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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42178877 No.42178877 [Reply] [Original]

Where is Hololive EN3? It's been a year and a half.

>> No.42178913

why do you even want it at this point?

>> No.42178924

Pepo looks like ugly bastard...

>> No.42178931

No, it's been two and a half years since Myth debuted, No one watches the council so they don't count at all.

>> No.42178938

where's myth's 3d

>> No.42179019

Anounced at 4th fes. Along with JP7.

>> No.42179130

Fuck you pekofrog poster.

>> No.42179255

Honestly, if it's not announced around 4th fes, I'll give up. But signs are all pointing to that.

>> No.42179315

holoEN is guys now. don't like it? don't buy merch, don't buy tickets, stop supporting the company.
>but muh JP
you are still throwing foreign currency at cover

>> No.42179622
File: 426 KB, 663x600, id.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy ID4

>> No.42181320

>All signs
Which ones?

>> No.42181527

Probably not happening.
EN isn't hugely profitable for Cover. As it stands they have little reason to expand the roster as they'd be entering an extremely saturated market with minimal monetisation streams (that align with Covers business model)
At best they'd break even overall on EN3. Worst case scenario they cannibalise their existing talents viewers and cause a wave of graduations.
As it stands the EN girls are stable. Best not to rock the boat in Covers eyes and instead focus on where their biggest revenue streams are, especially with the prospect of an IPO on the horizon.

>> No.42181739
File: 196 KB, 1200x630, tempus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're right here.

>> No.42181848

but why ID4 then?? your argument doesn't make any fucking sense. uhh ehhh infrastructure market share too many expenses <- this is cope, streamers don't cost much and EN3 will pay for itself the moment they are monetized.
and that's not taking into account the long term damage not adding new members does. EN is a rotting brand right now

>> No.42182465
File: 258 KB, 700x513, What_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover doesn't give a shit about EN.
It could close down tomorrow and they'd just shrug and go "oh well"
The only ones they really give two tugs about at this point are Gura and Mori. And thats only because of the music deal with Universal and Gura being the most subbed (but far from most profitable)

Cover doesn't make much off EN. It doesn't align with their general business model.
ID gets a pass because they're in the same general area as Japan and they move merch. But even then, they'd happily cut them loose at the drop of a hat.

I understand your only exposure to Cover is EN and streams.
I get it really.
But you need to understand this. It's very important. Streaming is not how Cover makes money. Covers cut of memberships and supas is tiny. It is pocket change.
Covers primary revenue streams are advertising deals, licensing, partnerships with other companies and orgs, appearances on TV shows and so on.
You go to Japan you're going to see the Hololive girls slapped on all sorts of products and advertisements. They have deals to slap their girls on adverts for tourist spots and instant curry. This is where they get their money.
You can watch Okayu trolling a professional comedian on TV while eating a pot noodle with Korone on it while sat in a manga cafe thats got Subaru all over the instructional signs.
This is where Covers cash flow is.
Streaming and Supas is how they dodge paying the girls what they are worth in these deals.

>> No.42182561

ID are all from wealthy families, it exists to make connections to big business/politicians, not to make money directly

>> No.42182616

Basically advertisement money for profit. I could see why EN doesn't get much in sponsorships compared to JP.

>> No.42182910 [DELETED] 

ok, understood. but why tempus x2? that's 8 regular EN paychecks for people who never generate the cash an EN girls gen would.

>> No.42183486

The problem for EN is that the English language mediascape is massive with huge amounts of money involved and a big focus on mass appeal within that very large mediascape.
Here anime is also a very fringe product. There's also no normalisation of the use of cute anime girls in society. You go to Japan and its normal for fucking everything to have a cute anime girl character. Companies, products, public services, etc the list is absurd.
Here the focus for advertising deals with external entities is with celebrities and that market is basically owned almost entirely by sports and Hollywood.

Nobody is going to pay Cover much to have their no name anime girls slapped on their product. A few companies with overlap in terms of their customer base might but they're not going to offer much. A good example would be G-Fuel who a while back went on a spree of buying product placement deals with vtubers. Mainly focusing on indy vtubers they paid them a few thousand to plug them and have a G-Fuel shaker bottle asset on display as part of their model for a few months.
Cover wouldn't take that deal, it's too small. But it's the best they're likely to ever get in the English mediascape. That Taco Bell ad placement for Gura? She was a background presence in it, no voice lines no nothing. Just a single frame of stock footage. I wouldn't be shocked if it was put in by accident and someone in the ad company realised too late and went to Cover to work something out, maybe throwing them a bit of cash to avoid having to redo a part of the ad. That we've seen nothing else since suggests to me this was the case.

My suspicion here is they saw the success of Nijis males and went "may as well try it"
There's a few reasons to do it outside of this though.
In theory the market for male vtubers is more female orientated while the market for female vtubers is basically only males.
So you release those two male waves? The market isn't going to have huge overlap, it'll expand your viewership in the west with minimal cannibalisation of your existing viewership.
If you can expand your viewerbase rather than oversaturating your existing one with options that can help you get wider viewership which increases your potential in terms of access to the sort of sponsorship deals that Cover actually wants.
Plus Cover has no male presence in the EN market. It's entirely virgin territory to expand into for them. Which only makes it more attractive.
Finally so long as they're covering their costs then all is good. Covers concern with LiveEN3 is they won't be able to cover costs and will reduce income for the other girls.

Also as to why do two waves? Simple. Vtubers need collabs to avoid becoming stale. Its a key part of the industry. The JP stars are basically useless on this front because of the language barrier.
The EN girls have proven that two gens is typically enough to cover this front. So I suspect if we see Cover push into any new market (say language specific ones) they'll go a minimum of two gens of three or four again.

>> No.42183607

Actually, Gura is the only Myth member whose sub to view ratio can compete with Council's. It just shows how big the initial EN vtuber hype bubble was and how far it's dropped off since then. Hololive is aware of this and it's why they are taking their time with EN3.

>> No.42183661

The Vtuber bubble in general has popped HARD.

>> No.42183757

There's no more good EN talents that want to join HololiveEN, unfortunately. If Council was as successful as 2021 Myth we'd have EN3.

>> No.42183770

I'm starting to believe EN3 is not happening because no one in council got 1 million

>> No.42184944


>> No.42185417

Partially true.
Their sub to view ratio is better than Myth.
Meaning they present a more accurate picture of the current state of the EN vtuber landscape than Myth.
Problem is advertising agencies and the like mainly look at subs as an initial way to gauge a channels value.
So if EN3 came and their subs were worse than Councils but their sub to view ratio was much better?
It would still look bad for Cover when approaching advertisers.

>> No.42186342

Council unironically streams more and gets more views than Myth these days barring Gura.

>> No.42186393

all the candidates have been poached already

>> No.42186760

Unironically, no trolling, Tempus was supposed to be EN3. They were planning to go full niji with the EN branch. Now that those plans fell completely flat with fans among growing complaints that there aren't enough streams to watch they're most likely hurrying to get a new gen of girls out. I give it a couple more months tops.

>> No.42187012

Unicorn cope
Unicorn seethe
Unicorn mald

>> No.42187081

Just calling it how I see it babe

>> No.42187241

We'll see if Cover puts out an EN3 any time soon.
I doubt it as the financial element doesn't make sense for Cover.
