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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4226551 No.4226551 [Reply] [Original]

Thread to discuss the virtual singers of this industry. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them all here.

5/29 - Kizuna AI Virtual US Tour (NY Theme) https://www.momenthouse.com/kizunaai
6/5 - Asano Ruri & Amenosei & Kashiko Mari & Tsumugine Rei & Tenjin Kotone & MaiR & Minami Nami & Yuzuha & Higuchi Kaede @ VTuBandFest https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/210605-vtubandfest
6/11+6/12 - KAF 2nd One-Man Live "Fukakai Ni REBUILDING"
6/20 - Shishigami Leona & Hanabasami Kyo Online "W" One-Man Live [Re:al]
6/26 - Ookami Mio & Nakiri Ayame & Souya Ichika & Komori Met @ TUBEOUT! Vol. 9 https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21062618-TO9
7/31 - Hoshimachi Suisei & Hanabasami Kyo @ TUBEOUT! Vol. 10 https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/21073118-TO10
8/8 - HACHI 1st One-Man Live

>> No.4228720

Interesting cover of a Western song by Yue


>> No.4228728

Cocoa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFe90xrJWgY

>> No.4232918
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Hachi guerilla last night.


>> No.4235261

Setono Toto had a singing stream

>> No.4238035


>> No.4240728

1. What are some songs that need more covers?
2. What are some songs that need to stop being covered?

>> No.4240939
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I've recently discovered Aiba Uiha, and now I'm hooked. Her voice is so sweet and pleasant, and she can sing both cute and cool songs extremely well. Easily one of Nijisanji's best singers.
Some of her best covers:

>> No.4241127

I think what people should cover depends a lot on their voice, but I'm never upset to to see a Yorushika cover. They have a bunch of great songs that also allow the singer to flex their voice no matter their range. I also would love to see more Disney/Western show tunes covered for the same reason, but copyright for those is far harder, I'm sure.

Conversely, there's not a whole lot of songs that I dislike seeing covered, but I do wish people would realize that if they can't match the style, say the ferocity that Ado puts into Usseewa, they're not going to be a great fit. I also would be happy if King fucked off forever, but I'm probably part of the problem since I'll normally give the cover a play since it's a pretty apples to apples comparison since fucking everyone has covered it.

>> No.4244651


>> No.4244738

More Sheena Ringo, Miki Furukawa, and Oomori Seiko songs need to be covered. Also more songs from 1990s-2010 era Shibuya-Kei acts.
I'm kind of tired of Utaite-core after listening to it for a half a decade at this point.

>> No.4245016

1. I’d like to hear Chima do Rainy Proof
2. King still gets covers

>> No.4249534


>> No.4249626

Quite the All-star lineup he's got there.

>> No.4252457

1.) I want some Macross that isn't Frontier or Delta, and I say this as someone who loved Frontier and liked Delta despite its flaws.
2.) Anything that becomes a fad. King is the poster child for this, but it also applies to songs that are actually good like Takarajima, Meme Halation, Gurenge, etc.

>> No.4253508

Coco joining the 50 song singing stream meme in an hour. Decent odds of a good number of Western songs given she's been doing those English singing streams, but she's also a good listen regardless.


>> No.4257499

So I'm pretty retarded and I need someone to explain this to me:
Buying the tickets for Kafs live is only for in person attendance, right? I don't need to worry about it since I'm not in Japan.

>> No.4261220

Yes, they're streaming it for free cause of the stretch goals.

>> No.4261333

>Frontier or Delta,
I would love a cover of Ai Oboeteimasu ka. Do they need Mari Ijima's permission or something? The song is also in Frontier so I'm wondering why don't they have a karaoke of it

>> No.4264516

It's really hard to talk about some of the Vsingers I follow here because most of you seem to just discuss the same big names recommended by the algorithm.

>> No.4265403

Post the ones you like anon and I'll check them out

>> No.4266661

This is the exact problem. The seeming lack of agency, motivation, earnesty. It's hard discussing something you care about with someone who on the surface couldn't care less. If there's one thing I'd like you to do: every once in a while, do a search of the day's singing streams. You'll find plenty meh, plenty awful, but possibly some genuine gems that you won't find from these threads or anywhere else. You're still relying on an algorithm obviously but it's at the very least much more proactive.

>> No.4267619

Not that I don't understand your point since I also enjoy looking for new stuff myself but there are quite a few small vtubers and vsingers I found back on /jp/ and these threads that I ended up becoming a fan of because anons posted about them. So if you want to spark discussion about vsingers you like sometimes you have to take the first step.

>> No.4267829

On the live streaming side, only Q3 is completely free. Q1:RE and Q2:RE you still need to buy tickets to watch the whole thing; they're only streaming the first few songs for each for free on YouTube. There's also no archive for these since they're planning to sell a BD of the concerts.

>> No.4268929

The only algorithm that's ever lead me to new singers was what anon has posted here. I have a massive tab of smaller people that I follow from Don't Stop the Music to the point I'm still clearing massive backlogs so there's no need for me to go looking for new people, but since the grand majority of them are just doing it as a hobby, they don't upload all that often and so there's nothing to talk about. The bigger names are the ones who approach it professionally and output more content as a result, whether that's through working with a company or just spending more time on it. Hardly means they're the only ones who can be talked about here, but they are going to get more discussion from that.

Just as an couple of examples, Makura doesn't upload regularly, but she's pretty good when she does.

Conversely, you have someone like Kakulego who streams regularly, but they're almost all just regular streams so I'm in no rush to check out their channel if they've put up something new.

>> No.4271061

That still doesn't motivate me to want to want to talk about them here.
There're some more popular ones even that aren't even touched on here, and I can only think that's because there's either a taboo or people are just happy sitting in a sort status quo just because. No I'm not talking about Niji or Holo or anything like that. And by here I mean the entire site, or at least as much as an archive search can reveal.
>The only algorithm that's ever lead me to new singers was what anon has posted here.
This reinforces my point more than anything.
You make a better argument than this with the rest of your post but at the same time that stuff was obvious and hasn't really convinced me of anything other than adding additional reasoning to why it's hard to talk about some Vsingers.

>> No.4272105

>why don't people talk about x?
>be the change you want to see

Well, okay then. Do you think everyone talked about here just spontaneously had it happen? They get talked about because a fan comes here and spreads the word, and then people who like them continue the conversation.

>> No.4272394

>why don't people talk about x?
Paradoxically, that won't be answered if I post x.

>> No.4277434

Vesperbell Kasuka with a solo cover.


>> No.4281103

Yeah let's keep them to ourselves, if frenmirez is in the chat then why can't they find 'em? Posting here only pollutes the chat.

>> No.4284863

MiMi doing an English singing stream in 5.


>> No.4285833

her english is great and she wants to do eigo streams regularly now, that's cool

>> No.4286455

Amenosei going on indefinite hiatus.

>> No.4288481


>> No.4291387

Boogey's newest in 2 hours. Not a fucking clue from the art, though.


>> No.4291742

Vesperbell Koko doing a short version cover of 踊. Warning that it's loud as fuck and I can't find a volume slider on the player, but she's one of the few who can actually match Ado's growl.


>> No.4296020
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Hachi at the top of the hour.


>> No.4296193

Dead thread

>> No.4296212

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbN8q-VQSbc Rene with Piano&AcousticGuitarInstrumental songs, very cute very love!!

>> No.4296810

what's the equivalent of swaying a lighter in an utawaku?

>> No.4296996

which channel

>> No.4297022

I already linked it, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbN8q-VQSbc

>> No.4297123

Spam giraffe, musical notes and an elephant. Have you even checked the chat before asking that question? If you're the one who linked that you could've merged the two messages, more than one utawaku's taking place atm.

>> No.4297240

Cocotsuki Envy Baby
Valis Outsider

>> No.4297249

Babe wake up, new Kotone just dropped

>> No.4298025

Hachi's actually talking with chat a bit more today. It's cute.

>> No.4300951
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>> No.4303513

I love this cover

>> No.4304604

Yuka's doing a 3 day stream to celebrate 20k subs. Mostly a BGM radio stream and she'll check in every once in a while.

>> No.4305063

Akuma no Goat's new song.

>> No.4309591

He went all out on the MV, it's almost as cute as the English on the chorus even with that twist at the end.

>> No.4309672
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I humbly suggest you check out Shiina Nanoha. She does really cute comfy piano & guitar utawaku streams, lots of anisongs and the like. Very consistently chill and sweet. (And yes, if you noticed the visual similarity, she's Artia's sister)

>> No.4311175

State of emergency was extended in Japan, updates on KAF's concert pending. They're probably gonna have to cancel the in-person audience.

>> No.4311479

Ciel's looking pretty promising, she's shown a lot of different styles on these first covers. I was a bit concerned she'd be sticking to the more haunting sound that Kami tends to put out.

>> No.4315925


>> No.4316810

That was good pretty good, and I like the video. Her arm clipping through her tits at times was also fairly amusing, but certainly didn't detract from the singing.

>> No.4320883

Rim's model looks better then I remember from that concert. Did they touch it up for the video release?

>> No.4322675

Her popping out randomly is really cute.

>> No.4326492

Looks like in-person audience is still happening.

>> No.4326527

Actually pretty surprising.

>> No.4326532

>What are some songs that need more covers?
Visual Kei songs

>> No.4327481


Pretty solid impromptu cover of All Time Low, but god I hate Japanese autism about not posting things everywhere.

>> No.4330662


>> No.4331090

He probably doesn't count as a vsinger (at least not yet), but Utai Meika's little brother covered his first song.

>> No.4331652
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Get in the robot, Koko!

>> No.4332210


shirane yuki finally released the MV of her original song

>> No.4332724

YuNi's upload for today is a pretty cute video of her and some 3DPD dancing to her most recent original.


>> No.4333317

Recommended to me, first time listening to her
Suzuka Stella singing anime songs

>> No.4335195

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=009X7xpScew Hachi & Azami radio

>> No.4335318

I recognize her from some dance videos she's done.

>> No.4335559

aMatsuka released a new song

>> No.4342926
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Memex: https://youtu.be/JfjAK73av_A
Akatsuki Luci: https://youtu.be/ccY4Bb3laVM

>> No.4343104

Luci is underrated

>> No.4347280


>> No.4349179
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I guess it's still on.

>> No.4353712

Yea, AZKi retweeted the ticket sales announcements.

>> No.4363227

Aoi with a new cover, the video is pretty meme-tastic


>> No.4370170

Info on Kyo and Leona's live is out.

>> No.4373073

Another YuNi First Take


>> No.4376237
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>> No.4376398

Quite the star studded line up, though I don't know if I've ever heard Tamaki sing. Is it a singing stream, or are they just doing zastudan thing?

>> No.4376626

Probably just interview.

>> No.4379807


>> No.4380313

Tama is singing https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3E_8ZnBoSc

>> No.4382550

Wow, their voices are so harmonious together, can't wait.
