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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42259270 No.42259270 [Reply] [Original]

>IDOL en
What did she mean by this?

>> No.42259319
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>> No.42259332

CoC is that game where everyone grows random cocks and tits depending on what happens in the game.

>> No.42259361

That she's into futanari and you should get ready to bend down.

>> No.42259486

Sounds based.

>> No.42259487

Based, CoC is great

>> No.42259523

Idols are seiso.. guess she isn't an idol.

>> No.42259577

The "IDOL" in the company name is meant ironically. Especially with this girl.

>> No.42259585

CoC is troon shit
sasuga Jewcorp

>> No.42259680

Interesting how we can choose what she does through polls, watch people go for the worst route

>> No.42259691

no, you are

>> No.42259735 [DELETED] 

do the kikes even allow this

>> No.42259815

Modded CoC 1 > CoC2
Reminder that there has been zero progress in the actual story for over 2 years now in CoC2.

Either way, based.

>> No.42259818

one of the very first games she played on stream was genital jousting
and she constantly fantasizes about pregnancy and tentacles

>> No.42259828

Not enough kiddy block game for you, holocuck?

>> No.42259913

No it's not. It's an embarrassment to the corruption fetish.

>> No.42259915

Fuyo has mentioned she constantly throws ideas at management assuming they would reject them and sometimes they allow some of them, like this one. She was genuinely surprised about getting the perms lol

>> No.42259951 [DELETED] 

Yes, give billions to a kike and they will dedicate their lives to destroy, forbid cute women from being sexualized but sexualize children and trannies, and all to make white men mad. Everytime whites fly towards some other hobby, they follow behind. Its why they are after Japan now

>> No.42259975

>Jews greenlight porn games
Truly our greatest ally.

>> No.42260073 [DELETED] 
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>the Israeli vtuber corp
>pushing porn
>corrupting things
Is idol corp satire or are they for real?

>> No.42260156 [DELETED] 

It's just Jews MO, it's normal and intended
You think it's a coincedence half of their roster is made of loli models too?

>> No.42260247

Shouldn't there be a couple blacks and browns too then?

>> No.42260254


>> No.42260314

They are gonna debut a gen 2 within the next 6 months, they already have the ambiguous that can either be a femboy or a tomboy girl depending on how you want to see her

>> No.42260416

I thought you were talking about Call of Cthulhu for a second and got confused. Then I got sad that they're playing DnD instead of a better TTRPG.

>> No.42260730

Not yet.
Infiltrate then subvert, prioritize it the other way around and you don't get to infiltrate.

>> No.42260765

can't you read?

>> No.42260832

Meanwhile the Xianxia mod for CoC 1 is going through the entire fucking alphabet for update versions.

>> No.42260844

but you are black...

>> No.42261160

The Japs are already depraved on their own terms, that's gonna be kinda tricky for the tribeberg to deal with.

>> No.42261503
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>> No.42261511

Based and degenerate pilled. CoC and CoC2 and TiTs stream when?

>> No.42261608

What the hell, I like the jewbas now

>> No.42261648

It would be if it ever got finished

>> No.42261711

CoC2 and TiTS had next to no defeat scenes, modded CoC1 still reigns supreme.

>> No.42262348 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 2048x2800, 20230201_021516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Futa Coomerfield filtering the homosexuals

>> No.42262385

Wait hiw do you even play coc anynore after flash died?

>> No.42262392
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>> No.42262547

>says CoC
>it's actually CoC2
fucking lame

>> No.42263386

so, it's pretty cringe.

>> No.42263419

>how do I pander harder I'm such a pickme teehee

>> No.42263448

It's a very badly written weg. If you want to weep at the state of the world, look up how much that patreon scam rakes in every month.

>> No.42263459

Eh too many cocks and ntr for my taste

>> No.42263503 [DELETED] 

Not sure but I don't mind them spicing things up

>> No.42263522

She is playing alone?

>> No.42263572 [DELETED] 

Thank you for your service.

>> No.42263672

For anyone wondering it's about 30k in burger bucks

>> No.42264644

Every time I think I can't love Fuyo even more than I already do, she gets better. Based af

>> No.42268271 [DELETED] 
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it's called demoralization. they offer up a turd and if you call it anything but beautiful, you are a bigot.

>> No.42269033 [DELETED] 

You'll be remembered o7

>> No.42274772 [DELETED] 


>> No.42281391


>> No.42281543

>Corruption of Champions
...So she's either into futa or NTR.

>> No.42281594

This whole time we should've had the Jews managing cute anime girls instead of banks and other finance shit, then we could've been the greatest of allies. If only we had known...

>> No.42281598

if they're playing the second one then they're 100% into futa

>> No.42281664

Futa Coomerfield...

>> No.42281824

I mean
It's fantasy catgirl erotica in the second game
Full furry in first game
Nobody expects much from jerk-off material

>> No.42281834

Unless they're just playing it for the fox wife

>> No.42283037

She said the first choice she made in the game when she played it was to give her ass to the horse cocked demon. It was for the futa

>> No.42284557

no vtuber can read all those words words words

>> No.42287563
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Fuyo was made for tummy sex!!
