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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42178826 No.42178826 [Reply] [Original]

How did they break into the mainstream so effectively?

>> No.42178939

Suisex and I don't watch Mori but I believe she worked with that Patt guy...

>> No.42178944

Talent for Suisei
Mainstream couldn't hold her weight for Mori

>> No.42178956

Male collabs, jk
They both work really hard on their craft, that's the simple truth of it.

>> No.42179058

Hardwork and swapped for big company
Blessed by algorithm, because she made music for niggers

>> No.42179175

Suisei: Hard work
Mori: lying on her resume

>> No.42179533

hard work for both

>> No.42179737

They tried hard and eventually got lucky.

>> No.42179785

good one cuckbeat.

>> No.42179839

Suisei: Talent and hard work
Mori isn’t mainstream, her gimmick is being a vtuber rapper that rode an internet hype wave that’s dying out in the west.

>> No.42179841

hardwork and being part of hololive

>> No.42179982

Hard work and having your audience not understand what you're saying

>> No.42180074

Put Suisei next to an established singer and she will sing with the best of them.
Put Mori next to an established rapper and... :(

>> No.42180081

Suisei is hard working and talented. I don’t agree with Mori being mainstream.

>> No.42180226

She will devour him whole with a side of ranch

>> No.42180290

They worked hard for it

>> No.42180299

How do you guys define mainstream?

>> No.42180332

With lots of coping

>> No.42180340
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>W-where's MY bait thread?

>> No.42180353

Where’s her first take?

>> No.42180381

I like these. That's the only reason I came into the thread. You guys are insane people.

>> No.42180424


>> No.42180466

Neither of them are mainstream. No one knows these people outside of the vtuber "community". Ask a random person on the street what they think of Suisei's songs, and they'll reply "Who?"

>> No.42180547

For Suisei she has talent. For Mori she was first in a niche.

>> No.42180684

ask a random person in japan and they might just know who suisei is. ask them who john mayer is and I bet they'll have no fucking clue either.

>> No.42180835

>Mori isn’t mainstream, her gimmick is being a vtuber rapper that rode an internet hype wave that’s dying out in the west.

shes in japan making japanese music for a japanese audience and is doing absolute numbers and collabing with huge names like zutomayo, she is absolutely mainstream in japan. her shit gets played on radio and in public spaces.

>> No.42181194

If you call that mainstream then Suisei is beyond mainstream, she’s an icon.

>> No.42181677


>> No.42181733

a genuine question but why do Nips think Mori's music is good? is it because they can't understand it?

>> No.42181863

>she’s an icon.
Quite literally considering what her entrance in tft represented. A small icon for a small number of vtubers, but an icon nonetheless.

>> No.42181951

Flee this place while you can.

>> No.42182016

Some of it is good. Not all of it though.

>> No.42182054

By being good singers.

>> No.42182097

Nips don’t hear the whininess or sarcasm of Mori’s voice. It sounds like she’s trying to impersonate a gamer bro to western ears.

>> No.42182098

why do you think they instantly got her back for a second video on the first take?

>> No.42182118

It's good if you don't understand the lyrics

>> No.42182456

Because they recorded two songs, lol.

>> No.42182706


>> No.42182889

Irys isn't controversial

>> No.42184133

Mori: some good fucking audio shit
Suisei: JP Mori

>> No.42184207

Music, plus they were there for the 2020 VTuber boom.

>> No.42184363

black people like her music? impossible....
im white btw

>> No.42184398

People from the specific audience they're try to get like them or aknowledge them.
A lot of Jrock, Jpop singers and fans know and like Suisei but literally every "people" that like rap hate Mori and think she sucks at rap. Go read any Mori anti tweet that talk about her music and It's always a black guy

>> No.42184918

fucking dumb retard thinks this is a gotcha

>> No.42185367

Niggers hate Mori with all their soul

>> No.42185581

Next time you're at work play one of Mori's songs to your coworkers. See if they recognize it or can even tolerate it for that matter.

>> No.42185715

Both really good at sucking dick

>> No.42187629

It's funny that people ITT can't even admit that Mori got popular for legitimate reasons; this reveals that Mori antis hate her for irrational reasons and aren't thinking logically otherwise even though they hate her they'd still concede that she got popular for legitimate reasons; instead they are emotionally compromised and can't mentally accept it.

I don't like Mori all that much either and think her music is bad but I still logically understand that she works hard on her music, knows how to network and why certain songs of hers got popular and what her appeal is. You can always tell when someone is completely biased and can't think logically anymore when they have to try and make it so the entire world agrees with their viewpoint e.g. 'everybody thinks her music is bad/she isn't really popular/she just got popular randomly due to luck' etc.

>> No.42192455

>everybody thinks her music is bad/she isn't really popular/she just got popular randomly due to luck
What’s telling is that you can easily argue these things to be true for Mori when you stack her up to Suisei.

>> No.42192963

Being kakkoi and constantly grinding to put out & improve content.

What did Mori lie about on her application?

>> No.42193930

This. Calli is incredibly music focused. 40 songs last year. Are they all good? No, but its still a ton of work when you compare it to the output of other EN members.

>> No.42194145

Both have a rock-solid work ethic, are good at networking, had professional experience in the music industry before Hololive, and know how to work a crowd and cultivate a dedicated audience.
I'd say they are both breaking into the mainstream in Japan, Suisei way more than Mori. Both are getting radio play and commercial appearances, and I expect this year to only be both of their big breaks.

>> No.42194353

It fits an edgy niche in Japan where pop culture and public discourse is more restrained and sanitised.

In the west it sounds tame and compositional dated, hence why she gets dragged so hard by tiktok zoomers. (There is a space for goofy music, Doom is one of the most popular legacy acts rn but the difference is Mori isn't self aware)

>> No.42198392

gimmick singer, west = bad
gimmick singer, japan = good

>> No.42198909

holy shitto got millions of views? when

>> No.42198949

+2 Northernlion bit

>> No.42199028

can attest to this

>> No.42199163

The same reason you like weeb music

>> No.42199227
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>> No.42199636

Music algorithm. With Mori, her popularity tanked after it stopped favoring her.

>> No.42199700

why do you enfaggots always piggyback on hololive (35)

>> No.42200008

>What did Mori lie about on her application?
About her not being fat, but if they reject her for that the company will be accused as fatphobic

>> No.42203021


>> No.42203758

Suisei is a machine and chipped at it for years, Mori was lucky she landed with Hololive when Holo had built up a massive audience interested in EN vtubers when others didn't really exist. Compare how Suisei continues to work as Suisei and Mori syphons off for the 2nd job.

>> No.42207386

One is a genuinely good singer, the other is Calli, fatass extraordinare.

>> No.42207540

Same reason westerners prefer sub over dub despite not understanding any JP.

>> No.42207967

/vt/sister npcs will ṡöÿ out when mori uses hololive to boost her roommate, but will ignore the fact that azki does the exact same thing. most mori antis are just contrarians who hate her because she isn't muh submissive trad nipponese waifu.

>> No.42208030

mediocre music and high output. That's about it.

>> No.42208327

Damn, that's a lot of buzzwords.

>> No.42208371

It's good, she only has a couple songs that aren't at least decent.
You've just been brainwashed by hoards of Twinigs, TikNogs and chan antis.

>> No.42208574
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Didn't read the thread, but I love Mori and Suisei! They're wonderful, inspirational girls! Seeing their hard work pay off is an amazing feeling! Knowing they're good friends makes me happy too!
Deathstar love!

>> No.42208965

What are her best bars?

>> No.42209995

>the ones she drinks at
>the chocolate she eats

>> No.42212510


>> No.42212631

by being normal fag ironic weebs

>> No.42214096

>Gave a free concert that she paid for

>Fucked off and lied to go on tour as RM


>> No.42221207


>> No.42223602

being cool

>> No.42225998

mori is white woman supreme nobody that's into american hiphop likes her. the audience for her music is all JP and SEA

>> No.42230275

>Go read any Mori anti tweet that talk about her music and It's always a black guy

>> No.42232114

>How did they break into the mainstream so effectively?
by being normies

>> No.42234565
File: 106 KB, 1191x669, Eyh3KeAUYAUHQSc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By making what the people enjoy.

>> No.42236789
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eating like a champ to become a champ! Sorry I don't know who the blue one is

>> No.42237605

Kek, good one.

>> No.42237611

It's not that black people like her, it's Youtube promoting her shit

>> No.42240650

Suisei has broken mainstream, and she's still yet to reach the stars.

Mori tried to break mainstream, and got made fun of by the entire black community, and has since retreated back into the hololive safe space where her music is pretended to be enjoyed.

The only EN who has kinda broken mainstream is Gura, and she's only a niche interest that a handful of normies are aware of.

>> No.42240802

>the entire black community
You mean white betas and troons?

>> No.42241947

That's still the average Mori fan though.

>> No.42241983

>inside you there are two colors
>they are both autistic tomboys

>> No.42244561


>> No.42246308

All VTuber music is trash, theirs is just less trash.

>> No.42246891

To be honest, i used to enjoy Mori's music but somehow after her career become successful, she releases lot of music but only few of them catch my interested. Don't know why or i lost interested in her music though

>> No.42247182

contrarian chud

>> No.42250172

Fire on mute (I think)

>> No.42253488

>The only EN who has kinda broken mainstream is Gura
delusional chumpedo or is appearing in a taco bell commercial for 2 seconds considered "mainstream"?
