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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42178504 No.42178504 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.


>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Current Aggie
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>Danbooru (Art/Fan Content)

>Kiki Koikatsu Archive

>Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>(You) got a fren in me!

>Kikiholes (champ-made MV)

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection:

>KikiRPG preview video:

>Kikikore album by Anon:

There's a Kiki /i/ thread up if you would like to participate >>>/i/723670
Kiki is a rabbit ( ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ )

>Recent Stream Highlights
fish song: https://a.pomf.cat/aeacxh.mp4
aeroplane over the city: https://a.pomf.cat/wjhylp.mp4
use the map: https://files.catbox.moe/aw0xm7.mp4
close!: https://youtu.be/dRZ8ypv2kJc
never give up!: https://files.catbox.moe/aw39kk.webm
poGOD: https://files.catbox.moe/69460u.mp4
sogig: https://files.catbox.moe/jq5ze9.webm
tomorrow: https://files.catbox.moe/uivw32.mp4
around the world: https://files.catbox.moe/rl5us8.mp4
sick uooooh: https://files.catbox.moe/jyb50w.mp4
Karma: https://files.catbox.moe/qy287a.mp4
I can't see!: https://files.catbox.moe/nsuppl.mp4
She forgor: https://files.catbox.moe/v5aduu.mp4
Hey: https://files.catbox.moe/ksqz4u.mp4

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Kiki Daki



/pyon/ Game Recommendations:

/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Last thread

>> No.42178659

KIKI love!

>> No.42178665
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>> No.42178674

Kiki Love!

>> No.42178739

Kiki please shove your cunny into my face

>> No.42178811


>> No.42178858
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Mind status: Unchanged

>> No.42178888 [DELETED] 

eating WEBM poster's cum out of kiki's used holes

>> No.42178926
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>> No.42178930

wasted quads how unfortunate

>> No.42178965

I'm here and I'm ready!

>> No.42178977

wasted digits

>> No.42179007
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>> No.42179012
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Kiki Love!
Little Man Love!
Little Lady Love!

>> No.42179013
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what's going on in this thread

>> No.42179016
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>> No.42179074
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>> No.42179154

champers i just ran over a dog

>> No.42179183


>> No.42179184

is he ogey?

>> No.42179185

free dinner

>> No.42179193
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>> No.42179263

which way her hands are spinning?

>> No.42179276

kiki is slowly becoming drama-resistant
i swear every vtuber needs a dramatic past in order to push forward

>> No.42179399

Is this the final map screen now? I can't remember

>> No.42179414

going back to wagie cagie factory, have fun gigi, I will be lurking in the shadows

>> No.42179613

Doing rabbity

>> No.42179626

i don't have any sodie or snackie at home :(

>> No.42179688

Kiki please explain to me how fragrant your cunny hair are

>> No.42179751

i'm still waiting for the new Spice and Wolf animu

>> No.42179775

season 3 soon brother

>> No.42179782

i wish kiki understood economics

>> No.42179797

soon TM

>> No.42179891

There's still the Caverns after the Factory world

>> No.42179953

kek the only way he can get attention is by changing accounts

>> No.42179994

What if there are camera birds but because the joke has been done to death no one believes it

>> No.42180084

I want to adopt Kiki as my sex pet

>> No.42180214

Unfortunately, I don't like birds much anymore since one landed a direct shit bomb on the side of my face from an altitude of approx. 75m

>> No.42180229
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>> No.42180239

haha shitboy

>> No.42180269

I got shit bombed on my shoulder once, I'm scared of birds now. I get paranoid every time they flew over me

>> No.42180311

imagine having a miniature kiki and teasing her puffy vulva with your pinky

>> No.42180316
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>> No.42180318

even just thinking about birds make me nervous, that's why I made that mistake

>> No.42180385

They're jealous of it and want you to remove it so they can take it

>> No.42180382

I was waiting to bike across the street and was protected by my helmet

>> No.42180475


>> No.42180504


>> No.42180512

"Hi ya'll it's your favorite mini lop rabbit girl (kiki noises)"

>> No.42180560

"wicked bright rabba"

>> No.42180563

"howdy pardner can i get some unrefined oil on my bic mac?"

>> No.42180567

if i were kiki i'd shout "I'M PREGNANT" and then berate sogig for shittin on the floor

>> No.42180653 [DELETED] 
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i'm gonna dramafag

>> No.42180660


>> No.42180666

Nice of Kiki to celebrate Black History Month with this game choice

>> No.42180677
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>> No.42180685

I was gonna let it slide but this nigger need to die now

>> No.42180739

>got tipped
so it's fucking discord faggots all over again

>> No.42180750


>> No.42180761

who do you think post soijaks?

>> No.42180771

>already logging off

>> No.42180809

Tourist here, your Oshi is again, cute. Have a good day.

>> No.42180810


>> No.42180811

why do you think. just let her be happy you miserable faggot

>> No.42180840
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>> No.42180860


>> No.42180867

short but sweet, gigi was really on her game til that.

>> No.42180874

that's not humble

>> No.42180896

you've been really sweet gigi, don't let that bring your mood down/10

>> No.42180935

well, back to doing doom wad stream reps.
kiki mentioned some voice shit, just how comprehensive is this kikiguy stuff getting?
pretty good, how much kong is there left?

>> No.42180959

Though short it was fun, sorry I had to wage during it or I'd have chatted more. Hope you can get some rest before next stream, love you <3

>> No.42180970

complete rework and rewrite of the entire game

>> No.42180973

i've been lurking at work, i don't even get the commotion or what is all the parasocial talk is about? this seems like dramafagging for views for the sake of dramafagging, also breaking containment to this degree to start drama with a single random anon who posted a screenshot of you in a thred with your 10k twitter following is really fucking cringe, who does that???

>> No.42180980

It was a humble stream. KIKI'S HAT IS NOT A BANANA/10

Love you Kiki, cya later

>> No.42181035

I feel so bad for Kiki, she doesn't deserve all the negative attention

>> No.42181041

a 4chan reposter twitter account obviously

>> No.42181043

since the stream was a bit short, do any champs feel like watching something on the cytube in a bit?

>> No.42181075

dont worry i hate dramafags also but today just you

>> No.42181099

gigi is very nice /10

>> No.42181137

>deleted vod

>> No.42181140

Sure though I'm not going to be chatting much, hoping to get further in dark souls 3 so I'll have cytube on in the background

>> No.42181157

Of course he's a dad

>> No.42181269

i need to wage so not really but i can lurk sure

>> No.42181303

Yeah I wouldn't mind, haven't been on cytube for months now

>> No.42181339


>> No.42181356
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>> No.42181387

don't want to be a concernfag but I hope this doesn't mean she's smoking again

>> No.42181389

ooking comes naturally to this goil, fancy hat or not. Kiki love/10

>> No.42181413

the coughing makes me think she is but im also avoiding mentioning it

>> No.42181445

She tried once a few months ago but stopped right after so i doubt it

>> No.42181461

what wouldn't we get, that you're taking cream loads off stream?

>> No.42181508

The end of the stream really made my day champs

>> No.42181567

you wish, wannabe cuck

>> No.42181724
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>post about yourself
>reply to yourself for drama
>upset kiki
>blame champs
classic, but you should know nobody really cares about you here, you are completely irrelevent to us, your attempts to upset our humble community for attention is just.. sad, find a better hobby

>> No.42181764

she won't fuck you harby

>> No.42181785

i know but i didnt post that

>> No.42181807

>ended stream because of him
ok little buddy

>> No.42181934
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>> No.42181969

gonna play some cromartie high school on cytube in 20 mins or so
gonna buy some sodie pop first

>> No.42181975

Hey, how about you retards stop talking about and responding to faggot zoomer twitter shitposters, which is exactly what they want you to do?

>> No.42182001


>> No.42182012


>> No.42182032


>> No.42182104
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>> No.42182233

he deleted the tweet

>> No.42182282


>> No.42182309

ok but how do i unsub from his /vt/ twitter feed? i don't see the button on 4chan?

>> No.42182329


>> No.42182353

wait, what does that even mean? literally?

>> No.42182369

no in the drawing probably kek

>> No.42182402

man, sometime I am a bit rabrtarded

>> No.42182433

She jumped in those dm's fast
I smell some cuckery

>> No.42182437

The but of the cig does kind of blend with a mouth i guess

>> No.42182451

that's probably worse than smoking

>> No.42182472


>> No.42182478
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>> No.42182518

the only think kiki should smoke is faggots in the streets with her carrot 9mm pistol

>> No.42182538

he said he was reading the thread in the tweet and that he felt bad for Kiki. Probably just came to his senses. Ignore shitposting faggots

>> No.42182603

You don't need to state the obvious champ.

>> No.42182721

not yet this is just the first step of the grooming process. next he slowly puts on the moves and if he gets blocked he threatens to dramafag again

>> No.42182730

not what he said, now fuck off back to twitter

>> No.42182781

my favourite part is how his tweet with bea calling Harby a retard is still up
also I wonder what she messaged him to get it taken down so fast?

>> No.42182815

>Dads coming out whenever they sense drama and weakness and start cuckposting
you hate to see it

>> No.42182816

her cunny

>> No.42182902

probably nothing important why should she trust this guy with anything he literally posted his dms 2 tweets ago

>> No.42182922

she made that clear at the end of the stream. it's about her reputation, not the fact that he's insulting champs

>> No.42182942

Kiki pls don't smoke chalk! It started out as a cheap recreational drug that was distributed amongst workers in the mine, but Lanky Kong popularized it in one of his music videos.. now it's an epidemic that's ravaging the snapadoodle community

>> No.42182956

But you insult champs every day

>> No.42183009

has twitter ever done anything good for anyone?

>> No.42183045
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I think of kiki and I am happy

>> No.42183079


>> No.42183106

i posted this and that's me on the right in the picture

>> No.42183212

me on the right

>> No.42183251

cromartie starting now @ https://pyon.website/stream

>> No.42183338

have fun champs

>> No.42183420


>> No.42183423


>> No.42183428


>> No.42183462

damage control stream lets go

>> No.42183470

gige you can always rest your head on my lap

>> No.42183490

You wish

>> No.42183493

kiki how many pillows is correct to sleep on

>> No.42183505

have you tried drinking milk and hubba hubbaing before bed?

>> No.42183544


>> No.42183602

I have two pillows + a small one I've had since I was 6
I used to use 3 but I moved the third down to support my back

>> No.42183677

kiki what did you say to that account to get him to delete the tweet? (I've already asked him I just want to see if your answer lines up)

>> No.42183693

Keeps balls from being crushed

>> No.42183711

if i knew kiki would be back i wouldnt have announced cytube

>> No.42183723

better off ignoring it if the twitterfag has fucked off already

>> No.42183796

stop trying to continue the drama dumb dramafag

>> No.42183795

Idk if you did it with other streams but have you thought about numbering streams?
Just something like x game stream #1, #2, etc

>> No.42183799

pregnant rabba pillow

>> No.42183817

gigi HATES pregnancy confirmed

>> No.42183819

I want to sleep on Kiki, like fully on her crushing her frail little cunny body with my own

>> No.42183844

don't pay him attention

>> No.42183845
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Hopes and dreams crushed in an instant

>> No.42183873

I just wanted to see if she was going to say she didn't dm him even though he said she did

>> No.42183879

thanks for saying this, now I don't feel bad about cumming in you when you sleep

>> No.42183915
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>> No.42183917

You wish she did

>> No.42183965

Yes keep those babies inside, have them control the women like klang from ninja turtles

>> No.42183998

gigi has vaginal vore fetish confirmed

>> No.42184046

I'm just relaying what that account said. I have no stake in this. I'm a champ not a husband so no cuckary here

>> No.42184059

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enOHraf3LEk my absolute favorite

>> No.42184063

I remember that video, college humor wasn't so bad in the early years, last couple years of it were awful

>> No.42184066

then fuck off

>> No.42184084


>> No.42184123

Pretty much sums up the AI arguments now

>> No.42184216

Remember StupidVideos?

>> No.42184296

Fair enough. I asked him myself because I thought you were bullshitting. Doesn't rule out him bullshitting though.

>> No.42184347

What the fuck

>> No.42184450

>gigi stops streaming cuz of minor twitter drama
>gigi starts streaming to talk about lady shoving 14 rabbits up her cunt

>> No.42184538


>> No.42184543

Gotta deflect somehow

>> No.42184596
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Hey Kiki, you have competition now. There is a new 4chan vtuber that reads out her thread on stream and plays retro games. She also makes Pippa anti threads and said she wants you to bully her. She also masturbates on stream just like you! Any chance for a collab with her?

>> No.42184638
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>> No.42184669


>> No.42184681

Show it on stream

>> No.42184687

fuck off

>> No.42184702

she's a coal burner

>> No.42184709

fuck off, also stop mentioning kiki in her threads

>> No.42184740

Dont tell Kiki but im cheating on her with this dumb hag

>> No.42184746

its so cringe the artificial drama

>> No.42184816

is this kiki trying to filter all the newfags and election tourists?

>> No.42184817

gonna cum

>> No.42184846

no it's genuinely interesting

>> No.42184884

fuck she's sexy

>> No.42184948 [DELETED] 

background lore

>> No.42184949

Kiki would never masturbate on stream!!!!!

>> No.42185066

Kiki what the ever loving fuck are you reading and why? I came here late what the fuck did i miss?

>> No.42185090

some british chick that was into unbirthing rabbits

>> No.42185122

what the fuck is wrong with anglos

>> No.42185170

I wont shed a single tear when white people start ww3 and kill each other again. These subhumen needs to be extinct.

>> No.42185189

haha a nigger boy

>> No.42185220

Okay Kiddy Dong

>> No.42185230

Donkey Kong lore

>> No.42185237

rabbit snatch

>> No.42185326
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>> No.42185336

If they included stuff like this in history books school would have been much more enjoyable

>> No.42185387

Hey Kiki, when /vt/ gets shut down because Cover Corp, where will we migrate?

>> No.42185419


>> No.42185420

>talks about rabbit-up-me-cunt lady for upwards of half an hour
>"i dont wanna talk about it anymore"

>> No.42185433

bigger entities have tried

>> No.42185452

Probably /trash/ or Kiki's super secret super fan discord server

>> No.42185468

this really got me in the mood to rape you

>> No.42185490

Relax Lanky Kong go smoke some chalk or something

>> No.42185529

Ogey I'll stay alive for at least one more day

>> No.42185550

Whats the surprise tell us!!1!

>> No.42185569

I will stay alive till i impregnate you

>> No.42185588

Immortal Champ

>> No.42185600

kek i was thinking it

>> No.42185729

i think your glasses SUCK

>> No.42185743

can I ask you for one thing? could you please masturbate on stream?

>> No.42185830

When I was a kid special needs kids would have glasses like this with a elastic band attaching them behind their head

>> No.42185972

I like it when she pretends to have autism. Pretending to be autistic is the new trend for zoomer females i guess. You are not a bisexual, you are hungry for attention.

>> No.42186067

she never said she was bisexual?

>> No.42186085

wrong thread tourist chama?

>> No.42186091

Kiki what is your opinion on Trans women participating in cis women sport?

>> No.42186136

holy tourists

>> No.42186148

>She doo-doos quite often

>> No.42186176

she's too scared to answer

>> No.42186200

very munted

>> No.42186274

implying Champs are all poorfags

>> No.42186289 [DELETED] 

So basicly she do not support trans women. Its always so easy to tell. You wouldnt be hiding your stances unless you are a transphobic bigot. Champys, yohr oshi is kind of retarded i can see it now

>> No.42186310

but gigi I AM POOR

>> No.42186317

I am poor

>> No.42186352

I need it

>> No.42186355


>> No.42186385

he talked about this shit in wvt too yesterday

>> No.42186392

Just say trans lives matter and they will leave you alone.

>> No.42186408

I need it for my Kiki shrine

>> No.42186412

so sad and pathetic

>> No.42186416 [DELETED] 

Her thread btw if any champs want a taste of the finer things in life.
Don't settle for trash.
It's time to move on.
Mommy is waiting.

>> No.42186419

clover is code for cunny

>> No.42186438

i thought specifically clit

>> No.42186455

so why are you following a viewer?

>> No.42186472
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not even worth a (you) why would I trade my lovely cute rabbit wife for some nigger fucking whore?

>> No.42186477

How can Kiki support something that doesn't exist? It's not good to encourage mentally ill people to believe their delusions to the point they're lopping off body parts, you psychotic fucks

>> No.42186490

what a sad raid

>> No.42186551
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She doesn't belieb I have a Kiki shrine...

>> No.42186573

Sex it's always sex.

>> No.42186578

post it

>> No.42186582

stop bullying Kiki mellow

>> No.42186613

i wanna play halo CE

>> No.42186628

Do not interact with peons like him. simply ignore them.

>> No.42186678 [DELETED] 
File: 439 KB, 1920x1681, blathering-bear-donkey-kong-flex-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki would you rather have sex with Donkey Kong or Diddy Kong?

>> No.42186769

spoiler this you fool

>> No.42186774

I don't think that would be a good idea.

>> No.42186846

Doing ogey, still looking for a job

>> No.42186860

Kiki shrine reviews soon

>> No.42186870

bit nervous as I get closer to finishing the WAD, always something to tweak

>> No.42186890

>recruiter ghosts me
why do you not call me back recruiter-kun

>> No.42186910

Recruiters are niggers

>> No.42187000

Glasses are okay but who would want to obscure your pretty face?

>> No.42187002

i think its easier to have sex without the glasses

>> No.42187039

i feel like a different person without my glasses

>> No.42187143

fun fact: people who wear glasses are more likely to use a cup or mug rather than a glass

>> No.42187162

What a nightmare of a read the thread has been i thought it was weird they gloated about follows last night, I missed so much good morning

>> No.42187225

Kiki I just made the rounds and nobody is buying that anti's zero-effort rrat. Everyone is calling them out. Nothing to worry about.

>> No.42187244

interesting. what's her schedule?

>> No.42187254

my gripe is the following a viewer thing. feels like a betrayal

>> No.42187289

heh stinky

>> No.42187292

she already did that with shizu or bepdelta

>> No.42187329

kiki follows me every day and giggles at me, I don't see a problem, I got used to it

>> No.42187340

looks boring

>> No.42187357

??? i am completely unconcerned

>> No.42187384
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>> No.42187419

everyone is hes just baiting

>> No.42187455

you here often? i'll be keeping this thread updated daily

>> No.42187544

actually get a life wtf is wrong with you. go back

>> No.42187620

Kiki you're a little too groooovey if you catch my drift

>> No.42187655

I want to wedge myself in kikis groove

>> No.42187693

hi Kiki I want to suck on your tongue

>> No.42187727

there's demand for a here chuubas that read the thread during stream. you should know that champ. there's already a bunch of champs in that other thread if you'd take a second to look

>> No.42187726

thanks for letting me come in you (this is WEBM Posting)

>> No.42187776

fuck off

>> No.42187921

Tourist here. Name of the soulless redhead?

>> No.42188017

this way anon >>42160317
also kiki is calling you a schizo on stream

>> No.42188030

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH its the brapping toothbrush bitch kek

>> No.42188088

she literally masturbates on stream they dont love her they just want to fap to her

>> No.42188109

no she isnt leave her alone

>> No.42188114

>he doesn't know

>> No.42188124

Oh it's that whore...
Anon she's DSP if he were a woman and a Vtuber. I expected better.

>> No.42188142

fuck off from my thread niggers

>> No.42188211

mommy vibes

>> No.42188236

come clean and be honest

>> No.42188265

unironically this

>> No.42188292
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>> No.42188305

Ignore them. They're just little faggots who came flooding in here the moment that retard on twitter brought you to their attention.

>> No.42188369
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>> No.42188385

that girl has worse shit than you dont worry about her at all and just ignore the schizos and worry about yourself

>> No.42188389

try being a better person

>> No.42188427

no, please stop caring about her. just dont care. she will not get fucking hurt. this is an exception

>> No.42188435

I think Kiki is a good person.

>> No.42188437

roastie hands typed this

>> No.42188482

im not saying you should shit on her just dont care

>> No.42188525

it will pass

>> No.42188526
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Be strong, rabba

>> No.42188534

spring back Kiki!

>> No.42188538

if that's how you really feel we can talk it out. dm me after the stream

>> No.42188555
File: 917 KB, 1280x720, world[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsd8bda.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42188598

checked and kekked

>> No.42188606


>> No.42188608

you'd be surprised kiki how many people don't care wether you care about them or not everyone can handle themselves no need to fret of someone else's drama

>> No.42188622

It's blatantly one faggot trying to start shit between two threads. Ignore it and it'll be nothing. Neither side wants to start drama so just do your thing and stop giving it attention.

>> No.42188636
File: 3.02 MB, 782x626, who[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4avn0c.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who... who is the rabbit?

>> No.42188684

that's so cool

>> No.42188709

that's my wife

>> No.42188708


>> No.42188719

i think you should unfollow the guy, just because he's kinda cringe for posting basedjak

>> No.42188751

the first step is probably to take responsibility and stop blaming everything that happens on others. if you're actually being sincere that is.

>> No.42188794

she's talking about me directly right now (WEBM Posting)

>> No.42188807

that's a good advice in general but she didn't do anything

>> No.42188821

It occurs to me that I've never seen the end of dkc before, I think I've only ever actually played on the forest level before

>> No.42188864
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Antis are just jealous that they don't get to pet the bumbum

>> No.42188897

my nursery had I think either an snes or ps1 and dkc was one of the games.
Naturally because we were <10 years old we sucked and never progressed past the forest

>> No.42188911

i think this style sucks

>> No.42189015

I genuinely thought it was a sneeze everytime lmao

>> No.42189130


>> No.42189134

snapadoodle theme

>> No.42189233
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>> No.42189306
File: 2.85 MB, 400x234, pervki[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fff8l4w.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42189385

I want to get blazed with Kiki

>> No.42189424

Love when she laughs at the voices she does

>> No.42189433

Start every stream off for the first two minutes with that voice to throw off newcomers

>> No.42189442

I hear it is very hot in Bunny Town

>> No.42189450

constipated again?

>> No.42189465

Is Kiki... you know...

>> No.42189480

retarded? yes

>> No.42189487

She does actually sound cut out of her mind

>> No.42189494

"Woman dies laughing at her own voice and forgetting to breath"

>> No.42189495

how the fuck does something as cute as her be allowed to exist

>> No.42189498

and we love her for it

>> No.42189531

is it a crime to rape a retard?

>> No.42189532

Has Kiki said anything about the Oceane situation?

>> No.42189536


>> No.42189578

I mean I heard it drops like 1-5cm a year, but I don't see how the ocean concerns Kiki

>> No.42189585

probably sitting in a puddle

>> No.42189592

i don't know what she took but i want it

>> No.42189596
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>> No.42189608

not if you keep her in your humble home and never let her leave

>> No.42189610

trying her best to squeeze one out on stream I see

>> No.42189613

I found it funny that a SEA has the name ocean

>> No.42189642

funny business CEO

>> No.42189646

How much would it cost to fuck Kiki one time without a condom?

>> No.42189681

about tree fiddy

>> No.42189689
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>> No.42189743

gigi don't forget to breathe

>> No.42189746
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hey now, don't try to one up my demise

>> No.42189812

she's happily married, i hope

>> No.42189844

I am so jealous of this champy guy

>> No.42189846

oh champles... i hate that guy

>> No.42189903
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>> No.42189908

sorry Kiki I just have a very bad short term memory and probably legitimately forgot I already asked

>> No.42189965

wow, racist. He just assumes you're related because you're both rabbits

>> No.42190010
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>> No.42190115
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>> No.42190128

yes plz

>> No.42190163
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>> No.42190183

is kikikins related to mootykins? founder of 4-tan?

>> No.42190201

potion seller, show me your wares

>> No.42190220

smoke weed

>> No.42190248

moot stole kikikins' identity actually

>> No.42190267
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>> No.42190303
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>> No.42190331

this is a racist caricature

>> No.42190341

Shit, I can hear the neighbor kid up on my roof again brb

>> No.42190386

had no idea I could be groomed even more than I already was

>> No.42190404

damn kids stay off my roof

>> No.42190465

panko breaded baked rabba, with a squirt of lemon :kikiouuuh:

>> No.42190487

i know you're sad gigi, but drugs are never the answer

>> No.42190524

Kiki's cunny slime is the only drug I need

>> No.42190573

i'm not down, i'm up dog

>> No.42190638

does kiki know about light sweatpants showing off weiner outline? because im wearing that

>> No.42190649

I want to grab Kiki by the ears and swing her around my head like a lasso

>> No.42190652

Alright, Susan is going to nuke the stream with this degree of flirtation going on

>> No.42190659

whos steve jobs

>> No.42190740 [SPOILER] 
File: 465 KB, 776x711, 1672980899588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Kiki be this sexyUUUUUUUUOOOOHHHHHHH

>> No.42190743

dont be a fag, bro!

>> No.42190774

She's a little to good at this

>> No.42190805

Kiki I'm brushing my teeth while watching your stream right now

>> No.42190847

Wow! The new rigging is looking amazing

>> No.42190880

too realistic it triggers the uncanny valley

>> No.42190948
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>> No.42190954

(you) are going to new jersey

>> No.42190961


>> No.42191067

saving it

>> No.42191083

brb I gotta spit this stuff outta my mouth

>> No.42191154

I got all sweaty after that session and I didn't even touch myself

>> No.42191155


>> No.42191212

he's black after all

>> No.42191239

Wrong thread, fool

>> No.42191312

They call her Kiki Kong, or KKK for short

>> No.42191342

Let's settle this once and for all.


>> No.42191377


>> No.42191419


>> No.42191487

I'm not reading all of that. I know it's probably bait, but come on. At least catch my attention.

>> No.42191506

I thought about it but it would be extremely painful

>> No.42191527

It's a pretty normal termination notice but it shouldn't be here anyways

>> No.42191530

do Aussies say wanker or is that just a brit thing

>> No.42191543

but if i ded than how i watch kiki?

>> No.42191553

I think I saw this on twitter
it's that wactor thing that enslaves their talents?
shitty black company stuff
but keep this is the wrong thread

>> No.42191586

You're a big champy

>> No.42191594

Closest I came was when I was trying some new antidepressants and it fucked me up somehow and I just downed the whole bottle but the pharmacist after said I was an idiot and it wasn't gonna do anything besides waste a bunch of money

>> No.42191631

wtf I thought that was a painless way to go, it doesn't even work?

>> No.42191648

beat your chest Kiki I wanna hear

>> No.42191666

Can you make an AI vocaro of Kiki talking about the jews?

>> No.42191670

kiki slap your cunny I wanna hear it

>> No.42191690

cunny itch uoh

>> No.42191730
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>> No.42191779

chad (WEBM Posting) just came over so she needs to turn off the stream

>> No.42191781

Love you too, Kiki

>> No.42191791

What do you think Kiki's cunt smells like?

>> No.42191795

kiki my cock is itchy, could you scritch it?

>> No.42191811


>> No.42191813


>> No.42191822

i love this rabba

>> No.42191824

go back to /mellow/

>> No.42191844

i love this rabba

>> No.42191858

my cum and a lot of piss

>> No.42191869
File: 59 KB, 768x341, bunny kisses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mwah <3
love you kiki

>> No.42191879


>> No.42191886

I was waging, what is the latest drama about? What happened in the video that was deleted?

>> No.42191889

Thanks Kiki, I love you very much!

>> No.42191916

tl;dr twitter trannies dramafagging

>> No.42191926

convenient timing ill give you that

>> No.42191934

Reminds me I need to remember to feed my sourdough starter
Kiki came out as a vegan and the meat lobby had a shit conniption

>> No.42191981
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>> No.42191988

Just a couple shitposters samefagging and shitting up several threads trying to invent a new rrat and failing miserably

>> No.42191999

she was too cute and being that cute is illegal so she had to delete it

>> No.42192027

I don't remember the last time Kiki lost it so hard while laughing, it was wonderful/10

>> No.42192040

I'm glad we could help cheer you up, and holy shit that was cute. Goodnight and sweet dreams Kiki, love you, mwah <3

>> No.42192048

The last time she laughed like that was at the honk shoo thing

>> No.42192053


>> No.42192070

remember my offer to settle this kiki

>> No.42192100
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>> No.42192103

Anyone have the archive? Please I want to see it...

>> No.42192106

My biggest fear has always been that Kiki will screw up and get fired like this somehow.

>> No.42192120

no sorry, it's against the rabbit law

>> No.42192149

She deleted it immediately. Nothing happened on-stream anyway, other than her saying she was going to sleep.

>> No.42192165

A good zatsu a Konkey Dong stream. CAN'T BELIEVE SHE JOISEYED US AGAIN/10

Love you Kiki, cya later

>> No.42192190

I only came in partway through and felt awkward since she started crying soon after but it was nice to get to spend some time with Kiki still

>> No.42192236

even if kiki becomes a corpo, I don't think she'd doxx and harass her genmates and keep doing it even after she getting warned 10 times, so it wouldn't happen

>> No.42192275

Haiii /10

>> No.42192288

>he already forgot what happened with Menace

>> No.42192303

i actually still have the tab up and it lets me watch the whole thing but i guess to archive it i'd need to screen record and i don't really want to do that

>> No.42192403

Who is baking

>> No.42192418

if kiki says I can share it I will

>> No.42192466

all the drama was in the thread. the stream was just 45min of donkey kong and a little zatsu before. she was cute but nothing out of the ordinary happened

>> No.42192487

Bonkers. Maybe a little ape/10

>> No.42192490

you asking her then?

>> No.42192522

what time is it for kiki during euro slot? Didn't realise it was so early/late for her

>> No.42192554

around 4-5am

>> No.42192557

its now 8am for her. usually it's like midnight to early morning yeah

>> No.42192563

that was the other way around anon

>> No.42192569
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>> No.42192600

there's a second vod that's up

>> No.42192603

I have no direct way to ask her, if she makes a vocaroo or tweets it then ye

>> No.42192614

Didn't Kiki doxx Menace and send her death threats and stuff

>> No.42192635

haha are you retarded or baiting

>> No.42192640

>another rrat pulled out of the ass
fuck off back to /trash/

>> No.42192652

Yeah go ahead champy it's fine

>> No.42192666

i will if no one else is

>> No.42192683

wait a minute

>> No.42192702

I just know Menace is a nice girl and wouldn't do that kind of thing so there must be something to it

>> No.42192741
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>> No.42192770

what kind of thing, neither of them doxed each other. they just got into a fight later because of unrelated reasons. they wouldnt have stayed friends for many months after her dox if either of them did it

>> No.42192784

fuck I didnt see that she streamed again...

>> No.42192785

ok maybe you should go back to her thread then

>> No.42192791
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>> No.42192811

oh menace not malice.... nevermind LOL
and a LMAO

>> No.42192913

she's been getting those death threads since before kiki started streaming actually, threadreader chama

>> No.42192993

>there must be something to it
Something to what, retard?

>> No.42193074

Wasn't it Vera who did it and later got outed by one of her discord boytoys?

>> No.42193084

>there must be something to it
there is, they both got set up by the blonde veibae and her doxxer mod

>> No.42193194

yeah I think so

>> No.42193257
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Real crouton Champs don't talk to schizos

>> No.42193457

I think that's a completely different drama that doesn't involve Kiki, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was behind the kiki screenshots too
