> No.42361608
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>> No.42361631

>Marine, Flare, Subaru, and... Mumei?

>> No.42362545

Another story of Marine being an absolute sweetheart, Kanata was saying she was having a real rough day and was being menhera recently but Marine was there for her to vent to and was pampering her.

>> No.42362588

they seem to play that role for each other pretty consistently

>> No.42364111

I wonder if Marine would be as good a girlfriend as she is a friend?

>> No.42364462

she seems like she gets a lot of really bad menhera episodes, so you'd want to be the kind of person who's really good at dealing with those to get the best value from her as a gf

>> No.42365146


>> No.42365309

Love you

>> No.42368816

why was she horny?

>> No.42369583

She wasn't really. The sex scene was so comical that she lost all excitement (萎えた). Marine aslo said that the movie wasn't anywhere as disturbing as everyone seemed to be implying.
I've never seen any of the Ari Aster's movies before but this watchalong was pretty fun. I guess it was just the usual sperg shitting up the thread yesterday.

>> No.42370132


>> No.42370340

Translate doko?

>> No.42371548 [DELETED] 

Yeah they do. They are polar opposites as people. Noel is an autistic otaku while Marine is a gigastacy.

>> No.42373280 [DELETED] 


>> No.42373303


>> No.42373598

hey, don't be racist. the Japanese are capable of sarcasm and irony.

>> No.42374672

isn't that just 5ch?

>> No.42376916
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I love Senchou slightly chubby body so much

>> No.42378344
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>> No.42379143

senchou sex

>> No.42381491
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>> No.42383837

Thanks homie

>> No.42385351

Tonight is the MC Collab with Furea right?

>> No.42388052

I'd maybe ask some trivia I'm curious about, like whether she's ever flown, or cut her own hair.
someone also once suggested "what are some of your influences as an artist".

>> No.42392323

I wouldn't ask her something, I would simply thank her with a sincere bow of respect for giving me back the passion I had lost for drawing after seeing her (though she doesn't think so) incredible art.

>> No.42396100

I thought she might appreciate the novelty, since most people probably express their gratitude.

>> No.42396605

Senchou would enjoy Stardew Valley

>> No.42399588

(although she probably would appreciate that you mentioned motivation to get back into art, specifically.)

>> No.42399785

>"what are some of your influences as an artist"
You can easily tell a bunch of them from her style, but there's probably some that can't be seen in it.

>> No.42400470

desu telling senchou how she makes you become motivate and happy is probably the best way to make her happy in return

>> No.42404455
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>> No.42408804


>> No.42410455


>> No.42412559

that's a very long game though

>> No.42412600

frame's up

>> No.42413823


>> No.42414452

She already played it.

>> No.42415639
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>> No.42416754
File: 1.56 MB, 4096x2304, D9A22CB2-3F46-46E1-9937-46AB1D159A94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thumbnails art

>> No.42416826

Your upscaler is really bad.

>> No.42417365

that's from twitter I'm pretty sure

>> No.42417469

What are you basing this assumption on?

>> No.42420137


>> No.42420849
File: 3.96 MB, 4097x2304, ayylamao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that upscaler makes the image blurry AF, check this one for example, it-s done using real esrgan

>> No.42422566


>> No.42423472


>> No.42424110

Marine's zatsudans are trash garbage.
Her ASMR is excellent.
She should do no talking ASMR instead of zatsus

>> No.42424213

Marineschizo please leave us alone, just today, ok?

>> No.42424369

This woman is evil.

>> No.42425385


>> No.42425391


>> No.42425561


>> No.42425587

man marine really likes flare

>> No.42426213

marine doesn't believe sheep have emotions

>> No.42426797
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My wife and her girlfriend are really cute

>> No.42427281

it's been an hour and I feel like they have achieved very little

>> No.42427421

Just be honest and say you want to kill Noel

>> No.42428416

The Mariflare sex after the stream is going to be amazing

>> No.42428553


>> No.42428654

>Flare has shiny RTX minecraft graphics
>Marine's computer is probably struggling with just streaming minecraft

>> No.42428667

Marine's zatsudans are trash garbage but her ASMR is really good.
She should do no talking ASMR instead of zatsudans

>> No.42428760

Senchou is definitely the queen of Zatsu even when she's distracted playing a game

>> No.42428798

Her zatsudans fucking suck.
She should focus on GFE and ASMR instead.

>> No.42428851

I like sankisei they each have their own specialties
Pekora has her gameplay antics
Noel has her zatsudans
Marine has her gfe and ASMR
Flare has her minecraft autism

>> No.42428867

Dance, monkey, dance.

>> No.42428909

Prove me wrong

>> No.42428936

Senchou is very not useful in Minecraft

>> No.42428967

Why is her PC so shit? Cover should give technical support to their employees, it's bullshit that a technology company can't provide assistance to their talents for their job.

>> No.42428993

She isn't an otaku so she doesn't care about playing games

>> No.42429071

Otaku doesn't mean someone that plays games

>> No.42429118

Yeah but Marine only does normalfag things

>> No.42429138

She doesn't play MC that often, so it's not surprising.

>> No.42429301

Mariflare sleeping together in the game just like they do in real life after the amazing sex they have.

>> No.42429328

You mean like baseball otaku or kpop otaku?
Don't use words you don't understand.

>> No.42429380

Marine isn't an otaku of anything.

>> No.42429456

t. N10000
Still not using the word properly

>> No.42429520

>openly hate Noel
>get upset when Noel's fans say they want their oshi to be in Nijisanji
why are ichimi like this?

>> No.42429545
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>> No.42429722

Marine is a normalfag and you know it

>> No.42429866
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>Marine enslaved a poor, harmless mob like if were a pet.
God, I wish it was me

>> No.42430005

Its true. Marine really loves reddit

>> No.42430979

This stream was pretty funny and cute I love this kind of game collabs with Marine and Flare

>> No.42432298

Senchou and Flare had a baby

>> No.42434732
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>> No.42437465


>> No.42440895
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>> No.42441915

tired joke.

>> No.42442941


>> No.42445455
File: 776 KB, 2406x3603, 142bfb5da51c957c9488214a03cedb68~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42445556

Flare hates Marine

>> No.42446518

Yes they do. They are polar opposites as people.

No they don't.

>> No.42446530


>> No.42448273


>> No.42456211
File: 1.43 MB, 2000x2500, 1664602459500391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back by popular demand

>> No.42458895

love you

>> No.42461962
File: 3.75 MB, 498x368, marine-drinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking on a Sunday night and listening to our senchou singing old songs. Life doesn't get any better than this.

>> No.42465754

Senchou is awake

>> No.42467785


>> No.42470109


>> No.42471384


>> No.42473853
File: 2.37 MB, 1056x1852, c579877e240627efb97711a918d75b4f~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42476416
File: 280 KB, 840x840, FoNV600aEAEumXl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42477411


new skdw, ep 126

that's a lot of radio eps, don't you think

>> No.42477424

I want to be that baby

>> No.42480240



>> No.42480603


>> No.42480623

feel free to reupload elsewhere

>> No.42482406

senchou's love toward rilakkuma is becoming out of control lately... time to buy my wife another doll to calm her down

>> No.42482414

what's it gonna be?

>> No.42482482


>> No.42484974

well I guess it's something

>> No.42485639

The new one is actually alright.

>> No.42486364

The new game is actually pretty decent, and it pretty much ends in one hour so it's great stream material

>> No.42486530

damn, I can't imagine what a chillas game could do differently for people to come out and defend it. Guess I'm intrigued now

>> No.42486715

Marine likes the game. That's enough reason to watch her.

>> No.42486734

she's already played it?? wouldn't she usually save her first time for stream?

>> No.42487528


>> No.42487773

Kusoge time in 25 min.

>> No.42488426

She has more or less said that she is a rilakkuma otaku without saying Otaku (negative connotation in Japan).

>> No.42488831

>Senchou is not familiar with invisible walls
Your open map game reps Senchou

>> No.42489430

Why is my wife this cute

>> No.42489516

She's so bad at the rhythm game...

>> No.42489615

I dunno an 87% out of 100% is not bad

>> No.42489684

Marine is going to pee

>> No.42489690

She's better than me

>> No.42489840

Senchou is gonna get raped

>> No.42489967

Goofy fucking model crouching is hilarious

>> No.42489969

This is just like my Japanese doujins

>> No.42490033

Does Marine have a mechanical keyboard?

>> No.42490081

She keeps getting raped

>> No.42490102

Marine is going to cut out the rapist dick

>> No.42490127

LOL no

>> No.42490185


>> No.42490460
File: 496 KB, 1117x636, 1659890780170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stabby stabby

>> No.42490498

That is the fate that awaits you if you try to rape my Senchou.

>> No.42490866

I find it weird that these shitty horror games are seemingly pretty popular.

>> No.42490867

The night looks very gloomy in these games, the nights are not like that in Japan are they?

>> No.42490934

Chilla arts games are basically the premier streamer games, they are short, they provide alot of scares, and yet they aren't so scary that viewers get squicked out.

Also I think Yagoo owes chilla arts a debt of gratitude for being one of the first guys who granded hololive streaming perms after the holocaust

>> No.42490965

depends on location, it's fairly bright in the cities but japan still has alot of countryside that's barely lit at night

>> No.42491088

I mean for a reason most Japanese folklore legends and horror tales are based on villages in the countryside.

>> No.42491098

Damn I didnt know that. I first found out about these games from watching Aris play The Closing Shift and he ended up playing another, I forget which, maybe was the bath house one but I notice that theyre all very similar in shitty quality.

>> No.42491156

yeah the guy who runs chilla arts basically shits out a game every 4 mouths, and most of them are fairly similar in quality.
He's gotten better in recent games but it's still not great. At least it's cheap

>> No.42491519

>tfw youll never be a creep in japan raping young girls in the countryside
feels bad man

>> No.42491543

anon you can fly there right now, the boders are open

>> No.42491919

Senchou doko?

>> No.42492212

Taking a piss

>> No.42493032

Ichimi are 18% female

>> No.42493047

Im female

>> No.42493063


>> No.42493075

Prove it

>> No.42493149

I like female

>> No.42493173

post pics of you in your marine hoodie

>> No.42493228

her voice sounds different--more feminine. did she finally lose her virginity?

>> No.42493396

She has returned!

>> No.42494384

Yes with me

>> No.42494601


>> No.42494821

yes, with me

>> No.42494953

She's probably ovulating, maybe she's horny because of it.

>> No.42495082



>> No.42495283

how will marine schizo ever recover?

>> No.42495326

By killing himself I hope

>> No.42495360

my senchou is in best mood ever since last october, now I can sleep and dream peacefully whole week

>> No.42495391

thanks to that hug with Gura

>> No.42495554

sure, please hug with a lot more holomems if she can keep her spirit up like this.

>> No.42495605

Today she was in good spirits thanks to the fan meeting of a few days ago.
Whenever she meets with the ichimi she is always in good mood.

>> No.42495848

Marine is forcing Noel to collab with her so she can bully Noel

>> No.42495950

offcollab or regular collab?

>> No.42496120

sleepover collab

>> No.42496149

more sex?

>> No.42496241

gotta warm herself up with yesterday flare and day after tomorrow noel before having hot rabbit sex with pekora

>> No.42496329

>doesn't wash her hands, then touches her water.

>> No.42497316


>> No.42497452

yeah, she's gonna have to fix this once we're married.

>> No.42497556

I kind of wanna see a non-bath, non-ASMR, non-off Noel collab.

>> No.42497698



>> No.42497741

Threesome soon

>> No.42497853

yes, aren't you tired of saying the same thing every other thread?

>> No.42498147


>> No.42498263

it's disingenuous (or maybr you haven't paid attention) to claim that she's not improved at all; you can see this by how she understands English superchats better than she used to.
this doesn't mean she's good, though. (and yes, she probably dropped those lessons pretty early.)

>> No.42498393

she's still sufficiently bad that it's difficult to distunguish between whether she's improved at all imo

>> No.42498561

Keep that hopium out of your nose anon it's going to Kill you

>> No.42498679

It's disingenuous to say she has improved because your ultimate goal is to have her collab with EN without a translator.

>> No.42498738

I don't like that aesthetic. and beyond that, I don't like that kind of fuzzy texture, physically.

>> No.42499088

Serious question anon, why do you so desperately want her to understand English?
We've already discussed several times that everything she cares about is in her native language, besides it's not like she really wants to date a foreigner or live in another country.

>> No.42499232


>> No.42500190
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>besides it's not like she really wants to date a foreigner or live in another country.

>> No.42500249

You are seriously delusional.

>> No.42500258

where do you think you are?

>> No.42500294

In a place where I can and will call you delusional. Does being here make you correct somehow?

>> No.42500343

anon if I wasn't delusional I wouldn't be here

>> No.42500383

Marine wants to be raped and severaly beaten by a huge white male. She hates being complimented which is why she hates her Japanese fans who are pussies who just say "yes good" to everything.

>> No.42500449

Marine is not submissive

>> No.42500495

that white male? Me

>> No.42500501

That's true when she's around nips but she is completely submissive to western men.

>> No.42500600


>> No.42500617

Watch streams.

>> No.42500642

the voices in my head

>> No.42500656

How do you know, she has most likely never had a conversation with one.
So it's not true, gotcha

>> No.42500744

when has she collabed with western males? are you confusing Marine with Towa or Fubuki?

>> No.42500757

It is true. She's always wet for westerners.

>> No.42501132

All indications are that Marine likes small penises. It's no surprise why she was attracted to shotas.
She's probably repulsed by stinky, coarse Western men.

>> No.42501195

I don't think she cares about penises much, her thing is nipples

>> No.42501224

Male nipples?

>> No.42503382

Oh Nice y love the NoelMari collabs

>> No.42503553

any changes you guys wanna make to the op?

>> No.42503994

Remove the Christmas voice pack and also for heavens sake use good art not these low tier drawings.

>> No.42504543

it's really not.

>> No.42504626

yes, she is.

>> No.42504773

I don't, it's just that, in those discussions, some of you go too far in the other direction, and it doesn't really match what I've seen.
