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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 46 KB, 537x399, 94E028CE-30DA-42B4-83E7-21B5AF6BAB7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42199297 No.42199297 [Reply] [Original]

In light of the recent actions Cover and Anycolor took this tweet is pretty relevant

>> No.42199451 [DELETED] 

Careful OP. Meidos are banning people for "Rule 1 - Off Topic" for even talking about this.

>> No.42199460

Weak argument. All vtubers are mentally ill and attentionwhores to some degree so they're specially weak against critci- AHEM cyberbullying. It's like telling a coal miner "lmao just don't get lung cancer bro".

>> No.42200277
File: 26 KB, 455x302, T defamation suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the issue? just walk away from the courtroom nigga hahaha

>> No.42200373

why turn off the screen when you can make money off the shitposters?

>> No.42200524

Vtuber working in internet you stupid asshole

>> No.42201169

what is this post referencing?

>> No.42201373

Cover and Any color suing antis for mean internet comments. Also that the courts have decided they're allowed to request dox on ISP customers so they can sue them.

>> No.42201556

>person stream on the internet for a living
>'just turn away from the screen!'
Not the brightest light bulb in the box, aren't you?

>> No.42202842

He is half right but the way he type indicates that he's a retard

>> No.42202954

Kiwifarms lost
Trump lost
/qa/ lost

>> No.42202991

>I have no idea what words mean
Weird flex but go off

>> No.42203046

You lost your dang sense, mindbroken-chama

>> No.42203071

always thought this tweet was pretty retarded and short sighted in an increasingly digitized world

>> No.42203734


>> No.42203807

>Don’t take words so seriously
Mankind has strayed too far from the dharma.

>> No.42203849

The only correct take about this issue, if they are gonna act like retards on the internet and allow the streamer to squeeze money out of them i'd say go for it. It would be dumb to just leave free money on the table otherwise.

>> No.42203992

a vpn is looking pretty good right now in japan.
this is however irrelevant for the only free nation in the world, the united states of america

>> No.42204491

vpn is false security. youre just trusting your data with the vpn provider instead and there's no guarantee they wont comply to a legal subpeona

>> No.42204666

Nice try fed.

>> No.42204738

depending on the VPN they don't keep data so there is nothing to give to law enforcement.

>> No.42204895

mullvad doesn't even know who the fuck their customers are. even more so if you pay with crypto

>> No.42204981 [DELETED] 

You know what's worse than this being a falseflag thread? You know what's worse than this being a concernfag shitpost thread? You know what's worse than even this thread just adding to the drama? If you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight. Now that's REALLY fucked up.

>> No.42205136

It is

>> No.42205229
File: 120 KB, 463x417, 1675255865567061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42205455


>> No.42205469

qa stole the s4s GET thoughbeit

>> No.42205522


>> No.42205526

wow you are so intelligent

>> No.42205558

fug u

>> No.42205569

only if these poorfags can pay
legal fees are not free

>> No.42205620


>> No.42205650

Holy guacamole! It’s almost like it was a joke!

>> No.42205676

I never seen people more openly mad that they can't send death threats to virtual anime women

>> No.42205683


>> No.42205761
File: 58 KB, 619x460, 1668853024109257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42205774

You can’t do shit in America. Realistically you can’t do anything outside of Japan. Suck it.

>> No.42205861


>> No.42205915

Uhhhh, maybe they should stop doing shits that make people mad to the point of sending them death threats?

>> No.42205936

Convenient motte and bailey you commie cocksucker but we can continue to say mean things over the internet and you can’t do a thing about it.

>> No.42206016

Its much easier for anon pussies who don't have any reputation to lose when they say dumb shit to think so

>> No.42206104
File: 131 KB, 680x680, FdIhCiBXoAgxqpi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you nigga, my grandma just died a few days ago. I'm not risking it.

>> No.42206374

oh nyo

>> No.42206509

That's pretty funny.

>> No.42206582

>job is to be on the internet
Yikes that aged poorly

>> No.42206676

Oh no you can’t cancel anons you poor dears.

>> No.42206737

>he thinks they are doing it for the talent and their mental health
they are doing everything they can to protect their brand, your oshi is secondary

>> No.42206752

Terrible analogy.

>> No.42206872

even if the original tweet was only a joke its not so much anymore when its been reposted unironically tons of times

>> No.42207042

If a person is blind they shouldn't be hired as a pilot, if a person is too retarded to just ignore things they shouldn't be hired as vtubers

>> No.42207150

>not being able to handle words
Why is the internet of today at-large a gigantic hugbox?

>> No.42207204

>just walk away bro!
Vert easy to say, until you have some schizo anti harassing you and your family after discovering your phone numbers.

>> No.42207229

Ok, stop being such a whiny bitch, is that better wording?

>> No.42207285

Words to live by anon.

>> No.42207320

Eat shit anti

>> No.42207389

Not answering a phone is so hard!!!

>> No.42207497

Your reputation is that you're a failed woman who begs for money on the internet, how exactly does someone ruin that?

>> No.42207537

Because that would make things miles better wouldn't it?

>> No.42207660

The thing is, defamation is a big thing in Japan because pretty much all companies find everything to be "defamation", some bully people into courtrooms because they know they'll win since they got money for lawyers. I get that they have to protect the streamers, at least the ones in Japan, from actual psychos, but they just come off as a Karen by stating they will take everyone to court for anything.

>> No.42207718

If people you don't like are calling your phone, not answering is the best remedy. Works for me

>> No.42207752

You know for a board that's about vtubers you guys really fucking hate vtubers

>> No.42207766

maybe have better opsec retardchama?

>> No.42207829

ITT: terminally online people with hurt feelings

>> No.42207841


>> No.42207903

It has nothing to do with death threats, these are slander charges
Japan's laws apply to any negative statement
you dont even have to prove its a lie

>> No.42207983

Just because i don't like policies of my Oshi company, doesn't mean i hate vtubers, reddit-chama

>> No.42208207
File: 60 KB, 399x580, DrPwNmaVsAAnSVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better not risk it, but your fun ends /here/

>> No.42208210

I like watching them, but they're obviously bad people. All "content creators" are bad people, they make money only from gross excess

>> No.42208291

put a bullet in your head kiwifag

>> No.42208476

you can go back now

>> No.42208499

It's literally that simple though. I get unwanted calls all the time from literal criminals, I'm not calling up my lawyer

>> No.42208557

>everyone I don’t agree with is a k*wifag

>> No.42208937

have a you negroid

>> No.42209083

That's a retarded reason to hate someone

>> No.42209328

you son of a bitch

>> No.42209484

Pls post your real name, photo id phone number and home address and I will give you my response

>> No.42209668

So Death threats and Doxxing are cyber bullying huh, yes just walk away from your scre-
Ops wait, they can't because that's literally what they do for a living.
Retarded people like you Op, should honestly Kys.

>> No.42210234

you first, tourist

>> No.42210407

if it got striken down it means it was true
silly anon

>> No.42210432

Nigga its the internet, half the people here communicate exclusively through death threats

>> No.42210488

Because it has been overrun by fucking normies

>> No.42210508

Considering people get angry over the most minute things it's probably best to just turn off the internet as a whole then.

>> No.42211940

classic tweet

>> No.42213953

>Sure, just turn off the screen
>Oh wait, the people sending death threats know my location and are closing in. I am dead because I didn't call law enforcement for protection.

>> No.42214267

Then harden up or find a new profession. If you work construction but hate getting sweaty are you gonna demand air-conditioned underwear?

>> No.42214374

I have the suspicion that this user may be a NijiEN member

>> No.42214674

When you're getting money you don't deserve, you've gotta expect people to have higher standards. You don't get something for nothing. This is why public figures are nitpicked endlessly, they haven't earned what they get. Streamers who get maybe $50 a month don't get the same treatment

>> No.42214963

I don't hate them, they are simply bad people. I only hate bad people who do shitty things

>> No.42215308

Are you afraid?

>> No.42215623

So you do hate them, you just have shitty logic and jump through mental hoops to justify it.

>> No.42216891

I watch v-tubers, I'm not some invader. There are plenty of incredibly nice, grateful content creators who don't deserve hate. The ultimate truth is that they are no different from the dude sitting in a subway playing guitar, they are social dregs

>> No.42217812

people like you should be hanged

>> No.42217909

>I'm not some invader.
you very obviously are

>> No.42218496

Please seek mental help, if you didn't have brain damage you would see how little this shit matters.

>> No.42218886

I've been here since this board started, redditfag/wannabe chuuba. Contrary to popular belief this place doesn't melt your brain

>> No.42219521

>Lmao I'm just crying wolf, don't take it seriously
Words mean things, retard.

>> No.42219946

>I've been here since this board started
This board is a little over 2 years old newfag, that's not a brag
you're very obviously some tourist shitter who wasn't around pre-/vt/
>Contrary to popular belief this place doesn't melt your brain
You're not doing a job being an counter-example kek

>> No.42220609

>It's like telling a coal miner "lmao just don't get lung cancer bro
What a retarded analogy lmao
> some degree so they're specially weak against cric-
Is there a bigger giveaway that you're a retarded schizo than when these dumbasses try to dress-up their inane rambling as """"criticism""" ?

>> No.42220970
File: 27 KB, 450x466, 1583991946589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover does little to quell harassment of Coco

>Cover starts to literally dish out C&Ds and pursue legal action over people who start fucking with their talent
>OMG how is cyberbullying real haha, snowflakes!

>> No.42222052

I can't remember if it was a post or screenshot I saw of a greentext of someone saying they just keep making new twitch alts to continuously call the same streamer a fat nigger, not sure if it was even vtuber related


>> No.42222664

These discussions are always so fucking stupid, but I've been here since 2009. Just because you came during the Tumblr invasion of /jp/ doesn't mean that this site was sunshine and rainbows until GG turned people into Nazis or whatever you think happened

>> No.42223401

>These discussions are always so fucking stupid, but I've been here since 2009.
Ogey suuure if you say newfagchama
I know KnowYourMeme.com said 4chins is le ebin internet hate machine but you stand out like a sore thumb and look a massive retard yelling about how much you hate the subject matter of the board

>> No.42223898

Yeah but antis are annoying shitposters and I want to see them suffer

>> No.42225934

LOL, I never said I hate Vtubing, I said Vtubers aren't good people. I love watching plenty of them, however they are ultimately content creators which is a very low-tier group of people. One of my favorite chuubas is going to college, I hope one day she improves her station and moves on. These aren't contradictory things

>> No.42227718

Anon is too much of a pussy after all...

>> No.42230997

Will never be irrelevant

>> No.42231766

>pays with crypto bought after going through KYC checks
>"how did you find me?"

>> No.42234090

So.. what of Coco's, Rushia's and Aloe's harassers? Nothing?

>> No.42234455

It's also dumber than ever.

>> No.42235707

But actually why is everyone talking about cover ninjas again all of a sudden?

>> No.42237899

as much as i like this
this still holds true

>> No.42237999

Chink harassment of Coco is entirely different from shitposting about retarded nip whores, stop being disingenuous

>> No.42238097

Monero solves this

>> No.42241071

>Weak argument.
only for weaklings

>> No.42241184

Because this is so easy you got
>(young) chuds shooting up the schools because of bullying
>(young) girls drinking bleach
>politicians and (in)famous people like Elo M. and Don D. going mad on social media about words
>100s of threads/replies on 4channel built around people getting mad about words

Now take this and add actual death threats by crazy japanese fans who burn down anim studios and I definetly can understand their actions.
